#### What type of PR is this?
/area core
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修改版本号,准备发布 2.6.0。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/area console
/kind api-change
/milestone 2.6.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
重构排序参数以统一自定义 APIs 的风格
- 文章的排序参数字段名改为 `creationTimestamp`、`publishTime` 查询参数示例为 sort=creationTimestamp,desc
- 自定义页面排序参数字段名同文章
- 评论排序参数字段名为 `creationTimestamp`,`replyCount`,`lastReplyTime` 查询参数示例为 sort=creationTimestamp,desc
需要 Console 适配
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
重构排序参数以统一自定义 APIs 的风格
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
同步 api client。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
/milestone 2.6.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
1. 移除 Entity 组件最外层容器的手型样式,避免出现可点击性的误导。
2. 为部分数据列表项操作提供更多的访问选项。
1. 文章 / 页面列表添加编辑按钮。
2. 插件列表项添加详情按钮。
3. 附件列表项添加详情按钮。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
优化 Console 端部分数据列表的可访问性
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
/milestone 2.6.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
从 `@halo-dev/components` 包中移除 VCodemirror 组件,改为由 Console 内置。因为观察到 VCodemirror 暂时无法支持 Tree Shaking,即代表如果在其他地方引入了 `@halo-dev/components`,就算没有使用 VCodemirror 组件,也会构建到生产产物。
此外,内置到 Console 之后,改为了异步加载此组件,即进入到使用了 VCodemirror 的组件的页面才会加载相应资源。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/3469
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. Console 需要 `pnpm build:packages`
2. 测试系统设置中的代码注入部分,观察输入框是否加载正常即可。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind bug
/area console
/milestone 2.5.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修复在 Dialog 组件中,如果 onConfirm 方法出现异常,按钮加载状态没有复原的问题。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/3844
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.5.x
/kind api-change
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
提供自定义 API 用于创建用户账号
需要 Console 端适配此 PR
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area console
/milestone 2.5.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
为 Console 端添加 Description 组件。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. 检查主题管理、插件详情、认证方式详情页面的样式是否异常即可。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
为 Console 端添加 Description 组件。
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
/milestone 2.4.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修改 Console 的版本号为 2.4.0。
修改 `@halo-dev/components` 的版本为 1.3.0
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area core
/milestone 2.4.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
重新生成 api client。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/area core
/area console
/milestone 2.4.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
/milestone 2.4.x
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
升级 Console 依赖的所有 patch 版本,由于升级了 prettier 的版本,可能发生了规则改变,所以同时包含重新格式化后的文件。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/area console
/milestone 2.4.0
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
修改 Console 以及其下 packages 的版本为 2.4.0-rc.1
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. 安装 OAuth 2 插件:https://github.com/halo-sigs/plugin-oauth2/pull/3
2. 再不做任何配置的情况下,访问已登录用户的个人资料页面,检查是否列出了认证方式。
3. 配置某个认证方式并开启,再检查是否列出了已启用的认证方式。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
/area console
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
为 Switch 组件添加 disabled 属性以支持禁用。
<img width="1403" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21301288/226829739-914eca3d-6d33-4d8c-9cc8-fe19b655ad9d.png">
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. `cd path/to/console/packages/components`
2. `pnpm story:dev`
3. 测试 Switch 组件的 disabled 属性是否工作正常。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
为 Console 端添加多语言的支持,并默认提供简体中文和英文的语言包。
- [x] 完善 Console 的文字语言包翻译。
- [ ] ~~为后端提供的部分数据支持翻译,比如系统设置的表单定义。(实现方式待讨论,这个 PR 先不支持)~~
- [x] 提供语言设置。
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. 检查各个页面的文字显示是否正常。
2. 测试中英文环境中是否使用了对应的语言包。
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
Console 端支持多语言界面
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind feature
/kind api-change
/area core
/area console
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
This PR creates AuthenticationWebFilter by ourselves instead of using FormLoginSpec directly. Because we have no chance to customize `org.springframework.security.web.server.authentication.ServerAuthenticationConverter` currently.
Meanwhile, we provide CryptoService(RSA) to generate key pair, get public key and decrypt message encrypted by public key.
There is a new endpoint to get public key which is used by console:
❯ curl localhost:8090/login/public-key -s | jq .
"base64Format": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAouDtdDS751U8NcWfAAQ53ijEtkLnIHh1Thqkq5QHGslq2hBmWnNsIZFnc/bwVp00ImKLV2NtLgOuv5RRNS5iO+oqRvfOGdXLdW2nzqU2towtaMkYTEMJrsNMZp5BUNCGI7Z2xpPBZzvys0d1BvcpNFobX/LkOtcTyfB1DRp9ZAhxRYOZkTkCzaKo+6X11lnMexTsB3exzaXk9rRZ8XoJ+dWT5G0URs/PF2cDkgxuMdOFJzqDsb9HQYGI/etajdCcKs7mZsjmDgse9Cw9/3mgoTNnEGx9Wl89S0P+FJ7T5DALGt3/nSAlzmKdXJNBLf6Q44ogFpTWdq27JpJD3SKicQIDAQAB"
#### Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/3419
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
#### What type of PR is this?
/kind improvement
#### What this PR does / why we need it:
为 springdoc 添加 `writer-with-order-by-keys` 参数以固定 OpenAPI 中接口的参数顺序,防止重新生成 `api-client` 时因为参数顺序不同而造成不必要的 diff。
#### Special notes for your reviewer:
1. 反复执行 `make -C console api-client-gen`
2. 观察是否有产生 diff
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?