#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/area console
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
提供允许同步更改插件运行状态的 API
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
提供允许同步更改插件运行状态的 API
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind cleanup
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1.5. See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/releases/tag/v3.1.5 for more.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
升级依赖 Spring Boot 至 3.1.5
<!-- Thanks for sending a pull request! Here are some tips for you:
1. 如果这是你的第一次,请阅读我们的贡献指南:<https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>。
1. If this is your first time, please read our contributor guidelines: <https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>.
2. 请根据你解决问题的类型为 Pull Request 添加合适的标签。
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3. Ensure you have added or ran the appropriate tests for your PR.
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/kind api-change
Add one of the following kinds:
/kind bug
/kind cleanup
/kind documentation
/kind feature
/kind improvement
Optionally add one or more of the following kinds if applicable:
/kind api-change
/kind deprecation
/kind failing-test
/kind flake
/kind regression
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
PR 合并时自动关闭 issue。
Automatically closes linked issue when PR is merged.
用法:`Fixes #<issue 号>`,或者 `Fixes (粘贴 issue 完整链接)`
Usage: `Fixes #<issue number>`, or `Fixes (paste link of issue)`.
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
如果当前 Pull Request 的修改不会造成用户侧的任何变更,在 `release-note` 代码块儿中填写 `NONE`。
否则请填写用户侧能够理解的 Release Note。如果当前 Pull Request 包含破坏性更新(Break Change),
Release Note 需要以 `action required` 开头。
If no, just write "NONE" in the release-note block below.
If yes, a release note is required:
Enter your extended release note in the block below. If the PR requires additional action from users switching to the new release, include the string "action required".
contributorFinder 支持返回用户元数据、注册信息、用户权限等。
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
If someone logs in Halo via OAuth2, they will be prohibited from creating PATs. See https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4697 for more.
This PR also checks for UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken while checking whether the current session was created by a real user.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4697
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
/kind improvement
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
升级默认主题 Earth 的版本至 [1.6.0](https://github.com/halo-dev/theme-earth/releases/tag/v1.6.0)
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
/kind improvement
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修改应用市场插件的版本为 [1.0.0-beta.2](https://github.com/halo-dev/plugin-app-store/releases/tag/v1.0.0-beta.2)
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area core
/area console
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
<img width="872" alt="image" src="https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/assets/21301288/dad85ba3-96bc-4580-9dae-2b9e66e877fe">
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修复插件 css bundle 内容被错误拆分导致无法加载的问题
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
修复插件 css bundle 内容被错误拆分导致无法加载的问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Lucene search engine will stop updating while the content of any post is `null`.
This PR resets the `null` content into empty string and ignore the error while updating Lucene document.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4623
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
修复因某篇文章的内容为 null 导致无法搜索部分文章的问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/milestone 2.10.x
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
how to test it?
1. 执行以下命令配置发件服务
curl -u admin:admin -X POST 'http://localhost:8090/apis/api.console.halo.run/v1alpha1/notifiers/default-email-notifier/senderConfig' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"displayName": "Halo Team",
"username": "{发件使用的邮箱}",
"password": "{发件邮箱密码}",
"host": "smtp.exmail.qq.com",
"port": "587"
2. 评论文章或页面可以收到通知
3. 文章/页面作者是评论者不发送新评论通知,回复者是评论作者不发送回复通知
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
/kind improvement
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
添加 https://github.com/halo-dev/plugin-app-store 作为预设插件。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/area plugin
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
重构插件类加载器以优化当插件的 resources 目录资源与 Halo 中同名时加载不到的问题
how to test it?
1. 在创建的 resources/extensions 目录创建一个与 halo 的 resources/extensions 目录中已存在的同名 yaml
2. 使用插件观察插件的同名文件 yaml 是否被 apply 到 halo 中
3. 测试插件的其他功能是否正常比如静态资源加载如 logo 等
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
重构插件类加载器以优化当插件的 resources 目录资源与 Halo 中同名时加载不到的问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind cleanup
/area core
/milestone 2.10.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Upgrade to Spring Boot [3.1.4](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/releases/tag/v3.1.4).
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
升级依赖 Spring Boot 至 3.1.4
#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
/kind improvement
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
执行 `./gradlew downloadPluginPresets` 检查是否能够正常下载。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/milestone 2.10.x
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
支持在开发模式下通过 JAR 运行插件
*从此版本开始 BasePlugin 的子类建议使用 BasePlugin(PluginContext context) 构造函数,而不要使用之前的 BasePlugin(PluginWrapper wrapper) 构造函数。BasePlugin(PluginWrapper wrapper) 构造函数将计划在后续版本移除* ,当移除构造函数后不再将 PluginWrapper 暴露给插件使用,它只应该在 halo core 使用。
how to test it?
