'use strict'; var tempID = "_fm_internal_temporary_id", buttons = {}; // Removes an element, if exists, from an array Array.prototype.removeElement = function(element) { var i = this.indexOf(element); if (i != -1) this.splice(i, 1); } // Replaces an element inside an array by another Array.prototype.replaceElement = function(oldElement, newElement) { var i = this.indexOf(oldElement); if (i != -1) this[i] = newElement; } // Sends a costum event to itself Document.prototype.sendCostumEvent = function(text) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(text)); } // Gets the content of a cookie Document.prototype.getCookie = function(name) { var re = new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)" + name + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"); return document.cookie.replace(re, "$1"); } // Changes a button to the loading animation Element.prototype.changeToLoading = function() { let element = this, originalText = element.innerHTML; element.style.opacity = 0; setTimeout(function() { element.innerHTML = 'autorenew'; element.style.opacity = 1; }, 200); return originalText; } // Changes an element to done animation Element.prototype.changeToDone = function(error, html) { this.style.opacity = 0; let thirdStep = () => { this.innerHTML = html; this.style.opacity = null; if (selectedItems.length == 0 && document.getElementById('listing')) document.sendCostumEvent('changed-selected'); } let secondStep = () => { this.style.opacity = 0; setTimeout(thirdStep, 200); } let firstStep = () => { this.innerHTML = 'done'; if (error) { this.innerHTML = 'close'; } this.style.opacity = 1; setTimeout(secondStep, 1000); } setTimeout(firstStep, 200); return false; } function getCSSRule(ruleName) { ruleName = ruleName.toLowerCase(); var result = null, find = Array.prototype.find; find.call(document.styleSheets, styleSheet => { result = find.call(styleSheet.cssRules, cssRule => { return cssRule instanceof CSSStyleRule && cssRule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == ruleName; }); return result != null; }); return result; } function toWebDavURL(url) { return window.location.origin + url.replace(baseURL + "/", webdavURL + "/"); } // Remove the last directory of an url var removeLastDirectoryPartOf = function(url) { var arr = url.split('/'); arr.pop(); return (arr.join('/')); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EVENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ // Prevent Default event var preventDefault = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); } function logoutEvent(event) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', window.location.pathname, true, "username", "password"); request.send(); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { window.location = "/"; } } } function openEvent(event) { if (event.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled')) { return false; } let link = '?raw=true'; if (selectedItems.length) { link = document.getElementById(selectedItems[0]).dataset.url + link; } else { link = window.location + link; } window.open(link); return false; } // Handles the delete button event function deleteEvent(event) { let single = false; if (!selectedItems.length) { selectedItems = [window.location.pathname]; single = true; } Array.from(selectedItems).forEach(id => { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(), html = buttons.delete.changeToLoading(), el = document.getElementById(id), url = el.dataset.url; request.open('DELETE', toWebDavURL(url)); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { if (request.status == 204) { if (single) { window.location.pathname = removeLastDirectoryPartOf(window.location.pathname); } else { el.remove(); selectedItems.removeElement(id); } } buttons.delete.changeToDone(request.status != 204, html); } } request.send(); }); return false; } function resetSearchText() { let box = document.querySelector('#search > div div'); if (user.AllowCommands) { box.innerHTML = `Search or use one of your supported commands: ${user.Commands.join(", ")} `; } else { box.innerHTML = "Type and press enter to search."; } } function searchEvent(event) { if (this.value.length == 0) { resetSearchText(); return; } let value = this.value, search = document.getElementById('search'), scrollable = document.querySelector('#search > div'), box = document.querySelector('#search > div div'), pieces = value.split(' '), supported = false; user.Commands.forEach(function(cmd) { if (cmd == pieces[0]) { supported = true; } }); if (!supported || !user.AllowCommands) { box.innerHTML = "Press enter to search." } else { box.innerHTML = "Press enter to execute." } if (event.keyCode == 13) { box.innerHTML = ''; search.classList.add('ongoing'); let url = window.location.host + window.location.pathname; if (document.getElementById("editor")) { url = removeLastDirectoryPartOf(url); } if (supported && user.AllowCommands) { let conn = new WebSocket(`ws://${url}?command=true`); conn.onopen = function() { conn.send(value); }; conn.onmessage = function(event) { box.innerHTML = event.data; scrollable.scrollTop = scrollable.scrollHeight; } conn.onclose = function(event) { search.classList.remove('ongoing'); reloadListing(); } return; } box.innerHTML = ''; let ul = box.querySelector('ul'), conn = new WebSocket(`ws://${url}?search=true`); conn.onopen = function() { conn.send(value); }; conn.onmessage = function(event) { ul.innerHTML += '
  • ' + event.data + '
  • '; scrollable.scrollTop = scrollable.scrollHeight; } conn.onclose = function(event) { search.classList.remove('ongoing'); } } } function setupSearch() { let search = document.getElementById("search"), searchInput = search.querySelector("input"), searchDiv = search.querySelector("div"), hover = false, focus = false; resetSearchText(); searchInput.addEventListener('focus', event => { focus = true; search.classList.add('active'); }); searchDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', event => { hover = true; search.classList.add('active'); }); searchInput.addEventListener('blur', event => { focus = false; if (hover) return; search.classList.remove('active'); }); search.addEventListener('mouseleave', event => { hover = false; if (focus) return; search.classList.remove('active'); }); search.addEventListener("click", event => { search.classList.add("active"); search.querySelector("input").focus(); }); searchInput.addEventListener('keyup', searchEvent); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOOTSTRAP * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { buttons.logout = document.getElementById("logout"); buttons.open = document.getElementById("open"); buttons.delete = document.getElementById("delete"); // Attach event listeners buttons.logout.addEventListener("click", logoutEvent); buttons.open.addEventListener("click", openEvent); if (user.AllowEdit) { buttons.delete.addEventListener("click", deleteEvent); } setupSearch(); return false; });