import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from "vue"; import { computed, ref } from "vue"; import type { Theme } from "@halo-dev/api-client"; import { apiClient } from "@/utils/api-client"; import { Dialog, Toast } from "@halo-dev/components"; import { useThemeStore } from "@console/stores/theme"; import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"; import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n"; interface useThemeLifeCycleReturn { loading: Ref; isActivated: ComputedRef; getFailedMessage: () => string | undefined; handleActiveTheme: (reload?: boolean) => void; handleResetSettingConfig: () => void; } export function useThemeLifeCycle( theme: Ref ): useThemeLifeCycleReturn { const { t } = useI18n(); const loading = ref(false); const themeStore = useThemeStore(); const { activatedTheme } = storeToRefs(themeStore); const isActivated = computed(() => { return activatedTheme?.value? === theme.value?; }); const getFailedMessage = (): string | undefined => { if (!(theme.value?.status?.phase === "FAILED")) { return; } const condition = theme.value.status.conditions?.[0]; if (condition) { return [condition.type, condition.message].join(":"); } }; const handleActiveTheme = async (reload?: boolean) => {{ title: t(""), description: theme.value?.spec.displayName, confirmText: t("core.common.buttons.confirm"), cancelText: t("core.common.buttons.cancel"), onConfirm: async () => { try { if (!theme.value) return; await apiClient.theme.activateTheme({ name: theme.value?, }); Toast.success(t("")); if (reload) { window.location.reload(); } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to active theme", e); } finally { themeStore.fetchActivatedTheme(); } }, }); }; const handleResetSettingConfig = async () => { Dialog.warning({ title: t("core.theme.operations.reset.title"), description: t("core.theme.operations.reset.description"), confirmType: "danger", confirmText: t("core.common.buttons.confirm"), cancelText: t("core.common.buttons.cancel"), onConfirm: async () => { try { if (!theme?.value) { return; } await apiClient.theme.resetThemeConfig({ name: as string, }); Toast.success(t("core.theme.operations.reset.toast_success")); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to reset theme setting config", e); } }, }); }; return { loading, isActivated, getFailedMessage, handleActiveTheme, handleResetSettingConfig, }; } export function useThemeCustomTemplates(type: "post" | "page" | "category") { const themeStore = useThemeStore(); const { t } = useI18n(); const templates = computed(() => { const defaultTemplate = [ { label: t("core.theme.custom_templates.default"), value: "", }, ]; if (!themeStore.activatedTheme) { return defaultTemplate; } const { customTemplates } = themeStore.activatedTheme.spec; if (!customTemplates?.[type]) { return defaultTemplate; } return [ ...defaultTemplate, ...(customTemplates[type]?.map((template) => { return { value: template.file, label: || template.file, }; }) || []), ]; }); return { templates, }; }