mirror of https://github.com/fatedier/frp
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export PATH := $(GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH)
export GO111MODULE=on
export GO111MODULE=on
LDFLAGS := -s -w
LDFLAGS := -s -w
os-archs=darwin:amd64 darwin:arm64 freebsd:386 freebsd:amd64 linux:386 linux:amd64 linux:arm windows:386 windows:amd64 linux:mips64 linux:mips64le linux:mips:softfloat linux:mipsle:softfloat
os-archs=darwin:amd64 darwin:arm64 freebsd:386 freebsd:amd64 linux:386 linux:amd64 linux:arm linux:arm64 windows:386 windows:amd64 linux:mips64 linux:mips64le linux:mips:softfloat linux:mipsle:softfloat
all: build
all: build
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ This feature is suitable for a large number of short connections.
Load balancing is supported by `group`.
Load balancing is supported by `group`.
This feature is only available for types `tcp` and `http` now.
This feature is only available for types `tcp`, `http`, `tcpmux` now.
# frpc.ini
# frpc.ini
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ frpc will generate 8 proxies like `test_tcp_0`, `test_tcp_1`, ..., `test_tcp_7`.
frpc only forwards requests to local TCP or UDP ports by default.
frpc only forwards requests to local TCP or UDP ports by default.
Plugins are used for providing rich features. There are built-in plugins such as `unix_domain_socket`, `http_proxy`, `socks5`, `static_file` and you can see [example usage](#example-usage).
Plugins are used for providing rich features. There are built-in plugins such as `unix_domain_socket`, `http_proxy`, `socks5`, `static_file`, `http2https`, `https2http`, `https2https` and you can see [example usage](#example-usage).
Specify which plugin to use with the `plugin` parameter. Configuration parameters of plugin should be started with `plugin_`. `local_ip` and `local_port` are not used for plugin.
Specify which plugin to use with the `plugin` parameter. Configuration parameters of plugin should be started with `plugin_`. `local_ip` and `local_port` are not used for plugin.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
!function(e){function n(r){if(t[r])return t[r].exports;var o=t[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,n),o.l=!0,o.exports}var r=window.webpackJsonp;window.webpackJsonp=function(t,u,c){for(var i,a,f,l=0,s=[];l<t.length;l++)a=t[l],o[a]&&s.push(o[a][0]),o[a]=0;for(i in u)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,i)&&(e[i]=u[i]);for(r&&r(t,u,c);s.length;)s.shift()();if(c)for(l=0;l<c.length;l++)f=n(n.s=c[l]);return f};var t={},o={1:0};n.e=function(e){function r(){i.onerror=i.onload=null,clearTimeout(a);var n=o[e];0!==n&&(n&&n[1](new Error("Loading chunk "+e+" failed.")),o[e]=void 0)}var t=o[e];if(0===t)return new Promise(function(e){e()});if(t)return t[2];var u=new Promise(function(n,r){t=o[e]=[n,r]});t[2]=u;var c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],i=document.createElement("script");i.type="text/javascript",i.charset="utf-8",i.async=!0,i.timeout=12e4,n.nc&&i.setAttribute("nonce",n.nc),i.src=n.p+""+e+".js?"+{0:"3e078a9d741093b909de"}[e];var a=setTimeout(r,12e4);return i.onerror=i.onload=r,c.appendChild(i),u},n.m=e,n.c=t,n.i=function(e){return e},n.d=function(e,r,t){n.o(e,r)||Object.defineProperty(e,r,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:t})},n.n=function(e){var r=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return n.d(r,"a",r),r},n.o=function(e,n){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)},n.p="",n.oe=function(e){throw console.error(e),e}}([]);
!function(e){function n(r){if(t[r])return t[r].exports;var o=t[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,n),o.l=!0,o.exports}var r=window.webpackJsonp;window.webpackJsonp=function(t,u,c){for(var i,a,f,l=0,s=[];l<t.length;l++)a=t[l],o[a]&&s.push(o[a][0]),o[a]=0;for(i in u)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,i)&&(e[i]=u[i]);for(r&&r(t,u,c);s.length;)s.shift()();if(c)for(l=0;l<c.length;l++)f=n(n.s=c[l]);return f};var t={},o={1:0};n.e=function(e){function r(){i.onerror=i.onload=null,clearTimeout(a);var n=o[e];0!