chore: fix translation files indent
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"close": "إغلاق",
"copy": "نسخ",
"copyFile": "نسخ الملف",
"copyToClipboard": "نسخ الى الحافظة",
"create": "إنشاء",
"delete": "حذف",
"download": "تحميل",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "معلومات",
"more": "المزيد",
"move": "نقل",
"moveFile": "نقل الملف",
"new": "جديد",
"next": "التالي",
"ok": "موافق",
"permalink": "الحصول على لنك دائم",
"previous": "السابق",
"publish": "نشر",
"rename": "إعادة تسمية",
"replace": "استبدال",
"reportIssue": "إبلاغ عن مشكلة",
"save": "حفظ",
"schedule": "جدولة",
"search": "بحث",
"select": "تحديد",
"selectMultiple": "تحديد متعدد",
"share": "مشاركة",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "تغيير العرض",
"toggleSidebar": "تبديل الشريط الجانبي",
"update": "تحديث",
"upload": "رفع"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "لقد حدث خطأ ما.",
"notFound": "لا يمكن الوصول لهذا المحتوى."
"files": {
"body": "الصفحة",
"clear": "مسح",
"closePreview": "إغلاق العرض",
"files": "الملفات",
"folders": "المجلدات",
"home": "الصفحة الاولى",
"lastModified": "آخر تعديل",
"loading": "جاري التحميل...",
"lonely": "تبدو وحيدا هنا...",
"metadata": "بيانات تعريفية",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "التحديد المتعدد مفعل",
"name": "الإسم",
"size": "الحجم",
"sortByLastModified": "الترتيب بآخر تعديل",
"sortByName": "الترتيب بالإسم",
"sortBySize": "الترتيب بالحجم"
"help": {
"click": "حدد الملف أو المجلد",
"ctrl": {
"click": "حدد أكثر من ملف او مجلد",
"f": "إبدأ البحث",
"s": "حمل الملف او المجلد في هذا المكان"
"del": "حذف البيانات المحددة",
"doubleClick": "فتح المجلد او الملف",
"esc": "مسح التحديد وإغلاق النافذة المنبثقة",
"f1": "هذه المعلومات",
"f2": "إعادة تسمية الملف",
"help": "مساعدة"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "تسجيل دخول",
"username": "إسم المستخدم",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "بيانات دخول خاطئة"
"permanent": "دائم",
"prompts": {
"copy": "نسخ",
"copyMessage": "رجاء حدد المكان لنسخ ملفاتك فيه:",
"currentlyNavigating": "يتم الإنتقال حاليا إلى:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف {count} ملف؟",
"deleteMessageSingle": "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف هذا الملف/المجلد؟",
"deleteTitle": "حذف الملفات",
"displayName": "الإسم:",
"download": "تحميل الملفات",
"downloadMessage": "حدد إمتداد الملف المراد تحميله.",
"error": "لقد حدث خطأ ما",
"fileInfo": "معلومات الملف",
"filesSelected": "تم تحديد {count} ملفات.",
"lastModified": "آخر تعديل",
"move": "نقل",
"moveMessage": "إختر مكان جديد للملفات أو المجلدات المراد نقلها:",
"newArchetype": "إنشاء منشور من المنشور الأصلي. الملف سيتم انشاءه في مجلد المحتويات.",
"newDir": "مجلد جديد",
"newDirMessage": "رجاء أدخل اسم المجلد الجديد.",
"newFile": "ملف جديد",
"newFileMessage": "رجاء ادخل اسم الملف الجديد.",
"numberDirs": "عدد المجلدات",
"numberFiles": "عدد الملفات",
"rename": "إعادة تسمية",
"renameMessage": "إدراج اسم جديد لـ",
"replace": "إستبدال",
"replaceMessage": "أحد الملفات التي تحاول رفعها يتعارض مع ملف موجود بنفس الإسم. هل تريد إستبدال الملف الموجود؟\n",
"schedule": "جدولة",
"scheduleMessage": "أختر الوقت والتاريخ لجدولة نشر هذا المقال.",
"show": "عرض",
"size": "الحجم",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "الصور",
"music": "الموسيقى",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "البحث...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "الأنواع",
"video": "فيديوهات"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "تنفيذ الأوامر",
"allowEdit": "تعديل، إعادة تسمية وحذف الملفات والمجلدات",
"allowNew": "إنشاء ملفات ومجلدات جديدة",
"allowPublish": "نشر مقالات وصفحات جديدة",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(أتركه فارغاً إن لم ترد تغييره)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "تم تحديث الأوامر",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "ستايل مخصص",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "أمثلة",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "إعدادات عامة",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "اللغة",
"lockPassword": "منع المستخدم من تغيير كلمة المرور",
"newPassword": "كلمة المرور الجديدة",
"newPasswordConfirm": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"newUser": "مستخدم جديد",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"passwordUpdated": "تم تغيير كلمة المرور",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "الصلاحيات",
"permissionsHelp": "يمكنك تعيين المستخدم كـ \"مدير\" أو تحديد الصلاحيات بشكل منفرد.\n إذا قمت بتحديد المستخدم كـ \"مدير\"، باقي الخيارات سيتم تحديدها تلقائياً.\n إدارة المستخدمين تبقى صلاحية فريدة للـ \"مدير\" فقط.\n",
"profileSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"ruleExample1": "منع الوصول إلى الملفات التي تبدأ بنقطة مثل (.git، و .gitignore) في كل مجلد.\n",
"ruleExample2": "منع الوصول إلى الملف المسمى Caddyfile في نطاق الجذر.",
"rules": "المجموعات",
"rulesHelp": "يمكنك هنا تحديد مجموعة من شروط السماح والمنع لهذا المستخدم. الملفات الممنوعة لن تظهر ضمن القائمة لهذا المستخدم ولن يستطيع الوصول لها. هنا ندعم الـ regex والـ relative path لنطاق المستخدمين.\n",
"scope": "نطاق",
"settingsUpdated": "تم تعديل الإعدادات",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "المستخدم",
"userCommands": "الأوامر",
"userCommandsHelp": "الأوامر المتاحة لهذا المستخدم مفصولة فيما بينها بمسافة. مثال:\n",
"userCreated": "تم إنشاء المستخدم",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "تم حذف المستخدم",
"userManagement": "إدارة المستخدمين",
"userUpdated": "تم تعديل المستخدم",
"username": "إسم المستخدم",
"users": "المستخدمين"
"sidebar": {
"help": "مساعدة",
"hugoNew": "هيوجو جديد",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "تسجيل خروج",
"myFiles": "ملفاتي",
"newFile": "ملف جديد",
"newFolder": "مجلد جديد",
"preview": "معاينة",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "إعدادات الموقع"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "تم نسخ الملف"
"time": {
"days": "أيام",
"hours": "ساعات",
"minutes": "دقائق",
"seconds": "ثواني",
"unit": "وحدة الوقت"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"close": "إغلاق",
"copy": "نسخ",
"copyFile": "نسخ الملف",
"copyToClipboard": "نسخ الى الحافظة",
"create": "إنشاء",
"delete": "حذف",
"download": "تحميل",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "معلومات",
"more": "المزيد",
"move": "نقل",
"moveFile": "نقل الملف",
"new": "جديد",
"next": "التالي",
"ok": "موافق",
"permalink": "الحصول على لنك دائم",
"previous": "السابق",
"publish": "نشر",
"rename": "إعادة تسمية",
"replace": "استبدال",
"reportIssue": "إبلاغ عن مشكلة",
"save": "حفظ",
"schedule": "جدولة",
"search": "بحث",
"select": "تحديد",
"selectMultiple": "تحديد متعدد",
"share": "مشاركة",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "تغيير العرض",
"toggleSidebar": "تبديل الشريط الجانبي",
"update": "تحديث",
"upload": "رفع"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "لقد حدث خطأ ما.",
"notFound": "لا يمكن الوصول لهذا المحتوى."
"files": {
"body": "الصفحة",
"clear": "مسح",
"closePreview": "إغلاق العرض",
"files": "الملفات",
"folders": "المجلدات",
"home": "الصفحة الاولى",
"lastModified": "آخر تعديل",
"loading": "جاري التحميل...",
"lonely": "تبدو وحيدا هنا...",
"metadata": "بيانات تعريفية",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "التحديد المتعدد مفعل",
"name": "الإسم",
"size": "الحجم",
"sortByLastModified": "الترتيب بآخر تعديل",
"sortByName": "الترتيب بالإسم",
"sortBySize": "الترتيب بالحجم"
"help": {
"click": "حدد الملف أو المجلد",
"ctrl": {
"click": "حدد أكثر من ملف او مجلد",
"f": "إبدأ البحث",
"s": "حمل الملف او المجلد في هذا المكان"
"del": "حذف البيانات المحددة",
"doubleClick": "فتح المجلد او الملف",
"esc": "مسح التحديد وإغلاق النافذة المنبثقة",
"f1": "هذه المعلومات",
"f2": "إعادة تسمية الملف",
"help": "مساعدة"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "تسجيل دخول",
"username": "إسم المستخدم",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "بيانات دخول خاطئة"
"permanent": "دائم",
"prompts": {
"copy": "نسخ",
"copyMessage": "رجاء حدد المكان لنسخ ملفاتك فيه:",
"currentlyNavigating": "يتم الإنتقال حاليا إلى:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف {count} ملف؟",
"deleteMessageSingle": "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف هذا الملف/المجلد؟",
"deleteTitle": "حذف الملفات",
"displayName": "الإسم:",
"download": "تحميل الملفات",
"downloadMessage": "حدد إمتداد الملف المراد تحميله.",
"error": "لقد حدث خطأ ما",
"fileInfo": "معلومات الملف",
"filesSelected": "تم تحديد {count} ملفات.",
"lastModified": "آخر تعديل",
"move": "نقل",
"moveMessage": "إختر مكان جديد للملفات أو المجلدات المراد نقلها:",
"newArchetype": "إنشاء منشور من المنشور الأصلي. الملف سيتم انشاءه في مجلد المحتويات.",
"newDir": "مجلد جديد",
"newDirMessage": "رجاء أدخل اسم المجلد الجديد.",
"newFile": "ملف جديد",
"newFileMessage": "رجاء ادخل اسم الملف الجديد.",
"numberDirs": "عدد المجلدات",
"numberFiles": "عدد الملفات",
"rename": "إعادة تسمية",
"renameMessage": "إدراج اسم جديد لـ",
"replace": "إستبدال",
"replaceMessage": "أحد الملفات التي تحاول رفعها يتعارض مع ملف موجود بنفس الإسم. هل تريد إستبدال الملف الموجود؟\n",
"schedule": "جدولة",
"scheduleMessage": "أختر الوقت والتاريخ لجدولة نشر هذا المقال.",
"show": "عرض",
"size": "الحجم",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "الصور",
"music": "الموسيقى",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "البحث...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "الأنواع",
"video": "فيديوهات"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "تنفيذ الأوامر",
"allowEdit": "تعديل، إعادة تسمية وحذف الملفات والمجلدات",
"allowNew": "إنشاء ملفات ومجلدات جديدة",
"allowPublish": "نشر مقالات وصفحات جديدة",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(أتركه فارغاً إن لم ترد تغييره)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "تم تحديث الأوامر",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "ستايل مخصص",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "أمثلة",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "إعدادات عامة",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "اللغة",
"lockPassword": "منع المستخدم من تغيير كلمة المرور",
"newPassword": "كلمة المرور الجديدة",
"newPasswordConfirm": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"newUser": "مستخدم جديد",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"passwordUpdated": "تم تغيير كلمة المرور",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "الصلاحيات",
"permissionsHelp": "يمكنك تعيين المستخدم كـ \"مدير\" أو تحديد الصلاحيات بشكل منفرد.\n إذا قمت بتحديد المستخدم كـ \"مدير\"، باقي الخيارات سيتم تحديدها تلقائياً.\n إدارة المستخدمين تبقى صلاحية فريدة للـ \"مدير\" فقط.\n",
"profileSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"ruleExample1": "منع الوصول إلى الملفات التي تبدأ بنقطة مثل (.git، و .gitignore) في كل مجلد.\n",
"ruleExample2": "منع الوصول إلى الملف المسمى Caddyfile في نطاق الجذر.",
"rules": "المجموعات",
"rulesHelp": "يمكنك هنا تحديد مجموعة من شروط السماح والمنع لهذا المستخدم. الملفات الممنوعة لن تظهر ضمن القائمة لهذا المستخدم ولن يستطيع الوصول لها. هنا ندعم الـ regex والـ relative path لنطاق المستخدمين.\n",
"scope": "نطاق",
"settingsUpdated": "تم تعديل الإعدادات",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "المستخدم",
"userCommands": "الأوامر",
"userCommandsHelp": "الأوامر المتاحة لهذا المستخدم مفصولة فيما بينها بمسافة. مثال:\n",
"userCreated": "تم إنشاء المستخدم",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "تم حذف المستخدم",
"userManagement": "إدارة المستخدمين",
"userUpdated": "تم تعديل المستخدم",
"username": "إسم المستخدم",
"users": "المستخدمين"
"sidebar": {
"help": "مساعدة",
"hugoNew": "هيوجو جديد",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "تسجيل خروج",
"myFiles": "ملفاتي",
"newFile": "ملف جديد",
"newFolder": "مجلد جديد",
"preview": "معاينة",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "إعدادات الموقع"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "تم نسخ الملف"
"time": {
"days": "أيام",
"hours": "ساعات",
"minutes": "دقائق",
"seconds": "ثواني",
"unit": "وحدة الوقت"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"close": "Schließen",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyFile": "Kopiere Datei",
"copyToClipboard": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"create": "Neu",
"delete": "Löschen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "mehr",
"move": "Verschieben",
"moveFile": "Verschiebe Datei",
"new": "Neu",
"next": "nächste",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "permanenten Verweis anzeigen",
"previous": "vorherige",
"publish": "Veröffentlichen",
"rename": "umbenennen",
"replace": "Ersetzen",
"reportIssue": "Fehler melden",
"save": "Speichern",
"schedule": "Planung",
"search": "Suchen",
"select": "Auswählen",
"selectMultiple": "Mehrfachauswahl",
"share": "Teilen",
"shell": "Kommandozeile ein/ausschalten",
"switchView": "Ansicht wechseln",
"toggleSidebar": "Seitenleiste anzeigen",
"update": "Update",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download Datei",
"downloadFolder": "Download Ordner",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Sie haben keine Berechtigung dies abzurufen.",
"internal": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen.",
"notFound": "Dieser Ort kann nicht angezeigt werden."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Clear",
"closePreview": "Vorschau schließen",
"files": "Dateien",
"folders": "Ordner",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "zuletzt verändert",
"loading": "Lade...",
"lonely": "Hier scheint nichts zu sein...",
"metadata": "Metadaten",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Mehrfachauswahl ausgewählt",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Größe",
"sortByLastModified": "Nach Änderungsdatum sortieren",
"sortByName": "Nach Namen sortieren",
"sortBySize": "Nach Größe sortieren"
"help": {
"click": "wähle Datei oder Ordner",
"ctrl": {
"click": "markiere mehrere Dateien oder Ordner",
"f": "öffnet eine neue Suche",
"s": "speichert eine Datei oder einen Ordner am akutellen Ort"
"del": "löscht die ausgewählten Elemente",
"doubleClick": "öffnet eine Datei oder einen Ordner",
"esc": "Auswahl zurücksetzen und/oder Dialog schließen",
"f1": "diese Informationsseite",
"f2": "Datei umbenennen",
"help": "Hilfe"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Account erstellen",
"loginInstead": "Account besteht bereits",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordConfirm": "Passwort Bestätigung",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"signup": "Registrieren",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Benutzername",
"usernameTaken": "Benutzername ist bereits vergeben",
"wrongCredentials": "Falsche Zugangsdaten"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyMessage": "Wählen Sie einen Zielort zum Kopieren:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Aktueller Ort:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {count} Datei(en) löschen möchten?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Ordner/diese Datei löschen möchten?",
"deleteTitle": "Lösche Dateien",
"displayName": "Display Name:",
"download": "Lade Dateien",
"downloadMessage": "Wählen Sie ein Format zum downloaden aus.",
"error": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen",
"fileInfo": "Dateiinformation",
"filesSelected": "{count} Dateien ausgewählt.",
"lastModified": "Zuletzt geändert",
"move": "Verschieben",
"moveMessage": "Wählen sie einen neuen Platz für ihre Datei(en)/Ordner:",
"newArchetype": "Erstelle neuen Beitrag auf dem Archetyp. Ihre Datei wird im Inhalteordner erstellt.",
"newDir": "Neuer Ordner",
"newDirMessage": "Geben Sie den Namen des neuen Ordners an.",
"newFile": "Neue Datei",
"newFileMessage": "Geben Sie den Namen der neuen Datei an.",
"numberDirs": "Anzahl der Ordner",
"numberFiles": "Anzahl der Dateien",
"rename": "Umbenennen",
"renameMessage": "Fügen Sie einen Namen ein für",
"replace": "Ersetzen",
"replaceMessage": "Eine der Datei mit dem gleichen Namen, wie die Sie hochladen wollen, existiert bereits. Soll die vorhandene Datei ersetzt werden ?\n",
"schedule": "Plan",
"scheduleMessage": "Wählen Sie ein Datum und eine Zeit für die Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags.",
"show": "Anzeigen",
"size": "Größe",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Bilder",
"music": "Musik",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Drücken sie Enter um zu suchen...",
"search": "Suche...",
"typeToSearch": "Tippe um zu suchen...",
"types": "Typen",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Befehle ausführen",
"allowEdit": "Bearbeiten, Umbenennen und Löschen von Dateien oder Ordnern",
"allowNew": "Erstellen neuer Dateien und Ordner",
"allowPublish": "Veröffentlichen von neuen Beiträgen und Seiten",
"allowSignup": "Erlaube Benutzern sich zu registrieren",
"avoidChanges": "(leer lassen um Änderungen zu vermeiden)",
"branding": "Marke",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Markenverzeichnispfad",
"brandingHelp": "Sie können das Erscheinungsbild ihres File Browser anpassen, in dem sie den Namen ändern, das Logo austauchsen oder eigene Stile definieren und sogar externe Links zu GitHub deaktivieren.\nUm mehr Informationen zum Anpassen an ihre Marke zu bekommen, gehen sie bitte zu {0}.",
"changePassword": "Ändere das Passwort",
"commandRunner": "Befehlseingabe",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hier könne sie Befehle eintragen die bei benannten Aktionen ausgeführt werden. Sie müssen pro Zeile jeweils einen eingeben. Die Umgebungsvariable {0} und {1} sind verfügbar, wobei {0} relative zu {1} ist. Für mehr Informationen über diese Funktion und die verfügbaren Umgebungsvariablen, lesen sie bitte das {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Befehle aktualisiert!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Individuelles Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Das sind die Standard Einstellunge für Benutzer",
"disableExternalLinks": "Externe Links deaktivieren (außer Dokumentation)",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"examples": "Beispiele",
"executeOnShell": "In shell ausführen",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Es ist voreingestellt das der File Brower Befehle ausführt in dem er die Befehlsdatein direkt auf ruft. Wenn sie wollen das sie auf einer Kommandozeile (wo Bash oder PowerShell) laufen, könne sie das hier definieren mit allen bennötigten Argumenten und Optionen. Wenn gesetzt, wird das Kommando das ausgeführt werden soll als Parameter angehängt. Das gilt für Benuzerkommandos sowie auch für Ereignisse.",
"globalRules": "Das ist ein globales Set von Regeln die erlauben oder nicht erlauben. Die sind für alle Benutzer zutreffend. Es können spezielle Regeln in den Einstellungen der Benutzer definiert werden die diese übersteuern.",
"globalSettings": "Globale Einstellungen",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Pfad einfügen",
"insertRegex": "Regex Ausdruck einfügen",
"instanceName": "Instanzname",
"language": "Sprache",
"lockPassword": "Verhindere, dass der Benutzer sein Passwort ändert",
"newPassword": "Ihr neues Passwort.",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bestätigen Sie Ihr neues Passwort",
"newUser": "Neuer Benutzer",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordUpdated": "Passwort aktualisiert!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Dateien und Ordner erstellen",
"delete": "Dateien und Ordner löschen",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Befehle ausführen",
"modify": "Dateien editieren",
"rename": "Umbenennen oder Verschieben von Dateien oder Ordnern",
"share": "Datei teilen"
"permissions": "Berechtigungen",
"permissionsHelp": "Sie können einem Benutzer Administratorrechte einräumen oder die Berechtigunen individuell festlegen. Wenn Sie \"Administrator\" auswählen, werden alle anderen Rechte automatisch vergeben. Die Nutzerverwaltung kann nur durch einen Administrator erfolgen.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profileinstellungen",
"ruleExample1": "Verhindert den Zugang zu dot Dateien (dot Files, wie .git, .gitignore) in allen Ordnern\n",
"ruleExample2": "blockiert den Zugang auf Dateien mit dem Namen Caddyfile in der Wurzel/Basis des scopes.",
"rules": "Regeln",
"rulesHelp": "Hier können Sie erlaubte und verbotene Aktionen für einen einzelnen Benutzer festlegen. Bockierte Dateien werden nicht im Listing angezeigt und sind nicht erreichbar für den Nutzer. Wir unterstützen reguläre Ausdrücke (Regex) und Pfade die relativ zum Benutzerordner sind. \n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Einstellungen aktualisiert!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Benutzer",
"userCommands": "Befehle",
"userCommandsHelp": "Eine Liste, mit einem Leerzeichen als Trennung, mit den für diesen Nutzer verfügbaren Befehlen. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Benutzer angelegt!",
"userDefaults": "Benutzer Standard Einstellungen",
"userDeleted": "Benutzer gelöscht!",
"userManagement": "Benutzerverwaltung",
"userUpdated": "Benutzer aktualisiert!",
"username": "Nutzername",
"users": "Nutzer"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hilfe",
"hugoNew": "Hugo Neu",
"login": "Anmelden",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "Meine Dateien",
"newFile": "Neue Datei",
"newFolder": "Neuer Ordner",
"preview": "Vorschau",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"signup": "Registrieren",
"siteSettings": "Seiteneinstellungen"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Verweis wurde kopiert!"
