
215 lines
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package utils
import (
// CanBeEdited checks if the extension of a file is supported by the editor
func CanBeEdited(filename string) bool {
extensions := [...]string{
"md", "markdown", "mdown", "mmark",
"asciidoc", "adoc", "ad",
".json", ".toml", ".yaml",
".css", ".sass", ".scss",
for _, extension := range extensions {
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, extension) {
return true
return false
// CopyFile is used to copy a file
func CopyFile(old, new string) error {
// Open the file and create a new one
r, err := os.Open(old)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
w, err := os.Create(new)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Close()
// Copy the content
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Defined checks if variable is defined in a struct
func Defined(data interface{}, field string) bool {
t := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data)).Type()
if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
log.Print("Non-struct type not allowed.")
return false
_, b := t.FieldByName(field)
return b
// Dict allows to send more than one variable into a template
func Dict(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if len(values)%2 != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid dict call")
dict := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 {
key, ok := values[i].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("dict keys must be strings")
dict[key] = values[i+1]
return dict, nil
// GetTemplate is used to get a ready to use template based on the url and on
// other sent templates
func GetTemplate(r *http.Request, functions template.FuncMap, templates ...string) (*template.Template, error) {
// If this is a pjax request, use the minimal template to send only
// the main content
if r.Header.Get("X-PJAX") == "true" {
templates = append(templates, "base_minimal")
} else {
templates = append(templates, "base_full")
var tpl *template.Template
// For each template, add it to the the tpl variable
for i, t := range templates {
// Get the template from the assets
page, err := assets.Asset("templates/" + t + ".tmpl")
// Check if there is some error. If so, the template doesn't exist
if err != nil {
return new(template.Template), err
// If it's the first iteration, creates a new template and add the
// functions map
if i == 0 {
tpl, err = template.New(t).Funcs(functions).Parse(string(page))
} else {
tpl, err = tpl.Parse(string(page))
if err != nil {
return new(template.Template), err
return tpl, nil
// IsMap checks if some variable is a map
func IsMap(sth interface{}) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(sth).Kind() == reflect.Map
// IsSlice checks if some variable is a slice
func IsSlice(sth interface{}) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(sth).Kind() == reflect.Slice
// ParseComponents parses the components of an URL creating an array
func ParseComponents(r *http.Request) []string {
//The URL that the user queried.
path := r.URL.Path
path = strings.TrimSpace(path)
//Cut off the leading and trailing forward slashes, if they exist.
//This cuts off the leading forward slash.
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:]
//This cuts off the trailing forward slash.
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
cutOffLastCharLen := len(path) - 1
path = path[:cutOffLastCharLen]
//We need to isolate the individual components of the path.
components := strings.Split(path, "/")
return components
// Run is used to run the static website generator
func Run(c *config.Config) {
os.RemoveAll(c.Path + "public")
commands.MainSite = nil
c.Args = append([]string{"--source", c.Path}, c.Args...)
if err := commands.HugoCmd.RunE(nil, nil); err != nil {
var splitCapitalizeExceptions = map[string]string{
"youtube": "YouTube",
"github": "GitHub",
"googleplus": "Google Plus",
"linkedin": "LinkedIn",
// SplitCapitalize splits a string by its uppercase letters and capitalize the
// first letter of the string
func SplitCapitalize(name string) string {
if val, ok := splitCapitalizeExceptions[strings.ToLower(name)]; ok {
return val
var words []string
l := 0
for s := name; s != ""; s = s[l:] {
l = strings.IndexFunc(s[1:], unicode.IsUpper) + 1
if l <= 0 {
l = len(s)
words = append(words, s[:l])
name = ""
for _, element := range words {
name += element + " "
name = strings.ToLower(name[:len(name)-1])
name = strings.ToUpper(string(name[0])) + name[1:]
return name