feat: update i18n
License: MIT Signed-off-by: Henrique Dias <hacdias@gmail.com>pull/739/head
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "دائم",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"close": "إغلاق",
"copy": "نسخ",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "تم نسخ الملف"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "أنت غير مرحب بك هنا!.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "لقد حدث خطأ ما.",
"notFound": "لا يمكن الوصول لهذا المحتوى."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "تم تعديل المستخدم",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "مساعدة",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "تسجيل خروج",
"myFiles": "ملفاتي",
"newFile": "ملف جديد",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "الصور",
"music": "الموسيقى",
"notSupportedCommand": "هذا الأمر غير متاح.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "إغضط زر Enter للتنفيذ.",
"pressToSearch": "إضغط زر Enter للبحث.",
"search": "البحث...",
"searchOrCommand": "إبحث او قم بتنفيذ أمر...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "إبحث او قم باضافة بادئة '$' واستخدم واحد من الاوامر الخاصة بك:",
"typeCommand": "أكتب واضغط Enter للتنفيذ.",
"typeSearch": "أكتب واضغط Enter للبحث.",
"types": "الأنواع",
"video": "فيديوهات",
"writeToSearch": "أكتب هنا للبحث"
"search": "البحث...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "دقائق",
"hours": "ساعات",
"days": "أيام"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanent",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"close": "Schließen",
"copy": "Kopieren",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Verweis wurde kopiert !"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Sie verfügen nicht über die nötigen Rechte!",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen.",
"notFound": "Dieser Ort kann nicht angezeigt werden."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Benutzer aktualisiert!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hilfe",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "Meine Dateien",
"newFile": "Neue Datei",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Bilder",
"music": "Musik",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Drücken Sie Enter zum Ausführen.",
"pressToSearch": "Drücken Sie Enter zum Suchen.",
"search": "Suche...",
"searchOrCommand": "Suche oder führe Befehl aus...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Suche oder nutze eines Ihrer verfügbaren Befehle:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "Typen",
"video": "Video",
"writeToSearch": "Hier schreiben zum Suchen"
"search": "Suche...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minuten",
"hours": "Stunden",
"days": "Tage"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanente",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"copy": "Copiar",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "¡Link copiado!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "No eres bienvenido aquí.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "La verdad es que algo ha ido mal.",
"notFound": "No se puede acceder a este lugar."
@ -75,11 +76,11 @@
"login": {
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmación de contraseña",
"submit": "Iniciar sesión",
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"createAnAccount": "Crear una cuenta",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"signup": "Signup",
"username": "Usuario",
@ -120,9 +121,9 @@
"settings": {
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"documentation": "documentation",
"documentation": "documentación",
"branding": "Branding",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"disableExternalLinks": "Deshabilitar enlaces externos (excepto documentación)",
"brandingHelp": "You can costumize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@
"allowPublish": "Publicar nuevos posts y páginas",
"avoidChanges": "(dejar en blanco para evitar cambios)",
"changePassword": "Cambiar contraseña",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunner": "Executor de comandos",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "¡Comandos actualizados!",
"customStylesheet": "Modificar hoja de estilos",
@ -163,25 +164,28 @@
"username": "Usuario",
"users": "Usuarios",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"allowSignup": "Permitir registro de usuarios",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertPath": "Introduce la ruta",
"userUpdated": "¡Usuario actualizado!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDefaults": "Configuración de usuario por defecto",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"create": "Crear ficheros y directorios",
"delete": "Eliminar ficheros y directorios",
"download": "Descargar",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Executar comandos",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"share": "Compartir ficheros"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ayuda",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"myFiles": "Mis archivos",
"newFile": "Nuevo archivo",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Música",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Presiona enter para ejecutar.",
"pressToSearch": "Presiona enter para buscar.",
"search": "Buscar...",
"searchOrCommand": "Buscar o ejecutar un comando...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Buscar o ejecutar uno de los comandos soportados:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeo",
"writeToSearch": "Escribe aquí para buscar"
"search": "Buscar...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minutos",
"hours": "Horas",
"days": "Días"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanent",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"close": "Fermer",
"copy": "Copier",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Link copied!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à être ici.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Aïe ! Quelque chose s'est mal passé.",