"time": {
"days": "Tage",
"hours": "Stunden",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"seconds": "Sekunden",
"unit": "Zeiteinheit"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"close": "Schließen",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyFile": "Kopiere Datei",
"copyToClipboard": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"create": "Neu",
"delete": "Löschen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "mehr",
"move": "Verschieben",
"moveFile": "Verschiebe Datei",
"new": "Neu",
"next": "nächste",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "permanenten Verweis anzeigen",
"previous": "vorherige",
"publish": "Veröffentlichen",
"rename": "umbenennen",
"replace": "Ersetzen",
"reportIssue": "Fehler melden",
"save": "Speichern",
"schedule": "Planung",
"search": "Suchen",
"select": "Auswählen",
"selectMultiple": "Mehrfachauswahl",
"share": "Teilen",
"shell": "Kommandozeile ein/ausschalten",
"switchView": "Ansicht wechseln",
"toggleSidebar": "Seitenleiste anzeigen",
"update": "Update",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download Datei",
"downloadFolder": "Download Ordner",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Sie haben keine Berechtigung dies abzurufen.",
"internal": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen.",
"notFound": "Dieser Ort kann nicht angezeigt werden."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Clear",
"closePreview": "Vorschau schließen",
"files": "Dateien",
"folders": "Ordner",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "zuletzt verändert",
"loading": "Lade...",
"lonely": "Hier scheint nichts zu sein...",
"metadata": "Metadaten",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Mehrfachauswahl ausgewählt",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Größe",
"sortByLastModified": "Nach Änderungsdatum sortieren",
"sortByName": "Nach Namen sortieren",
"sortBySize": "Nach Größe sortieren"
"help": {
"click": "wähle Datei oder Ordner",
"ctrl": {
"click": "markiere mehrere Dateien oder Ordner",
"f": "öffnet eine neue Suche",
"s": "speichert eine Datei oder einen Ordner am akutellen Ort"
"del": "löscht die ausgewählten Elemente",
"doubleClick": "öffnet eine Datei oder einen Ordner",
"esc": "Auswahl zurücksetzen und/oder Dialog schließen",
"f1": "diese Informationsseite",
"f2": "Datei umbenennen",
"help": "Hilfe"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Account erstellen",
"loginInstead": "Account besteht bereits",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordConfirm": "Passwort Bestätigung",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"signup": "Registrieren",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Benutzername",
"usernameTaken": "Benutzername ist bereits vergeben",
"wrongCredentials": "Falsche Zugangsdaten"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyMessage": "Wählen Sie einen Zielort zum Kopieren:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Aktueller Ort:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {count} Datei(en) löschen möchten?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Ordner/diese Datei löschen möchten?",
"deleteTitle": "Lösche Dateien",
"displayName": "Display Name:",
"download": "Lade Dateien",
"downloadMessage": "Wählen Sie ein Format zum downloaden aus.",
"error": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen",
"fileInfo": "Dateiinformation",
"filesSelected": "{count} Dateien ausgewählt.",
"lastModified": "Zuletzt geändert",
"move": "Verschieben",
"moveMessage": "Wählen sie einen neuen Platz für ihre Datei(en)/Ordner:",
"newArchetype": "Erstelle neuen Beitrag auf dem Archetyp. Ihre Datei wird im Inhalteordner erstellt.",
"newDir": "Neuer Ordner",
"newDirMessage": "Geben Sie den Namen des neuen Ordners an.",
"newFile": "Neue Datei",
"newFileMessage": "Geben Sie den Namen der neuen Datei an.",
"numberDirs": "Anzahl der Ordner",
"numberFiles": "Anzahl der Dateien",
"rename": "Umbenennen",
"renameMessage": "Fügen Sie einen Namen ein für",
"replace": "Ersetzen",
"replaceMessage": "Eine der Datei mit dem gleichen Namen, wie die Sie hochladen wollen, existiert bereits. Soll die vorhandene Datei ersetzt werden ?\n",
"schedule": "Plan",
"scheduleMessage": "Wählen Sie ein Datum und eine Zeit für die Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags.",
"show": "Anzeigen",
"size": "Größe",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Bilder",
"music": "Musik",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Drücken sie Enter um zu suchen...",
"search": "Suche...",
"typeToSearch": "Tippe um zu suchen...",
"types": "Typen",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Befehle ausführen",
"allowEdit": "Bearbeiten, Umbenennen und Löschen von Dateien oder Ordnern",
"allowNew": "Erstellen neuer Dateien und Ordner",
"allowPublish": "Veröffentlichen von neuen Beiträgen und Seiten",
"allowSignup": "Erlaube Benutzern sich zu registrieren",
"avoidChanges": "(leer lassen um Änderungen zu vermeiden)",
"branding": "Marke",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Markenverzeichnispfad",
"brandingHelp": "Sie können das Erscheinungsbild ihres File Browser anpassen, in dem sie den Namen ändern, das Logo austauchsen oder eigene Stile definieren und sogar externe Links zu GitHub deaktivieren.\nUm mehr Informationen zum Anpassen an ihre Marke zu bekommen, gehen sie bitte zu {0}.",
"changePassword": "Ändere das Passwort",
"commandRunner": "Befehlseingabe",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hier könne sie Befehle eintragen die bei benannten Aktionen ausgeführt werden. Sie müssen pro Zeile jeweils einen eingeben. Die Umgebungsvariable {0} und {1} sind verfügbar, wobei {0} relative zu {1} ist. Für mehr Informationen über diese Funktion und die verfügbaren Umgebungsvariablen, lesen sie bitte das {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Befehle aktualisiert!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Individuelles Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Das sind die Standard Einstellunge für Benutzer",
"disableExternalLinks": "Externe Links deaktivieren (außer Dokumentation)",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"examples": "Beispiele",
"executeOnShell": "In shell ausführen",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Es ist voreingestellt das der File Brower Befehle ausführt in dem er die Befehlsdatein direkt auf ruft. Wenn sie wollen das sie auf einer Kommandozeile (wo Bash oder PowerShell) laufen, könne sie das hier definieren mit allen bennötigten Argumenten und Optionen. Wenn gesetzt, wird das Kommando das ausgeführt werden soll als Parameter angehängt. Das gilt für Benuzerkommandos sowie auch für Ereignisse.",
"globalRules": "Das ist ein globales Set von Regeln die erlauben oder nicht erlauben. Die sind für alle Benutzer zutreffend. Es können spezielle Regeln in den Einstellungen der Benutzer definiert werden die diese übersteuern.",
"globalSettings": "Globale Einstellungen",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Pfad einfügen",
"insertRegex": "Regex Ausdruck einfügen",
"instanceName": "Instanzname",
"language": "Sprache",
"lockPassword": "Verhindere, dass der Benutzer sein Passwort ändert",
"newPassword": "Ihr neues Passwort.",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bestätigen Sie Ihr neues Passwort",
"newUser": "Neuer Benutzer",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordUpdated": "Passwort aktualisiert!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Dateien und Ordner erstellen",
"delete": "Dateien und Ordner löschen",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Befehle ausführen",
"modify": "Dateien editieren",
"rename": "Umbenennen oder Verschieben von Dateien oder Ordnern",
"share": "Datei teilen"
"permissions": "Berechtigungen",
"permissionsHelp": "Sie können einem Benutzer Administratorrechte einräumen oder die Berechtigunen individuell festlegen. Wenn Sie \"Administrator\" auswählen, werden alle anderen Rechte automatisch vergeben. Die Nutzerverwaltung kann nur durch einen Administrator erfolgen.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profileinstellungen",
"ruleExample1": "Verhindert den Zugang zu dot Dateien (dot Files, wie .git, .gitignore) in allen Ordnern\n",
"ruleExample2": "blockiert den Zugang auf Dateien mit dem Namen Caddyfile in der Wurzel/Basis des scopes.",
"rules": "Regeln",
"rulesHelp": "Hier können Sie erlaubte und verbotene Aktionen für einen einzelnen Benutzer festlegen. Bockierte Dateien werden nicht im Listing angezeigt und sind nicht erreichbar für den Nutzer. Wir unterstützen reguläre Ausdrücke (Regex) und Pfade die relativ zum Benutzerordner sind. \n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Einstellungen aktualisiert!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Benutzer",
"userCommands": "Befehle",
"userCommandsHelp": "Eine Liste, mit einem Leerzeichen als Trennung, mit den für diesen Nutzer verfügbaren Befehlen. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Benutzer angelegt!",
"userDefaults": "Benutzer Standard Einstellungen",
"userDeleted": "Benutzer gelöscht!",
"userManagement": "Benutzerverwaltung",
"userUpdated": "Benutzer aktualisiert!",
"username": "Nutzername",
"users": "Nutzer"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hilfe",
"hugoNew": "Hugo Neu",
"login": "Anmelden",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "Meine Dateien",
"newFile": "Neue Datei",
"newFolder": "Neuer Ordner",
"preview": "Vorschau",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"signup": "Registrieren",
"siteSettings": "Seiteneinstellungen"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Verweis wurde kopiert!"
"time": {
"days": "Tage",
"hours": "Stunden",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"seconds": "Sekunden",
"unit": "Zeiteinheit"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"copy": "Copy",
"copyFile": "Copy file",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"create": "Create",
"delete": "Delete",
"download": "Download",
"hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles",
"info": "Info",
"more": "More",
"move": "Move",
"moveFile": "Move file",
"new": "New",
"next": "Next",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Get Permanent Link",
"previous": "Previous",
"publish": "Publish",
"rename": "Rename",
"replace": "Replace",
"reportIssue": "Report Issue",
"save": "Save",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"search": "Search",
"select": "Select",
"selectMultiple": "Select multiple",
"share": "Share",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Switch view",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"update": "Update",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": "Download Selected"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Something really went wrong.",
"notFound": "This location can't be reached."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Clear",
"closePreview": "Close preview",
"files": "Files",
"folders": "Folders",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Last modified",
"loading": "Loading...",
"lonely": "It feels lonely here...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Multiple selection enabled",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Size",
"sortByLastModified": "Sort by last modified",
"sortByName": "Sort by name",
"sortBySize": "Sort by size"
"help": {
"click": "select file or directory",
"ctrl": {
"click": "select multiple files or directories",
"f": "opens search",
"s": "save a file or download the directory where you are"
"del": "delete selected items",
"doubleClick": "open a file or directory",
"esc": "clear selection and/or close the prompt",
"f1": "this information",
"f2": "rename file",
"help": "Help"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch (Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish (Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Password",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Username",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Wrong credentials"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copy",
"copyMessage": "Choose the place to copy your files:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Currently navigating on:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} file(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Are you sure you want to delete this file/folder?",
"deleteTitle": "Delete files",
"displayName": "Display Name:",
"download": "Download files",
"downloadMessage": "Choose the format you want to download.",
"error": "Something went wrong",
"fileInfo": "File information",
"filesSelected": "{count} files selected.",
"lastModified": "Last Modified",
"move": "Move",
"moveMessage": "Choose new house for your file(s)/folder(s):",
"newArchetype": "Create a new post based on an archetype. Your file will be created on content folder.",
"newDir": "New directory",
"newDirMessage": "Write the name of the new directory.",
"newFile": "New file",
"newFileMessage": "Write the name of the new file.",
"numberDirs": "Number of directories",
"numberFiles": "Number of files",
"rename": "Rename",
"renameMessage": "Insert a new name for",
"replace": "Replace",
"replaceMessage": "One of the files you're trying to upload is conflicting because of its name. Do you wish to replace the existing one?\n",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"scheduleMessage": "Pick a date and time to schedule the publication of this post.",
"show": "Show",
"size": "Size",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadMessage": "Select an option to upload."
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Music",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Search...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Execute commands",
"allowEdit": "Edit, rename and delete files or directories",
"allowNew": "Create new files and directories",
"allowPublish": "Publish new posts and pages",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(leave blank to avoid changes)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commands updated!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Custom Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Examples",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Global Settings",
"hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Language",
"lockPassword": "Prevent the user from changing the password",
"newPassword": "Your new password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirm your new password",
"newUser": "New User",
"password": "Password",
"passwordUpdated": "Password updated!",
"path": "Path",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissionsHelp": "You can set the user to be an administrator or choose the permissions individually. If you select \"Administrator\", all of the other options will be automatically checked. The management of users remains a privilege of an administrator.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profile Settings",
"ruleExample1": "prevents the access to any dot file (such as .git, .gitignore) in every folder.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocks the access to the file named Caddyfile on the root of the scope.",
"rules": "Rules",
"rulesHelp": "Here you can define a set of allow and disallow rules for this specific user. The blocked files won't show up in the listings and they wont be accessible to the user. We support regex and paths relative to the users scope.\n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Settings updated!",
"shareDuration": "Share Duration",
"shareManagement": "Share Management",
"singleClick": "Use single clicks to open files and directories",
"themes": {
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"title": "Theme"
"user": "User",
"userCommands": "Commands",
"userCommandsHelp": "A space separated list with the available commands for this user. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "User created!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "User deleted!",
"userManagement": "User Management",
"userUpdated": "User updated!",
"username": "Username",
"users": "Users"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Help",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "My files",
"newFile": "New file",
"newFolder": "New folder",
"preview": "Preview",
"settings": "Settings",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Site Settings"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copied!"
"time": {
"days": "Days",
"hours": "Hours",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"seconds": "Seconds",
"unit": "Time Unit"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"copy": "Copy",
"copyFile": "Copy file",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"create": "Create",
"delete": "Delete",
"download": "Download",
"hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles",
"info": "Info",
"more": "More",
"move": "Move",
"moveFile": "Move file",
"new": "New",
"next": "Next",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Get Permanent Link",
"previous": "Previous",
"publish": "Publish",
"rename": "Rename",
"replace": "Replace",
"reportIssue": "Report Issue",
"save": "Save",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"search": "Search",
"select": "Select",
"selectMultiple": "Select multiple",
"share": "Share",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Switch view",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"update": "Update",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": "Download Selected"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Something really went wrong.",
"notFound": "This location can't be reached."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Clear",
"closePreview": "Close preview",
"files": "Files",
"folders": "Folders",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Last modified",
"loading": "Loading...",
"lonely": "It feels lonely here...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Multiple selection enabled",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Size",
"sortByLastModified": "Sort by last modified",
"sortByName": "Sort by name",
"sortBySize": "Sort by size"
"help": {
"click": "select file or directory",
"ctrl": {
"click": "select multiple files or directories",
"f": "opens search",
"s": "save a file or download the directory where you are"
"del": "delete selected items",
"doubleClick": "open a file or directory",
"esc": "clear selection and/or close the prompt",
"f1": "this information",
"f2": "rename file",
"help": "Help"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch (Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish (Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Password",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Username",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Wrong credentials"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copy",
"copyMessage": "Choose the place to copy your files:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Currently navigating on:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} file(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Are you sure you want to delete this file/folder?",
"deleteTitle": "Delete files",
"displayName": "Display Name:",
"download": "Download files",
"downloadMessage": "Choose the format you want to download.",
"error": "Something went wrong",
"fileInfo": "File information",
"filesSelected": "{count} files selected.",
"lastModified": "Last Modified",
"move": "Move",
"moveMessage": "Choose new house for your file(s)/folder(s):",
"newArchetype": "Create a new post based on an archetype. Your file will be created on content folder.",
"newDir": "New directory",
"newDirMessage": "Write the name of the new directory.",
"newFile": "New file",
"newFileMessage": "Write the name of the new file.",
"numberDirs": "Number of directories",
"numberFiles": "Number of files",
"rename": "Rename",
"renameMessage": "Insert a new name for",
"replace": "Replace",
"replaceMessage": "One of the files you're trying to upload is conflicting because of its name. Do you wish to replace the existing one?\n",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"scheduleMessage": "Pick a date and time to schedule the publication of this post.",
"show": "Show",
"size": "Size",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadMessage": "Select an option to upload."
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Music",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Search...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Execute commands",
"allowEdit": "Edit, rename and delete files or directories",
"allowNew": "Create new files and directories",
"allowPublish": "Publish new posts and pages",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(leave blank to avoid changes)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commands updated!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Custom Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Examples",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Global Settings",
"hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Language",
"lockPassword": "Prevent the user from changing the password",
"newPassword": "Your new password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirm your new password",
"newUser": "New User",
"password": "Password",
"passwordUpdated": "Password updated!",
"path": "Path",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissionsHelp": "You can set the user to be an administrator or choose the permissions individually. If you select \"Administrator\", all of the other options will be automatically checked. The management of users remains a privilege of an administrator.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profile Settings",
"ruleExample1": "prevents the access to any dot file (such as .git, .gitignore) in every folder.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocks the access to the file named Caddyfile on the root of the scope.",
"rules": "Rules",
"rulesHelp": "Here you can define a set of allow and disallow rules for this specific user. The blocked files won't show up in the listings and they wont be accessible to the user. We support regex and paths relative to the users scope.\n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Settings updated!",
"shareDuration": "Share Duration",
"shareManagement": "Share Management",
"singleClick": "Use single clicks to open files and directories",
"themes": {
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"title": "Theme"
"user": "User",
"userCommands": "Commands",
"userCommandsHelp": "A space separated list with the available commands for this user. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "User created!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "User deleted!",
"userManagement": "User Management",
"userUpdated": "User updated!",
"username": "Username",
"users": "Users"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Help",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "My files",
"newFile": "New file",
"newFolder": "New folder",
"preview": "Preview",
"settings": "Settings",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Site Settings"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copied!"
"time": {
"days": "Days",
"hours": "Hours",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"seconds": "Seconds",
"unit": "Time Unit"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar archivo",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"create": "Crear",
"delete": "Borrar",
"download": "Descargar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Más",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover archivo",
"new": "Nuevo",
"next": "Siguiente",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Renombrar",
"replace": "Reemplazar",
"reportIssue": "Reportar problema",
"save": "Guardar",
"schedule": "Programar",
"search": "Buscar",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selección múltiple",
"share": "Compartir",
"shell": "Presiona Enter para buscar...",
"switchView": "Cambiar vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Mostrar/Ocultar menú",
"update": "Actualizar",
"upload": "Subir"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descargar fichero",
"downloadFolder": "Descargar directorio",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "No tienes los permisos necesarios para acceder.",
"internal": "La verdad es que algo ha ido mal.",
"notFound": "No se puede acceder a este lugar."
"files": {
"body": "Cuerpo",
"clear": "Limpiar",
"closePreview": "Cerrar vista previa",
"files": "Archivos",
"folders": "Carpetas",
"home": "Inicio",
"lastModified": "Última modificación",
"loading": "Cargando...",
"lonely": "Uno se siente muy sólo aquí...",
"metadata": "Metadatos",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selección múltiple activada",
"name": "Nombre",
"size": "Tamaño",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar por última modificación",
"sortByName": "Ordenar por nombre",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar por tamaño"
"help": {
"click": "seleccionar archivo o carpeta",
"ctrl": {
"click": "seleccionar múltiples archivos o carpetas",
"f": "abre la búsqueda",
"s": "guarda un archivo o lo descarga a la carpeta en la que estás"
"del": "elimina los items seleccionados",
"doubleClick": "abre un archivo o carpeta",
"esc": "limpia la selección y/o cierra la ventana",
"f1": "esta información",
"f2": "renombrar archivo",
"help": "Ayuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Crear una cuenta",
"loginInstead": "Usuario ya existente",
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmación de contraseña",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"signup": "Registrate",
"submit": "Iniciar sesión",
"username": "Usuario",
"usernameTaken": "Nombre usuario no disponible",
"wrongCredentials": "Usuario y/o contraseña incorrectos"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Elige el lugar donde quieres copiar tus archivos:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Actualmente estás en:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar {count} archivo(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar este archivo/carpeta?",
"deleteTitle": "Borrar archivos",
"displayName": "Nombre:",
"download": "Descargar archivos",
"downloadMessage": "Elige el formato de descarga.",
"error": "Algo ha fallado",
"fileInfo": "Información del archivo",
"filesSelected": "{count} archivos seleccionados.",
"lastModified": "Última modificación",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Elige una nueva casa para tus archivo(s)/carpeta(s):",
"newArchetype": "Crea un nuevo post basado en un arquetipo. Tu archivo será creado en la carpeta de contenido.",
"newDir": "Nueva carpeta",
"newDirMessage": "Escribe el nombre de la nueva carpeta.",
"newFile": "Nuevo archivo",
"newFileMessage": "Escribe el nombre del nuevo archivo.",
"numberDirs": "Número de carpetas",
"numberFiles": "Número de archivos",
"rename": "Renombrar",
"renameMessage": "Escribe el nuevo nombre para",
"replace": "Reemplazar",
"replaceMessage": "Uno de los archivos ue intentas subir está creando conflicto por su nombre. ¿Quieres cambiar el nombre del ya existente?\n",
"schedule": "Programar",
"scheduleMessage": "Elige una hora y fecha para programar la publicación de este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamaño",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Presiona enter para buscar...",
"search": "Buscar...",
"typeToSearch": "Escribe para realizar una busqueda...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeo"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Ejecutar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renombrar y borrar archivos o carpetas",
"allowNew": "Crear nuevos archivos y carpetas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar nuevos posts y páginas",
"allowSignup": "Permitir registro de usuarios",
"avoidChanges": "(dejar en blanco para evitar cambios)",
"branding": "Marca",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Ruta de la carpeta de personalizacion de marca",
"brandingHelp": "Tú puedes personalizar como se ve tu instancia de FileBrowser cambiándole el nombre, reemplazando ellogo, agregar estilos personalizados e incluso deshabilitando loslinks externos que apuntan hacia GitHub. \nPara mayor información acerca de personalización de marca, por favor revisa el {0}.",
"changePassword": "Cambiar contraseña",
"commandRunner": "Executor de comandos",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "¡Comandos actualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Crea automaticamente una carpeta de inicio cuando se agrega un usuario",
"customStylesheet": "Modificar hoja de estilos",
"defaultUserDescription": "Estas son las configuraciones por defecto para nuevos usuarios.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Deshabilitar enlaces externos (excepto documentación)",
"documentation": "documentación",
"examples": "Ejemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Ejecutar en la shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Ajustes globales",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Introduce la ruta",
"insertRegex": "Introducir expresión regular",
"instanceName": "Nombre de la instancia",
"language": "Idioma",
"lockPassword": "Evitar que el usuario cambie la contraseña",
"newPassword": "Tu nueva contraseña",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirma tu contraseña",
"newUser": "Nuevo usuario",
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordUpdated": "¡Contraseña actualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Crear ficheros y directorios",
"delete": "Eliminar ficheros y directorios",
"download": "Descargar",
"execute": "Executar comandos",
"modify": "Editar ficheros",
"rename": "Renombrar o mover ficheros y directorios",
"share": "Compartir ficheros"
"permissions": "Permisos",
"permissionsHelp": "Puedes nombrar al usuario como administrador o elegir los permisos individualmente. Si seleccionas \"Administrador\", todas las otras opciones serán activadas automáticamente. La administración de usuarios es un privilegio de administrador.\n",
"profileSettings": "Ajustes del perfil",
"ruleExample1": "previene el acceso a una extensión de archivo (Como .git) en cada carpeta.\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloquea el acceso al archivo llamado Caddyfile en la carpeta raíz.",
"rules": "Reglas",
"rulesHelp": "Aquí puedes definir un conjunto de reglas de permisos para este usuario específico. Los archivos bloqueados no se mostrarán en las listas y no serán accesibles por el usuario. Puedes utilizar regex y rutas relativas a la raíz del usuario.\n",
"scope": "Raíz",
"settingsUpdated": "¡Ajustes actualizados!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Usuario",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Una lista separada por espacios con los comandos permitidos para este usuario. Ejemplo:\n",
"userCreated": "¡Usuario creado!",
"userDefaults": "Configuración de usuario por defecto",
"userDeleted": "¡Usuario eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Administración de usuarios",
"userUpdated": "¡Usuario actualizado!",
"username": "Usuario",
"users": "Usuarios"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ayuda",
"hugoNew": "Nuevo Hugo",
"login": "Iniciar sesión",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"myFiles": "Mis archivos",
"newFile": "Nuevo archivo",
"newFolder": "Nueva carpeta",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"settings": "Ajustes",
"signup": "Registrate",
"siteSettings": "Ajustes del sitio"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "¡Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Días",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidad"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar archivo",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"create": "Crear",
"delete": "Borrar",
"download": "Descargar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Más",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover archivo",
"new": "Nuevo",
"next": "Siguiente",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Renombrar",
"replace": "Reemplazar",
"reportIssue": "Reportar problema",
"save": "Guardar",
"schedule": "Programar",
"search": "Buscar",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selección múltiple",
"share": "Compartir",
"shell": "Presiona Enter para buscar...",
"switchView": "Cambiar vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Mostrar/Ocultar menú",
"update": "Actualizar",
"upload": "Subir"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descargar fichero",
"downloadFolder": "Descargar directorio",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "No tienes los permisos necesarios para acceder.",
"internal": "La verdad es que algo ha ido mal.",
"notFound": "No se puede acceder a este lugar."
"files": {
"body": "Cuerpo",
"clear": "Limpiar",
"closePreview": "Cerrar vista previa",
"files": "Archivos",
"folders": "Carpetas",
"home": "Inicio",
"lastModified": "Última modificación",
"loading": "Cargando...",
"lonely": "Uno se siente muy sólo aquí...",
"metadata": "Metadatos",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selección múltiple activada",
"name": "Nombre",
"size": "Tamaño",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar por última modificación",
"sortByName": "Ordenar por nombre",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar por tamaño"
"help": {
"click": "seleccionar archivo o carpeta",
"ctrl": {
"click": "seleccionar múltiples archivos o carpetas",
"f": "abre la búsqueda",
"s": "guarda un archivo o lo descarga a la carpeta en la que estás"
"del": "elimina los items seleccionados",
"doubleClick": "abre un archivo o carpeta",
"esc": "limpia la selección y/o cierra la ventana",
"f1": "esta información",
"f2": "renombrar archivo",
"help": "Ayuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Crear una cuenta",
"loginInstead": "Usuario ya existente",
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmación de contraseña",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"signup": "Registrate",
"submit": "Iniciar sesión",
"username": "Usuario",
"usernameTaken": "Nombre usuario no disponible",
"wrongCredentials": "Usuario y/o contraseña incorrectos"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Elige el lugar donde quieres copiar tus archivos:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Actualmente estás en:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar {count} archivo(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar este archivo/carpeta?",
"deleteTitle": "Borrar archivos",
"displayName": "Nombre:",
"download": "Descargar archivos",
"downloadMessage": "Elige el formato de descarga.",
"error": "Algo ha fallado",
"fileInfo": "Información del archivo",
"filesSelected": "{count} archivos seleccionados.",
"lastModified": "Última modificación",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Elige una nueva casa para tus archivo(s)/carpeta(s):",
"newArchetype": "Crea un nuevo post basado en un arquetipo. Tu archivo será creado en la carpeta de contenido.",
"newDir": "Nueva carpeta",
"newDirMessage": "Escribe el nombre de la nueva carpeta.",
"newFile": "Nuevo archivo",
"newFileMessage": "Escribe el nombre del nuevo archivo.",
"numberDirs": "Número de carpetas",
"numberFiles": "Número de archivos",
"rename": "Renombrar",
"renameMessage": "Escribe el nuevo nombre para",
"replace": "Reemplazar",
"replaceMessage": "Uno de los archivos ue intentas subir está creando conflicto por su nombre. ¿Quieres cambiar el nombre del ya existente?\n",
"schedule": "Programar",
"scheduleMessage": "Elige una hora y fecha para programar la publicación de este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamaño",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Presiona enter para buscar...",
"search": "Buscar...",
"typeToSearch": "Escribe para realizar una busqueda...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeo"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Ejecutar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renombrar y borrar archivos o carpetas",
"allowNew": "Crear nuevos archivos y carpetas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar nuevos posts y páginas",
"allowSignup": "Permitir registro de usuarios",
"avoidChanges": "(dejar en blanco para evitar cambios)",
"branding": "Marca",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Ruta de la carpeta de personalizacion de marca",
"brandingHelp": "Tú puedes personalizar como se ve tu instancia de FileBrowser cambiándole el nombre, reemplazando ellogo, agregar estilos personalizados e incluso deshabilitando loslinks externos que apuntan hacia GitHub. \nPara mayor información acerca de personalización de marca, por favor revisa el {0}.",
"changePassword": "Cambiar contraseña",
"commandRunner": "Executor de comandos",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "¡Comandos actualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Crea automaticamente una carpeta de inicio cuando se agrega un usuario",
"customStylesheet": "Modificar hoja de estilos",
"defaultUserDescription": "Estas son las configuraciones por defecto para nuevos usuarios.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Deshabilitar enlaces externos (excepto documentación)",
"documentation": "documentación",
"examples": "Ejemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Ejecutar en la shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Ajustes globales",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Introduce la ruta",
"insertRegex": "Introducir expresión regular",
"instanceName": "Nombre de la instancia",
"language": "Idioma",
"lockPassword": "Evitar que el usuario cambie la contraseña",
"newPassword": "Tu nueva contraseña",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirma tu contraseña",
"newUser": "Nuevo usuario",
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordUpdated": "¡Contraseña actualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Crear ficheros y directorios",
"delete": "Eliminar ficheros y directorios",
"download": "Descargar",
"execute": "Executar comandos",
"modify": "Editar ficheros",
"rename": "Renombrar o mover ficheros y directorios",
"share": "Compartir ficheros"
"permissions": "Permisos",
"permissionsHelp": "Puedes nombrar al usuario como administrador o elegir los permisos individualmente. Si seleccionas \"Administrador\", todas las otras opciones serán activadas automáticamente. La administración de usuarios es un privilegio de administrador.\n",
"profileSettings": "Ajustes del perfil",
"ruleExample1": "previene el acceso a una extensión de archivo (Como .git) en cada carpeta.\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloquea el acceso al archivo llamado Caddyfile en la carpeta raíz.",
"rules": "Reglas",
"rulesHelp": "Aquí puedes definir un conjunto de reglas de permisos para este usuario específico. Los archivos bloqueados no se mostrarán en las listas y no serán accesibles por el usuario. Puedes utilizar regex y rutas relativas a la raíz del usuario.\n",
"scope": "Raíz",
"settingsUpdated": "¡Ajustes actualizados!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Usuario",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Una lista separada por espacios con los comandos permitidos para este usuario. Ejemplo:\n",
"userCreated": "¡Usuario creado!",
"userDefaults": "Configuración de usuario por defecto",
"userDeleted": "¡Usuario eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Administración de usuarios",
"userUpdated": "¡Usuario actualizado!",
"username": "Usuario",
"users": "Usuarios"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ayuda",
"hugoNew": "Nuevo Hugo",
"login": "Iniciar sesión",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"myFiles": "Mis archivos",
"newFile": "Nuevo archivo",
"newFolder": "Nueva carpeta",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"settings": "Ajustes",
"signup": "Registrate",
"siteSettings": "Ajustes del sitio"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "¡Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Días",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidad"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annuler",
"close": "Fermer",
"copy": "Copier",
"copyFile": "Copier le fichier",
"copyToClipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"create": "Créer",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"download": "Télécharger",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Plus",
"move": "Déplacer",
"moveFile": "Déplacer le fichier",
"new": "Nouveau",
"next": "Suivant",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obtenir un lien permanent",
"previous": "Précédent",
"publish": "Publier",
"rename": "Renommer",
"replace": "Remplacer",
"reportIssue": "Rapport d'erreur",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"schedule": "Fixer la date",
"search": "Chercher",
"select": "Sélectionner",
"selectMultiple": "Sélection multiple",
"share": "Partager",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Changer le mode d'affichage",
"toggleSidebar": "Afficher/Masquer la barre latérale",
"update": "Mettre à jour",
"upload": "Importer"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Aïe ! Quelque chose s'est mal passé.",
"notFound": "Impossible d'accéder à cet emplacement."