==n&&(n&&n[1](new Error("Loading chunk "+e+" failed.")),o[e]=void 0)}var t=o[e];if(0===t)return new Promise(function(e){e()});if(t)return t[2];var u=new Promise(function(n,r){t=o[e]=[n,r]});t[2]=u;var c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],i=document.createElement("script");i.type="text/javascript",i.charset="utf-8",i.async=!0,i.timeout=12e4,n.nc&&i.setAttribute("nonce",n.nc),i.src=n.p+""+e+".js?"+{0:"7f899297af075fb3b085"}[e];var a=setTimeout(r,12e4);return i.onerror=i.onload=r,c.appendChild(i),u},n.m=e,n.c=t,n.i=function(e){return e},n.d=function(e,r,t){n.o(e,r)||Object.defineProperty(e,r,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:t})},n.n=function(e){var r=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return n.d(r,"a",r),r},n.o=function(e,n){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)},n.p="",n.oe=function(e){throw console.error(e),e}}([]);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -139,8 +139,10 @@ func parseClientCommonCfg(fileType int, source []byte) (cfg config.ClientCommonC
err = cfg.Check()
err = cfg.Validate()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Parse config error: %v", err)
@ -167,11 +169,6 @@ func parseClientCommonCfgFromCmd() (cfg config.ClientCommonConf, err error) {
cfg.LogLevel = logLevel
cfg.LogLevel = logLevel
cfg.LogFile = logFile
cfg.LogFile = logFile
cfg.LogMaxDays = int64(logMaxDays)
cfg.LogMaxDays = int64(logMaxDays)
if logFile == "console" {
cfg.LogWay = "console"
} else {
cfg.LogWay = "file"
cfg.DisableLogColor = disableLogColor
cfg.DisableLogColor = disableLogColor
// Only token authentication is supported in cmd mode
// Only token authentication is supported in cmd mode
@ -186,21 +183,20 @@ func runClient(cfgFilePath string) (err error) {
var content []byte
var content []byte
content, err = config.GetRenderedConfFromFile(cfgFilePath)
content, err = config.GetRenderedConfFromFile(cfgFilePath)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
cfg, err := parseClientCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeIni, content)
cfg, err := parseClientCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeIni, content)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, err := config.LoadAllProxyConfsFromIni(cfg.User, content, cfg.Start)
pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, err := config.LoadAllProxyConfsFromIni(cfg.User, content, cfg.Start)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
err = startService(cfg, pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, cfgFilePath)
return startService(cfg, pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, cfgFilePath)
func startService(
func startService(
@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
var cfg config.ServerCommonConf
var cfg config.ServerCommonConf
var err error
var err error
if cfgFile != "" {
if cfgFile != "" {
log.Info("frps uses config file: %s", cfgFile)
var content []byte
var content []byte
content, err = config.GetRenderedConfFromFile(cfgFile)
content, err = config.GetRenderedConfFromFile(cfgFile)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -113,7 +112,6 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
cfg, err = parseServerCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeIni, content)
cfg, err = parseServerCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeIni, content)
} else {
} else {
log.Info("frps uses command line arguments for config")
cfg, err = parseServerCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeCmd, nil)
cfg, err = parseServerCommonCfg(CfgFileTypeCmd, nil)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -144,9 +142,10 @@ func parseServerCommonCfg(fileType int, source []byte) (cfg config.ServerCommonC
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
err = cfg.Check()
err = cfg.Validate()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Parse config error: %v", err)
@ -190,18 +189,19 @@ func parseServerCommonCfgFromCmd() (cfg config.ServerCommonConf, err error) {
cfg.MaxPortsPerClient = maxPortsPerClient
cfg.MaxPortsPerClient = maxPortsPerClient
if logFile == "console" {
cfg.LogWay = "console"
} else {
cfg.LogWay = "file"
cfg.DisableLogColor = disableLogColor
cfg.DisableLogColor = disableLogColor
func runServer(cfg config.ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
func runServer(cfg config.ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