"notFound": "Impossible d'accéder à cet emplacement."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Utilisateur mis à jour !",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aide",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Se déconnecter",
"myFiles": "Mes fichiers",
"newFile": "Nouveau fichier",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Musique",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Appuyez sur Entrée pour exécuter",
"pressToSearch": "Appuyez sur Entrée pour lancer la recherche",
"search": "Recherche en cours...",
"searchOrCommand": "Rechercher ou exécuter une commande...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Lancez une recherche ou exécutez une commande parmis les suivantes :",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video",
"writeToSearch": "Ecrivez ici pour lancer une recherche"
"search": "Recherche en cours...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minutes",
"hours": "Heures",
"days": "Jours"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanente",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"close": "Chiudi",
"copy": "Copia",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Link copiato!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Spiecente, sembra che tu non abbia i permessi per accedere a questa pagina.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Qualcosa è andato veramente male.",
"notFound": "Questo percorso non può essere raggiunto."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Utente aggiornato!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aiuto",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Esci",
"myFiles": "I miei file",
"newFile": "Nuovo file",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Immagini",
"music": "Musica",
"notSupportedCommand": "Questo no nè un comando supportato.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Premi invio per eseguire.",
"pressToSearch": "Permi invio per cercare.",
"search": "Cerca...",
"searchOrCommand": "Cerca o esegui un comando...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Cerca o anteponi '$' e usa uno dei comandi supportati:",
"typeCommand": "Scrivi e premi invio per eseguire.",
"typeSearch": "Scrivi e premi invio per cercare.",
"types": "Tipi",
"video": "Video",
"writeToSearch": "Scrivi qui per cercare"
"search": "Cerca...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minuti",
"hours": "Ore",
"days": "Giorni"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "永久",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"close": "閉じる",
"copy": "コピー",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "リンクがコピーされました!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "アクセスが拒否されました。",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "内部エラーが発生しました。",
"notFound": "リソースが見つからなりませんでした。"
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "ユーザーは更新されました!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "ヘルプ",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "ログアウト",
"myFiles": "私のファイル",
"newFile": "新しいファイルを作成",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "画像",
"music": "音楽",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Enter を押して実行します。",
"pressToSearch": "Enter を押して検索します。",
"search": "検索...",
"searchOrCommand": "コマンドを検索または実行します。",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "サポートしているコマンドを検索または実行します:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "種類",
"video": "ビデオ",
"writeToSearch": "ここにキーワードを入力してください"
"search": "検索...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "分",
"hours": "時間",
"days": "日"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "영구적인",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "취소",
"close": "닫기",
"copy": "복사",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "링크가 복사되었습니다!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "허가되지 않은 접속입니다!",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "먼가 오류가 있네요?!",
"notFound": "해당 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "유저 정보 업데이트 완료!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "도움(Help)",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "로그아웃",
"myFiles": "내 파일들",
"newFile": "새로운 파일",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "이미지",
"music": "음악",
"notSupportedCommand": "지원 되지 않은 커맨드입니다.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "엔터를 누르시면 실행합니다.",
"pressToSearch": "엔터를 누르시면 검색됩니다.",
"search": "검색...",
"searchOrCommand": "커맨드를 검색하거나 실행합니다...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "검색하거나 '$'를 앞에 붙여 지원되는 커맨드들을 사용해보세요:",
"typeCommand": "엔터를 누르시면 실행합니다.",
"typeSearch": "엔터를 누르시면 검색됩니다.",
"types": "Types",
"video": "비디오",
"writeToSearch": "검색하고 싶은것을 적어주세요"
"search": "검색...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "분",
"hours": "시",
"days": "일"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanent",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"close": "Zamknij",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Link Skopiowany!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Nie jesteś tu mile widziany.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Pojawił się poważny problem.",
"notFound": "Ten adres nie jest poprawny."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Użytkownik zapisany!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Pomoc",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Wyloguj",
"myFiles": "Moje pliki",
"newFile": "Nowy plik",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Zdjęcia",
"music": "Muzyka",
"notSupportedCommand": "Polecenie niedozwolone.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Naciśniej Enter aby wykonać.",
"pressToSearch": "Naciśnij Enter aby wyszukać.",
"search": "Szukaj...",
"searchOrCommand": "Szukaj lub wykonaj polecenie...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Szukaj lub wpisz '$' i wybierz jedno z dostęnych poleceń:",
"typeCommand": "Wpisz i naciśnij Enter aby wykonać.",
"typeSearch": "Wpisz i naciśni Enter aby wyszukać.",
"types": "Typy",
