Consistency and organisation
Former-commit-id: 6902a2655e954b76a0e37ff23ee43a9081de0db2 [formerly 4bb8c4960d3aa7f50441b7f892ae69f4b4423947] [formerly dbd71a75b1ec21f9599cf4cffb68ac1f8db5bf4b [formerly 230ecdea95
Former-commit-id: 9c03fd383f474f90539c015276ba4bfb2ea0e6a8 [formerly 88d58b7289a7cab8b25bcb7448daa1c46062e9a5]
Former-commit-id: cc90da42ae6a6df2605d3c56c672fae29916ad74
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func parse(c *caddy.Controller) ([]*filemanager.FileManager, error) {
caddyConf := httpserver.GetConfig(c)
m.PrefixURL = strings.TrimSuffix(caddyConf.Addr.Path, "/")
m.SetPrefixURL(strings.TrimSuffix(caddyConf.Addr.Path, "/"))
m.Commands = []string{"git", "svn", "hg"}
m.Rules = append(m.Rules, &filemanager.Rule{
Regex: true,
@ -231,115 +231,12 @@ func (m *FileManager) NewUser(username string) error {
// ServeHTTP determines if the request is for this plugin, and if all prerequisites are met.
func (m *FileManager) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
var (
c = &requestContext{
// TODO: Handle errors here and make it compatible with http.Handler
return serveHTTP(&requestContext{
fm: m,
us: nil,
fi: nil,
code int
err error
// Checks if the URL contains the baseURL. If so, it strips it. Otherwise,
// it throws an error.
if p := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, m.baseURL); len(p) < len(r.URL.Path) {
r.URL.Path = p
} else {
return http.StatusNotFound, nil
// Checks if the URL matches the Assets URL. Returns the asset if the
// method is GET and Status Forbidden otherwise.
if matchURL(r.URL.Path, assetsURL) {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return serveAssets(c, w, r)
return http.StatusForbidden, nil
username, _, _ := r.BasicAuth()
if _, ok := m.Users[username]; ok {
|||| = m.Users[username]
} else {
|||| = m.User
// Checks if the request URL is for the WebDav server.
if matchURL(r.URL.Path, m.webDavURL) {
return serveWebDAV(c, w, r)
w.Header().Set("x-frame-options", "SAMEORIGIN")
w.Header().Set("x-content-type", "nosniff")
w.Header().Set("x-xss-protection", "1; mode=block")
// Checks if the User is allowed to access this file
if ! {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return htmlError(
w, http.StatusForbidden,
errors.New("You don't have permission to access this page"),
return http.StatusForbidden, nil
if r.URL.Query().Get("search") != "" {
return search(c, w, r)
if r.URL.Query().Get("command") != "" {
return command(c, w, r)
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
var f *fileInfo
// Obtains the information of the directory/file.
f, err = getInfo(r.URL, m,
if err != nil {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return htmlError(w, code, err)
code = errorToHTTP(err, false)
return code, err
|||| = f
// If it's a dir and the path doesn't end with a trailing slash,
// redirect the user.
if f.IsDir && !strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") {
http.Redirect(w, r, m.RootURL()+r.URL.Path+"/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return 0, nil
switch {
case r.URL.Query().Get("download") != "":
code, err = download(c, w, r)
case !f.IsDir && r.URL.Query().Get("checksum") != "":
code, err = serveChecksum(c, w, r)
case r.URL.Query().Get("raw") == "true" && !f.IsDir:
http.ServeFile(w, r, f.Path)
code, err = 0, nil
case f.IsDir:
code, err = serveListing(c, w, r)
code, err = serveSingle(c, w, r)
if err != nil {
code, err = htmlError(w, code, err)
return code, err
return http.StatusNotImplemented, nil
}, w, r)
// Allowed checks if the user has permission to access a directory/file.
@ -1,12 +1,120 @@
package filemanager
import (
func serveHTTP(c *requestContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
var (
code int
err error
// Checks if the URL contains the baseURL. If so, it strips it. Otherwise,
// it throws an error.
if p := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path,; len(p) < len(r.URL.Path) {
r.URL.Path = p
} else {
return http.StatusNotFound, nil
// Checks if the URL matches the Assets URL. Returns the asset if the
// method is GET and Status Forbidden otherwise.
if matchURL(r.URL.Path, assetsURL) {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return serveAssets(c, w, r)
return http.StatusForbidden, nil
username, _, _ := r.BasicAuth()
if _, ok :=[username]; ok {
|||| =[username]
} else {
|||| =
// Checks if the request URL is for the WebDav server.
if matchURL(r.URL.Path, {
return serveWebDAV(c, w, r)
w.Header().Set("x-frame-options", "SAMEORIGIN")
w.Header().Set("x-content-type", "nosniff")
w.Header().Set("x-xss-protection", "1; mode=block")
// Checks if the User is allowed to access this file
if ! {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return htmlError(
w, http.StatusForbidden,
errors.New("You don't have permission to access this page"),
return http.StatusForbidden, nil
if r.URL.Query().Get("search") != "" {
return search(c, w, r)
if r.URL.Query().Get("command") != "" {
return command(c, w, r)
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
var f *fileInfo
// Obtains the information of the directory/file.
f, err = getInfo(r.URL,,
if err != nil {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
return htmlError(w, code, err)
code = errorToHTTP(err, false)
return code, err
|||| = f
// If it's a dir and the path doesn't end with a trailing slash,
// redirect the user.
if f.IsDir && !strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") {
http.Redirect(w, r,"/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return 0, nil
switch {
case r.URL.Query().Get("download") != "":
code, err = download(c, w, r)
case !f.IsDir && r.URL.Query().Get("checksum") != "":
code, err = serveChecksum(c, w, r)
case r.URL.Query().Get("raw") == "true" && !f.IsDir:
http.ServeFile(w, r, f.Path)
code, err = 0, nil
case f.IsDir:
code, err = serveListing(c, w, r)
code, err = serveSingle(c, w, r)
if err != nil {
code, err = htmlError(w, code, err)
return code, err
return http.StatusNotImplemented, nil
// serveWebDAV handles the webDAV route of the File Manager.
func serveWebDAV(c *requestContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
var err error
Reference in New Issue