log.InitLog(cfg.LogWay, cfg.LogFile, cfg.LogLevel, cfg.LogMaxDays, cfg.DisableLogColor)
log.InitLog(cfg.LogWay, cfg.LogFile, cfg.LogLevel, cfg.LogMaxDays, cfg.DisableLogColor)
if cfgFile != "" {
log.Info("frps uses config file: %s", cfgFile)
} else {
log.Info("frps uses command line arguments for config")
svr, err := server.NewService(cfg)
svr, err := server.NewService(cfg)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
// recommended to use GetDefaultClientConf instead of creating this object
// recommended to use GetDefaultClientConf instead of creating this object
// directly, so that all unspecified fields have reasonable default values.
// directly, so that all unspecified fields have reasonable default values.
type ClientCommonConf struct {
type ClientCommonConf struct {
auth.ClientConfig `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
auth.ClientConfig `ini:",extends"`
// ServerAddr specifies the address of the server to connect to. By
// ServerAddr specifies the address of the server to connect to. By
// default, this value is "".
// default, this value is "".
@ -173,13 +173,21 @@ func GetDefaultClientConf() ClientCommonConf {
func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Check() error {
func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Complete() {
if cfg.LogFile == "console" {
cfg.LogWay = "console"
} else {
cfg.LogWay = "file"
func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Validate() error {
if cfg.HeartbeatInterval <= 0 {
if cfg.HeartbeatInterval <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: invalid heartbeat_interval")
return fmt.Errorf("invalid heartbeat_interval")
if cfg.HeartbeatTimeout < cfg.HeartbeatInterval {
if cfg.HeartbeatTimeout < cfg.HeartbeatInterval {
return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: invalid heartbeat_timeout, heartbeat_timeout is less than heartbeat_interval")
return fmt.Errorf("invalid heartbeat_timeout, heartbeat_timeout is less than heartbeat_interval")
if cfg.TLSEnable == false {
if cfg.TLSEnable == false {
@ -196,6 +204,10 @@ func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Check() error {
if cfg.Protocol != "tcp" && cfg.Protocol != "kcp" && cfg.Protocol != "websocket" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol")
return nil
return nil
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ type BaseProxyConf struct {
Metas map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"metas"`
Metas map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"metas"`
// TODO: LocalSvrConf => LocalAppConf
// TODO: LocalSvrConf => LocalAppConf
LocalSvrConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
LocalSvrConf `ini:",extends"`
HealthCheckConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
HealthCheckConf `ini:",extends"`
type DomainConf struct {
type DomainConf struct {
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ type DomainConf struct {
type HTTPProxyConf struct {
type HTTPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
Locations []string `ini:"locations" json:"locations"`
Locations []string `ini:"locations" json:"locations"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user"`
@ -167,27 +167,27 @@ type HTTPProxyConf struct {
type HTTPSProxyConf struct {
type HTTPSProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
// TCP
// TCP
type TCPProxyConf struct {
type TCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
// TCPMux
// TCPMux
type TCPMuxProxyConf struct {
type TCPMuxProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
Multiplexer string `ini:"multiplexer"`
Multiplexer string `ini:"multiplexer"`
type STCPProxyConf struct {
type STCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ type STCPProxyConf struct {
type XTCPProxyConf struct {
type XTCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ type XTCPProxyConf struct {
// UDP
// UDP
type UDPProxyConf struct {
type UDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
type SUDPProxyConf struct {
type SUDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
// recommended to use GetDefaultServerConf instead of creating this object
// recommended to use GetDefaultServerConf instead of creating this object
// directly, so that all unspecified fields have reasonable default values.
