corrected cleaning up of extra files + zip/tar correction

Since already in $app, don't need to rm $app/node_modules.
Kulga 2015-09-26 11:42:29 -07:00
parent 6c565c1d25
commit 43aeef7fff
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
cd $app
npm link gulp flarum-gulp babel-core
gulp --production
rm -rf "$app"/node_modules
rm -rf node_modules
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
# Create Checksum - run md5sum -c in extracted directory to check
find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; &> CHECKSUM
zip ./ /"$export"flarum_$(date +\%m_\%d_\%Y).zip
tar --preserve-permissions --preserve-order -zcf "$export"flarum_$(date +\%m_\%d_\%Y).tar.gz ./
zip -r -x@$flarum_source/INCR_COMPILE "$export"/flarum_$(date +\%m_\%d_\%Y).zip ./
tar --preserve-permissions -zcf "$export"/flarum_$(date +\%m_\%d_\%Y).tar.gz ./
# Remove /tmp/tmp.* files if not designated by -s
if [ ${removetmp:-no} == yes ]; then rm -fr $compiled_flarum; fi