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"name": "@halo-dev/console",
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refactor: router and menu generation (halo-dev/console#651) #### What type of PR is this? /kind api-change /kind improvement /milestone 2.0 #### What this PR does / why we need it: Ref https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/2595 重构路由和侧边菜单生成的逻辑,**注意,此 PR 对插件的 Console 入口文件中的路由和菜单定义包含破坏性更新。** 1. 移除 `definePlugin` 方法的 `menus` 字段,改为在 route 的 meta 中定义。 2. 将 `RoutesMenu` 组件从 `@halo-dev/components` 包中移出。 3. 将 `BasicLayout` 组件从 `@halo-dev/console-shared` 包中移出。 定义路由的方式: ```ts import { definePlugin } from "@halo-dev/console-shared"; import BasicLayout from "@/layouts/BasicLayout.vue"; import AttachmentList from "./AttachmentList.vue"; import AttachmentSelectorModal from "./components/AttachmentSelectorModal.vue"; import { IconFolder } from "@halo-dev/components"; import { markRaw } from "vue"; export default definePlugin({ name: "attachmentModule", components: [AttachmentSelectorModal], routes: [ { path: "/attachments", component: BasicLayout, children: [ { path: "", name: "Attachments", component: AttachmentList, meta: { title: "附件", permissions: ["system:attachments:view"], menu: { name: "附件", group: "内容", icon: markRaw(IconFolder), priority: 4, mobile: true, }, }, }, ], }, ], }); ``` menu 字段类型: ```ts interface RouteMeta { title?: string; searchable?: boolean; permissions?: string[]; menu?: { name: string; group?: string; icon?: Component; priority: number; mobile?: true; }; } ``` 插件适配需要做的改动: 1. 移除 `definePlugin` 中的 menus 字段。 2. 在需要添加到菜单的 route 中提供 `meta.menu` 对象,可参考上方的 menu 字段类型。 详细文档可查阅:https://github.com/ruibaby/halo-console/tree/refactor/route-map-setting/docs/routes-generation todolist: - [x] 完善预设的菜单分组定义。 - [x] 绑定权限,根据权限决定是否需要将路由添加到菜单。 - [x] 优化菜单排序的定义方式。 #### Which issue(s) this PR fixes: Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/2595 #### Special notes for your reviewer: /cc @halo-dev/sig-halo-console 测试方式: 1. 需要 `pnpm build:packages` 2. 测试后台的菜单及路由是否有异常。 3. 新建角色测试路由和菜单对权限的绑定。 4. 按照 https://github.com/ruibaby/halo-console/tree/refactor/route-map-setting/docs/routes-generation 文档,创建插件,测试插件添加路由和菜单是否正常。 #### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change? ```release-note 重构路由和侧边菜单生成的逻辑。 ```
2022-10-19 08:54:13 +00:00
"lodash.sortby": "^4.7.0",
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feat: add attachment management support (halo-dev/console#600) <!-- Thanks for sending a pull request! Here are some tips for you: 1. 如果这是你的第一次,请阅读我们的贡献指南:<https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>。 1. If this is your first time, please read our contributor guidelines: <https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>. 2. 请根据你解决问题的类型为 Pull Request 添加合适的标签。 2. Please label this pull request according to what type of issue you are addressing, especially if this is a release targeted pull request. 3. 请确保你已经添加并运行了适当的测试。 3. Ensure you have added or ran the appropriate tests for your PR. --> #### What type of PR is this? /kind feature /milestone 2.0 <!-- 添加其中一个类别: Add one of the following kinds: /kind bug /kind cleanup /kind documentation /kind feature /kind optimization 适当添加其中一个或多个类别(可选): Optionally add one or more of the following kinds if applicable: /kind api-change /kind deprecation /kind failing-test /kind flake /kind regression --> #### What this PR does / why we need it: 增加附件管理的功能,适配 https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/pull/2354 #### Which issue(s) this PR fixes: Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/2330 <!-- PR 合并时自动关闭 issue。 Automatically closes linked issue when PR is merged. 