* Bump versions of dependencies
* Bump spring boot to 2.5.8
Signed-off-by: John Niang <johnniang@fastmail.com>
* Revert dependency of bce sdk
Signed-off-by: John Niang <johnniang@fastmail.com>
* feat: Add date parse methods and test
* feat: Add utility methods of get the specified part of the given date
* refactor: Replace the use of dateutil in hutool
* refactor: Replace the StrUtil of hutool with StringUtils of commons-lang3
* refactor: Replace the use of Tuple in hutool
* refactor: Replace the use of ServltUtil in hutool
* refactor: Replace the use of PageUtil in hutool
* refactor: Replace the use of CollectionUtil in hutool
* refactor: Add QRcode generate method
* refactor: replace all hutool utility and add some utils
* fix: check style of tests
* refactor: add logging
* fix: logging
* fix: set default timezone
* fix: code style
* refactor: rename variable tfaKey to mfaKey
* refactor: Use commons-lang3's RandomStringUtils to replace some methods
* refactor: update javadoc
* refactor: update test
* refactor: reformat code
* feat: Add more test case
* feat: Add source
* Update gradle wrapper version
* Update spring boot version to 2.5.0-M2
* Fix wrong const of temp_dir
* Refactor error controller
* Fix startup error due to theme not found
* Refine error controller handler
* Refine multipart resolver config
* Fix ThemeRepositoryImplTest error
* Fix freemarker not found error
* chore: change jetty to undertow.
* Remove useless throws
Co-authored-by: Ryan Wang <i@ryanc.cc>
* Refactor Dockerfile with layered jar
* Add projectVersion print task
* Refactor docker build process
* Remove aliyun maven mirror
* Correct multi platforms list
* Correct multi platforms list again
* Make docker platforms configurable
* Make rest controller loggable
* Refactor pull from git process
* Replace Callback interface with Consumer
* Tag theme fetch apis and services deprecated
* Add getAllBranchesTest
* Refactor theme fetcher partially
* Refactor theme property scanner
* Add ThemeFetcherComposite
* Add InputStreamThemeFetcher
* Accomplish multipart zip file theme fetcher
* Reformat ThemeServiceImpl
* Reformat codes
* Provide ThemeRepository
* Complete MultipartFileThemeUpdater
* Make CommonsMultipartResolver support put request method
* Replace some methods with ThemeRepository
* Add GitThemeUpdater
* Add merge two local repo test
* Refine merge process with two repos
* Add more test entry point in GitTest
* Add shutdown hook after creating temporary directory
* Add test: find commit by tag
* Refactor git clone process in GitThemeFetcher
* Refine merge process of two repo
* Make sure that RevWalk closed
* Fix FileUtils#findRootPath bug
* Add clean task before gradle check
* Add fallback theme fetcher
* Disable logback-test.xml
* Set testLogging.showStandardStreams with true
* Fix test error while missing halo-test folder
* Enhance git theme fetcher
* Add copy hidden folder test
* Refine GitThemeFetcherTest
* Accomplish GitThemeUpdater
* Accomplish theme update
* Fix checkstyle error
* Add more deprecated details
* 1196 refactor/ci (#3)
* Remove .travis.yml
* Refactor github action partially
* Fix yaml syntax error
* Add run command for every step
* Set current branch name into halo.yml temporarily
* Test validation.yml
* Add upload-release-asset step into release.yml
* Perfect release.yml
* Fix indent error
* Refactor on condition in release.yml
* Refactor on condition in validation.yml
* Fix release.yml
* Fix upload_url value set
* Fix environment set error
* Change artifact variable from output into global environment
* Fix deprecated environment set method
* Fix environment variable set error
* Change assert_content_type with application/zip
* Refactor upload release step
* Fix release id set
* Fix release id set again
* Fix syntax error
* Refactor upload process
* Refactor halo ci
* Make build step rely on check step
* Inspect docker action
* Inspect docker action again
* Refine bootBuildImage config
* Refactor bootBuildImage config and halo ci
* Fix download artifact path error
* Fix docker image name concat error
* Remove downloaded files inspect tips
* Update gradle wrapper version to 6.6.1
* Upgrade h2 version to 1.4.197
* Make controller log more details
* Refactor FileHandler
* Fix image reader error
* Update spring boot version and source compatibility version
* Rearrange some configs
* Upgrade swagger to 3.0.0
* Make swagger configurable
* Make swagger-ui.html path backward compatible
* Change jdk version into 11 in ci/cd scripts and Dockerfile