"files": {
"body": "Corps",
"clear": "Fermer",
"closePreview": "Fermer la prévisualisation",
"files": "Fichiers",
"folders": "Dossiers",
"home": "Accueil",
"lastModified": "Dernière modification",
"loading": "Chargement...",
"lonely": "Il semble qu'il n'y ait rien par ici...",
"metadata": "Metadonnées",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Sélection multiple activée",
"name": "Nom",
"size": "Taille",
"sortByLastModified": "Trier par date de dernière modification",
"sortByName": "Trier par nom",
"sortBySize": "Trier par taille"
"help": {
"click": "Sélectionner un élément",
"ctrl": {
"click": "Sélectionner plusieurs éléments",
"f": "Ouvrir l'invité de recherche",
"s": "Télécharger l'élément actuel"
"del": "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés",
"doubleClick": "Ouvrir un élément",
"esc": "Désélectionner et/ou fermer la boîte de dialogue",
"f1": "Ouvrir l'aide",
"f2": "Renommer le fichier",
"help": "Aide"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Se connecter",
"username": "Utilisateur",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Identifiants incorrects !"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copier",
"copyMessage": "Choisissez l'emplacement où copier la sélection :",
"currentlyNavigating": "Dossier courant :",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces {count} élément(s) ?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet élément ?",
"deleteTitle": "Supprimer",
"displayName": "Nom :",
"download": "Télécharger",
"downloadMessage": "Choisissez le format de téléchargement :",
"error": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé",
"fileInfo": "Informations",
"filesSelected": "{count} éléments sélectionnés",
"lastModified": "Dernière modification",
"move": "Déplacer",
"moveMessage": "Choisissez l'emplacement où déplacer la sélection :",
"newArchetype": "Créer un nouveau post basé sur un archétype. Votre fichier sera créé dans le dossier de contenu.",
"newDir": "Nouveau dossier",
"newDirMessage": "Nom du nouveau dossier :",
"newFile": "Nouveau fichier",
"newFileMessage": "Nom du nouveau fichier :",
"numberDirs": "Nombre de dossiers",
"numberFiles": "Nombre de fichiers",
"rename": "Renommer",
"renameMessage": "Nouveau nom pour",
"replace": "Remplacer",
"replaceMessage": "Un des fichiers que vous êtes en train d'importer a le même nom qu'un autre déjà présent. Voulez-vous remplacer le fichier actuel par le nouveau ?\n",
"schedule": "Fixer la date",
"scheduleMessage": "Choisissez une date pour planifier la publication de ce post",
"show": "Montrer",
"size": "Taille",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Musique",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Recherche en cours...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrateur",
"allowCommands": "Exécuter des commandes",
"allowEdit": "Editer, renommer et supprimer des fichiers ou des dossiers",
"allowNew": "Créer de nouveaux fichiers et dossiers",
"allowPublish": "Publier de nouveaux posts et pages",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(Laisser vide pour conserver l'actuel)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commandes mises à jour !",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Feuille de style personnalisée",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Exemples",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Paramètres généraux",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Langue",
"lockPassword": "Prevent the user from changing the password",
"newPassword": "Votre nouveau mot de passe",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe",
"newUser": "Nouvel Utilisateur",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"passwordUpdated": "Mot de passe mis à jour !",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissionsHelp": "Vous pouvez définir l'utilisateur comme étant un administrateur ou encore choisir les permissions individuellement. Si vous sélectionnez \"Administrateur\", toutes les autres options seront automatiquement activées. La gestion des utilisateurs est un privilège que seul l'administrateur possède.\n",
"profileSettings": "Paramètres du profil",
"ruleExample1": "Bloque l'accès à tous les fichiers commençant par un point (comme par exemple .git, .gitignore) dans tous les dossiers",
"ruleExample2": "Bloque l'accès au fichier nommé \"Caddyfile\" à la racine du dossier utilisateur",
"rules": "Règles",
"rulesHelp": "Vous pouvez définir ici un ensemble de règles pour cet utilisateur. Les fichiers bloqués ne seront pas affichés et ne seront pas accessibles par l'utilisateur. Les expressions régulières sont supportées et les chemins d'accès sont relatifs par rapport au dossier de l'utilisateur.\n",
"scope": "Portée du dossier utilisateur",
"settingsUpdated": "Les paramètres ont été mis à jour !",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilisateur",
"userCommands": "Commandes",
"userCommandsHelp": "Une liste séparée par des espaces des commandes permises pour l'utilisateur. Exemple :",
"userCreated": "Utilisateur créé !",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Utilisateur supprimé !",
"userManagement": "Gestion des utilisateurs",
"userUpdated": "Utilisateur mis à jour !",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"users": "Utilisateurs"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aide",
"hugoNew": "Nouveau Hugo",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Se déconnecter",
"myFiles": "Mes fichiers",
"newFile": "Nouveau fichier",
"newFolder": "Nouveau dossier",
"preview": "Prévisualiser",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Paramètres du site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copied!"
"time": {
"days": "Jours",
"hours": "Heures",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"seconds": "Secondes",
"unit": "Unité de temps"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annuler",
"close": "Fermer",
"copy": "Copier",
"copyFile": "Copier le fichier",
"copyToClipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"create": "Créer",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"download": "Télécharger",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Plus",
"move": "Déplacer",
"moveFile": "Déplacer le fichier",
"new": "Nouveau",
"next": "Suivant",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obtenir un lien permanent",
"previous": "Précédent",
"publish": "Publier",
"rename": "Renommer",
"replace": "Remplacer",
"reportIssue": "Rapport d'erreur",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"schedule": "Fixer la date",
"search": "Chercher",
"select": "Sélectionner",
"selectMultiple": "Sélection multiple",
"share": "Partager",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Changer le mode d'affichage",
"toggleSidebar": "Afficher/Masquer la barre latérale",
"update": "Mettre à jour",
"upload": "Importer"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Aïe ! Quelque chose s'est mal passé.",
"notFound": "Impossible d'accéder à cet emplacement."
"files": {
"body": "Corps",
"clear": "Fermer",
"closePreview": "Fermer la prévisualisation",
"files": "Fichiers",
"folders": "Dossiers",
"home": "Accueil",
"lastModified": "Dernière modification",
"loading": "Chargement...",
"lonely": "Il semble qu'il n'y ait rien par ici...",
"metadata": "Metadonnées",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Sélection multiple activée",
"name": "Nom",
"size": "Taille",
"sortByLastModified": "Trier par date de dernière modification",
"sortByName": "Trier par nom",
"sortBySize": "Trier par taille"
"help": {
"click": "Sélectionner un élément",
"ctrl": {
"click": "Sélectionner plusieurs éléments",
"f": "Ouvrir l'invité de recherche",
"s": "Télécharger l'élément actuel"
"del": "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés",
"doubleClick": "Ouvrir un élément",
"esc": "Désélectionner et/ou fermer la boîte de dialogue",
"f1": "Ouvrir l'aide",
"f2": "Renommer le fichier",
"help": "Aide"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Se connecter",
"username": "Utilisateur",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Identifiants incorrects !"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copier",
"copyMessage": "Choisissez l'emplacement où copier la sélection :",
"currentlyNavigating": "Dossier courant :",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces {count} élément(s) ?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet élément ?",
"deleteTitle": "Supprimer",
"displayName": "Nom :",
"download": "Télécharger",
"downloadMessage": "Choisissez le format de téléchargement :",
"error": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé",
"fileInfo": "Informations",
"filesSelected": "{count} éléments sélectionnés",
"lastModified": "Dernière modification",
"move": "Déplacer",
"moveMessage": "Choisissez l'emplacement où déplacer la sélection :",
"newArchetype": "Créer un nouveau post basé sur un archétype. Votre fichier sera créé dans le dossier de contenu.",
"newDir": "Nouveau dossier",
"newDirMessage": "Nom du nouveau dossier :",
"newFile": "Nouveau fichier",
"newFileMessage": "Nom du nouveau fichier :",
"numberDirs": "Nombre de dossiers",
"numberFiles": "Nombre de fichiers",
"rename": "Renommer",
"renameMessage": "Nouveau nom pour",
"replace": "Remplacer",
"replaceMessage": "Un des fichiers que vous êtes en train d'importer a le même nom qu'un autre déjà présent. Voulez-vous remplacer le fichier actuel par le nouveau ?\n",
"schedule": "Fixer la date",
"scheduleMessage": "Choisissez une date pour planifier la publication de ce post",
"show": "Montrer",
"size": "Taille",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Images",
"music": "Musique",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Recherche en cours...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrateur",
"allowCommands": "Exécuter des commandes",
"allowEdit": "Editer, renommer et supprimer des fichiers ou des dossiers",
"allowNew": "Créer de nouveaux fichiers et dossiers",
"allowPublish": "Publier de nouveaux posts et pages",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(Laisser vide pour conserver l'actuel)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commandes mises à jour !",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Feuille de style personnalisée",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Exemples",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Paramètres généraux",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Langue",
"lockPassword": "Prevent the user from changing the password",
"newPassword": "Votre nouveau mot de passe",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe",
"newUser": "Nouvel Utilisateur",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"passwordUpdated": "Mot de passe mis à jour !",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissionsHelp": "Vous pouvez définir l'utilisateur comme étant un administrateur ou encore choisir les permissions individuellement. Si vous sélectionnez \"Administrateur\", toutes les autres options seront automatiquement activées. La gestion des utilisateurs est un privilège que seul l'administrateur possède.\n",
"profileSettings": "Paramètres du profil",
"ruleExample1": "Bloque l'accès à tous les fichiers commençant par un point (comme par exemple .git, .gitignore) dans tous les dossiers",
"ruleExample2": "Bloque l'accès au fichier nommé \"Caddyfile\" à la racine du dossier utilisateur",
"rules": "Règles",
"rulesHelp": "Vous pouvez définir ici un ensemble de règles pour cet utilisateur. Les fichiers bloqués ne seront pas affichés et ne seront pas accessibles par l'utilisateur. Les expressions régulières sont supportées et les chemins d'accès sont relatifs par rapport au dossier de l'utilisateur.\n",
"scope": "Portée du dossier utilisateur",
"settingsUpdated": "Les paramètres ont été mis à jour !",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilisateur",
"userCommands": "Commandes",
"userCommandsHelp": "Une liste séparée par des espaces des commandes permises pour l'utilisateur. Exemple :",
"userCreated": "Utilisateur créé !",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Utilisateur supprimé !",
"userManagement": "Gestion des utilisateurs",
"userUpdated": "Utilisateur mis à jour !",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"users": "Utilisateurs"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aide",
"hugoNew": "Nouveau Hugo",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Se déconnecter",
"myFiles": "Mes fichiers",
"newFile": "Nouveau fichier",
"newFolder": "Nouveau dossier",
"preview": "Prévisualiser",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Paramètres du site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copied!"
"time": {
"days": "Jours",
"hours": "Heures",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"seconds": "Secondes",
"unit": "Unité de temps"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Hætta við",
"close": "Loka",
"copy": "Afrita",
"copyFile": "Afrita skjal",
"copyToClipboard": "Afrita",
"create": "Búa til",
"delete": "Eyða",
"download": "Sækja",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Upplýsingar",
"more": "Meira",
"move": "Færa",
"moveFile": "Færa skjal",
"new": "Nýtt",
"next": "Næsta",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Sækja fastan hlekk",
"previous": "Fyrri",
"publish": "Gefa út",
"rename": "Endurnefna",
"replace": "Skipta út",
"reportIssue": "Tilkynna vandamál",
"save": "Vista",
"schedule": "Áætlun",
"search": "Leita",
"select": "Velja",
"selectMultiple": "Velja mörg",
"share": "Deila",
"shell": "Sýna skipanaglugga",
"switchView": "Skipta um útlit",
"toggleSidebar": "Sýna hliðarstiku",
"update": "Vista",
"upload": "Hlaða upp"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Sækja skjal",
"downloadFolder": "Sækja möppu",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Þú hefur ekki aðgang að þessari síðu.",
"internal": "Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis.",
"notFound": "Ekki er hægt að opna þessa síðu."
"files": {
"body": "Meginmál",
"clear": "Hreinsa",
"closePreview": "Loka forskoðun",
"files": "Skjöl",
"folders": "Möppur",
"home": "Heim",
"lastModified": "Seinast breytt",
"loading": "Hleð...",
"lonely": "Ekkert hér...",
"metadata": "Meta-gögn",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Hægt að velja mörg skjöl/möppur",
"name": "Nafn",
"size": "Stærð",
"sortByLastModified": "Flokka eftir Seinast breytt",
"sortByName": "Flokka eftir nafni",
"sortBySize": "Flokka eftir stærð"
"help": {
"click": "velja skjal eða möppu",
"ctrl": {
"click": "velja mörg skjöl eða möppur",
"f": "opnar leitarstiku",
"s": "vista skjal eða sækja möppuna sem þú ert í"
"del": "eyða völdum skjölum",
"doubleClick": "opna skjal eða möppu",
"esc": "hreinsa val og/eða loka glugganum",
"f1": "þessar upplýsingar",
"f2": "endurnefna skjal",
"help": "Hjálp"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Búa til nýjan aðgang",
"loginInstead": "Þú ert þegar með aðgang",
"password": "Lykilorð",
"passwordConfirm": "Staðfesting lykilorðs",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Lykilorð eru mismunandi",
"signup": "Nýskráning",
"submit": "Innskráning",
"username": "Notendanafn",
"usernameTaken": "Þetta norendanafn er þegar í notkun",
"wrongCredentials": "Rangar notendaupplýsingar"
"permanent": "Varanlegt",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Afrita",
"copyMessage": "Veldu staðsetningu til að afrita gögn: ",
"currentlyNavigating": "Núverandi staðsetning:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða {count} skjölum?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu skjali/möppu?",
"deleteTitle": "Eyða skjölum",
"displayName": "Nafn: ",
"download": "Sækja skjöl",
"downloadMessage": "Veldu skrárgerð sem þú vilt sækja.",
"error": "Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis",
"fileInfo": "Upplýsingar um gögn",
"filesSelected": "{count} skjöl valin.",
"lastModified": "Seinast breytt",
"move": "Færa",
"moveMessage": "Velja nýtt hús fyrir skjöl/möppur:",
"newArchetype": "Búðu til nýja færslu sem byggir á frumgerð. Skjalið verður búið til í content möppu. ",
"newDir": "Ný mappa",
"newDirMessage": "Hvað á mappan að heita?",
"newFile": "Nýtt skjal",
"newFileMessage": "Hvað á skjalið að heita?",
"numberDirs": "Fjöldi mappa",
"numberFiles": "Fjöldi skjala",
"rename": "Endurnefna",
"renameMessage": "Settu inn nýtt nafn fyrir",
"replace": "Skipta út",
"replaceMessage": "Eitt af skjölunum sem þú ert að reyna að hlaða upp hefur sama nafn og annað skjal. Viltu skipta nýja skjalinu út fyrir það gamla?\n",
"schedule": "Áætlun",
"scheduleMessage": "Veldu dagsetningu og tíma fyrir áætlaða útgáfu. ",
"show": "Sýna",
"size": "Stærð",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Myndir",
"music": "Tónlist",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Ýttu á Enter til að leita...",
"search": "Leita...",
"typeToSearch": "Skrifaðu til að leita...",
"types": "Skrárgerðir",
"video": "Myndbönd"
"settings": {
"admin": "Stjórnandi",
"administrator": "Stjórnandi",
"allowCommands": "Senda skipanir",
"allowEdit": "Breyta, endurnefna og eyða skjölum eða möppum",
"allowNew": "Búa til ný skjöl og möppur",
"allowPublish": "Gefa út nýjar færslur og síður",
"allowSignup": "Leyfa nýjum notendum að skrá sig",
"avoidChanges": "(engar breytingar ef ekkert er skrifað)",
"branding": "Útlit",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Mappa fyrir branding-skjöl",
"brandingHelp": "Þú getur breytt því hvernig File Browser lítur út með því að breyta nafninu, setja inn nýtt lógó, búa til þína eigin stíla og tekið út GitHub-hlekki. \nTil að lesa meira um custom-branding, kíktu á {0}.",
"changePassword": "Breyta lykilorði",
"commandRunner": "Skipanagluggi",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hér geturðu sett inn skipanir sem eru keyrðar eftir því sem þú tilgreinir. Skrifaðu eina skipun í hverja línu. Umhverfisbreyturnar {0} og {1} verða aðgengilegar ({0} miðast við {1}). Til að lesa meira og sjá lista yfir þær skipanir sem eru í boði, vinsamlegast lestu {2}. ",
"commandsUpdated": "Skipanastillingar vistaðar!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Custom Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Þetta eru sjálfgefnar stillingar fyrir nýja notendur.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Sýna ytri-hlekki (fyrir utan leiðbeiningar)",
"documentation": "leiðbeiningar",
"examples": "Dæmi",
"executeOnShell": "Keyra í skel",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Sjálfgefnar stillingar File Browser eru að keyra skipanir beint með því að sækja binaries. Ef þú villt keyra skipanir í skel (t.d. í Bash eða PowerShell), þá geturðu skilgreint það hér með nauðsynlegum arguments og flags. Ef þetta er stillt, þá verður skipuninni bætt fyrir aftan sem argument. Þetta gildir bæði um skipanir notenda og event hooks.",
"globalRules": "Þetta eru sjálfgegnar aðgangsreglur. Þær gilda um alla notendur. Þú getur tilgreint sérstakar reglur í stillingum fyrir hvern notenda til að ógilda þessar reglur. ",
"globalSettings": "Global stillingar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Settu inn slóð",
"insertRegex": "Setja inn reglulega segð",
"instanceName": "Nafn tilviks",
"language": "Tungumál",
"lockPassword": "Koma í veg fyrir að notandi breyti lykilorðinu",
"newPassword": "Nýja lykilorðið þitt",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Staðfestu nýja lykilorðið",
"newUser": "Nýr notandi",
"password": "Lykilorð",
"passwordUpdated": "Lykilorð vistað!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Búa til sköl og möppur",
"delete": "Eyða skjölum og möppum",
"download": "Sækja",
"execute": "Keyra skipanir",
"modify": "Breyta skjölum",
"rename": "Endurnefna eða færa skjöl og möppur",
"share": "Deila skjölum"
"permissions": "Heimildir",
"permissionsHelp": "Þú getur stillt notenda sem stjórnanda eða valið einstaklingsbundnar heimildir. Ef þú velur \"Stjórnandi\", þá verða allir aðrir valmöguleikar valdir sjálfrafa. Aðgangstýring notenda er á hendi stjórnenda. \n",
"profileSettings": "Stilla prófíl",
"ruleExample1": "kemur í veg fyrir aðgang að dot-skjali (t.d. .git, .gitignore) í öllum möppum. \n",
"ruleExample2": "kemur í veg fyrir aðgang að Caddyfile-skjalinu í root-möppu í sýn notandans. ",
"rules": "Reglur",
"rulesHelp": "Hér getur þú skilgreint hvaða reglur gilda um notandann. Skjölin sem hann hefur ekki aðgang að eru óaðgengileg og hann sér þau ekki. Stuðst er við reglulegar segðir og slóðir sem miðast við sýn notandans. ",
"scope": "Sýn notandans",
"settingsUpdated": "Stillingar vistaðar!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Notandi",
"userCommands": "Skipanir",
"userCommandsHelp": "Listi þar sem gildum er skipt upp með bili og inniheldur tiltækar skipanir fyrir þennan notanda. Til dæmis:\n",
"userCreated": "Notandi stofnaður!",
"userDefaults": "Sjálfgefnar notendastillingar",
"userDeleted": "Notanda eytt!",
"userManagement": "Notendastýring",
"userUpdated": "Notandastillingar vistaðar!",
"username": "Notendanafn",
"users": "Notendur"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hjálp",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Innskráning",
"logout": "Útskráning",
"myFiles": "Gögnin mín",
"newFile": "Nýtt skjal",
"newFolder": "Ný mappa",
"preview": "Sýnishorn",
"settings": "Stillingar",
"signup": "Nýskráning",
"siteSettings": "Stillingar síðu"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Hlekkur afritaður!"
"time": {
"days": "Dagar",
"hours": "Klukkutímar",
"minutes": "Mínútur",
"seconds": "Sekúndur",
"unit": "Tímastilling"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Hætta við",
"close": "Loka",
"copy": "Afrita",
"copyFile": "Afrita skjal",
"copyToClipboard": "Afrita",
"create": "Búa til",
"delete": "Eyða",
"download": "Sækja",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Upplýsingar",
"more": "Meira",
"move": "Færa",
"moveFile": "Færa skjal",
"new": "Nýtt",
"next": "Næsta",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Sækja fastan hlekk",
"previous": "Fyrri",
"publish": "Gefa út",
"rename": "Endurnefna",
"replace": "Skipta út",
"reportIssue": "Tilkynna vandamál",
"save": "Vista",
"schedule": "Áætlun",
"search": "Leita",
"select": "Velja",
"selectMultiple": "Velja mörg",
"share": "Deila",
"shell": "Sýna skipanaglugga",
"switchView": "Skipta um útlit",
"toggleSidebar": "Sýna hliðarstiku",
"update": "Vista",
"upload": "Hlaða upp"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Sækja skjal",
"downloadFolder": "Sækja möppu",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Þú hefur ekki aðgang að þessari síðu.",
"internal": "Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis.",
"notFound": "Ekki er hægt að opna þessa síðu."