// directly, so that all unspecified fields have reasonable default values.
type ServerCommonConf struct {
type ServerCommonConf struct {
auth.ServerConfig `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
auth.ServerConfig `ini:",extends"`
// BindAddr specifies the address that the server binds to. By default,
// BindAddr specifies the address that the server binds to. By default,
// this value is "".
// this value is "".
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type ServerCommonConf struct {
// this value is 0.
// this value is 0.
KCPBindPort int `ini:"kcp_bind_port" json:"kcp_bind_port"`
KCPBindPort int `ini:"kcp_bind_port" json:"kcp_bind_port"`
// ProxyBindAddr specifies the address that the proxy binds to. This value
// ProxyBindAddr specifies the address that the proxy binds to. This value
// may be the same as BindAddr. By default, this value is "".
// may be the same as BindAddr.
ProxyBindAddr string `ini:"proxy_bind_addr" json:"proxy_bind_addr"`
ProxyBindAddr string `ini:"proxy_bind_addr" json:"proxy_bind_addr"`
// VhostHTTPPort specifies the port that the server listens for HTTP Vhost
// VhostHTTPPort specifies the port that the server listens for HTTP Vhost
// requests. If this value is 0, the server will not listen for HTTP
// requests. If this value is 0, the server will not listen for HTTP
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func GetDefaultServerConf() ServerCommonConf {
BindPort: 7000,
BindPort: 7000,
BindUDPPort: 0,
BindUDPPort: 0,
KCPBindPort: 0,
KCPBindPort: 0,
ProxyBindAddr: "",
ProxyBindAddr: "",
VhostHTTPPort: 0,
VhostHTTPPort: 0,
VhostHTTPSPort: 0,
VhostHTTPSPort: 0,
TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort: 0,
TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort: 0,
@ -208,10 +208,6 @@ func GetDefaultServerConf() ServerCommonConf {
func (cfg *ServerCommonConf) Check() error {
return nil
func UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(source interface{}) (ServerCommonConf, error) {
func UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(source interface{}) (ServerCommonConf, error) {
f, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
f, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
@ -242,7 +238,7 @@ func UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(source interface{}) (ServerCommonConf, error) {
if allowPortStr != "" {
if allowPortStr != "" {
allowPorts, err := util.ParseRangeNumbers(allowPortStr)
allowPorts, err := util.ParseRangeNumbers(allowPortStr)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return ServerCommonConf{}, fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: allow_ports: %v", err)
return ServerCommonConf{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid allow_ports: %v", err)
for _, port := range allowPorts {
for _, port := range allowPorts {
common.AllowPorts[int(port)] = struct{}{}
common.AllowPorts[int(port)] = struct{}{}
@ -269,6 +265,26 @@ func UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(source interface{}) (ServerCommonConf, error) {
return common, nil
return common, nil
func (cfg *ServerCommonConf) Complete() {
if cfg.LogFile == "console" {
cfg.LogWay = "console"
} else {
cfg.LogWay = "file"
if cfg.ProxyBindAddr == "" {
cfg.ProxyBindAddr = cfg.BindAddr
if cfg.TLSTrustedCaFile != "" {
cfg.TLSOnly = true
func (cfg *ServerCommonConf) Validate() error {
return nil
func loadHTTPPluginOpt(section *ini.Section) (*plugin.HTTPPluginOptions, error) {
func loadHTTPPluginOpt(section *ini.Section) (*plugin.HTTPPluginOptions, error) {
name := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(section.Name(), "plugin."))
name := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(section.Name(), "plugin."))