"video": "Video",
"writeToSearch": "Wpisz tu aby wyszukać"
"search": "Szukaj...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minuty",
"hours": "Godziny",
"days": "Dni"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanente",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Ops! Você não pode acessar aqui.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Ops! Algum erro ocorreu.",
"notFound": "Ops! Nada foi encontrado."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Usuário atualizado!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Arquivos",
"newFile": "Novo arquivo",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Pressione enter para executar.",
"pressToSearch": "Pressione enter para pesquisar.",
"search": "Pesquise...",
"searchOrCommand": "Pesquise ou execute um comando...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Pesquise ou utilize um dos seus comandos:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos",
"writeToSearch": "Escreva aqui para pesquisar"
"search": "Pesquise...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minutos",
"hours": "Horas",
"days": "Dias"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Permanente",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Tu não és bem-vindo aqui.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Algo correu bastante mal.",
"notFound": "Não conseguimos chegar a esta localização."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Utilizador atualizado!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Ficheiros",
"newFile": "Novo ficheiro",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Prima enter para executar.",
"pressToSearch": "Prima enter para pesquisar.",
"search": "Pesquise...",
"searchOrCommand": "Pesquise ou execute um comando...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Pesquise ou utilize um dos seus comandos:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos",
"writeToSearch": "Escreva aqui para pesquisar"
"search": "Pesquise...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Minutos",
"hours": "Horas",
"days": "Dias"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "Постоянный",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"close": "Закрыть",
"copy": "Копировать",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "Ссылка скопирована!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Доступ запрещен.",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Что-то пошло не так.",
"notFound": "Неправильная ссылка."
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "Пользователь изменен!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "Помощь",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "Выход",
"myFiles": "Файлы",
"newFile": "Новый файл",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "Изображения",
"music": "Музыка",
"notSupportedCommand": "Команда не поддерживается.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "Enter для запуска.",
"pressToSearch": "Enter для поиска.",
"search": "Поиск...",
"searchOrCommand": "Поиск или выполнение команды...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "Поиск или выполнение команды, начинающейся с '$':",
"typeCommand": "Введи текст и нажми Enter для запуска.",
"typeSearch": "Введи текст и нажми Enter для поиска.",
"types": "Типы",
"video": "Видео",
"writeToSearch": "Введи текст для поиска"
"search": "Поиск...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "Минуты",
"hours": "Часы",
"days": "Дни"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "永久",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "关闭",
"copy": "复制",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "链接已复制!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "你被禁止访问。",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "服务器出了点问题。",
"notFound": "找不到文件。"
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "用户已更新!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "帮助",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的文件",
"newFile": "新建文件",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "图像",
"music": "音乐",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "按回车键执行。",
"pressToSearch": "按回车键搜索。",
"search": "搜索...",
"searchOrCommand": "搜索或者执行命令(Linux 代码)...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "搜索或加入\"$\"前缀以使用其中一个您可以使用的命令:",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "类型",
"video": "视频",
"writeToSearch": "请输入要搜索的内容"
"search": "搜索...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "分钟",
"hours": "小时",
"days": "天"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"permanent": "永久",
"buttons": {
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "關閉",
"copy": "複製",
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
"linkCopied": "連結已複製!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "你被禁止存取。",
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "伺服器出了點問題。",
"notFound": "找不到檔案。"
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "使用者已更新!",
"generalSettings": "General settings",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit files",
"modify": "Edit files",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
@ -182,6 +184,8 @@
"sidebar": {
"help": "幫助",
"login": "Login",
"signup": "Signup",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的檔案",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
@ -194,18 +198,12 @@
"search": {
"images": "影像",
"music": "音樂",
"notSupportedCommand": "This is a not supported command.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToExecute": "按確定鍵執行。",
"pressToSearch": "按確定鍵搜尋。",
"search": "搜尋...",
"searchOrCommand": "搜尋或者執行命令...",
"searchOrSupportedCommand": "搜尋或使用您可以使用的命令(一次只能執行一個命令):",
"typeCommand": "Type and press enter to execute.",
"typeSearch": "Type and press enter to search.",
"types": "類型",
"video": "影片",
"writeToSearch": "請輸入要搜尋的內容"
"search": "搜尋...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
@ -229,5 +227,9 @@
"minutes": "分鐘",
"hours": "小時",
"days": "天"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder"
Reference in New Issue