"files": {
"body": "Meginmál",
"clear": "Hreinsa",
"closePreview": "Loka forskoðun",
"files": "Skjöl",
"folders": "Möppur",
"home": "Heim",
"lastModified": "Seinast breytt",
"loading": "Hleð...",
"lonely": "Ekkert hér...",
"metadata": "Meta-gögn",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Hægt að velja mörg skjöl/möppur",
"name": "Nafn",
"size": "Stærð",
"sortByLastModified": "Flokka eftir Seinast breytt",
"sortByName": "Flokka eftir nafni",
"sortBySize": "Flokka eftir stærð"
"help": {
"click": "velja skjal eða möppu",
"ctrl": {
"click": "velja mörg skjöl eða möppur",
"f": "opnar leitarstiku",
"s": "vista skjal eða sækja möppuna sem þú ert í"
"del": "eyða völdum skjölum",
"doubleClick": "opna skjal eða möppu",
"esc": "hreinsa val og/eða loka glugganum",
"f1": "þessar upplýsingar",
"f2": "endurnefna skjal",
"help": "Hjálp"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Búa til nýjan aðgang",
"loginInstead": "Þú ert þegar með aðgang",
"password": "Lykilorð",
"passwordConfirm": "Staðfesting lykilorðs",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Lykilorð eru mismunandi",
"signup": "Nýskráning",
"submit": "Innskráning",
"username": "Notendanafn",
"usernameTaken": "Þetta norendanafn er þegar í notkun",
"wrongCredentials": "Rangar notendaupplýsingar"
"permanent": "Varanlegt",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Afrita",
"copyMessage": "Veldu staðsetningu til að afrita gögn: ",
"currentlyNavigating": "Núverandi staðsetning:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða {count} skjölum?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu skjali/möppu?",
"deleteTitle": "Eyða skjölum",
"displayName": "Nafn: ",
"download": "Sækja skjöl",
"downloadMessage": "Veldu skrárgerð sem þú vilt sækja.",
"error": "Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis",
"fileInfo": "Upplýsingar um gögn",
"filesSelected": "{count} skjöl valin.",
"lastModified": "Seinast breytt",
"move": "Færa",
"moveMessage": "Velja nýtt hús fyrir skjöl/möppur:",
"newArchetype": "Búðu til nýja færslu sem byggir á frumgerð. Skjalið verður búið til í content möppu. ",
"newDir": "Ný mappa",
"newDirMessage": "Hvað á mappan að heita?",
"newFile": "Nýtt skjal",
"newFileMessage": "Hvað á skjalið að heita?",
"numberDirs": "Fjöldi mappa",
"numberFiles": "Fjöldi skjala",
"rename": "Endurnefna",
"renameMessage": "Settu inn nýtt nafn fyrir",
"replace": "Skipta út",
"replaceMessage": "Eitt af skjölunum sem þú ert að reyna að hlaða upp hefur sama nafn og annað skjal. Viltu skipta nýja skjalinu út fyrir það gamla?\n",
"schedule": "Áætlun",
"scheduleMessage": "Veldu dagsetningu og tíma fyrir áætlaða útgáfu. ",
"show": "Sýna",
"size": "Stærð",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Myndir",
"music": "Tónlist",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Ýttu á Enter til að leita...",
"search": "Leita...",
"typeToSearch": "Skrifaðu til að leita...",
"types": "Skrárgerðir",
"video": "Myndbönd"
"settings": {
"admin": "Stjórnandi",
"administrator": "Stjórnandi",
"allowCommands": "Senda skipanir",
"allowEdit": "Breyta, endurnefna og eyða skjölum eða möppum",
"allowNew": "Búa til ný skjöl og möppur",
"allowPublish": "Gefa út nýjar færslur og síður",
"allowSignup": "Leyfa nýjum notendum að skrá sig",
"avoidChanges": "(engar breytingar ef ekkert er skrifað)",
"branding": "Útlit",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Mappa fyrir branding-skjöl",
"brandingHelp": "Þú getur breytt því hvernig File Browser lítur út með því að breyta nafninu, setja inn nýtt lógó, búa til þína eigin stíla og tekið út GitHub-hlekki. \nTil að lesa meira um custom-branding, kíktu á {0}.",
"changePassword": "Breyta lykilorði",
"commandRunner": "Skipanagluggi",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hér geturðu sett inn skipanir sem eru keyrðar eftir því sem þú tilgreinir. Skrifaðu eina skipun í hverja línu. Umhverfisbreyturnar {0} og {1} verða aðgengilegar ({0} miðast við {1}). Til að lesa meira og sjá lista yfir þær skipanir sem eru í boði, vinsamlegast lestu {2}. ",
"commandsUpdated": "Skipanastillingar vistaðar!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Custom Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Þetta eru sjálfgefnar stillingar fyrir nýja notendur.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Sýna ytri-hlekki (fyrir utan leiðbeiningar)",
"documentation": "leiðbeiningar",
"examples": "Dæmi",
"executeOnShell": "Keyra í skel",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Sjálfgefnar stillingar File Browser eru að keyra skipanir beint með því að sækja binaries. Ef þú villt keyra skipanir í skel (t.d. í Bash eða PowerShell), þá geturðu skilgreint það hér með nauðsynlegum arguments og flags. Ef þetta er stillt, þá verður skipuninni bætt fyrir aftan sem argument. Þetta gildir bæði um skipanir notenda og event hooks.",
"globalRules": "Þetta eru sjálfgegnar aðgangsreglur. Þær gilda um alla notendur. Þú getur tilgreint sérstakar reglur í stillingum fyrir hvern notenda til að ógilda þessar reglur. ",
"globalSettings": "Global stillingar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Settu inn slóð",
"insertRegex": "Setja inn reglulega segð",
"instanceName": "Nafn tilviks",
"language": "Tungumál",
"lockPassword": "Koma í veg fyrir að notandi breyti lykilorðinu",
"newPassword": "Nýja lykilorðið þitt",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Staðfestu nýja lykilorðið",
"newUser": "Nýr notandi",
"password": "Lykilorð",
"passwordUpdated": "Lykilorð vistað!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Búa til sköl og möppur",
"delete": "Eyða skjölum og möppum",
"download": "Sækja",
"execute": "Keyra skipanir",
"modify": "Breyta skjölum",
"rename": "Endurnefna eða færa skjöl og möppur",
"share": "Deila skjölum"
"permissions": "Heimildir",
"permissionsHelp": "Þú getur stillt notenda sem stjórnanda eða valið einstaklingsbundnar heimildir. Ef þú velur \"Stjórnandi\", þá verða allir aðrir valmöguleikar valdir sjálfrafa. Aðgangstýring notenda er á hendi stjórnenda. \n",
"profileSettings": "Stilla prófíl",
"ruleExample1": "kemur í veg fyrir aðgang að dot-skjali (t.d. .git, .gitignore) í öllum möppum. \n",
"ruleExample2": "kemur í veg fyrir aðgang að Caddyfile-skjalinu í root-möppu í sýn notandans. ",
"rules": "Reglur",
"rulesHelp": "Hér getur þú skilgreint hvaða reglur gilda um notandann. Skjölin sem hann hefur ekki aðgang að eru óaðgengileg og hann sér þau ekki. Stuðst er við reglulegar segðir og slóðir sem miðast við sýn notandans. ",
"scope": "Sýn notandans",
"settingsUpdated": "Stillingar vistaðar!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Notandi",
"userCommands": "Skipanir",
"userCommandsHelp": "Listi þar sem gildum er skipt upp með bili og inniheldur tiltækar skipanir fyrir þennan notanda. Til dæmis:\n",
"userCreated": "Notandi stofnaður!",
"userDefaults": "Sjálfgefnar notendastillingar",
"userDeleted": "Notanda eytt!",
"userManagement": "Notendastýring",
"userUpdated": "Notandastillingar vistaðar!",
"username": "Notendanafn",
"users": "Notendur"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hjálp",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Innskráning",
"logout": "Útskráning",
"myFiles": "Gögnin mín",
"newFile": "Nýtt skjal",
"newFolder": "Ný mappa",
"preview": "Sýnishorn",
"settings": "Stillingar",
"signup": "Nýskráning",
"siteSettings": "Stillingar síðu"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Hlekkur afritaður!"
"time": {
"days": "Dagar",
"hours": "Klukkutímar",
"minutes": "Mínútur",
"seconds": "Sekúndur",
"unit": "Tímastilling"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annulla",
"close": "Chiudi",
"copy": "Copia",
"copyFile": "Copia file",
"copyToClipboard": "Copia negli appunti",
"create": "Crea",
"delete": "Elimina",
"download": "Scarica",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informazioni",
"more": "Altro",
"move": "Sposta",
"moveFile": "Sposta file",
"new": "Nuovo",
"next": "Successivo",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Ottieni link permanente",
"previous": "Precedente",
"publish": "Publica",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"replace": "Sostituisci",
"reportIssue": "Segnala un problema",
"save": "Salva",
"schedule": "Programma",
"search": "Cerca",
"select": "Seleziona",
"selectMultiple": "Seleziona molteplici",
"share": "Condividi",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Cambia vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Mostra/nascondi la barra laterale",
"update": "Aggiorna",
"upload": "Carica"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Qualcosa è andato veramente male.",
"notFound": "Questo percorso non può essere raggiunto."
"files": {
"body": "Contenuto",
"clear": "Cancella",
"closePreview": "Chiudi anteprima",
"files": "Files",
"folders": "Cartelle",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Ultima modifica",
"loading": "Caricamento...",
"lonely": "Ci si sente soli qui...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selezione multipla attivata",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Grandezza",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordina per ultima modifica",
"sortByName": "Ordina per nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordina per dimensione"
"help": {
"click": "seleziona un file o una cartella",
"ctrl": {
"click": "seleziona più file o cartelle",
"f": "apre la barra di ricerca",
"s": "salva un file o scarica la cartella in cui ci si trova"
"del": "elimina gli elementi selezionati",
"doubleClick": "apre un file o una cartella",
"esc": "annulla la selezione e/o chiude la finestra aperta",
"f1": "questo pannello",
"f2": "rinomina un file",
"help": "Aiuto"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Password",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Entra",
"username": "Nome utente",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Credenziali errate"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copia",
"copyMessage": "Seleziona la cartella in cui copiare i file:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Attualmente navigando su:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare {count} file(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo file/cartella?",
"deleteTitle": "Elimina",
"displayName": "Nome Mostrato:",
"download": "Scarica files",
"downloadMessage": "Seleziona il formato che vuoi scaricare.",
"error": "Qualcosa è andato per il verso storto",
"fileInfo": "Informazioni sul file",
"filesSelected": "{count} file selezionati.",
"lastModified": "Ultima modifica",
"move": "Sposta",
"moveMessage": "Seleziona la nuova posizione per i tuoi file e/o cartella/e:",
"newArchetype": "Crea un nuovo post basato su un modello. Il tuo file verrà creato nella cartella.",
"newDir": "Nuova cartella",
"newDirMessage": "Scrivi il nome della nuova cartella.",
"newFile": "Nuovo file",
"newFileMessage": "Scrivi il nome del nuovo file.",
"numberDirs": "Numero di cartelle",
"numberFiles": "Numero di files",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"renameMessage": "Inserisci un nuovo nome per",
"replace": "Sostituisci",
"replaceMessage": "Uno dei file che stai cercando di caricare sta generando un conflitto per via del suo nome. Desideri sostituire il file già esistente?\n",
"schedule": "Pianifica",
"scheduleMessage": "Seleziona data e ora per programmare la pubbilicazione di questo post",
"show": "Mostra",
"size": "Grandezza",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Immagini",
"music": "Musica",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Cerca...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Tipi",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Amministratore",
"allowCommands": "Esegui comandi",
"allowEdit": "Modifica, rinomina ed elimina file o cartelle",
"allowNew": "Crea nuovi files o cartelle",
"allowPublish": "Pubblica nuovi post e pagine",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(lascia vuoto per evitare cambiamenti)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Modifica password",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandi aggiornati!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Folgio di stile personalizzato",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Esempi",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Impostazioni Globali",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Lingua",
"lockPassword": "Impedisci all'utente di modificare la password",
"newPassword": "La tua nuova password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Conferma la password",
"newUser": "Nuovo utente",
"password": "Password",
"passwordUpdated": "Password aggiornata!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permessi",
"permissionsHelp": "È possibile impostare l'utente come amministratore o scegliere i permessi singolarmente. Se si seleziona \"Amministratore\", tutte le altre opzioni saranno automaticamente assegnate. La gestione degli utenti rimane un privilegio di un amministratore.\n",
"profileSettings": "Impostazioni del profilo",
"ruleExample1": "Impedisci l'accesso a qualsiasi file avente come prefisso un punto\n (ad esempio .git, .gitignore) presente in ogni cartella.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocca l'accesso al file denominato Caddyfile nella radice del campo di applicazione.",
"rules": "Regole",
"rulesHelp": "Qui è possibile definire una serie di regole e permessi per questo specifico utente. I file bloccati non appariranno negli elenchi e non saranno accessibili dagli utenti. all'utente. Sia regex che i percorsi relativi all'ambito di applicazione degli utenti sono supportati.\n",
"scope": "Scopo",
"settingsUpdated": "Impostazioni aggiornate!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utente",
"userCommands": "Comandi",
"userCommandsHelp": "Una lista separata dal spazi con i comandi disponibili per questo utente. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Utente creato!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Utente eliminato!",
"userManagement": "Gestione degli utenti",
"userUpdated": "Utente aggiornato!",
"username": "Nome utente",
"users": "Utenti"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aiuto",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Esci",
"myFiles": "I miei file",
"newFile": "Nuovo file",
"newFolder": "Nuova cartella",
"preview": "Anteprima",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Impostaizoni del sito"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiato!"
"time": {
"days": "Giorni",
"hours": "Ore",
"minutes": "Minuti",
"seconds": "Secondi",
"unit": "Unità di tempo"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annulla",
"close": "Chiudi",
"copy": "Copia",
"copyFile": "Copia file",
"copyToClipboard": "Copia negli appunti",
"create": "Crea",
"delete": "Elimina",
"download": "Scarica",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informazioni",
"more": "Altro",
"move": "Sposta",
"moveFile": "Sposta file",
"new": "Nuovo",
"next": "Successivo",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Ottieni link permanente",
"previous": "Precedente",
"publish": "Publica",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"replace": "Sostituisci",
"reportIssue": "Segnala un problema",
"save": "Salva",
"schedule": "Programma",
"search": "Cerca",
"select": "Seleziona",
"selectMultiple": "Seleziona molteplici",
"share": "Condividi",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Cambia vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Mostra/nascondi la barra laterale",
"update": "Aggiorna",
"upload": "Carica"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Qualcosa è andato veramente male.",
"notFound": "Questo percorso non può essere raggiunto."
"files": {
"body": "Contenuto",
"clear": "Cancella",
"closePreview": "Chiudi anteprima",
"files": "Files",
"folders": "Cartelle",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Ultima modifica",
"loading": "Caricamento...",
"lonely": "Ci si sente soli qui...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selezione multipla attivata",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Grandezza",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordina per ultima modifica",
"sortByName": "Ordina per nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordina per dimensione"
"help": {
"click": "seleziona un file o una cartella",
"ctrl": {
"click": "seleziona più file o cartelle",
"f": "apre la barra di ricerca",
"s": "salva un file o scarica la cartella in cui ci si trova"
"del": "elimina gli elementi selezionati",
"doubleClick": "apre un file o una cartella",
"esc": "annulla la selezione e/o chiude la finestra aperta",
"f1": "questo pannello",
"f2": "rinomina un file",
"help": "Aiuto"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Password",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Entra",
"username": "Nome utente",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Credenziali errate"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copia",
"copyMessage": "Seleziona la cartella in cui copiare i file:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Attualmente navigando su:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare {count} file(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo file/cartella?",
"deleteTitle": "Elimina",
"displayName": "Nome Mostrato:",
"download": "Scarica files",
"downloadMessage": "Seleziona il formato che vuoi scaricare.",
"error": "Qualcosa è andato per il verso storto",
"fileInfo": "Informazioni sul file",
"filesSelected": "{count} file selezionati.",
"lastModified": "Ultima modifica",
"move": "Sposta",
"moveMessage": "Seleziona la nuova posizione per i tuoi file e/o cartella/e:",
"newArchetype": "Crea un nuovo post basato su un modello. Il tuo file verrà creato nella cartella.",
"newDir": "Nuova cartella",
"newDirMessage": "Scrivi il nome della nuova cartella.",
"newFile": "Nuovo file",
"newFileMessage": "Scrivi il nome del nuovo file.",
"numberDirs": "Numero di cartelle",
"numberFiles": "Numero di files",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"renameMessage": "Inserisci un nuovo nome per",
"replace": "Sostituisci",
"replaceMessage": "Uno dei file che stai cercando di caricare sta generando un conflitto per via del suo nome. Desideri sostituire il file già esistente?\n",
"schedule": "Pianifica",
"scheduleMessage": "Seleziona data e ora per programmare la pubbilicazione di questo post",
"show": "Mostra",
"size": "Grandezza",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Immagini",
"music": "Musica",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Cerca...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Tipi",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Amministratore",
"allowCommands": "Esegui comandi",
"allowEdit": "Modifica, rinomina ed elimina file o cartelle",
"allowNew": "Crea nuovi files o cartelle",
"allowPublish": "Pubblica nuovi post e pagine",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(lascia vuoto per evitare cambiamenti)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Modifica password",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandi aggiornati!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Folgio di stile personalizzato",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Esempi",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Impostazioni Globali",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Lingua",
"lockPassword": "Impedisci all'utente di modificare la password",
"newPassword": "La tua nuova password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Conferma la password",
"newUser": "Nuovo utente",
"password": "Password",
"passwordUpdated": "Password aggiornata!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Permessi",
"permissionsHelp": "È possibile impostare l'utente come amministratore o scegliere i permessi singolarmente. Se si seleziona \"Amministratore\", tutte le altre opzioni saranno automaticamente assegnate. La gestione degli utenti rimane un privilegio di un amministratore.\n",
"profileSettings": "Impostazioni del profilo",
"ruleExample1": "Impedisci l'accesso a qualsiasi file avente come prefisso un punto\n (ad esempio .git, .gitignore) presente in ogni cartella.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocca l'accesso al file denominato Caddyfile nella radice del campo di applicazione.",
"rules": "Regole",
"rulesHelp": "Qui è possibile definire una serie di regole e permessi per questo specifico utente. I file bloccati non appariranno negli elenchi e non saranno accessibili dagli utenti. all'utente. Sia regex che i percorsi relativi all'ambito di applicazione degli utenti sono supportati.\n",
"scope": "Scopo",
"settingsUpdated": "Impostazioni aggiornate!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utente",
"userCommands": "Comandi",
"userCommandsHelp": "Una lista separata dal spazi con i comandi disponibili per questo utente. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Utente creato!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Utente eliminato!",
"userManagement": "Gestione degli utenti",
"userUpdated": "Utente aggiornato!",
"username": "Nome utente",
"users": "Utenti"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Aiuto",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Esci",
"myFiles": "I miei file",
"newFile": "Nuovo file",
"newFolder": "Nuova cartella",
"preview": "Anteprima",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Impostaizoni del sito"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiato!"
"time": {
"days": "Giorni",
"hours": "Ore",
"minutes": "Minuti",
"seconds": "Secondi",
"unit": "Unità di tempo"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"close": "閉じる",
"copy": "コピー",
"copyFile": "ファイルをコピー",
"copyToClipboard": "クリップボードにコピー",
"create": "作成",
"delete": "削除",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "情報",
"more": "More",
"move": "移動",
"moveFile": "ファイルを移動",
"new": "新規",
"next": "次",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "固定リンク",
"previous": "前",
"publish": "発表",
"rename": "名前を変更",
"replace": "置き換える",
"reportIssue": "問題を報告",
"save": "保存",
"schedule": "スケジュール",
"search": "検索",
"select": "選択",
"selectMultiple": "複数選択",
"share": "シェア",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "表示を切り替わる",
"toggleSidebar": "サイドバーを表示する",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "アップロード"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "内部エラーが発生しました。",
"notFound": "リソースが見つからなりませんでした。"
"files": {
"body": "本文",
"clear": "クリアー",
"closePreview": "プレビューを閉じる",
"files": "ファイル",
"folders": "フォルダ",
"home": "ホーム",
"lastModified": "最終変更",
"loading": "ローディング...",
"lonely": "ここには何もない...",
"metadata": "メタデータ",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "複数選択有効",
"name": "名前",
"size": "サイズ",
"sortByLastModified": "最終変更日付によるソート",
"sortByName": "名前によるソート",
"sortBySize": "サイズによるソート"
"help": {
"click": "ファイルやディレクトリを選択",
"ctrl": {
"click": "複数のファイルやディレクトリを選択",
"f": "検索を有効にする",
"s": "ファイルを保存またはカレントディレクトリをダウンロード"
"del": "選択した項目を削除",
"doubleClick": "ファイルやディレクトリをオープン",
"esc": "選択をクリアーまたはプロンプトを閉じる",
"f1": "このヘルプを表示",
"f2": "ファイルの名前を変更",
"help": "ヘルプ"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "パスワード",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "ログイン",
"username": "ユーザ名",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "ユーザ名またはパスワードが間違っています。"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "コピー",
"copyMessage": "コピーの目標ディレクトリを選択してください:",
"currentlyNavigating": "現在閲覧しているディレクトリ:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "{count} つのファイルを本当に削除してよろしいですか。",
"deleteMessageSingle": "このファイル/フォルダを本当に削除してよろしいですか。",
"deleteTitle": "ファイルを削除",
"displayName": "名前:",
"download": "ファイルをダウンロード",
"downloadMessage": "圧縮形式を選択してください。",
"error": "あるエラーが発生しました。",
"fileInfo": "ファイル情報",
"filesSelected": "{count} つのファイルは選択されました。",
"lastModified": "最終変更",
"move": "移動",
"moveMessage": "移動の目標ディレクトリを選択してください:",
"newArchetype": "ある元型に基づいて新しいポストを作成します。ファイルは コンテンツフォルダに作成されます。",
"newDir": "新しいディレクトリを作成",
"newDirMessage": "新しいディレクトリの名前を入力してください。",
"newFile": "新しいファイルを作成",
"newFileMessage": "新しいファイルの名前を入力してください。",
"numberDirs": "ディレクトリ個数",
"numberFiles": "ファイル個数",
"rename": "名前を変更",
"renameMessage": "名前を変更しようファイルは:",
"replace": "置き換える",
"replaceMessage": "アップロードするファイルの中でかち合う名前が一つあります。 既存のファイルを置き換えりませんか。\n",
"schedule": "スケジュール",
"scheduleMessage": "このポストの発表日付をスケジュールしてください。",
"show": "表示",
"size": "サイズ",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "画像",
"music": "音楽",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "検索...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "種類",
"video": "ビデオ"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理者",
"administrator": "管理者",
"allowCommands": "コマンドの実行",
"allowEdit": "ファイルやディレクトリの編集、名前変更と削除",
"allowNew": "ファイルとディレクトリの作成",
"allowPublish": "ポストとぺーじの発表",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(変更を避けるために空白にしてください)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "パスワードを変更",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "コマンドは更新されました!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "カスタムスタイルシ ート",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "例",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "グローバル設定",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "言語",
"lockPassword": "新しいパスワードを変更に禁止",
"newPassword": "新しいパスワード",
"newPasswordConfirm": "新しいパスワードを確認します",
"newUser": "新しいユーザー",
"password": "パスワード",
"passwordUpdated": "パスワードは更新されました!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "権限",
"permissionsHelp": "あなたはユーザーを管理者に設定し、または権限を個々に設定しできます。\"管理者\"を選択する場合、その他のすべての選択肢は自動的に設定されます。ユーザーの管理は管理者の権限として保留されました。",
"profileSettings": "プロファイル設定",
"ruleExample1": "各フォルダに名前はドットで始まるファイル(例えば、.git、.gitignore)へのアクセスを制限します。",
"ruleExample2": "範囲のルートパスに名前は Caddyfile のファイルへのアクセスを制限します。",
"rules": "規則",
"rulesHelp": "ここに、あなたはこのユーザーの許可または拒否規則を設定できます。ブロックされたファイルはリストに表示されません、それではアクセスも制限されます。正規表現(regex)のサポートと範囲に相対のパスが提供されています。",
"scope": "範囲",
"settingsUpdated": "設定は更新されました!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "ユーザー",
"userCommands": "ユーザーのコマンド",
"userCommandsHelp": "空白区切りの有効のコマンドのリストを指定してください。例:",
"userCreated": "ユーザーは作成されました!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "ユーザーは削除されました!",
"userManagement": "ユーザー管理",
"userUpdated": "ユーザーは更新されました!",
"username": "ユーザー名",
"users": "ユーザー"
"sidebar": {
"help": "ヘルプ",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "ログアウト",
"myFiles": "私のファイル",
"newFile": "新しいファイルを作成",
"newFolder": "新しいフォルダを作成",
"preview": "プレビュー",
"settings": "設定",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "サイト設定"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "リンクがコピーされました!"
"time": {
"days": "日",
"hours": "時間",
"minutes": "分",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "時間単位"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"close": "閉じる",
"copy": "コピー",
"copyFile": "ファイルをコピー",
"copyToClipboard": "クリップボードにコピー",
"create": "作成",
"delete": "削除",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "情報",
"more": "More",
"move": "移動",
"moveFile": "ファイルを移動",
"new": "新規",
"next": "次",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "固定リンク",
"previous": "前",
"publish": "発表",
"rename": "名前を変更",
"replace": "置き換える",
"reportIssue": "問題を報告",
"save": "保存",
"schedule": "スケジュール",
"search": "検索",
"select": "選択",
"selectMultiple": "複数選択",
"share": "シェア",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "表示を切り替わる",
"toggleSidebar": "サイドバーを表示する",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "アップロード"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "内部エラーが発生しました。",
"notFound": "リソースが見つからなりませんでした。"
"files": {
"body": "本文",
"clear": "クリアー",
"closePreview": "プレビューを閉じる",
"files": "ファイル",
"folders": "フォルダ",
"home": "ホーム",
"lastModified": "最終変更",
"loading": "ローディング...",
"lonely": "ここには何もない...",
"metadata": "メタデータ",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "複数選択有効",
"name": "名前",
"size": "サイズ",
"sortByLastModified": "最終変更日付によるソート",
"sortByName": "名前によるソート",
"sortBySize": "サイズによるソート"
"help": {
"click": "ファイルやディレクトリを選択",
"ctrl": {
"click": "複数のファイルやディレクトリを選択",
"f": "検索を有効にする",
"s": "ファイルを保存またはカレントディレクトリをダウンロード"
"del": "選択した項目を削除",
"doubleClick": "ファイルやディレクトリをオープン",
"esc": "選択をクリアーまたはプロンプトを閉じる",
"f1": "このヘルプを表示",
"f2": "ファイルの名前を変更",
"help": "ヘルプ"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "パスワード",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "ログイン",
"username": "ユーザ名",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "ユーザ名またはパスワードが間違っています。"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "コピー",
"copyMessage": "コピーの目標ディレクトリを選択してください:",
"currentlyNavigating": "現在閲覧しているディレクトリ:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "{count} つのファイルを本当に削除してよろしいですか。",
"deleteMessageSingle": "このファイル/フォルダを本当に削除してよろしいですか。",
"deleteTitle": "ファイルを削除",
"displayName": "名前:",
"download": "ファイルをダウンロード",
"downloadMessage": "圧縮形式を選択してください。",
"error": "あるエラーが発生しました。",
"fileInfo": "ファイル情報",
"filesSelected": "{count} つのファイルは選択されました。",
"lastModified": "最終変更",
"move": "移動",
"moveMessage": "移動の目標ディレクトリを選択してください:",
"newArchetype": "ある元型に基づいて新しいポストを作成します。ファイルは コンテンツフォルダに作成されます。",
"newDir": "新しいディレクトリを作成",
"newDirMessage": "新しいディレクトリの名前を入力してください。",
"newFile": "新しいファイルを作成",
"newFileMessage": "新しいファイルの名前を入力してください。",
"numberDirs": "ディレクトリ個数",
"numberFiles": "ファイル個数",
"rename": "名前を変更",
"renameMessage": "名前を変更しようファイルは:",
"replace": "置き換える",
"replaceMessage": "アップロードするファイルの中でかち合う名前が一つあります。 既存のファイルを置き換えりませんか。\n",
"schedule": "スケジュール",
"scheduleMessage": "このポストの発表日付をスケジュールしてください。",
"show": "表示",
"size": "サイズ",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "画像",
"music": "音楽",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "検索...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "種類",
"video": "ビデオ"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理者",
"administrator": "管理者",
"allowCommands": "コマンドの実行",
"allowEdit": "ファイルやディレクトリの編集、名前変更と削除",
"allowNew": "ファイルとディレクトリの作成",
"allowPublish": "ポストとぺーじの発表",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(変更を避けるために空白にしてください)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "パスワードを変更",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "コマンドは更新されました!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "カスタムスタイルシ ート",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "例",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "グローバル設定",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "言語",
"lockPassword": "新しいパスワードを変更に禁止",
"newPassword": "新しいパスワード",
"newPasswordConfirm": "新しいパスワードを確認します",
"newUser": "新しいユーザー",
"password": "パスワード",
"passwordUpdated": "パスワードは更新されました!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "権限",
"permissionsHelp": "あなたはユーザーを管理者に設定し、または権限を個々に設定しできます。\"管理者\"を選択する場合、その他のすべての選択肢は自動的に設定されます。ユーザーの管理は管理者の権限として保留されました。",
"profileSettings": "プロファイル設定",
"ruleExample1": "各フォルダに名前はドットで始まるファイル(例えば、.git、.gitignore)へのアクセスを制限します。",
"ruleExample2": "範囲のルートパスに名前は Caddyfile のファイルへのアクセスを制限します。",
"rules": "規則",
"rulesHelp": "ここに、あなたはこのユーザーの許可または拒否規則を設定できます。ブロックされたファイルはリストに表示されません、それではアクセスも制限されます。正規表現(regex)のサポートと範囲に相対のパスが提供されています。",
"scope": "範囲",
"settingsUpdated": "設定は更新されました!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "ユーザー",
"userCommands": "ユーザーのコマンド",
"userCommandsHelp": "空白区切りの有効のコマンドのリストを指定してください。例:",
"userCreated": "ユーザーは作成されました!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "ユーザーは削除されました!",
"userManagement": "ユーザー管理",
"userUpdated": "ユーザーは更新されました!",
"username": "ユーザー名",
"users": "ユーザー"
"sidebar": {
"help": "ヘルプ",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "ログアウト",
"myFiles": "私のファイル",
"newFile": "新しいファイルを作成",
"newFolder": "新しいフォルダを作成",
"preview": "プレビュー",
"settings": "設定",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "サイト設定"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "リンクがコピーされました!"