用法:`Fixes #<issue 号>`,或者 `Fixes (粘贴 issue 完整链接)` Usage: `Fixes #<issue number>`, or `Fixes (paste link of issue)`. --> #### Screenshots: None <!-- 如果此 PR 有 UI 的改动,最好截图说明这个 PR 的改动。 If there are UI changes to this PR, it is best to take a screenshot to illustrate the changes to this PR. eg. Before: ![screenshot-before](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/screenshot.png) After: ![screenshot-after](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/screenshot.png) --> #### Special notes for your reviewer: todo list: - [x] 根据分组筛选附件列表。 - [x] 非图片文件支持显示占位图。 - [x] 完善选择附件组件。 - [ ] ~~附件引用关系查询。~~ #### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change? <!-- 如果当前 Pull Request 的修改不会造成用户侧的任何变更,在 `release-note` 代码块儿中填写 `NONE`。 否则请填写用户侧能够理解的 Release Note。如果当前 Pull Request 包含破坏性更新(Break Change), Release Note 需要以 `action required` 开头。 If no, just write "NONE" in the release-note block below. If yes, a release note is required: Enter your extended release note in the block below. If the PR requires additional action from users switching to the new release, include the string "action required". --> ```release-note None ```
2022-09-04 17:06:11 +00:00
"path-browserify": "^1.0.1",
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feat: add attachment management support (halo-dev/console#600) <!-- Thanks for sending a pull request! Here are some tips for you: 1. 如果这是你的第一次,请阅读我们的贡献指南:<https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>。 1. If this is your first time, please read our contributor guidelines: <https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>. 2. 请根据你解决问题的类型为 Pull Request 添加合适的标签。 2. Please label this pull request according to what type of issue you are addressing, especially if this is a release targeted pull request. 3. 请确保你已经添加并运行了适当的测试。 3. Ensure you have added or ran the appropriate tests for your PR. --> #### What type of PR is this? /kind feature /milestone 2.0 <!-- 添加其中一个类别: Add one of the following kinds: /kind bug /kind cleanup /kind documentation /kind feature /kind optimization 适当添加其中一个或多个类别(可选): Optionally add one or more of the following kinds if applicable: /kind api-change /kind deprecation /kind failing-test /kind flake /kind regression --> #### What this PR does / why we need it: 增加附件管理的功能,适配 https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/pull/2354 #### Which issue(s) this PR fixes: Fixes https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/2330 <!-- PR 合并时自动关闭 issue。 Automatically closes linked issue when PR is merged. 用法:`Fixes #<issue 号>`,或者 `Fixes (粘贴 issue 完整链接)` Usage: `Fixes #<issue number>`, or `Fixes (paste link of issue)`. --> #### Screenshots: None <!-- 如果此 PR 有 UI 的改动,最好截图说明这个 PR 的改动。 If there are UI changes to this PR, it is best to take a screenshot to illustrate the changes to this PR. eg. Before: ![screenshot-before](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/screenshot.png) After: ![screenshot-after](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/screenshot.png) --> #### Special notes for your reviewer: todo list: - [x] 根据分组筛选附件列表。 - [x] 非图片文件支持显示占位图。 - [x] 完善选择附件组件。 - [ ] ~~附件引用关系查询。~~ #### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change? <!-- 如果当前 Pull Request 的修改不会造成用户侧的任何变更,在 `release-note` 代码块儿中填写 `NONE`。 否则请填写用户侧能够理解的 Release Note。如果当前 Pull Request 包含破坏性更新(Break Change), Release Note 需要以 `action required` 开头。 If no, just write "NONE" in the release-note block below. If yes, a release note is required: Enter your extended release note in the block below. If the PR requires additional action from users switching to the new release, include the string "action required". --> ```release-note None ```
2022-09-04 17:06:11 +00:00
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