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import os
import re
import distro
import modules.db.sql as sql
import modules.server.server as server_mod
import modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common
def is_docker() -> bool:
path = "/proc/self/cgroup"
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return False
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
if re.match("\d+:[\w=]+:/docker(-[ce]e)?/\w+", line):
return True
return False
def update_roxy_wi(service):
restart_service = ''
services = ['roxy-wi-checker',
if service not in services:
raise Exception(f'error: {service} is not part of Roxy-WI')
if distro.id() == 'ubuntu':
if service == 'roxy-wi-keep_alive':
service = 'roxy-wi-keep-alive'
except Exception:
if service != 'roxy-wi':
restart_service = f'&& sudo systemctl restart {service}'
cmd = f'sudo -S apt-get update && sudo apt-get install {service} {restart_service}'
if service != 'roxy-wi':
restart_service = f'&& sudo systemctl restart {service}'
cmd = f'sudo -S yum -y install {service} {restart_service}'
output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd)
return output
# print(stderr)
def check_ver():
return sql.get_ver()
def versions():
current_ver = check_ver()
current_ver_without_dots = current_ver.split('.')
current_ver_without_dots = ''.join(current_ver_without_dots)
current_ver_without_dots = current_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '')
if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 2:
current_ver_without_dots += '00'
if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 3:
current_ver_without_dots += '0'
if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 7:
current_ver_without_dots += '0'
current_ver_without_dots = int(current_ver_without_dots)
except Exception:
current_ver = "Sorry cannot get current version"
current_ver_without_dots = 0
new_ver = check_new_version('roxy-wi')
new_ver_without_dots = new_ver.split('.')
new_ver_without_dots = ''.join(new_ver_without_dots)
new_ver_without_dots = new_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '')
if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 2:
new_ver_without_dots += '00'
if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 3:
new_ver_without_dots += '0'
if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 7:
new_ver_without_dots += '0'
new_ver_without_dots = int(new_ver_without_dots)
except Exception as e:
new_ver = "Cannot get a new version"
new_ver_without_dots = 0
roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' {e}', roxywi=1)
return current_ver, new_ver, current_ver_without_dots, new_ver_without_dots
def get_services_status():
services = []
is_in_docker = is_docker()
services_name = {
'roxy-wi-checker': '',
'roxy-wi-keep_alive': '',
'roxy-wi-metrics': '',
'roxy-wi-portscanner': '',
'roxy-wi-smon': '',
'roxy-wi-socket': '',
'roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter': 'Prometheus exporter',
'prometheus': 'Prometheus service',
'grafana-server': 'Grafana service',
'fail2ban': 'Fail2ban service',
'rabbitmq-server': 'Message broker service'
for s, v in services_name.items():
if is_in_docker:
cmd = f"sudo supervisorctl status {s}|awk '{{print $2}}'"
cmd = f"systemctl is-active {s}"
status, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd)
if s != 'roxy-wi-keep_alive':
service_name = s.split('_')[0]
if s == 'grafana-server':
service_name = 'grafana'
elif s == 'roxy-wi-keep_alive' and distro.id() == 'ubuntu':
service_name = 'roxy-wi-keep-alive'
service_name = s
if service_name == 'prometheus':
cmd = "prometheus --version 2>&1 |grep prometheus|awk '{print $3}'"
if distro.id() == 'ubuntu':
cmd = f"apt list --installed 2>&1 |grep {service_name}|awk '{{print $2}}'|sed 's/-/./'"
cmd = f"rpm -q {service_name}|awk -F\"{service_name}\" '{{print $2}}' |awk -F\".noa\" '{{print $1}}' |sed 's/-//1' |sed 's/-/./'"
service_ver, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd)
if service_ver[0] == 'command' or service_ver[0] == 'prometheus:':
service_ver[0] = ''
except Exception:
services.append([s, status, v, service_ver[0]])
except Exception:
services.append([s, status, v, ''])
return services
def check_new_version(service):
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
current_ver = check_ver()
proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy')
res = ''
user_name = sql.select_user_name()
retry_strategy = Retry(
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504],
method_whitelist=["HEAD", "GET", "OPTIONS"]
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy)
roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.Session()
roxy_wi_get_plan.mount("https://", adapter)
if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None':
proxy_dict = {"https": proxy, "http": proxy}
response = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/get/{service}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict)
if service == 'roxy-wi':
requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/send/{current_ver}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict)
roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/user-name/{user_name}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict)
response = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/get/{service}', timeout=1)
if service == 'roxy-wi':
requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/send/{current_ver}', timeout=1)
roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/user-name/{user_name}', timeout=1)
res = response.content.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
if service == 'roxy-wi':
status = roxy_wi_get_plan.content.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
status = status.split(' ')
sql.update_user_status(status[0], status[1].strip(), status[2].strip())
except Exception:
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' {e}', roxywi=1)
return res
def action_service(action: str, service: str) -> str:
is_in_docker = is_docker()
cmd = f"sudo systemctl disable {service} --now"
if action in ("start", "restart"):
cmd = f"sudo systemctl {action} {service} --now"
if not sql.select_user_status():
return 'warning: The service is disabled because you are not subscribed. Read <a href="https://roxy-wi.org/pricing" ' \
'title="Roxy-WI pricing" target="_blank">here</a> about subscriptions'
if is_in_docker:
cmd = f"sudo supervisorctl {action} {service}"
roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' The service {service} has been {action}ed', roxywi=1, login=1)
return 'ok'