"time": {
"days": "日",
"hours": "時間",
"minutes": "分",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "時間単位"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "취소",
"close": "닫기",
"copy": "복사",
"copyFile": "파일 복사",
"copyToClipboard": "클립보드 복사",
"create": "생성",
"delete": "삭제",
"download": "다운로드",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "정보",
"more": "더보기",
"move": "이동",
"moveFile": "파일 이동",
"new": "신규",
"next": "다음",
"ok": "확인",
"permalink": "링크 얻기",
"previous": "이전",
"publish": "게시",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
"replace": "대체",
"reportIssue": "이슈 보내기",
"save": "저장",
"schedule": "일정",
"search": "검색",
"select": "선택",
"selectMultiple": "다중 선택",
"share": "공유",
"shell": "쉘 전환",
"switchView": "보기 전환",
"toggleSidebar": "사이드바 전환",
"update": "업데이트",
"upload": "업로드"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "파일 다운로드",
"downloadFolder": "폴더 다운로드",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "접근 권한이 없습니다.",
"internal": "오류가 발생하였습니다.",
"notFound": "해당 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다."
"files": {
"body": "본문",
"clear": "지우기",
"closePreview": "미리보기 닫기",
"files": "파일",
"folders": "폴더",
"home": "홈",
"lastModified": "최종 수정",
"loading": "로딩중...",
"lonely": "폴더가 비어 있습니다...",
"metadata": "메타데이터",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "다중 선택 켜짐",
"name": "이름",
"size": "크기",
"sortByLastModified": "수정시간순 정렬",
"sortByName": "이름순",
"sortBySize": "크기순"
"help": {
"click": "파일이나 디렉토리를 선택해주세요.",
"ctrl": {
"click": "여러 개의 파일이나 디렉토리를 선택해주세요.",
"f": "검색창 열기",
"s": "파일 또는 디렉토리 다운로드"
"del": "선택된 파일 삭제",
"doubleClick": "파일 또는 디렉토리 열기",
"esc": "선택 취소/프롬프트 닫기",
"f1": "정보",
"f2": "파일 이름 변경",
"help": "도움말"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "계정 생성",
"loginInstead": "이미 계정이 있습니다",
"password": "비밀번호",
"passwordConfirm": "비밀번호 확인",
"passwordsDontMatch": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다",
"signup": "가입하기",
"submit": "로그인",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"usernameTaken": "사용자 이름이 존재합니다",
"wrongCredentials": "사용자 이름 또는 비밀번호를 확인하십시오"
"permanent": "영구",
"prompts": {
"copy": "복사",
"copyMessage": "복사할 디렉토리:",
"currentlyNavigating": "현재 위치:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "{count} 개의 파일을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "파일 혹은 디렉토리를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"deleteTitle": "파일 삭제",
"displayName": "게시 이름:",
"download": "파일 다운로드",
"downloadMessage": "다운로드 포맷 설정.",
"error": "에러 발생!",
"fileInfo": "파일 정보",
"filesSelected": "{count} 개의 파일이 선택되었습니다.",
"lastModified": "최종 수정",
"move": "이동",
"moveMessage": "이동할 화일 또는 디렉토리를 선택하세요:",
"newArchetype": "원형을 유지하는 포스트를 생성합니다. 파일은 컨텐트 폴더에 생성됩니다.",
"newDir": "새 디렉토리",
"newDirMessage": "새 디렉토리 이름을 입력해주세요.",
"newFile": "새 파일",
"newFileMessage": "새 파일 이름을 입력해주세요.",
"numberDirs": "디렉토리 수",
"numberFiles": "파일 수",
"rename": "이름 변경",
"renameMessage": "새로운 이름을 입력하세요.",
"replace": "대체하기",
"replaceMessage": "동일한 파일 이름이 존재합니다. 현재 파일을 덮어쓸까요?\n",
"schedule": "일정",
"scheduleMessage": "이 글을 공개할 시간을 알려주세요.",
"show": "보기",
"size": "크기",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "이미지",
"music": "음악",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "검색하려면 엔터를 입력하세요",
"search": "검색...",
"typeToSearch": "검색어 입력...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "비디오"
"settings": {
"admin": "관리자",
"administrator": "관리자",
"allowCommands": "명령 실행",
"allowEdit": "파일/디렉토리의 수정/변경/삭제 허용",
"allowNew": "파일/디렉토리 생성 허용",
"allowPublish": "새 포스트/페이지 생성 허용",
"allowSignup": "사용자 가입 허용",
"avoidChanges": "(수정하지 않으면 비워두세요)",
"branding": "브랜딩",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "브랜드 디렉토리 경로",
"brandingHelp": "File Browser 인스턴스는 이름, 로고, 스타일 등을 변경할 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 여기{0}에서 확인하세요.",
"changePassword": "비밀번호 변경",
"commandRunner": "명령 실행기",
"commandRunnerHelp": "이벤트에 해당하는 명령을 설정하세요. 줄당 1개의 명령을 적으세요. 환경 변수{0} 와 {1}이 사용가능하며, {0} 은 {1}에 상대 경로 입니다. 자세한 사항은 {2} 를 참조하세요.",
"commandsUpdated": "명령 수정됨!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "커스텀 스타일시트",
"defaultUserDescription": "아래 사항은 신규 사용자들에 대한 기본 설정입니다.",
"disableExternalLinks": "외부 링크 감추기",
"documentation": "문서",
"examples": "예",
"executeOnShell": "쉘에서 실행",
"executeOnShellDescription": "기본적으로 File Browser 는 바이너리를 명령어로 호출하여 실행합니다. 쉘을 통해 실행하기를 원한다면, Bash 또는 PowerShell 에 필요한 인수와 플래그를 설정하세요. 사용자 명령어와 이벤트 훅에 모두 적용됩니다.",
"globalRules": "규칙에 대한 전역설정으로 모든 사용자에게 적용됩니다. 지정된 규칙은 사용자 설정을 덮어쓰기 합니다.",
"globalSettings": "전역 설정",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "경로 입력",
"insertRegex": "정규식 입력",
"instanceName": "인스턴스 이름",
"language": "언어",
"lockPassword": "사용자에 의한 비밀번호 변경을 허용하지 않음",
"newPassword": "새로운 비밀번호",
"newPasswordConfirm": "새로운 비밀번호 확인",
"newUser": "새로운 사용자",
"password": "비밀번호",
"passwordUpdated": "비밀번호 수정 완료!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "파일이나 디렉토리 생성하기",
"delete": "화일이나 디렉토리 삭제하기",
"download": "다운로드",
"execute": "명령 실행",
"modify": "파일 편집",
"rename": "파일 이름 변경 또는 디렉토리 이동",
"share": "파일 공유하기"
"permissions": "권한",
"permissionsHelp": "사용자를 관리자로 만들거나 권한을 부여할 수 있습니다. 관리자를 선택하면, 모든 옵션이 자동으로 선택됩니다. 사용자 관리는 현재 관리자만 할 수 있습니다.\n",
"profileSettings": "프로필 설정",
"ruleExample1": "점(.)으로 시작하는 모든 파일의 접근을 방지합니다.(예 .git, .gitignore)\n",
"ruleExample2": "Caddyfile파일의 접근을 방지합니다.",
"rules": "룰",
"rulesHelp": "사용자별로 규칙을 허용/방지를 지정할 수 있습니다. 방지된 파일은 보이지 않고 사용자들은 접근할 수 없습니다. 사용자의 접근 허용 범위와 관련해 정규표현식(regex)과 경로를 지원합니다.\n",
"scope": "범위",
"settingsUpdated": "설정 수정됨!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "사용자",
"userCommands": "명령어",
"userCommandsHelp": "사용에게 허용할 명령어를 공백으로 구분하여 입력하세요. 예:\n",
"userCreated": "사용자 생성됨!",
"userDefaults": "사용자 기본 설정",
"userDeleted": "사용자 삭제됨!",
"userManagement": "사용자 관리",
"userUpdated": "사용자 수정됨!",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"users": "사용자"
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"login": "로그인",
"logout": "로그아웃",
"myFiles": "내 파일",
"newFile": "새로운 파일",
"newFolder": "새로운 폴더",
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"signup": "가입하기",
"siteSettings": "사이트 설정"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "링크가 복사되었습니다!"
"time": {
"days": "일",
"hours": "시",
"minutes": "분",
"seconds": "초",
"unit": "Time Unit"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "취소",
"close": "닫기",
"copy": "복사",
"copyFile": "파일 복사",
"copyToClipboard": "클립보드 복사",
"create": "생성",
"delete": "삭제",
"download": "다운로드",
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"info": "정보",
"more": "더보기",
"move": "이동",
"moveFile": "파일 이동",
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"next": "다음",
"ok": "확인",
"permalink": "링크 얻기",
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"publish": "게시",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
"replace": "대체",
"reportIssue": "이슈 보내기",
"save": "저장",
"schedule": "일정",
"search": "검색",
"select": "선택",
"selectMultiple": "다중 선택",
"share": "공유",
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"switchView": "보기 전환",
"toggleSidebar": "사이드바 전환",
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"downloadFolder": "폴더 다운로드",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "접근 권한이 없습니다.",
"internal": "오류가 발생하였습니다.",
"notFound": "해당 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다."
"files": {
"body": "본문",
"clear": "지우기",
"closePreview": "미리보기 닫기",
"files": "파일",
"folders": "폴더",
"home": "홈",
"lastModified": "최종 수정",
"loading": "로딩중...",
"lonely": "폴더가 비어 있습니다...",
"metadata": "메타데이터",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "다중 선택 켜짐",
"name": "이름",
"size": "크기",
"sortByLastModified": "수정시간순 정렬",
"sortByName": "이름순",
"sortBySize": "크기순"
"help": {
"click": "파일이나 디렉토리를 선택해주세요.",
"ctrl": {
"click": "여러 개의 파일이나 디렉토리를 선택해주세요.",
"f": "검색창 열기",
"s": "파일 또는 디렉토리 다운로드"
"del": "선택된 파일 삭제",
"doubleClick": "파일 또는 디렉토리 열기",
"esc": "선택 취소/프롬프트 닫기",
"f1": "정보",
"f2": "파일 이름 변경",
"help": "도움말"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "계정 생성",
"loginInstead": "이미 계정이 있습니다",
"password": "비밀번호",
"passwordConfirm": "비밀번호 확인",
"passwordsDontMatch": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다",
"signup": "가입하기",
"submit": "로그인",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"usernameTaken": "사용자 이름이 존재합니다",
"wrongCredentials": "사용자 이름 또는 비밀번호를 확인하십시오"
"permanent": "영구",
"prompts": {
"copy": "복사",
"copyMessage": "복사할 디렉토리:",
"currentlyNavigating": "현재 위치:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "{count} 개의 파일을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "파일 혹은 디렉토리를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"deleteTitle": "파일 삭제",
"displayName": "게시 이름:",
"download": "파일 다운로드",
"downloadMessage": "다운로드 포맷 설정.",
"error": "에러 발생!",
"fileInfo": "파일 정보",
"filesSelected": "{count} 개의 파일이 선택되었습니다.",
"lastModified": "최종 수정",
"move": "이동",
"moveMessage": "이동할 화일 또는 디렉토리를 선택하세요:",
"newArchetype": "원형을 유지하는 포스트를 생성합니다. 파일은 컨텐트 폴더에 생성됩니다.",
"newDir": "새 디렉토리",
"newDirMessage": "새 디렉토리 이름을 입력해주세요.",
"newFile": "새 파일",
"newFileMessage": "새 파일 이름을 입력해주세요.",
"numberDirs": "디렉토리 수",
"numberFiles": "파일 수",
"rename": "이름 변경",
"renameMessage": "새로운 이름을 입력하세요.",
"replace": "대체하기",
"replaceMessage": "동일한 파일 이름이 존재합니다. 현재 파일을 덮어쓸까요?\n",
"schedule": "일정",
"scheduleMessage": "이 글을 공개할 시간을 알려주세요.",
"show": "보기",
"size": "크기",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "이미지",
"music": "음악",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "검색하려면 엔터를 입력하세요",
"search": "검색...",
"typeToSearch": "검색어 입력...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "비디오"
"settings": {
"admin": "관리자",
"administrator": "관리자",
"allowCommands": "명령 실행",
"allowEdit": "파일/디렉토리의 수정/변경/삭제 허용",
"allowNew": "파일/디렉토리 생성 허용",
"allowPublish": "새 포스트/페이지 생성 허용",
"allowSignup": "사용자 가입 허용",
"avoidChanges": "(수정하지 않으면 비워두세요)",
"branding": "브랜딩",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "브랜드 디렉토리 경로",
"brandingHelp": "File Browser 인스턴스는 이름, 로고, 스타일 등을 변경할 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 여기{0}에서 확인하세요.",
"changePassword": "비밀번호 변경",
"commandRunner": "명령 실행기",
"commandRunnerHelp": "이벤트에 해당하는 명령을 설정하세요. 줄당 1개의 명령을 적으세요. 환경 변수{0} 와 {1}이 사용가능하며, {0} 은 {1}에 상대 경로 입니다. 자세한 사항은 {2} 를 참조하세요.",
"commandsUpdated": "명령 수정됨!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "커스텀 스타일시트",
"defaultUserDescription": "아래 사항은 신규 사용자들에 대한 기본 설정입니다.",
"disableExternalLinks": "외부 링크 감추기",
"documentation": "문서",
"examples": "예",
"executeOnShell": "쉘에서 실행",
"executeOnShellDescription": "기본적으로 File Browser 는 바이너리를 명령어로 호출하여 실행합니다. 쉘을 통해 실행하기를 원한다면, Bash 또는 PowerShell 에 필요한 인수와 플래그를 설정하세요. 사용자 명령어와 이벤트 훅에 모두 적용됩니다.",
"globalRules": "규칙에 대한 전역설정으로 모든 사용자에게 적용됩니다. 지정된 규칙은 사용자 설정을 덮어쓰기 합니다.",
"globalSettings": "전역 설정",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "경로 입력",
"insertRegex": "정규식 입력",
"instanceName": "인스턴스 이름",
"language": "언어",
"lockPassword": "사용자에 의한 비밀번호 변경을 허용하지 않음",
"newPassword": "새로운 비밀번호",
"newPasswordConfirm": "새로운 비밀번호 확인",
"newUser": "새로운 사용자",
"password": "비밀번호",
"passwordUpdated": "비밀번호 수정 완료!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "파일이나 디렉토리 생성하기",
"delete": "화일이나 디렉토리 삭제하기",
"download": "다운로드",
"execute": "명령 실행",
"modify": "파일 편집",
"rename": "파일 이름 변경 또는 디렉토리 이동",
"share": "파일 공유하기"
"permissions": "권한",
"permissionsHelp": "사용자를 관리자로 만들거나 권한을 부여할 수 있습니다. 관리자를 선택하면, 모든 옵션이 자동으로 선택됩니다. 사용자 관리는 현재 관리자만 할 수 있습니다.\n",
"profileSettings": "프로필 설정",
"ruleExample1": "점(.)으로 시작하는 모든 파일의 접근을 방지합니다.(예 .git, .gitignore)\n",
"ruleExample2": "Caddyfile파일의 접근을 방지합니다.",
"rules": "룰",
"rulesHelp": "사용자별로 규칙을 허용/방지를 지정할 수 있습니다. 방지된 파일은 보이지 않고 사용자들은 접근할 수 없습니다. 사용자의 접근 허용 범위와 관련해 정규표현식(regex)과 경로를 지원합니다.\n",
"scope": "범위",
"settingsUpdated": "설정 수정됨!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "사용자",
"userCommands": "명령어",
"userCommandsHelp": "사용에게 허용할 명령어를 공백으로 구분하여 입력하세요. 예:\n",
"userCreated": "사용자 생성됨!",
"userDefaults": "사용자 기본 설정",
"userDeleted": "사용자 삭제됨!",
"userManagement": "사용자 관리",
"userUpdated": "사용자 수정됨!",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"users": "사용자"
"sidebar": {
"help": "도움말",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "로그인",
"logout": "로그아웃",
"myFiles": "내 파일",
"newFile": "새로운 파일",
"newFolder": "새로운 폴더",
"preview": "미리보기",
"settings": "설정",
"signup": "가입하기",
"siteSettings": "사이트 설정"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "링크가 복사되었습니다!"
"time": {
"days": "일",
"hours": "시",
"minutes": "분",
"seconds": "초",
"unit": "Time Unit"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"close": "Sluiten",
"copy": "Kopiëren",
"copyFile": "Bestand kopiëren",
"copyToClipboard": "Kopiëren naar klembord",
"create": "Aanmaken",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Meer",
"move": "Verplaatsen",
"moveFile": "Verplaats bestand",
"new": "Nieuw",
"next": "Volgende",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Maak permanente link",
"previous": "Vorige",
"publish": "Publiceren",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"replace": "Vervangen",
"reportIssue": "Fout rapporteren",
"save": "Opslaan",
"schedule": "Plannen",
"search": "Zoeken",
"select": "Selecteren",
"selectMultiple": "Meerdere selecteren",
"share": "Delen",
"shell": "Open shell",
"switchView": "Beeld wisselen",
"toggleSidebar": "Zijbalk tonen",
"update": "Updaten",
"upload": "Uploaden"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Bestand downloaden",
"downloadFolder": "Map downloaden",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "U hebt geen rechten om hier toegang toe te krijgen.",
"internal": "Er ging iets mis.",
"notFound": "Deze locatie kan niet worden bereikt."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Wissen",
"closePreview": "Voorvertoon sluiten",
"files": "Bestanden",
"folders": "Mappen",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Laatst bewerkt",
"loading": "Laden...",
"lonely": "Het is hier wat leeg...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Meerdere items selecteren ingeschakeld",
"name": "Naam",
"size": "Grootte",
"sortByLastModified": "Sorteren op laatst bewerkt",
"sortByName": "Sorteren op naam",
"sortBySize": "Sorteren op grootte"
"help": {
"click": "selecteer bestand of map",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecteer meerdere bestanden of mappen",
"f": "opent zoeken",
"s": "sla een bestand op of download de map waar u bent"
"del": "verwijder geselecteerde items",
"doubleClick": "open een bestand of map",
"esc": "Wis selectie en/of sluit de prompt",
"f1": "deze informatie",
"f2": "bestand herbenoemen",
"help": "Help"
"languages": {
"ar": "Arabisch",
"de": "Duits",
"en": "Engels",
"es": "Spaans",
"fr": "Frans",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiaans",
"ja": "Japans",
"ko": "Koreaans",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Pools",
"pt": "Portugees",
"ptBR": "Portugees (Brazilië)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Russisch",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "Chinees (vereenvoudigd)",
"zhTW": "Chinees (traditioneel)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Account aanmaken",
"loginInstead": "Heeft al een account",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"passwordConfirm": "Wachtwoordbevestiging ",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen",
"signup": "Registeren",
"submit": "Log in",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"usernameTaken": "Gebruikersnaam reeds in gebruik",
"wrongCredentials": "Verkeerde inloggegevens"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiëren",
"copyMessage": "Kies een locatie om uw bestanden te kopiëren: ",
"currentlyNavigating": "Momenteel zoeken op: ",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Weet u zeker dat u {count} bestand(en) wil verwijderen?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Weet u zeker dat u dit bestand/map wil verwijderen?",
"deleteTitle": "Bestanden verwijderen",
"displayName": "Weergavenaam: ",
"download": "Bestanden downloaden",
"downloadMessage": "Kies het vermat dat u wilt downloaden. ",
"error": "Er ging iets fout",
"fileInfo": "Bestandinformatie",
"filesSelected": "{count} geselecteerde bestanden",
"lastModified": "Laatst Bewerkt",
"move": "Verplaatsen",
"moveMessage": "Kies een nieuwe locatie voor je bestand(en)/map(pen)",
"newArchetype": "Maak een nieuw bericht op basis van een archetype. Uw bestand wordt aangemaakt in de inhoudsmap.",
"newDir": "Nieuwe map",
"newDirMessage": "Schrijf de naam van de nieuwe map",
"newFile": "Nieuw bestand",
"newFileMessage": "Schrijf de naam van het nieuwe bestand",
"numberDirs": "Aantal mappen",
"numberFiles": "Aantal bestanden",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"renameMessage": "Voer een nieuwe naam in voor",
"replace": "Vervangen",
"replaceMessage": "Een van de bestanden die u probeert te uploaden, geeft conflicten i.v.m. de naamgeving. Wilt u de bestaande bestanden vervangen?\n",
"schedule": "Plannen",
"scheduleMessage": "Kies een datum en tijd om de publicatie van dit bericht in te plannen.",
"show": "Tonen",
"size": "Grootte",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Afbeeldingen",
"music": "Muziek",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Druk op enter om te zoeken...",
"search": "Zoeken...",
"typeToSearch": "Typ om te zoeken...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Commando's uitvoeren",
"allowEdit": "Bestanden of mappen aanpassen, hernoemen of verwijderen",
"allowNew": "Nieuwe bestanden of mappen aanmaken",
"allowPublish": "Publiceer nieuwe berichten en pagina's",
"allowSignup": "Sta gebruikers toe om zich te registreren",
"avoidChanges": "(laat leeg om wijzigingen te voorkomen)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "U kunt de looks en feels hoe File Browser wordt getoond wijzigen door de naam aan te passen, het logo te vervangen, een aangepast stylesheet toe te voegen en/of de externe links naar GitHub uit te schakelen.\nVoor meer informatie over custom branding, bekijk {0}.",
"changePassword": "Wijzig Wachtwoord",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hier kunt u opdrachten instellen die worden uitgevoerd in de benoemde gebeurtenissen. U moet er één per regel schrijven. De omgevingsvariabelen {0} en {1} zijn beschikbaar, zijnde {0} relatief ten opzichte van {1}. Raadpleeg {2} voor meer informatie over deze functie en de beschikbare omgevingsvariabelen.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commando's bijgewerkt!",
"createUserDir": "Maak automatisch een thuismap aan wanneer een nieuwe gebruiker wordt aangemaakt",
"customStylesheet": "Aangepast Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Dit zijn de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe gebruikers.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Schakel externe links uit (behalve documentatie)",
"documentation": "Documentatie",
"examples": "Voorbeelden",
"executeOnShell": "Uitvoeren in de shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "File Browser voert de opdrachten standaard uit door hun binaire bestanden rechtstreeks op te roepen. Als u ze in plaats daarvan wilt uitvoeren op een shell (zoals Bash of PowerShell), kunt u dit hier definiëren met de vereiste argumenten en vlaggen. Indien ingesteld, wordt de opdracht die u uitvoert, toegevoegd als een argument. Dit is van toepassing op zowel gebruikersopdrachten als event hooks.",
"globalRules": "Dit is een algemene reeks toegestane en niet toegestane regels. Ze zijn van toepassing op elke gebruiker. U kunt specifieke regels voor de instellingen van elke gebruiker definiëren om deze te overschrijven.",
"globalSettings": "Algemene Instellingen",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Voeg een pad toe",
"insertRegex": "Regex expressie invoeren",
"instanceName": "Instantienaam",
"language": "Taal",
"lockPassword": "Voorkom dat de gebruiker het wachtwoord wijzigt",
"newPassword": "Uw nieuw wachtwoord",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bevestig uw nieuw wachtwoord",
"newUser": "Nieuwe gebruiker",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"passwordUpdated": "Wachtwoord bijgewerkt!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Bestanden en mappen aanmaken",
"delete": "Bestanden en mappen verwijderen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"execute": "Commando's uitvoeren",
"modify": "Bestanden aanpassen",
"rename": "Bestanden of mappen hernoemen of verplaatsen",
"share": "Bestanden delen"
"permissions": "Permissies",
"permissionsHelp": "U kunt de gebruiker instellen als beheerder of de machtigingen afzonderlijk kiezen. Als u \"Beheerder\" selecteert, worden alle andere opties automatisch gecontroleerd. Het beheer van gebruikers blijft een privilege van een beheerder.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profielinstellingen",
"ruleExample1": "voorkomt de toegang tot elk puntbestand (zoals .git, .gitignore) in elke map.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blokkeert de toegang tot het bestand met de naam Caddyfile in de hoofdmap van het bereik.",
"rules": "Regels",
"rulesHelp": "Hier kunt u een reeks regels voor toestaan en niet toestaan voor deze specifieke gebruiker definiëren. De geblokkeerde bestanden verschijnen niet in de lijsten en zijn niet toegankelijk voor de gebruiker. We ondersteunen regex en paden relatief ten opzichte van het bereik van gebruikers. \n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Instellingen bijgewerkt!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Gebruiker",
"userCommands": "Commando's",
"userCommandsHelp": "Een lijst met beschikbare commando's voor de gebruiker gescheiden door spaties. Voorbeeld: \n",
"userCreated": "Gebruiker aangemaakt!",
"userDefaults": "Standaardinstellingen gebruiker",
"userDeleted": "Gebruiker verwijderd!",
"userManagement": "Gebruikersbeheer",
"userUpdated": "Gebruiker bijgewerkt!",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"users": "Gebruikers"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Help",
"hugoNew": "Hugo nieuw",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Uitloggen",
"myFiles": "Mijn bestanden",
"newFile": "Nieuw bestand",
"newFolder": "Nieuwe map",
"preview": "Voorbeeld",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"signup": "Registeren",
"siteSettings": "Site-instellingen"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link gekopieerd!"