1. 测试开发模式下配置的 `halo.plugin.fixed-plugin-path` 插件是否正确运行
2. 测试开发模式下通过 JAR 包安装插件是否正确运行
3. 测试生产模式下是否能通过项目目录的方式运行插件,期望是生产模式不可以运行开发模式的插件
4. 测试开发模式和生产模式的插件卸载功能是否正确
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
支持在开发模式下通过 JAR 运行插件
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/kind api-change
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
This PR refines route paths created from <https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/pull/4598>. Because the user scope is not necessary here.
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
Try to manage your PATs.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/area plugin
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修复当插件升级后 Logo 改变会无法显示的问题
how to test it?
1. 使用生产模式运行插件
2. 使用 sitemap 插件 1.0.1版本,https://www.halo.run/store/apps/app-QDFMI?tab=releases
3. 升级 sitemap 插件到 1.1.0, https://www.halo.run/store/apps/app-QDFMI?tab=releases
4. 期望 logo 由原先的 halo 图标变为新图标
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
修复当插件升级后 Logo 改变会无法显示的问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/kind api-change
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Support for personal access token mechanism.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/1309
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修复 bundle resource 的缓存 key 生成可能会重复的问题
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
修复 bundle resource 的缓存 key 生成可能会重复的问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
/kind cleanup
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修改预设插件的下载地址,目前四个预设插件的仓库都已经转移到 halo-dev 组织。
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
需要测试 `./gradlew downloadPluginPresets` 是否能够正常下载预设插件。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/kind api-change
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
See https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4547 for more.
This PR creates header `WWW-Authenticate` like `FormLogin realm="console"` instead of `Basic realm="realm"` while unauthorized.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4547
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
curl --head 'http://localhost:8090/actuator/info'
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
transfer-encoding: chunked
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
WWW-Authenticate: FormLogin realm="console"
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
how to test it?
1. 初始化 halo
2. 安装评论组件
3. 到文章页面可以评论
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/milestone 2.10.x
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
为插件捆绑资源设置 cache-control 以优化静态资源加载
如获取插件 bundle.js 会自动携带参数缓存时间为 7 天,当有插件停止或新增时 v 参数会变化浏览器则使用新的 key 缓存静态资源,旧的 key 将在一天内失效
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
为插件捆绑资源设置 cache-control 以优化静态资源加载
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.10.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
This PR fixes the problem of username being case-insensitive and logging in without permissions. Please note that the problem only occurs with MySQL.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4549
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
docker run -it --rm --name halodb -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=openmysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=halo mysql:8
./gradlew bootRun --args="--spring.profiles.active=dev,mysql --halo.plugin.runtime-mode=deployment"
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
As I mentioned in <https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4519>, some extensions which are deletable cannot be recycled by GC. This PR provides an ability to watch scheme changes and recycles deletable extensions.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4519
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
spring.sql.init.platform 增加 mariadb 参数支持
适配 1Panel 安装 halo 时 选择 mariadb
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
- Removes dependency `cn.shenyanchao.ik-analyzer:ik-analyzer:9.0.0` due to no significant effect for searching result.
- Customize our own analyzer with StandardTokenizer, HTMLStripCharFilter and LowerCaseFilterFactory.
Please be aware of that the default field to search has become to `content` instead of `title` + `excerpt` + `content`. If someone wants to search title only, use `title: halo` as query string. For more details, please refer to <https://lucene.apache.org/core/9_5_0/queryparser/org/apache/lucene/queryparser/flexible/standard/StandardQueryParser.html>.
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/4455
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
how to test it?
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Currently, we only support restoring by uploading backup file. Downloading and uploading larger backup files can be cumbersome for users.
This PR supports restoring with downloadable URL or backup name as well.
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
# Replace ${BACKUP_NAME} by yourself.
curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8090/apis/api.console.migration.halo.run/v1alpha1/restorations' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary3Al7pC6AbBNfB1js' \
--data-raw $'------WebKitFormBoundary3Al7pC6AbBNfB1js\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="backupName"\r\n\r\n${BACKUP_NAME}\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary3Al7pC6AbBNfB1js--\r\n'
# Replace ${DOWNLOAD_LINK} by yourself.
curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8090/apis/api.console.migration.halo.run/v1alpha1/restorations' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarytv6cqgmANkCpSuZm' \
--data-raw $'------WebKitFormBoundarytv6cqgmANkCpSuZm\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="downloadUrl"\r\n\r\n${DOWNLOAD_LINK}\r\n------WebKitFormBoundarytv6cqgmANkCpSuZm--\r\n'
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修复 Windows 系统上的插件路径问题
how to test it?
