{{ define "content" }}{{ $path := .Path }}

{{ $path }}

{{if .CanGoUp}}{{end}}
Write the name of the new file.{{ if (eq .User.Command "") }} If you want to use an archetype, add ':archetype' in the end, replacing 'archetype' by its name.{{ end }}
{{range .Items}} {{end}}
{{if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "desc")}} Name {{else if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "asc")}} Name {{else}} Name {{end}} {{if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "desc")}} Size {{else if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "asc")}} Size {{else}} Size {{end}} {{if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "desc")}} Modified {{else if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "asc")}} Modified {{else}} Modified {{end}}
{{if .IsDir}} {{.Name}} {{else}} {{ if CanBeEdited .URL }} {{.Name}} {{ else }} {{.Name}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{.HumanSize}} {{.HumanModTime "01/02/2006 3:04:05 PM -0700"}}
{{ end }}