"time": {
"days": "Dagen",
"hours": "Uren",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"seconds": "Seconden",
"unit": "Tijdseenheid"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"close": "Sluiten",
"copy": "Kopiëren",
"copyFile": "Bestand kopiëren",
"copyToClipboard": "Kopiëren naar klembord",
"create": "Aanmaken",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Meer",
"move": "Verplaatsen",
"moveFile": "Verplaats bestand",
"new": "Nieuw",
"next": "Volgende",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Maak permanente link",
"previous": "Vorige",
"publish": "Publiceren",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"replace": "Vervangen",
"reportIssue": "Fout rapporteren",
"save": "Opslaan",
"schedule": "Plannen",
"search": "Zoeken",
"select": "Selecteren",
"selectMultiple": "Meerdere selecteren",
"share": "Delen",
"shell": "Open shell",
"switchView": "Beeld wisselen",
"toggleSidebar": "Zijbalk tonen",
"update": "Updaten",
"upload": "Uploaden"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Bestand downloaden",
"downloadFolder": "Map downloaden",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "U hebt geen rechten om hier toegang toe te krijgen.",
"internal": "Er ging iets mis.",
"notFound": "Deze locatie kan niet worden bereikt."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Wissen",
"closePreview": "Voorvertoon sluiten",
"files": "Bestanden",
"folders": "Mappen",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Laatst bewerkt",
"loading": "Laden...",
"lonely": "Het is hier wat leeg...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Meerdere items selecteren ingeschakeld",
"name": "Naam",
"size": "Grootte",
"sortByLastModified": "Sorteren op laatst bewerkt",
"sortByName": "Sorteren op naam",
"sortBySize": "Sorteren op grootte"
"help": {
"click": "selecteer bestand of map",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecteer meerdere bestanden of mappen",
"f": "opent zoeken",
"s": "sla een bestand op of download de map waar u bent"
"del": "verwijder geselecteerde items",
"doubleClick": "open een bestand of map",
"esc": "Wis selectie en/of sluit de prompt",
"f1": "deze informatie",
"f2": "bestand herbenoemen",
"help": "Help"
"languages": {
"ar": "Arabisch",
"de": "Duits",
"en": "Engels",
"es": "Spaans",
"fr": "Frans",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiaans",
"ja": "Japans",
"ko": "Koreaans",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Pools",
"pt": "Portugees",
"ptBR": "Portugees (Brazilië)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Russisch",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "Chinees (vereenvoudigd)",
"zhTW": "Chinees (traditioneel)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Account aanmaken",
"loginInstead": "Heeft al een account",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"passwordConfirm": "Wachtwoordbevestiging ",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen",
"signup": "Registeren",
"submit": "Log in",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"usernameTaken": "Gebruikersnaam reeds in gebruik",
"wrongCredentials": "Verkeerde inloggegevens"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiëren",
"copyMessage": "Kies een locatie om uw bestanden te kopiëren: ",
"currentlyNavigating": "Momenteel zoeken op: ",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Weet u zeker dat u {count} bestand(en) wil verwijderen?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Weet u zeker dat u dit bestand/map wil verwijderen?",
"deleteTitle": "Bestanden verwijderen",
"displayName": "Weergavenaam: ",
"download": "Bestanden downloaden",
"downloadMessage": "Kies het vermat dat u wilt downloaden. ",
"error": "Er ging iets fout",
"fileInfo": "Bestandinformatie",
"filesSelected": "{count} geselecteerde bestanden",
"lastModified": "Laatst Bewerkt",
"move": "Verplaatsen",
"moveMessage": "Kies een nieuwe locatie voor je bestand(en)/map(pen)",
"newArchetype": "Maak een nieuw bericht op basis van een archetype. Uw bestand wordt aangemaakt in de inhoudsmap.",
"newDir": "Nieuwe map",
"newDirMessage": "Schrijf de naam van de nieuwe map",
"newFile": "Nieuw bestand",
"newFileMessage": "Schrijf de naam van het nieuwe bestand",
"numberDirs": "Aantal mappen",
"numberFiles": "Aantal bestanden",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"renameMessage": "Voer een nieuwe naam in voor",
"replace": "Vervangen",
"replaceMessage": "Een van de bestanden die u probeert te uploaden, geeft conflicten i.v.m. de naamgeving. Wilt u de bestaande bestanden vervangen?\n",
"schedule": "Plannen",
"scheduleMessage": "Kies een datum en tijd om de publicatie van dit bericht in te plannen.",
"show": "Tonen",
"size": "Grootte",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Afbeeldingen",
"music": "Muziek",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Druk op enter om te zoeken...",
"search": "Zoeken...",
"typeToSearch": "Typ om te zoeken...",
"types": "Types",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Commando's uitvoeren",
"allowEdit": "Bestanden of mappen aanpassen, hernoemen of verwijderen",
"allowNew": "Nieuwe bestanden of mappen aanmaken",
"allowPublish": "Publiceer nieuwe berichten en pagina's",
"allowSignup": "Sta gebruikers toe om zich te registreren",
"avoidChanges": "(laat leeg om wijzigingen te voorkomen)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "U kunt de looks en feels hoe File Browser wordt getoond wijzigen door de naam aan te passen, het logo te vervangen, een aangepast stylesheet toe te voegen en/of de externe links naar GitHub uit te schakelen.\nVoor meer informatie over custom branding, bekijk {0}.",
"changePassword": "Wijzig Wachtwoord",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Hier kunt u opdrachten instellen die worden uitgevoerd in de benoemde gebeurtenissen. U moet er één per regel schrijven. De omgevingsvariabelen {0} en {1} zijn beschikbaar, zijnde {0} relatief ten opzichte van {1}. Raadpleeg {2} voor meer informatie over deze functie en de beschikbare omgevingsvariabelen.",
"commandsUpdated": "Commando's bijgewerkt!",
"createUserDir": "Maak automatisch een thuismap aan wanneer een nieuwe gebruiker wordt aangemaakt",
"customStylesheet": "Aangepast Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "Dit zijn de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe gebruikers.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Schakel externe links uit (behalve documentatie)",
"documentation": "Documentatie",
"examples": "Voorbeelden",
"executeOnShell": "Uitvoeren in de shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "File Browser voert de opdrachten standaard uit door hun binaire bestanden rechtstreeks op te roepen. Als u ze in plaats daarvan wilt uitvoeren op een shell (zoals Bash of PowerShell), kunt u dit hier definiëren met de vereiste argumenten en vlaggen. Indien ingesteld, wordt de opdracht die u uitvoert, toegevoegd als een argument. Dit is van toepassing op zowel gebruikersopdrachten als event hooks.",
"globalRules": "Dit is een algemene reeks toegestane en niet toegestane regels. Ze zijn van toepassing op elke gebruiker. U kunt specifieke regels voor de instellingen van elke gebruiker definiëren om deze te overschrijven.",
"globalSettings": "Algemene Instellingen",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Voeg een pad toe",
"insertRegex": "Regex expressie invoeren",
"instanceName": "Instantienaam",
"language": "Taal",
"lockPassword": "Voorkom dat de gebruiker het wachtwoord wijzigt",
"newPassword": "Uw nieuw wachtwoord",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bevestig uw nieuw wachtwoord",
"newUser": "Nieuwe gebruiker",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"passwordUpdated": "Wachtwoord bijgewerkt!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Bestanden en mappen aanmaken",
"delete": "Bestanden en mappen verwijderen",
"download": "Downloaden",
"execute": "Commando's uitvoeren",
"modify": "Bestanden aanpassen",
"rename": "Bestanden of mappen hernoemen of verplaatsen",
"share": "Bestanden delen"
"permissions": "Permissies",
"permissionsHelp": "U kunt de gebruiker instellen als beheerder of de machtigingen afzonderlijk kiezen. Als u \"Beheerder\" selecteert, worden alle andere opties automatisch gecontroleerd. Het beheer van gebruikers blijft een privilege van een beheerder.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profielinstellingen",
"ruleExample1": "voorkomt de toegang tot elk puntbestand (zoals .git, .gitignore) in elke map.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blokkeert de toegang tot het bestand met de naam Caddyfile in de hoofdmap van het bereik.",
"rules": "Regels",
"rulesHelp": "Hier kunt u een reeks regels voor toestaan en niet toestaan voor deze specifieke gebruiker definiëren. De geblokkeerde bestanden verschijnen niet in de lijsten en zijn niet toegankelijk voor de gebruiker. We ondersteunen regex en paden relatief ten opzichte van het bereik van gebruikers. \n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Instellingen bijgewerkt!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Gebruiker",
"userCommands": "Commando's",
"userCommandsHelp": "Een lijst met beschikbare commando's voor de gebruiker gescheiden door spaties. Voorbeeld: \n",
"userCreated": "Gebruiker aangemaakt!",
"userDefaults": "Standaardinstellingen gebruiker",
"userDeleted": "Gebruiker verwijderd!",
"userManagement": "Gebruikersbeheer",
"userUpdated": "Gebruiker bijgewerkt!",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"users": "Gebruikers"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Help",
"hugoNew": "Hugo nieuw",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Uitloggen",
"myFiles": "Mijn bestanden",
"newFile": "Nieuw bestand",
"newFolder": "Nieuwe map",
"preview": "Voorbeeld",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"signup": "Registeren",
"siteSettings": "Site-instellingen"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link gekopieerd!"
"time": {
"days": "Dagen",
"hours": "Uren",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"seconds": "Seconden",
"unit": "Tijdseenheid"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"close": "Zamknij",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"copyFile": "Kopiuj plik",
"copyToClipboard": "kopiuj do schowka",
"create": "Utwórz",
"delete": "Usuń",
"download": "Pobierz",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informacja",
"more": "Więce",
"move": "Przenieś",
"moveFile": "Przenieś plik",
"new": "Nowy",
"next": "Następny",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Get Permanent Link",
"previous": "Poprzedni",
"publish": "Opublikuj",
"rename": "Zmień Nazwę",
"replace": "Zamień",
"reportIssue": "Zgłoś Problem",
"save": "Zapisz",
"schedule": "Grafik",
"search": "Szukaj",
"select": "Wybierz",
"selectMultiple": "Zaznacz wiele",
"share": "Udostępnij",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Zmień widok",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"update": "Aktualizuj",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Pojawił się poważny problem.",
"notFound": "Ten adres nie jest poprawny."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Wyczyść",
"closePreview": "Zamknij poprzednie",
"files": "Pliki",
"folders": "Foldery",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Ostatnio modyfikowane",
"loading": "Ładowanie...",
"lonely": "Smutno gdy tak pusto...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Multiple selection enabled",
"name": "Nazwa",
"size": "Rozmiar",
"sortByLastModified": "Sortuj po dacie modyfikacji",
"sortByName": "Sortuj po nazwie",
"sortBySize": "Sortuj po rozmiarze"
"help": {
"click": "wybierz plik lub foler",
"ctrl": {
"click": "wybierz wiele plików lub folderów",
"f": "otwórz wyszukiwarkę",
"s": "pobierz aktywny plik lub folder"
"del": "usuń zaznaczone",
"doubleClick": "otwórz plik lub folder",
"esc": "wyczyść zaznaczenie i/lub zamknij okno z powiadomieniem",
"f1": "ta informacja",
"f2": "zmień nazwę pliku",
"help": "Pomoc"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Hasło",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Błędne dane logowania"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"copyMessage": "Wybierz lokalizację do której mają być skopiowane wybrane pliki",
"currentlyNavigating": "Currently navigating on:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć {count} plik(ów)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten plik/folder?",
"deleteTitle": "Usuń pliki",
"displayName": "Wyświetlana Nazwa:",
"download": "Pobierz pliki",
"downloadMessage": "Wybierz format, jaki chesz pobrać.",
"error": "Pojawił się jakiś błąd",
"fileInfo": "Informacje o pliku",
"filesSelected": "{count} plików zostało zaznaczonych.",
"lastModified": "Osatnio Zmodyfikowane",
"move": "Przenieś",
"moveMessage": "Wybierz nową lokalizację dla swoich plik(ów)/folder(ów):",
"newArchetype": "Utwórz nowy wpis na bazie wybranego wzorca. Twój plik będzie utworzony w wybranym folderze.",
"newDir": "Nowy folder",
"newDirMessage": "Podaj nazwę tworzonego folderu.",
"newFile": "Nowy plik",
"newFileMessage": "Podaj nazwętworzonego pliku.",
"numberDirs": "Ilość katalogów",
"numberFiles": "Ilość plików",
"rename": "Zmień nazwę",
"renameMessage": "Podaj nową nazwę dla",
"replace": "Zamień",
"replaceMessage": "Jednen z plików który próbujesz wrzucić próbje nadpisać plik o tej samej nazwie. Czy chcesz nadpisać poprzedni plik?\n",
"schedule": "Grafi",
"scheduleMessage": "Wybierz datę i czas dla publikacji tego wpisu.",
"show": "Pokaż",
"size": "Rozmiar",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Zdjęcia",
"music": "Muzyka",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Szukaj...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Typy",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Wykonaj polecenie",
"allowEdit": "Edycja, zmiana nazwy i usuniecie plików lub folderów",
"allowNew": "Tworzenie nowych plików lub folderów",
"allowPublish": "Tworzenie nowych wpisów i stron",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(pozostaw puste aby nie zosatało zmienione)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Zmień Hasło",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Polecenie zaktualizowane!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Własny Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Przykłady",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Ustawienia Globalne",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Język",
"lockPassword": "Zablokuj użytkownikowi możliwość zmiany hasła",
"newPassword": "Twoje nowe hasło",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Potwierdź swoje hasło",
"newUser": "Nowy Użytkownik",
"password": "Hasło",
"passwordUpdated": "Hasło zostało zapisane!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Uprawnienia",
"permissionsHelp": "You can set the user to be an administrator or choose the permissions individually. If you select \"Administrator\", all of the other options will be automatically checked. The management of users remains a privilege of an administrator.\n",
"profileSettings": "Twój profil",
"ruleExample1": "prevents the access to any dot file (such as .git, .gitignore) in every folder.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocks the access to the file named Caddyfile on the root of the scope.",
"rules": "Uprawnienia",
"rulesHelp": "Here you can define a set of allow and disallow rules for this specific user. The blocked files won't show up in the listings and they wont be accessible to the user. We support regex and paths relative to the users scope.\n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Uprawnienia Zapisane!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Użytkownik",
"userCommands": "Polecenia",
"userCommandsHelp": "A space separated list with the available commands for this user. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Użytkownik zapisany!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Użytkownik usunięty!",
"userManagement": "Zarządzanie użytkownikami",
"userUpdated": "Użytkownik zapisany!",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"users": "Użytkownicy"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Pomoc",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Wyloguj",
"myFiles": "Moje pliki",
"newFile": "Nowy plik",
"newFolder": "Nowy folder",
"preview": "Podgląd",
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Ustawienia Strony"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link Skopiowany!"
"time": {
"days": "Dni",
"hours": "Godziny",
"minutes": "Minuty",
"seconds": "Sekundy",
"unit": "Jednostka czasu"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"close": "Zamknij",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"copyFile": "Kopiuj plik",
"copyToClipboard": "kopiuj do schowka",
"create": "Utwórz",
"delete": "Usuń",
"download": "Pobierz",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informacja",
"more": "Więce",
"move": "Przenieś",
"moveFile": "Przenieś plik",
"new": "Nowy",
"next": "Następny",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Get Permanent Link",
"previous": "Poprzedni",
"publish": "Opublikuj",
"rename": "Zmień Nazwę",
"replace": "Zamień",
"reportIssue": "Zgłoś Problem",
"save": "Zapisz",
"schedule": "Grafik",
"search": "Szukaj",
"select": "Wybierz",
"selectMultiple": "Zaznacz wiele",
"share": "Udostępnij",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Zmień widok",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"update": "Aktualizuj",
"upload": "Upload"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"downloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Pojawił się poważny problem.",
"notFound": "Ten adres nie jest poprawny."
"files": {
"body": "Body",
"clear": "Wyczyść",
"closePreview": "Zamknij poprzednie",
"files": "Pliki",
"folders": "Foldery",
"home": "Home",
"lastModified": "Ostatnio modyfikowane",
"loading": "Ładowanie...",
"lonely": "Smutno gdy tak pusto...",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Multiple selection enabled",
"name": "Nazwa",
"size": "Rozmiar",
"sortByLastModified": "Sortuj po dacie modyfikacji",
"sortByName": "Sortuj po nazwie",
"sortBySize": "Sortuj po rozmiarze"
"help": {
"click": "wybierz plik lub foler",
"ctrl": {
"click": "wybierz wiele plików lub folderów",
"f": "otwórz wyszukiwarkę",
"s": "pobierz aktywny plik lub folder"
"del": "usuń zaznaczone",
"doubleClick": "otwórz plik lub folder",
"esc": "wyczyść zaznaczenie i/lub zamknij okno z powiadomieniem",
"f1": "ta informacja",
"f2": "zmień nazwę pliku",
"help": "Pomoc"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Hasło",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Błędne dane logowania"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"copyMessage": "Wybierz lokalizację do której mają być skopiowane wybrane pliki",
"currentlyNavigating": "Currently navigating on:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć {count} plik(ów)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten plik/folder?",
"deleteTitle": "Usuń pliki",
"displayName": "Wyświetlana Nazwa:",
"download": "Pobierz pliki",
"downloadMessage": "Wybierz format, jaki chesz pobrać.",
"error": "Pojawił się jakiś błąd",
"fileInfo": "Informacje o pliku",
"filesSelected": "{count} plików zostało zaznaczonych.",
"lastModified": "Osatnio Zmodyfikowane",
"move": "Przenieś",
"moveMessage": "Wybierz nową lokalizację dla swoich plik(ów)/folder(ów):",
"newArchetype": "Utwórz nowy wpis na bazie wybranego wzorca. Twój plik będzie utworzony w wybranym folderze.",
"newDir": "Nowy folder",
"newDirMessage": "Podaj nazwę tworzonego folderu.",
"newFile": "Nowy plik",
"newFileMessage": "Podaj nazwętworzonego pliku.",
"numberDirs": "Ilość katalogów",
"numberFiles": "Ilość plików",
"rename": "Zmień nazwę",
"renameMessage": "Podaj nową nazwę dla",
"replace": "Zamień",
"replaceMessage": "Jednen z plików który próbujesz wrzucić próbje nadpisać plik o tej samej nazwie. Czy chcesz nadpisać poprzedni plik?\n",
"schedule": "Grafi",
"scheduleMessage": "Wybierz datę i czas dla publikacji tego wpisu.",
"show": "Pokaż",
"size": "Rozmiar",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Zdjęcia",
"music": "Muzyka",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Szukaj...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Typy",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Wykonaj polecenie",
"allowEdit": "Edycja, zmiana nazwy i usuniecie plików lub folderów",
"allowNew": "Tworzenie nowych plików lub folderów",
"allowPublish": "Tworzenie nowych wpisów i stron",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(pozostaw puste aby nie zosatało zmienione)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Zmień Hasło",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Polecenie zaktualizowane!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Własny Stylesheet",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentation",
"examples": "Przykłady",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Ustawienia Globalne",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Język",
"lockPassword": "Zablokuj użytkownikowi możliwość zmiany hasła",
"newPassword": "Twoje nowe hasło",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Potwierdź swoje hasło",
"newUser": "Nowy Użytkownik",
"password": "Hasło",
"passwordUpdated": "Hasło zostało zapisane!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Download",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Edit files",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Share files"
"permissions": "Uprawnienia",
"permissionsHelp": "You can set the user to be an administrator or choose the permissions individually. If you select \"Administrator\", all of the other options will be automatically checked. The management of users remains a privilege of an administrator.\n",
"profileSettings": "Twój profil",
"ruleExample1": "prevents the access to any dot file (such as .git, .gitignore) in every folder.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blocks the access to the file named Caddyfile on the root of the scope.",
"rules": "Uprawnienia",
"rulesHelp": "Here you can define a set of allow and disallow rules for this specific user. The blocked files won't show up in the listings and they wont be accessible to the user. We support regex and paths relative to the users scope.\n",
"scope": "Scope",
"settingsUpdated": "Uprawnienia Zapisane!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Użytkownik",
"userCommands": "Polecenia",
"userCommandsHelp": "A space separated list with the available commands for this user. Example:\n",
"userCreated": "Użytkownik zapisany!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Użytkownik usunięty!",
"userManagement": "Zarządzanie użytkownikami",
"userUpdated": "Użytkownik zapisany!",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"users": "Użytkownicy"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Pomoc",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Wyloguj",
"myFiles": "Moje pliki",
"newFile": "Nowy plik",
"newFolder": "Nowy folder",
"preview": "Podgląd",
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Ustawienia Strony"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link Skopiowany!"
"time": {
"days": "Dni",
"hours": "Godziny",
"minutes": "Minuty",
"seconds": "Sekundy",
"unit": "Jednostka czasu"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar arquivo",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar",
"create": "Criar",
"delete": "Deletar",
"download": "Baixar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informações",
"more": "Mais",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover arquivo",
"new": "Novo",
"next": "Próximo",
"ok": "Ok",
"permalink": "Obter link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Renomear",
"replace": "Substituir",
"reportIssue": "Reportar erro",
"save": "Salvar",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"search": "Pesquisar",
"select": "Selecionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selecionar múltiplos",
"share": "Compartilhar",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Alterar modo de visão",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
"update": "Atualizar",
"upload": "Enviar"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Baixar arquivo",
"downloadFolder": "Baixar pasta",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Ops! Algum erro ocorreu.",
"notFound": "Ops! Nada foi encontrado."
"files": {
"body": "Corpo",
"clear": "Limpar",
"closePreview": "Fechar pré-visualização",
"files": "Arquivos",
"folders": "Pastas",
"home": "Início",
"lastModified": "Última modificação",
"loading": "Carregando. Aguarde, por favor.",
"lonely": "Não existe nada aqui.",
"metadata": "Metadados",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Seleção múltipla ativada",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Tamanho",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar pela última modificação",
"sortByName": "Ordenar pelo nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar pelo tamanho"
"help": {
"click": "selecionar pasta ou arquivo",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecionar várias pastas e arquivos",
"f": "pesquisar",
"s": "salvar um arquivo ou baixar a pasta que você está"
"del": "deletar os arquivos selecionados",
"doubleClick": "abrir pasta ou arquivo",
"esc": "limpar seleção e/ou fechar menu",
"f1": "está informação",
"f2": "renomear arquivo",
"help": "Ajuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Senha",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Nome do usuário",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Ops! Dados incorretos."