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import (
plugin "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/plugin/server"
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
MaxPoolCount: 59,
MaxPoolCount: 59,
MaxPortsPerClient: 9,
MaxPortsPerClient: 9,
TLSOnly: false,
TLSOnly: true,
TLSCertFile: "server.crt",
TLSCertFile: "server.crt",
TLSKeyFile: "server.key",
TLSKeyFile: "server.key",
TLSTrustedCaFile: "ca.crt",
TLSTrustedCaFile: "ca.crt",
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
BindAddr: "",
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 7009,
BindPort: 7009,
BindUDPPort: 7008,
BindUDPPort: 7008,
ProxyBindAddr: "",
ProxyBindAddr: "",
VhostHTTPTimeout: 60,
VhostHTTPTimeout: 60,
DashboardAddr: "",
DashboardAddr: "",
DashboardUser: "admin",
DashboardUser: "admin",
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range testcases {
for _, c := range testcases {
actual, err := UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(c.source)
actual, err := UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(c.source)
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type BaseVisitorConf struct {
type SUDPVisitorConf struct {
type SUDPVisitorConf struct {
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends"`
type STCPVisitorConf struct {
type STCPVisitorConf struct {
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends"`
type XTCPVisitorConf struct {
type XTCPVisitorConf struct {
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends" json:"inline"`
BaseVisitorConf `ini:",extends"`
// DefaultVisitorConf creates a empty VisitorConf object by visitorType.
// DefaultVisitorConf creates a empty VisitorConf object by visitorType.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import (
var version string = "0.36.1"
var version string = "0.36.2"
func Full() string {
func Full() string {
return version
return version
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
methods: {
methods: {
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
if (this.vhost_http_port == null || this.vhost_http_port == 0) {
if (this.vhost_http_port == null || this.vhost_http_port == 0) {
} else {
} else {
fetch('/api/proxy/http', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/proxy/http', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/serverinfo', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
if (this.vhost_https_port == null || this.vhost_https_port == 0) {
if (this.vhost_https_port == null || this.vhost_https_port == 0) {
} else {
} else {
fetch('/api/proxy/https', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/proxy/https', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/proxy/stcp', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/proxy/stcp', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/proxy/tcp', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/proxy/tcp', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
return Humanize.fileSize(row.traffic_out)
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
fetch('/api/proxy/udp', {credentials: 'include'})
fetch('../api/proxy/udp', {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
}).then(json => {
}).then(json => {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
methods: {
fetchData() {
fetchData() {
let url = '/api/traffic/' + this.proxy_name
let url = '../api/traffic/' + this.proxy_name
fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'})
fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'})
.then(res => {
.then(res => {
return res.json()
return res.json()
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class HttpProxy extends BaseProxy {
this.custom_domains = proxyStats.conf.custom_domains
this.custom_domains = proxyStats.conf.custom_domains
this.host_header_rewrite = proxyStats.conf.host_header_rewrite
this.host_header_rewrite = proxyStats.conf.host_header_rewrite
this.locations = proxyStats.conf.locations
this.locations = proxyStats.conf.locations
if (proxyStats.conf.sub_domain != "") {
if (proxyStats.conf.subdomain != "") {
this.subdomain = proxyStats.conf.sub_domain + "." + subdomain_host
this.subdomain = proxyStats.conf.subdomain + "." + subdomain_host
} else {
} else {
this.subdomain = ""
this.subdomain = ""
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class HttpsProxy extends BaseProxy {
this.port = port
this.port = port
if (proxyStats.conf != null) {
if (proxyStats.conf != null) {
this.custom_domains = proxyStats.conf.custom_domains
this.custom_domains = proxyStats.conf.custom_domains
if (proxyStats.conf.sub_domain != "") {
if (proxyStats.conf.subdomain != "") {
this.subdomain = proxyStats.conf.sub_domain + "." + subdomain_host
this.subdomain = proxyStats.conf.subdomain + "." + subdomain_host
} else {
} else {
this.subdomain = ""
this.subdomain = ""
Reference in New Issue