1. 在 windows 系统上使用插件生成模式初始化 halo 插件可以正常运行,测试上传插件 jar 升级可以正常运行
2. 测试 windows 系统上使用插件开发模式可以正确运行插件
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
修复 Windows 系统上的插件路径问题
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
how to test it?
1. 测试登录后是否能访问到自己创建的私有文章,退出登录后私有文章消失
2. 不能在在主题端看到别人创建的私有文章
3. 创建私有文章测试登录后使用主题端的上一页下一页功能是否正常
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind cleanup
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
This PR upgrades Spring Boot to 3.1.3. See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/releases/tag/v3.1.3 for more.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
升级依赖 Spring Boot 至 3.1.3
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/milestone 2.3.x
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
提供 `/apis/api.console.halo.run/v1alpha1/plugins/bundle.js` 来获取已启用插件的捆绑后的 main.js 和 style.css 文件
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
优化已启用插件 jsbundle 文件的加载方式
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Before this, if we deleted a backup without filename, the BackupReconciler would get stuck infinitely. And no further backups would be reconciled.
This PR fixes the problem that it is always in deleting phase after deleting backups.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
由于 PR #4403 优化了 plugin extension 的 status 与内存状态的同步方式,优先级改为以数据库为准但这样状态维护变得复杂,所以此 PR 还是以内存为准但不同的是:
1. 当状态不一致时在 reconciler 中先将数据库的和内存状态都统一为停止状态即调用 haloPluginManager.stopPlugin 然后将停止状态更新到 status 的 phase 上,在继续后续的逻辑
2. 如果在更新 status 失败时加上重试避免因乐观锁而容易导致插件启动或停止成功但 status 更新失败导致的不一致几率问题。
how to test it?
1. 多安装几个插件十个以上最好,测试启动后通过 HaloPluginManager 获取已启动插件名称是否与 Console 已启动插件列表一致
2. 对于提供了 console 功能的插件不会出现启动成功但 status 的 entry 为空的情况
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
优化插件 Reconciler 中对 status 的更新
how to test it?
测试插件启动和停止没有问题即可,着重看一下 status 中是否会存在 stylesheet 和 entry 期望有值但却没有值的情况是否会发生
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
评论组件标签处理器只会在处理到 `<halo:comment/>` 自定义标签时被执行,而 haloCommentEnabled 状态是评论标签之前使用的那么此时值还没有被评论标签处理器填充所以取不到正确的值,目前的做法是在模板开始解析时填充 haloCommentEnabled 变量到 context,但这样存在的问题时无法判断页面是否使用了评论自定义标签即每个页面都会有这个变量,不过目前没有更好的办法去解决这样的问题。
how to test it?
在模板页面的任意位置使用 `${haloCommentEnabled}` 都能取到正确的值。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
We already support backup and restore feature in Halo 2.8.0, but we cannot obtain backup files through regular channels in the plugin. For example, we want to upload backup files to OSS in the plugin.
This PR is aimed at solving this problem.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind cleanup
/area core
/milestone 2.9.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
Before this, If we use a file with length less than 256KB for recovery, the process remains stagnant until we cancel the request.
This PR refactors the transformation between data buffers and input stream and resolve the issue above. We should avoid returning InputStream directly in reactive stream.
- DataBufferUtils before
public static InputStream toInputStream(Flux<DataBuffer> content) throws IOException {
var pos = new PipedOutputStream();
var pis = new PipedInputStream(pos);
write(content, pos)
.doOnComplete(() -> {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
// Ignore the error
.subscribe(releaseConsumer(), error -> {
if (error instanceof IOException) {
// Ignore the error
log.error("Failed to write DataBuffer into OutputStream", error);
return pis;
- DataBufferUtils after
public static Mono<InputStream> toInputStream(Publisher<DataBuffer> content,
Scheduler scheduler) {
return Mono.create(sink -> {
try {
var pos = new PipedOutputStream();
var pis = new PipedInputStream(pos);
var disposable = write(content, pos)
.subscribe(releaseConsumer(), sink::error, () -> FileUtils.closeQuietly(pos),
} catch (IOException e) {
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
Please test for plugins, themes and migrations.
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
解决备份恢复时因文件小于 256KB 而导致接口卡住的问题。
* refactor: improve the system initialization process
* Sync api-client
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* feat: add initialized state to global info
* Refine setup page ui
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* refactor: improve the system initialization process
* Refine setup page ui
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Refine setup page ui
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* fix: update with initialize state
* Refactor setup
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* refactor: initialization state
* Refactor router guards
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Refine i18n
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Refactor init data
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Refactor init data
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Update console/src/views/system/Setup.vue
Co-authored-by: Takagi <mail@e.lixingyong.com>
* refactor: initialization interface
Signed-off-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
Co-authored-by: Takagi <mail@e.lixingyong.com>