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Escolha um lugar para copiar os arquivos:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Navegando em:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Deseja deletar {count} arquivo(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Deseja deletar está pasta/arquivo?",
"deleteTitle": "Deletar arquivos",
"displayName": "Nome:",
"download": "Baixar arquivos",
"downloadMessage": "Escolha o formato do arquivo.",
"error": "Algo de ruim ocorreu",
"fileInfo": "Informação do arquivo",
"filesSelected": "{count} arquivos selecionados.",
"lastModified": "Última modificação",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Escolha uma nova pasta para os seus arquivos:",
"newArchetype": "Criar um novo post baseado num \"archetype\". O seu arquivo será criado na pasta \"content\".",
"newDir": "Nova pasta",
"newDirMessage": "Escreva o nome da nova pasta.",
"newFile": "Novo arquivo",
"newFileMessage": "Escreva o nome do novo arquivo.",
"numberDirs": "Número de pastas",
"numberFiles": "Número de arquivos",
"rename": "Renomear",
"renameMessage": "Insira um novo nome para",
"replace": "Substituir",
"replaceMessage": "Já existe um arquivo com nome igual a um dos que está tentando enviar. Deseja substituir?\n",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"scheduleMessage": "Escolha uma data para publicar este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamanho",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Pesquise...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Executar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renomear e deletar arquivos ou pastas",
"allowNew": "Criar novos arquivos e pastas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar novas páginas e conteúdos",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(deixe em branco para manter)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Alterar senha",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandos atualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Estilos personalizados",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentação",
"examples": "Exemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Configurações globais",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Inserir expressão regular",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Linguagem",
"lockPassword": "Não permitir que o usuário altere a senha",
"newPassword": "Nova senha",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirme a nova senha",
"newUser": "Novo usuário",
"password": "Senha",
"passwordUpdated": "Senha atualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Baixar",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Editar arquivos",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Compartilhar arquivos"
"permissions": "Permissões",
"permissionsHelp": "Pode definir o usuário como administrador ou escolher as permissões manualmente. Se selecionar a opção \"Administrador\", todas as outras opções serão automaticamente selecionadas. A gestão dos usuários é um privilégio restringido aos administradores.\n",
"profileSettings": "Configurações do usuário",
"ruleExample1": "previne o acesso a qualquer \"dotfile\" (como .git, .gitignore) em qualquer pasta\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloqueia o acesso ao arquivo chamado Caddyfile.",
"rules": "Regras",
"rulesHelp": "Aqui pode definir um conjunto de regras para permitir ou bloquear o acesso do utilizador a determinados arquivos ou pastas. Os arquivos bloqueados não irão aparecer durante a navegação. Suportamos expressões regulares e os caminhos dos arquivos devem ser relativos à base do usuário.\n",
"scope": "Base",
"settingsUpdated": "Configurações atualizadas!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Usuário",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Uma lista, separada com espaços, de comandos disponíveis para este usuário. Exemplo:",
"userCreated": "Usuário criado!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Usuário eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Gestão de usuários",
"userUpdated": "Usuário atualizado!",
"username": "Nome do usuário",
"users": "Usuários"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Arquivos",
"newFile": "Novo arquivo",
"newFolder": "Nova pasta",
"preview": "Pré-visualizar",
"settings": "Configurações",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Configurações do site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Dias",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidades de Tempo"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar arquivo",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar",
"create": "Criar",
"delete": "Deletar",
"download": "Baixar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Informações",
"more": "Mais",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover arquivo",
"new": "Novo",
"next": "Próximo",
"ok": "Ok",
"permalink": "Obter link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Renomear",
"replace": "Substituir",
"reportIssue": "Reportar erro",
"save": "Salvar",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"search": "Pesquisar",
"select": "Selecionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selecionar múltiplos",
"share": "Compartilhar",
"shell": "Toggle shell",
"switchView": "Alterar modo de visão",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
"update": "Atualizar",
"upload": "Enviar"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Baixar arquivo",
"downloadFolder": "Baixar pasta",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.",
"internal": "Ops! Algum erro ocorreu.",
"notFound": "Ops! Nada foi encontrado."
"files": {
"body": "Corpo",
"clear": "Limpar",
"closePreview": "Fechar pré-visualização",
"files": "Arquivos",
"folders": "Pastas",
"home": "Início",
"lastModified": "Última modificação",
"loading": "Carregando. Aguarde, por favor.",
"lonely": "Não existe nada aqui.",
"metadata": "Metadados",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Seleção múltipla ativada",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Tamanho",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar pela última modificação",
"sortByName": "Ordenar pelo nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar pelo tamanho"
"help": {
"click": "selecionar pasta ou arquivo",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecionar várias pastas e arquivos",
"f": "pesquisar",
"s": "salvar um arquivo ou baixar a pasta que você está"
"del": "deletar os arquivos selecionados",
"doubleClick": "abrir pasta ou arquivo",
"esc": "limpar seleção e/ou fechar menu",
"f1": "está informação",
"f2": "renomear arquivo",
"help": "Ajuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Create an account",
"loginInstead": "Already have an account",
"password": "Senha",
"passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"signup": "Signup",
"submit": "Login",
"username": "Nome do usuário",
"usernameTaken": "Username already taken",
"wrongCredentials": "Ops! Dados incorretos."
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Escolha um lugar para copiar os arquivos:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Navegando em:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Deseja deletar {count} arquivo(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Deseja deletar está pasta/arquivo?",
"deleteTitle": "Deletar arquivos",
"displayName": "Nome:",
"download": "Baixar arquivos",
"downloadMessage": "Escolha o formato do arquivo.",
"error": "Algo de ruim ocorreu",
"fileInfo": "Informação do arquivo",
"filesSelected": "{count} arquivos selecionados.",
"lastModified": "Última modificação",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Escolha uma nova pasta para os seus arquivos:",
"newArchetype": "Criar um novo post baseado num \"archetype\". O seu arquivo será criado na pasta \"content\".",
"newDir": "Nova pasta",
"newDirMessage": "Escreva o nome da nova pasta.",
"newFile": "Novo arquivo",
"newFileMessage": "Escreva o nome do novo arquivo.",
"numberDirs": "Número de pastas",
"numberFiles": "Número de arquivos",
"rename": "Renomear",
"renameMessage": "Insira um novo nome para",
"replace": "Substituir",
"replaceMessage": "Já existe um arquivo com nome igual a um dos que está tentando enviar. Deseja substituir?\n",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"scheduleMessage": "Escolha uma data para publicar este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamanho",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...",
"search": "Pesquise...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Executar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renomear e deletar arquivos ou pastas",
"allowNew": "Criar novos arquivos e pastas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar novas páginas e conteúdos",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"avoidChanges": "(deixe em branco para manter)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"changePassword": "Alterar senha",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandos atualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "Estilos personalizados",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"documentation": "documentação",
"examples": "Exemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"globalSettings": "Configurações globais",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"insertRegex": "Inserir expressão regular",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Linguagem",
"lockPassword": "Não permitir que o usuário altere a senha",
"newPassword": "Nova senha",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirme a nova senha",
"newUser": "Novo usuário",
"password": "Senha",
"passwordUpdated": "Senha atualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Create files and directories",
"delete": "Delete files and directories",
"download": "Baixar",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"modify": "Editar arquivos",
"rename": "Rename or move files and directories",
"share": "Compartilhar arquivos"
"permissions": "Permissões",
"permissionsHelp": "Pode definir o usuário como administrador ou escolher as permissões manualmente. Se selecionar a opção \"Administrador\", todas as outras opções serão automaticamente selecionadas. A gestão dos usuários é um privilégio restringido aos administradores.\n",
"profileSettings": "Configurações do usuário",
"ruleExample1": "previne o acesso a qualquer \"dotfile\" (como .git, .gitignore) em qualquer pasta\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloqueia o acesso ao arquivo chamado Caddyfile.",
"rules": "Regras",
"rulesHelp": "Aqui pode definir um conjunto de regras para permitir ou bloquear o acesso do utilizador a determinados arquivos ou pastas. Os arquivos bloqueados não irão aparecer durante a navegação. Suportamos expressões regulares e os caminhos dos arquivos devem ser relativos à base do usuário.\n",
"scope": "Base",
"settingsUpdated": "Configurações atualizadas!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Usuário",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Uma lista, separada com espaços, de comandos disponíveis para este usuário. Exemplo:",
"userCreated": "Usuário criado!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"userDeleted": "Usuário eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Gestão de usuários",
"userUpdated": "Usuário atualizado!",
"username": "Nome do usuário",
"users": "Usuários"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Arquivos",
"newFile": "Novo arquivo",
"newFolder": "Nova pasta",
"preview": "Pré-visualizar",
"settings": "Configurações",
"signup": "Signup",
"siteSettings": "Configurações do site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Dias",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidades de Tempo"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar ficheiro",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar",
"create": "Criar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"download": "Descarregar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mais",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover ficheiro",
"new": "Novo",
"next": "Próximo",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obter link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Alterar nome",
"replace": "Substituir",
"reportIssue": "Reportar erro",
"save": "Guardar",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"search": "Pesquisar",
"select": "Selecionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selecionar vários",
"share": "Partilhar",
"shell": "Alternar shell",
"switchView": "Alterar vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
"update": "Atualizar",
"upload": "Enviar"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descarregar ficheiro",
"downloadFolder": "Descarregar pasta",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Não tem permissões para aceder a isto",
"internal": "Algo correu bastante mal.",
"notFound": "Esta localização não é alcançável."
"files": {
"body": "Corpo",
"clear": "Limpar",
"closePreview": "Fechar pré-visualização",
"files": "Ficheiros",
"folders": "Pastas",
"home": "Início",
"lastModified": "Última alteração",
"loading": "A carregar...",
"lonely": "Sinto-me sozinho...",
"metadata": "Metadados",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Seleção múltipla ativada",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Tamanho",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar pela última alteração",
"sortByName": "Ordenar pelo nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar pelo tamanho"
"help": {
"click": "selecionar pasta ou ficheiro",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecionar várias pastas e ficheiros",
"f": "pesquisar",
"s": "guardar um ficheiro ou descarrega a pasta em que está a navegar"
"del": "eliminar os ficheiros selecionados",
"doubleClick": "abrir pasta ou ficheiro",
"esc": "limpar seleção e/ou fechar menu",
"f1": "esta informação",
"f2": "alterar nome do ficheiro",
"help": "Ajuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "Árabe",
"de": "Alemão",
"en": "Inglês",
"es": "Espanhol",
"fr": "Francês",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "Japonês",
"ko": "Coreano",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polaco",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Russo",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "Chinês simplificado",
"zhTW": "Chinês tradicional"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Criar uma conta",
"loginInstead": "Já tenho uma conta",
"password": "Palavra-passe",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmação da palavra-passe",
"passwordsDontMatch": "As palavras-passe não coincidem",
"signup": "Registar",
"submit": "Entrar na conta",
"username": "Nome de utilizador",
"usernameTaken": "O nome de utilizador já está registado",
"wrongCredentials": "Dados errados"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Escolha um lugar para onde copiar os ficheiros:",
"currentlyNavigating": "A navegar em:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Quer eliminar {count} ficheiro(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Quer eliminar esta pasta/ficheiro?",
"deleteTitle": "Eliminar ficheiros",
"displayName": "Nome:",
"download": "Descarregar ficheiros",
"downloadMessage": "Escolha o formato do ficheiro que quer descarregar.",
"error": "Algo correu mal",
"fileInfo": "Informação do ficheiro",
"filesSelected": "{count} ficheiros selecionados.",
"lastModified": "Última alteração",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Escolha uma nova casa para os seus ficheiros/pastas:",
"newArchetype": "Criar um novo post baseado num \"archetype\". O seu ficheiro será criado na pasta \"content\".",
"newDir": "Nova pasta",
"newDirMessage": "Escreva o nome da nova pasta.",
"newFile": "Novo ficheiro",
"newFileMessage": "Escreva o nome do novo ficheiro.",
"numberDirs": "Número de pastas",
"numberFiles": "Número de ficheiros",
"rename": "Alterar nome",
"renameMessage": "Insira um novo nome para",
"replace": "Substituir",
"replaceMessage": "Já existe um ficheiro com nome igual a um dos que está a tentar enviar. Quer substituí-lo?\n",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"scheduleMessage": "Escolha uma data para publicar este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamanho",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Tecla Enter para pesquisar...",
"search": "Pesquisar...",
"typeToSearch": "Escrever para pesquisar...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Executar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renomear e eliminar ficheiros ou pastas",
"allowNew": "Criar novos ficheiros e pastas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar novas páginas e conteúdos",
"allowSignup": "Permitir que os utilizadores criem contas",
"avoidChanges": "(deixe em branco para manter)",
"branding": "Marca",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Caminho da pasta de marca",
"brandingHelp": "Pode personalizar a aparência do seu Navegador de Ficheiros, alterar o nome, substituindo o logótipo, adicionando estilos personalizados e mesmo desativando links externos para o GitHub.\nPara mais informações sobre marca personalizada, por favor veja {0}.",
"changePassword": "Alterar palavra-passe",
"commandRunner": "Execução de comandos",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Aqui pode definir comandos que são executados nos eventos nomeados. Tem de escrever um por linha. As variáveis de ambiente {0} e {1} estarão disponíveis, sendo {0} relativo a {1}. Para mais informações sobre esta funcionalidade e as variáveis de ambiente, veja {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandos atualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Criar automaticamente a pasta de início ao adicionar um novo utilizador",
"customStylesheet": "Folha de estilos personalizada",
"defaultUserDescription": "Estas são as configurações padrão para novos utilizadores.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Desativar links externos (exceto documentação)",
"documentation": "documentação",
"examples": "Exemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Executar na shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Por padrão, o Navegador de Ficheiros executa os comandos chamando os seus binários diretamente. Se em vez disso, quiser executá-los numa shell (como Bash ou PowerShell), pode definir isso aqui com os argumentos e bandeiras necessários. Se definido, o comando que executa será anexado como um argumento. Isto aplica-se tanto a comandos do utilizador como a hooks de eventos.",
"globalRules": "Isto é um conjunto global de regras de permissão e negação. Elas aplicam-se a todos os utilizadores. Pode especificar regras específicas para cada configuração do utilizador para sobreporem-se a estas.",
"globalSettings": "Configurações globais",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Inserir o caminho",
"insertRegex": "Inserir expressão regular",
"instanceName": "Nome da instância",
"language": "Linguagem",
"lockPassword": "Não permitir que o utilizador altere a palavra-passe",
"newPassword": "Nova palavra-passe",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirme a nova palavra-passe",
"newUser": "Novo utilizador",
"password": "Palavra-passe",
"passwordUpdated": "Palavra-passe atualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Criar ficheiros e pastas",
"delete": "Eliminar ficheiros e pastas",
"download": "Descarregar",
"execute": "Executar comandos",
"modify": "Editar ficheiros",
"rename": "Alterar o nome ou mover ficheiros e pastas",
"share": "Partilhar ficheiros"
"permissions": "Permissões",
"permissionsHelp": "Pode definir o utilizador como administrador ou escolher as permissões manualmente. Se selecionar a opção \"Administrador\", todas as outras opções serão automaticamente selecionadas. A gestão dos utilizadores é um privilégio restringido aos administradores.\n",
"profileSettings": "Configurações do utilizador",
"ruleExample1": "previne o acesso a qualquer \"dotfile\" (como .git, .gitignore) em qualquer pasta\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloqueia o acesso ao ficheiro chamado Caddyfile na raiz.",
"rules": "Regras",
"rulesHelp": "Aqui pode definir um conjunto de regras para permitir ou bloquear o acesso do utilizador a determinados ficheiros ou pastas. Os ficheiros bloqueados não irão aparecer durante a navegação. Suportamos expressões regulares e os caminhos dos ficheiros devem ser relativos à base do utilizador.\n",
"scope": "Base",
"settingsUpdated": "Configurações atualizadas!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilizador",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Uma lista, separada com espaços, de comandos disponíveis para este utilizados. Exemplo:",
"userCreated": "Utilizador criado!",
"userDefaults": "Configurações padrão do utilizador",
"userDeleted": "Utilizador eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Gestão de utilizadores",
"userUpdated": "Utilizador atualizado!",
"username": "Nome de utilizador",
"users": "Utilizadores"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Entrar",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Meus ficheiros",
"newFile": "Novo ficheiro",
"newFolder": "Nova pasta",
"preview": "Pré-visualizar",
"settings": "Configurações",
"signup": "Registar",
"siteSettings": "Configurações do site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Dias",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidades de tempo"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Fechar",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyFile": "Copiar ficheiro",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiar",
"create": "Criar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"download": "Descarregar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mais",
"move": "Mover",
"moveFile": "Mover ficheiro",
"new": "Novo",
"next": "Próximo",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obter link permanente",
"previous": "Anterior",
"publish": "Publicar",
"rename": "Alterar nome",
"replace": "Substituir",
"reportIssue": "Reportar erro",
"save": "Guardar",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"search": "Pesquisar",
"select": "Selecionar",
"selectMultiple": "Selecionar vários",
"share": "Partilhar",
"shell": "Alternar shell",
"switchView": "Alterar vista",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
"update": "Atualizar",
"upload": "Enviar"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descarregar ficheiro",
"downloadFolder": "Descarregar pasta",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Não tem permissões para aceder a isto",
"internal": "Algo correu bastante mal.",
"notFound": "Esta localização não é alcançável."
"files": {
"body": "Corpo",
"clear": "Limpar",
"closePreview": "Fechar pré-visualização",
"files": "Ficheiros",
"folders": "Pastas",
"home": "Início",
"lastModified": "Última alteração",
"loading": "A carregar...",
"lonely": "Sinto-me sozinho...",
"metadata": "Metadados",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Seleção múltipla ativada",
"name": "Nome",
"size": "Tamanho",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordenar pela última alteração",
"sortByName": "Ordenar pelo nome",
"sortBySize": "Ordenar pelo tamanho"
"help": {
"click": "selecionar pasta ou ficheiro",
"ctrl": {
"click": "selecionar várias pastas e ficheiros",
"f": "pesquisar",
"s": "guardar um ficheiro ou descarrega a pasta em que está a navegar"
"del": "eliminar os ficheiros selecionados",
"doubleClick": "abrir pasta ou ficheiro",
"esc": "limpar seleção e/ou fechar menu",
"f1": "esta informação",
"f2": "alterar nome do ficheiro",
"help": "Ajuda"
"languages": {
"ar": "Árabe",
"de": "Alemão",
"en": "Inglês",
"es": "Espanhol",
"fr": "Francês",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "Japonês",
"ko": "Coreano",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polaco",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Russo",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "Chinês simplificado",
"zhTW": "Chinês tradicional"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Criar uma conta",
"loginInstead": "Já tenho uma conta",
"password": "Palavra-passe",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmação da palavra-passe",
"passwordsDontMatch": "As palavras-passe não coincidem",
"signup": "Registar",
"submit": "Entrar na conta",
"username": "Nome de utilizador",
"usernameTaken": "O nome de utilizador já está registado",
"wrongCredentials": "Dados errados"
"permanent": "Permanente",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyMessage": "Escolha um lugar para onde copiar os ficheiros:",
"currentlyNavigating": "A navegar em:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Quer eliminar {count} ficheiro(s)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Quer eliminar esta pasta/ficheiro?",
"deleteTitle": "Eliminar ficheiros",
"displayName": "Nome:",
"download": "Descarregar ficheiros",
"downloadMessage": "Escolha o formato do ficheiro que quer descarregar.",
"error": "Algo correu mal",
"fileInfo": "Informação do ficheiro",
"filesSelected": "{count} ficheiros selecionados.",
"lastModified": "Última alteração",
"move": "Mover",
"moveMessage": "Escolha uma nova casa para os seus ficheiros/pastas:",
"newArchetype": "Criar um novo post baseado num \"archetype\". O seu ficheiro será criado na pasta \"content\".",
"newDir": "Nova pasta",
"newDirMessage": "Escreva o nome da nova pasta.",
"newFile": "Novo ficheiro",
"newFileMessage": "Escreva o nome do novo ficheiro.",
"numberDirs": "Número de pastas",
"numberFiles": "Número de ficheiros",
"rename": "Alterar nome",
"renameMessage": "Insira um novo nome para",
"replace": "Substituir",
"replaceMessage": "Já existe um ficheiro com nome igual a um dos que está a tentar enviar. Quer substituí-lo?\n",
"schedule": "Agendar",
"scheduleMessage": "Escolha uma data para publicar este post.",
"show": "Mostrar",
"size": "Tamanho",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagens",
"music": "Música",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Tecla Enter para pesquisar...",
"search": "Pesquisar...",
"typeToSearch": "Escrever para pesquisar...",
"types": "Tipos",
"video": "Vídeos"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"allowCommands": "Executar comandos",
"allowEdit": "Editar, renomear e eliminar ficheiros ou pastas",
"allowNew": "Criar novos ficheiros e pastas",
"allowPublish": "Publicar novas páginas e conteúdos",
"allowSignup": "Permitir que os utilizadores criem contas",
"avoidChanges": "(deixe em branco para manter)",
"branding": "Marca",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Caminho da pasta de marca",
"brandingHelp": "Pode personalizar a aparência do seu Navegador de Ficheiros, alterar o nome, substituindo o logótipo, adicionando estilos personalizados e mesmo desativando links externos para o GitHub.\nPara mais informações sobre marca personalizada, por favor veja {0}.",
"changePassword": "Alterar palavra-passe",
"commandRunner": "Execução de comandos",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Aqui pode definir comandos que são executados nos eventos nomeados. Tem de escrever um por linha. As variáveis de ambiente {0} e {1} estarão disponíveis, sendo {0} relativo a {1}. Para mais informações sobre esta funcionalidade e as variáveis de ambiente, veja {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comandos atualizados!",
"createUserDir": "Criar automaticamente a pasta de início ao adicionar um novo utilizador",
"customStylesheet": "Folha de estilos personalizada",
"defaultUserDescription": "Estas são as configurações padrão para novos utilizadores.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Desativar links externos (exceto documentação)",
"documentation": "documentação",
"examples": "Exemplos",
"executeOnShell": "Executar na shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Por padrão, o Navegador de Ficheiros executa os comandos chamando os seus binários diretamente. Se em vez disso, quiser executá-los numa shell (como Bash ou PowerShell), pode definir isso aqui com os argumentos e bandeiras necessários. Se definido, o comando que executa será anexado como um argumento. Isto aplica-se tanto a comandos do utilizador como a hooks de eventos.",
"globalRules": "Isto é um conjunto global de regras de permissão e negação. Elas aplicam-se a todos os utilizadores. Pode especificar regras específicas para cada configuração do utilizador para sobreporem-se a estas.",
"globalSettings": "Configurações globais",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Inserir o caminho",
"insertRegex": "Inserir expressão regular",
"instanceName": "Nome da instância",
"language": "Linguagem",
"lockPassword": "Não permitir que o utilizador altere a palavra-passe",
"newPassword": "Nova palavra-passe",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirme a nova palavra-passe",
"newUser": "Novo utilizador",
"password": "Palavra-passe",
"passwordUpdated": "Palavra-passe atualizada!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Criar ficheiros e pastas",
"delete": "Eliminar ficheiros e pastas",
"download": "Descarregar",
"execute": "Executar comandos",
"modify": "Editar ficheiros",
"rename": "Alterar o nome ou mover ficheiros e pastas",
"share": "Partilhar ficheiros"
"permissions": "Permissões",
"permissionsHelp": "Pode definir o utilizador como administrador ou escolher as permissões manualmente. Se selecionar a opção \"Administrador\", todas as outras opções serão automaticamente selecionadas. A gestão dos utilizadores é um privilégio restringido aos administradores.\n",
"profileSettings": "Configurações do utilizador",
"ruleExample1": "previne o acesso a qualquer \"dotfile\" (como .git, .gitignore) em qualquer pasta\n",
"ruleExample2": "bloqueia o acesso ao ficheiro chamado Caddyfile na raiz.",
"rules": "Regras",
"rulesHelp": "Aqui pode definir um conjunto de regras para permitir ou bloquear o acesso do utilizador a determinados ficheiros ou pastas. Os ficheiros bloqueados não irão aparecer durante a navegação. Suportamos expressões regulares e os caminhos dos ficheiros devem ser relativos à base do utilizador.\n",
"scope": "Base",
"settingsUpdated": "Configurações atualizadas!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilizador",
"userCommands": "Comandos",
"userCommandsHelp": "Uma lista, separada com espaços, de comandos disponíveis para este utilizados. Exemplo:",
"userCreated": "Utilizador criado!",
"userDefaults": "Configurações padrão do utilizador",
"userDeleted": "Utilizador eliminado!",
"userManagement": "Gestão de utilizadores",
"userUpdated": "Utilizador atualizado!",
"username": "Nome de utilizador",
"users": "Utilizadores"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajuda",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Entrar",
"logout": "Sair",
"myFiles": "Meus ficheiros",
"newFile": "Novo ficheiro",
"newFolder": "Nova pasta",
"preview": "Pré-visualizar",
"settings": "Configurações",
"signup": "Registar",
"siteSettings": "Configurações do site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Link copiado!"
"time": {
"days": "Dias",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"unit": "Unidades de tempo"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Anulează",
"close": "Închide",
"copy": "Copiază",
"copyFile": "Copiază fișier",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiază în clipboard",
"create": "Crează",
"delete": "Șterge",
"download": "Descarcă",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mai mult",
"move": "Mută",
"moveFile": "Mută fișier",
"new": "Nou",
"next": "Următor",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obține legătura permanentă",
"previous": "Precedent",
"publish": "Puplică",
"rename": "Redenumește",
"replace": "Înlocuiește",
"reportIssue": "Raportează problemă",
"save": "Salvează",
"schedule": "Programare",
"search": "Caută",
"select": "Selectează",
"selectMultiple": "Selecție multiplă",
"share": "Distribuie",
"shell": "Comută linia de comandă",
"switchView": "Schimba vizualizarea",
"toggleSidebar": "Comută bara laterală",
"update": "Actualizează",
"upload": "Încarcă"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descarcă fișier",
"downloadFolder": "Descarcă director",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Nu ai permisiuni sa accesezi asta.",
"internal": "Ceva nu a funcționat corect.",
"notFound": "Aceasta locație nu poate fi accesată."
