import { createApp } from "vue"; import { createPinia } from "pinia"; import App from "./App.vue"; import router from "./router"; import type { MenuGroupType, MenuItemType, Plugin, } from "@halo-dev/admin-shared"; import { apiClient } from "@halo-dev/admin-shared"; import { menus, minimenus, registerMenu } from "./router/menus.config"; // setup import "./setup/setupStyles"; import { setupComponents } from "./setup/setupComponents"; // core modules import { coreModules } from "./modules"; import { useScriptTag } from "@vueuse/core"; import { usePluginStore } from "@/stores/plugin"; import type { User } from "@halo-dev/api-client"; const app = createApp(App); setupComponents(app); app.use(createPinia()); function registerModule(pluginModule: Plugin) { if (pluginModule.components) { if (!Array.isArray(pluginModule.components)) { console.error(`${}: Plugin components must be an array`); return; } for (const component of pluginModule.components) { && app.component(, component); } } if (pluginModule.routes) { if (!Array.isArray(pluginModule.routes)) { console.error(`${}: Plugin routes must be an array`); return; } for (const route of pluginModule.routes) { router.addRoute(route); } } if (pluginModule.menus) { if (!Array.isArray(pluginModule.menus)) { console.error(`${}: Plugin menus must be an array`); return; } for (const group of pluginModule.menus) { for (const menu of group.items) { registerMenu(, menu); } } } } function loadCoreModules() { coreModules.forEach(registerModule); } const pluginStore = usePluginStore(); function loadStyle(href: string) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let shouldAppend = false; let el: HTMLLinkElement | null = document.querySelector( 'script[src="' + href + '"]' ); if (!el) { el = document.createElement("link"); el.rel = "stylesheet"; el.type = "text/css"; el.href = href; shouldAppend = true; } else if (el.hasAttribute("data-loaded")) { resolve(el); return; } el.addEventListener("error", reject); el.addEventListener("abort", reject); el.addEventListener("load", function loadStyleHandler() { el?.setAttribute("data-loaded", "true"); resolve(el); }); if (shouldAppend) document.head.prepend(el); }); } async function loadPluginModules() { const response = await apiClient.extension.plugin.listpluginHaloRunV1alpha1Plugin(); // Get all started plugins const plugins = (plugin) => plugin.status?.phase === "STARTED" && plugin.spec.enabled ); for (const plugin of plugins) { const { entry, stylesheet } = plugin.status || { entry: "", stylesheet: "", }; if (entry) { const { load } = useScriptTag( `http://localhost:8090${plugin.status?.entry}` ); await load(); const pluginModule = window[]; if (pluginModule) { // @ts-ignore plugin.spec.module = pluginModule; registerModule(pluginModule); } } if (stylesheet) { await loadStyle(`http://localhost:8090${stylesheet}`); } pluginStore.registerPlugin(plugin); } } async function loadCurrentUser() { const response = await apiClient.user.getCurrentUserDetail(); app.provide("currentUser",; } (async function () { await initApp(); })(); async function initApp() { try { loadCoreModules(); await loadPluginModules(); await loadCurrentUser(); app.provide("menus", menus); app.provide("minimenus", minimenus); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } finally { app.use(router); app.mount("#app"); } }