import { i18n } from "@/locales"; import { usePluginModuleStore } from "@/stores/plugin"; import { loadStyle } from "@/utils/load-style"; import modules from "@console/modules"; import router from "@console/router"; import { Toast } from "@halo-dev/components"; import type { PluginModule, RouteRecordAppend } from "@halo-dev/console-shared"; import { useScriptTag } from "@vueuse/core"; import type { App } from "vue"; import type { RouteRecordRaw } from "vue-router"; export function setupCoreModules(app: App) { modules.forEach((module) => { registerModule(app, module, true); }); } export async function setupPluginModules(app: App) { const pluginModuleStore = usePluginModuleStore(); try { const { load } = useScriptTag( `/apis/${}` ); await load(); const enabledPluginNames = window["enabledPluginNames"] as string[]; enabledPluginNames.forEach((name) => { const module = window[name]; if (module) { registerModule(app, module, false); pluginModuleStore.registerPluginModule(name, module); } }); } catch (e) { const message ="core.plugin.loader.toast.entry_load_failed"); console.error(message, e); Toast.error(message); } try { await loadStyle( `/apis/${}` ); } catch (e) { const message ="core.plugin.loader.toast.style_load_failed"); console.error(message, e); Toast.error(message); } } function registerModule(app: App, pluginModule: PluginModule, core: boolean) { if (pluginModule.components) { Object.keys(pluginModule.components).forEach((key) => { const component = pluginModule.components?.[key]; if (component) { app.component(key, component); } }); } if (pluginModule.routes) { if (!Array.isArray(pluginModule.routes)) { return; } resetRouteMeta(pluginModule.routes); for (const route of pluginModule.routes) { if ("parentName" in route) { const parentRoute = router .getRoutes() .find((item) => === route.parentName); if (parentRoute) { router.removeRoute(route.parentName); parentRoute.children = [...parentRoute.children, route.route]; router.addRoute(parentRoute); } } else { router.addRoute(route); } } } function resetRouteMeta(routes: RouteRecordRaw[] | RouteRecordAppend[]) { for (const route of routes) { if ("parentName" in route) { if (route.route.meta?.menu) { route.route.meta = { ...route.route.meta, core, }; } if (route.route.children) { resetRouteMeta(route.route.children); } } else { if (route.meta?.menu) { route.meta = { ...route.meta, core, }; } if (route.children) { resetRouteMeta(route.children); } } } } }