"files": {
"body": "Corp",
"clear": "Curăță",
"closePreview": "Închide previzualizarea",
"files": "Fișiere",
"folders": "Directoare",
"home": "Acasă",
"lastModified": "Ultima modificare",
"loading": "Se încarcă...",
"lonely": "Nu este nimic aici...",
"metadata": "Meta informații",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selecție multiplă activată",
"name": "Nume",
"size": "Dimensiune",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordonează dup ultima modificare",
"sortByName": "Ordonează după nume",
"sortBySize": "Ordonează după dimensiune"
"help": {
"click": "alege fișier sau director",
"ctrl": {
"click": "alege multiple fișiere sau directoare",
"f": "deschide căutarea",
"s": "salvează un fișier sau descarcă directorul în care te afli"
"del": "șterge elementele selectate",
"doubleClick": "deschide un fișier sau director",
"esc": "elibereaza selecția și/sau închide fereastra",
"f1": "această informație",
"f2": "redenumește fișierul",
"help": "Ajutor"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Crează cont",
"loginInstead": "Am deja cont",
"password": "Parola",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmă parola",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc",
"signup": "Înregistrare",
"submit": "Autentificare",
"username": "Utilizator",
"usernameTaken": "Utilizatorul există",
"wrongCredentials": "Informații greșite"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiază",
"copyMessage": "Alege unde vrei să copiezi fișierele:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Navigare curentă în:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi aceste {count} fișier(e)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest fișier/director?",
"deleteTitle": "Șterge fișiere",
"displayName": "Nume afișat:",
"download": "Descarcă fișiere",
"downloadMessage": "Alege formatul în care vrei să descarci.",
"error": "Ceva n-a funcționat cum trebuie",
"fileInfo": "Informații fișier",
"filesSelected": "{count} fișiere selectate.",
"lastModified": "Ultima modificare",
"move": "Mută",
"moveMessage": "Alege destinația:",
"newArchetype": "Crează o nouă postare pe baza unui șablon. Fișierul va fi creat in directorul conținut.",
"newDir": "Director nou",
"newDirMessage": "Scrie numele noului director.",
"newFile": "Fișier nou",
"newFileMessage": "Scrie numele noului fișier.",
"numberDirs": "Numărul directoarelor",
"numberFiles": "Numărul fișierelor",
"rename": "Redenumește",
"renameMessage": "Redactează un nou nume pentru",
"replace": "Înlocuiește",
"replaceMessage": "Unul din fișierele încărcate intră în conflict din cauza denumrii. Vrei să înlocuiești fișierul existent?\n",
"schedule": "Programare",
"scheduleMessage": "Alege data si ora pentru a programa publicarea acestei postări.",
"show": "Arată",
"size": "Dimensiune",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagini",
"music": "Muzică",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Apasă enter pentru a căuta...",
"search": "Caută...",
"typeToSearch": "Scrie pentru a căuta...",
"types": "Tipuri",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Execută comenzi",
"allowEdit": "Modifică, redenumește și șterge fișiere sau directoare",
"allowNew": "Crează noi fișiere sau directoare",
"allowPublish": "Publică noi pagini și postări",
"allowSignup": "Permite utilizatorilor să se înregistreze",
"avoidChanges": "(lasă gol pentru a nu schimba)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Calea către directorul de branding",
"brandingHelp": "Poți personaliza cum arată instanța ta de File Browser modificându-i numele, înlocuindu-i logo-ul, adăugându-i stiluri personalizate si chiar dezactivând linkurile catre GitHub.\nPentru mai multe informații despre branding fă click aici",
"changePassword": "Schimbă parola",
"commandRunner": "Rulează comenzi",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Aici poti seta comenzile care sunt executate in evenimente. Trebuie să scrii una pe linie. Variabilele de mediu {0} și {1} vor fi disponile, {0} fiind relativă la {1}. Pentru mai multe informații despre acest feature si variabilele de mediu disponibile, cititi {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comenzi actualizate!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "CSS personalizat",
"defaultUserDescription": "Acestea sunt setările implicite pentru noii utilizatori.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Dezactivează linkurile externe (exceptând documentația)",
"documentation": "documentație",
"examples": "Exemple",
"executeOnShell": "Execută in linia de comandă",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Implicit, File Browser execută comenzile prin apelare directă a binarelor. Daca vrei sa le rulezi într-un shell (cum ar fi Bash sau PowerShell), le poți defini aici cu argumentele necesare. Daca este setata, comanda va fi adăugată ca argument. Se aplică pentru comenzi si hookuri.",
"globalRules": "Acesta este un set global de reguli. Se aplică tuturor utilizatorilor. Poți defini reguli specifice din setările fiecărui utilizator pentru a le suprascrie pe acestea.",
"globalSettings": "Setări globale",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Redactează calea",
"insertRegex": "Redactează expresia regulată",
"instanceName": "Numele instanței",
"language": "Limba",
"lockPassword": "Împiedică utilizatorul să-și schimbe parola",
"newPassword": "Noua ta parolă",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmă noua parolă",
"newUser": "Utilizator nou",
"password": "Parola",
"passwordUpdated": "Parola actualizată!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Crează fișiere și directoare",
"delete": "Șterge fișiere și directoare",
"download": "Descarcă",
"execute": "Execută comenzi",
"modify": "Modifică fișiere",
"rename": "Redenumește sau mută fișiere și directoare",
"share": "Distribuie fișiere"
"permissions": "Permisiuni",
"permissionsHelp": "Poți alege ca un utilizator să fie administrator sau să-i alegi permisiunile individual. Dacă alegi \"Administrator\", toate celelalte opțiuni vor fi bifate automat. Gestionarea utilizatorilor rămâne un privilegiu exclusiv al administratorilor.\n",
"profileSettings": "Setări profil",
"ruleExample1": "împiedică accesul la fisiere cu punct in față (.), cum ar fi .git, .gitignore în orice director.\n",
"ruleExample2": "împiedică accesul la fișierul Caddyfile din rădăcina domeniului.",
"rules": "Reguli",
"rulesHelp": "Aici poți defini un set de reguli pentru acest utilizator. Fișierele blocate nu vor apărea in lista și nici nu vor putea fi accesate de utilizator. Expresiile regulate si căile relative la domeniul utilizatorului sunt permise.\n",
"scope": "Domeniu",
"settingsUpdated": "Setări actualizate!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilizator",
"userCommands": "Comenzi",
"userCommandsHelp": "O lista de comenzi disponibile acestui utilizator separate de spații. Exemplu:\n",
"userCreated": "Utilizator creat!",
"userDefaults": "Setări implicite",
"userDeleted": "Utilizator șters!",
"userManagement": "Gestionare utilizatori",
"userUpdated": "Utilizator actualizat!",
"username": "Utilizator",
"users": "Utilizatori"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajutor",
"hugoNew": "Hugo nou",
"login": "Autentificare",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "Fișierele mele",
"newFile": "Fișier nou",
"newFolder": "Director nou",
"preview": "Previzualizare",
"settings": "Setări",
"signup": "Înregistrare",
"siteSettings": "Setări site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Legătură copiată!"
"time": {
"days": "Zile",
"hours": "Ore",
"minutes": "Minute",
"seconds": "Secunde",
"unit": "Unitate de timp"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Anulează",
"close": "Închide",
"copy": "Copiază",
"copyFile": "Copiază fișier",
"copyToClipboard": "Copiază în clipboard",
"create": "Crează",
"delete": "Șterge",
"download": "Descarcă",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mai mult",
"move": "Mută",
"moveFile": "Mută fișier",
"new": "Nou",
"next": "Următor",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Obține legătura permanentă",
"previous": "Precedent",
"publish": "Puplică",
"rename": "Redenumește",
"replace": "Înlocuiește",
"reportIssue": "Raportează problemă",
"save": "Salvează",
"schedule": "Programare",
"search": "Caută",
"select": "Selectează",
"selectMultiple": "Selecție multiplă",
"share": "Distribuie",
"shell": "Comută linia de comandă",
"switchView": "Schimba vizualizarea",
"toggleSidebar": "Comută bara laterală",
"update": "Actualizează",
"upload": "Încarcă"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Descarcă fișier",
"downloadFolder": "Descarcă director",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Nu ai permisiuni sa accesezi asta.",
"internal": "Ceva nu a funcționat corect.",
"notFound": "Aceasta locație nu poate fi accesată."
"files": {
"body": "Corp",
"clear": "Curăță",
"closePreview": "Închide previzualizarea",
"files": "Fișiere",
"folders": "Directoare",
"home": "Acasă",
"lastModified": "Ultima modificare",
"loading": "Se încarcă...",
"lonely": "Nu este nimic aici...",
"metadata": "Meta informații",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Selecție multiplă activată",
"name": "Nume",
"size": "Dimensiune",
"sortByLastModified": "Ordonează dup ultima modificare",
"sortByName": "Ordonează după nume",
"sortBySize": "Ordonează după dimensiune"
"help": {
"click": "alege fișier sau director",
"ctrl": {
"click": "alege multiple fișiere sau directoare",
"f": "deschide căutarea",
"s": "salvează un fișier sau descarcă directorul în care te afli"
"del": "șterge elementele selectate",
"doubleClick": "deschide un fișier sau director",
"esc": "elibereaza selecția și/sau închide fereastra",
"f1": "această informație",
"f2": "redenumește fișierul",
"help": "Ajutor"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Crează cont",
"loginInstead": "Am deja cont",
"password": "Parola",
"passwordConfirm": "Confirmă parola",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc",
"signup": "Înregistrare",
"submit": "Autentificare",
"username": "Utilizator",
"usernameTaken": "Utilizatorul există",
"wrongCredentials": "Informații greșite"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Copiază",
"copyMessage": "Alege unde vrei să copiezi fișierele:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Navigare curentă în:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi aceste {count} fișier(e)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest fișier/director?",
"deleteTitle": "Șterge fișiere",
"displayName": "Nume afișat:",
"download": "Descarcă fișiere",
"downloadMessage": "Alege formatul în care vrei să descarci.",
"error": "Ceva n-a funcționat cum trebuie",
"fileInfo": "Informații fișier",
"filesSelected": "{count} fișiere selectate.",
"lastModified": "Ultima modificare",
"move": "Mută",
"moveMessage": "Alege destinația:",
"newArchetype": "Crează o nouă postare pe baza unui șablon. Fișierul va fi creat in directorul conținut.",
"newDir": "Director nou",
"newDirMessage": "Scrie numele noului director.",
"newFile": "Fișier nou",
"newFileMessage": "Scrie numele noului fișier.",
"numberDirs": "Numărul directoarelor",
"numberFiles": "Numărul fișierelor",
"rename": "Redenumește",
"renameMessage": "Redactează un nou nume pentru",
"replace": "Înlocuiește",
"replaceMessage": "Unul din fișierele încărcate intră în conflict din cauza denumrii. Vrei să înlocuiești fișierul existent?\n",
"schedule": "Programare",
"scheduleMessage": "Alege data si ora pentru a programa publicarea acestei postări.",
"show": "Arată",
"size": "Dimensiune",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Imagini",
"music": "Muzică",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Apasă enter pentru a căuta...",
"search": "Caută...",
"typeToSearch": "Scrie pentru a căuta...",
"types": "Tipuri",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"allowCommands": "Execută comenzi",
"allowEdit": "Modifică, redenumește și șterge fișiere sau directoare",
"allowNew": "Crează noi fișiere sau directoare",
"allowPublish": "Publică noi pagini și postări",
"allowSignup": "Permite utilizatorilor să se înregistreze",
"avoidChanges": "(lasă gol pentru a nu schimba)",
"branding": "Branding",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Calea către directorul de branding",
"brandingHelp": "Poți personaliza cum arată instanța ta de File Browser modificându-i numele, înlocuindu-i logo-ul, adăugându-i stiluri personalizate si chiar dezactivând linkurile catre GitHub.\nPentru mai multe informații despre branding fă click aici",
"changePassword": "Schimbă parola",
"commandRunner": "Rulează comenzi",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Aici poti seta comenzile care sunt executate in evenimente. Trebuie să scrii una pe linie. Variabilele de mediu {0} și {1} vor fi disponile, {0} fiind relativă la {1}. Pentru mai multe informații despre acest feature si variabilele de mediu disponibile, cititi {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Comenzi actualizate!",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"customStylesheet": "CSS personalizat",
"defaultUserDescription": "Acestea sunt setările implicite pentru noii utilizatori.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Dezactivează linkurile externe (exceptând documentația)",
"documentation": "documentație",
"examples": "Exemple",
"executeOnShell": "Execută in linia de comandă",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Implicit, File Browser execută comenzile prin apelare directă a binarelor. Daca vrei sa le rulezi într-un shell (cum ar fi Bash sau PowerShell), le poți defini aici cu argumentele necesare. Daca este setata, comanda va fi adăugată ca argument. Se aplică pentru comenzi si hookuri.",
"globalRules": "Acesta este un set global de reguli. Se aplică tuturor utilizatorilor. Poți defini reguli specifice din setările fiecărui utilizator pentru a le suprascrie pe acestea.",
"globalSettings": "Setări globale",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Redactează calea",
"insertRegex": "Redactează expresia regulată",
"instanceName": "Numele instanței",
"language": "Limba",
"lockPassword": "Împiedică utilizatorul să-și schimbe parola",
"newPassword": "Noua ta parolă",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmă noua parolă",
"newUser": "Utilizator nou",
"password": "Parola",
"passwordUpdated": "Parola actualizată!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Crează fișiere și directoare",
"delete": "Șterge fișiere și directoare",
"download": "Descarcă",
"execute": "Execută comenzi",
"modify": "Modifică fișiere",
"rename": "Redenumește sau mută fișiere și directoare",
"share": "Distribuie fișiere"
"permissions": "Permisiuni",
"permissionsHelp": "Poți alege ca un utilizator să fie administrator sau să-i alegi permisiunile individual. Dacă alegi \"Administrator\", toate celelalte opțiuni vor fi bifate automat. Gestionarea utilizatorilor rămâne un privilegiu exclusiv al administratorilor.\n",
"profileSettings": "Setări profil",
"ruleExample1": "împiedică accesul la fisiere cu punct in față (.), cum ar fi .git, .gitignore în orice director.\n",
"ruleExample2": "împiedică accesul la fișierul Caddyfile din rădăcina domeniului.",
"rules": "Reguli",
"rulesHelp": "Aici poți defini un set de reguli pentru acest utilizator. Fișierele blocate nu vor apărea in lista și nici nu vor putea fi accesate de utilizator. Expresiile regulate si căile relative la domeniul utilizatorului sunt permise.\n",
"scope": "Domeniu",
"settingsUpdated": "Setări actualizate!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Utilizator",
"userCommands": "Comenzi",
"userCommandsHelp": "O lista de comenzi disponibile acestui utilizator separate de spații. Exemplu:\n",
"userCreated": "Utilizator creat!",
"userDefaults": "Setări implicite",
"userDeleted": "Utilizator șters!",
"userManagement": "Gestionare utilizatori",
"userUpdated": "Utilizator actualizat!",
"username": "Utilizator",
"users": "Utilizatori"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Ajutor",
"hugoNew": "Hugo nou",
"login": "Autentificare",
"logout": "Logout",
"myFiles": "Fișierele mele",
"newFile": "Fișier nou",
"newFolder": "Director nou",
"preview": "Previzualizare",
"settings": "Setări",
"signup": "Înregistrare",
"siteSettings": "Setări site"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Legătură copiată!"
"time": {
"days": "Zile",
"hours": "Ore",
"minutes": "Minute",
"seconds": "Secunde",
"unit": "Unitate de timp"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Отмена",
"close": "Закрыть",
"copy": "Копировать",
"copyFile": "Скопировать файл",
"copyToClipboard": "Скопировать в буфер",
"create": "Создать",
"delete": "Удалить",
"download": "Скачать",
"hideDotfiles": "Скрыть точечные файлы",
"info": "Инфо",
"more": "Еще",
"move": "Переместить",
"moveFile": "Переместить файл",
"new": "Новый",
"next": "Вперед",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Получить постоянную ссылку",
"previous": "Назад",
"publish": "Опубликовать",
"rename": "Переименовать",
"replace": "Перезаписать",
"reportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"save": "Сохранить",
"schedule": "Планировка",
"search": "Поиск",
"select": "Выбрать",
"selectMultiple": "Мультивыбор",
"share": "Поделиться",
"shell": "Командная строка",
"switchView": "Вид",
"toggleSidebar": "Боковая панель",
"update": "Обновить",
"upload": "Загрузить"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Скачать файл",
"downloadFolder": "Загрузить папку",
"downloadSelected": "Скачать выбранное"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "У вас нет прав доступа к этому.",
"internal": "Что-то пошло не так.",
"notFound": "Неправильная ссылка."
"files": {
"body": "Тело",
"clear": "Очистить",
"closePreview": "Закрыть",
"files": "Файлы",
"folders": "Папки",
"home": "Главная",
"lastModified": "Последнее изменение",
"loading": "Загрузка...",
"lonely": "Здесь пусто...",
"metadata": "Метаданные",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Мультивыбор включен",
"name": "Имя",
"size": "Размер",
"sortByLastModified": "Сортировка по дате изменения",
"sortByName": "Сортировка по имени",
"sortBySize": "Сортировка по размеру"
"help": {
"click": "выбрать файл или каталог",
"ctrl": {
"click": "выбрать несколько файлов или каталогов",
"f": "открыть поиск",
"s": "скачать файл или текущий каталог"
"del": "удалить выбранные элементы",
"doubleClick": "открыть файл или каталог",
"esc": "очистить выделение и/или закрыть окно",
"f1": "помощь",
"f2": "переименовать файл",
"help": "Помощь"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Создать аккаунт",
"loginInstead": "Уже есть аккаунт",
"password": "Пароль",
"passwordConfirm": "Подтверждение пароля",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Пароли не совпадают",
"signup": "Зарегистрироваться",
"submit": "Войти",
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"usernameTaken": "Данное имя пользователя уже занято",
"wrongCredentials": "Неверные данные"
"permanent": "Постоянный",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Копировать",
"copyMessage": "Копировать в:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Текущий каталог:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Удалить эти файлы ({count})?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Удалить этот файл/каталог?",
"deleteTitle": "Удалить файлы",
"displayName": "Отображаемое имя:",
"download": "Скачать файлы",
"downloadMessage": "Выберите формат а котором хотите скачать.",
"error": "Ошибка",
"fileInfo": "Информация о файле",
"filesSelected": "Файлов выбрано: {count}.",
"lastModified": "Последнее изменение",
"move": "Переместить",
"moveMessage": "Переместить в:",
"newArchetype": "Создайте новую запись на основе архетипа. Файл будет создан в каталоге.",
"newDir": "Новый каталог",
"newDirMessage": "Имя нового каталога.",
"newFile": "Новый файл",
"newFileMessage": "Имя нового файла.",
"numberDirs": "Количество каталогов",
"numberFiles": "Количество файлов",
"rename": "Переименовать",
"renameMessage": "Новое имя",
"replace": "Заменить",
"replaceMessage": "Имя одного из загружаемых файлов совпадает с уже существующим файлом. Вы хотите заменить существующий?\n",
"schedule": "Планировка",
"scheduleMessage": "Запланировать дату и время публикации.",
"show": "Показать",
"size": "Размер",
"upload": "Загрузить",
"uploadMessage": "Выберите вариант для загрузки."
"search": {
"images": "Изображения",
"music": "Музыка",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Нажмите Enter для поиска ...",
"search": "Поиск...",
"typeToSearch": "Введите имя файла ...",
"types": "Типы",
"video": "Видео"
"settings": {
"admin": "Админ",
"administrator": "Администратор",
"allowCommands": "Запуск команд",
"allowEdit": "Редактирование, переименование и удаление файлов или каталогов",
"allowNew": "Создание новых файлов или каталогов",
"allowPublish": "Публикация новых записей и страниц",
"allowSignup": "Разрешить пользователям регистрироваться",
"avoidChanges": "(оставьте поле пустым, чтобы избежать изменений)",
"branding": "Брендинг",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Путь к каталогу брендов",
"brandingHelp": "Вы можете настроить внешний вид файлового браузера, изменив его имя, заменив логотип, добавив собственные стили и даже отключив внешние ссылки на GitHub.\nДополнительную информацию о персонализированном брендинге можно найти на странице {0}.",
"changePassword": "Изменение пароля",
"commandRunner": "Запуск команд",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Здесь вы можете установить команды, которые будут выполняться в указанных событиях. Вы должны указать по одной команде в каждой строке. Переменные среды {0} и {1} будут доступны, будучи {0} относительно {1}. Дополнительные сведения об этой функции и доступных переменных среды см. В {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Команды обновлены!",
"createUserDir": "Автоматическое создание домашнего каталога пользователя при добавлении нового пользователя",
"customStylesheet": "Свой стиль",
"defaultUserDescription": "Это настройки по умолчанию для новых пользователей.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Отключить внешние ссылки (кроме документации)",
"documentation": "документация",
"examples": "Примеры",
"executeOnShell": "Выполнить в командной строке",
"executeOnShellDescription": "По умолчанию File Browser выполняет команды, напрямую вызывая их бинарные файлы. Если вы хотите вместо этого запускать их в оболочке (например, Bash или PowerShell), вы можете определить их здесь с необходимыми аргументами и флагами. Если установлено, выполняемая вами команда будет добавлена в качестве аргумента. Это относится как к пользовательским командам, так и к обработчикам событий.",
"globalRules": "Это глобальный набор разрешающих и запрещающих правил. Они применимы к каждому пользователю. Вы можете определить определенные правила для настроек каждого пользователя, чтобы переопределить их.",
"globalSettings": "Глобальные настройки",
"hideDotfiles": "Скрыть точечные файлы",
"insertPath": "Вставьте путь",
"insertRegex": "Вставить регулярное выражение",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Язык",
"lockPassword": "Запретить пользователю менять пароль",
"newPassword": "Новый пароль",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Повтор нового пароля",
"newUser": "Новый пользователь",
"password": "Пароль",
"passwordUpdated": "Пароль обновлен!",
"path": "Путь",
"perm": {
"create": "Создавать файлы и каталоги",
"delete": "Удалять файлы и каталоги",
"download": "Скачивать",
"execute": "Выполнять команды",
"modify": "Редактировать файлы",
"rename": "Переименовывать или перемещать файлы и каталоги",
"share": "Делиться файлами"
"permissions": "Права доступа",
"permissionsHelp": "Можно настроить пользователя как администратора или выбрать разрешения индивидуально. При выборе \"Администратор\", все остальные параметры будут автоматически выбраны. Управление пользователями - привилегия администратора.\n",
"profileSettings": "Настройки профиля",
"ruleExample1": "предотвратить доступ к любому скрытому файлу (например: .git, .gitignore) в каждой папке.\n",
"ruleExample2": "блокирует доступ к файлу с именем Caddyfile в корневой области.",
"rules": "Права",
"rulesHelp": "Здесь вы можете определить набор разрешающих и запрещающих правил для этого конкретного пользователь. Блокированные файлы не будут отображаться в списках, и не будут доступны для пользователя. Есть поддержка регулярных выражений и относительных путей.\n",
"scope": "Корень",
"settingsUpdated": "Настройки применены!",
"shareDuration": "Время расшаренной ссылки",
"shareManagement": "Управление расшаренными ссылками",
"singleClick": "Открытие файлов и каталогов одним кликом",
"themes": {
"dark": "Темная",
"light": "Светлая",
"title": "Тема"
"user": "Пользователь",
"userCommands": "Команды",
"userCommandsHelp": "Список команд доступных пользователю, разделенный пробелами. Пример:\n",
"userCreated": "Пользователь создан!",
"userDefaults": "Настройки пользователя по умолчанию",
"userDeleted": "Пользователь удален!",
"userManagement": "Управление пользователями",
"userUpdated": "Пользователь изменен!",
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"users": "Пользователи"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Помощь",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Войти",
"logout": "Выйти",
"myFiles": "Файлы",
"newFile": "Новый файл",
"newFolder": "Новый каталог",
"preview": "Предпросмотр",
"settings": "Настройки",
"signup": "Зарегистрироваться",
"siteSettings": "Настройки сайта"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Ссылка скопирована!"
"time": {
"days": "Дни",
"hours": "Часы",
"minutes": "Минуты",
"seconds": "Секунды",
"unit": "Единица времени"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Отмена",
"close": "Закрыть",
"copy": "Копировать",
"copyFile": "Скопировать файл",
"copyToClipboard": "Скопировать в буфер",
"create": "Создать",
"delete": "Удалить",
"download": "Скачать",
"hideDotfiles": "Скрыть точечные файлы",
"info": "Инфо",
"more": "Еще",
"move": "Переместить",
"moveFile": "Переместить файл",
"new": "Новый",
"next": "Вперед",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Получить постоянную ссылку",
"previous": "Назад",
"publish": "Опубликовать",
"rename": "Переименовать",
"replace": "Перезаписать",
"reportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"save": "Сохранить",
"schedule": "Планировка",
"search": "Поиск",
"select": "Выбрать",
"selectMultiple": "Мультивыбор",
"share": "Поделиться",
"shell": "Командная строка",
"switchView": "Вид",
"toggleSidebar": "Боковая панель",
"update": "Обновить",
"upload": "Загрузить"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Скачать файл",
"downloadFolder": "Загрузить папку",
"downloadSelected": "Скачать выбранное"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "У вас нет прав доступа к этому.",
"internal": "Что-то пошло не так.",
"notFound": "Неправильная ссылка."
"files": {
"body": "Тело",
"clear": "Очистить",
"closePreview": "Закрыть",
"files": "Файлы",
"folders": "Папки",
"home": "Главная",
"lastModified": "Последнее изменение",
"loading": "Загрузка...",
"lonely": "Здесь пусто...",
"metadata": "Метаданные",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Мультивыбор включен",
"name": "Имя",
"size": "Размер",
"sortByLastModified": "Сортировка по дате изменения",
"sortByName": "Сортировка по имени",
"sortBySize": "Сортировка по размеру"
"help": {
"click": "выбрать файл или каталог",
"ctrl": {
"click": "выбрать несколько файлов или каталогов",
"f": "открыть поиск",
"s": "скачать файл или текущий каталог"
"del": "удалить выбранные элементы",
"doubleClick": "открыть файл или каталог",
"esc": "очистить выделение и/или закрыть окно",
"f1": "помощь",
"f2": "переименовать файл",
"help": "Помощь"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Создать аккаунт",
"loginInstead": "Уже есть аккаунт",
"password": "Пароль",
"passwordConfirm": "Подтверждение пароля",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Пароли не совпадают",
"signup": "Зарегистрироваться",
"submit": "Войти",
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"usernameTaken": "Данное имя пользователя уже занято",
"wrongCredentials": "Неверные данные"
"permanent": "Постоянный",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Копировать",
"copyMessage": "Копировать в:",
"currentlyNavigating": "Текущий каталог:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Удалить эти файлы ({count})?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Удалить этот файл/каталог?",
"deleteTitle": "Удалить файлы",
"displayName": "Отображаемое имя:",
"download": "Скачать файлы",
"downloadMessage": "Выберите формат а котором хотите скачать.",
"error": "Ошибка",
"fileInfo": "Информация о файле",
"filesSelected": "Файлов выбрано: {count}.",
"lastModified": "Последнее изменение",
"move": "Переместить",
"moveMessage": "Переместить в:",
"newArchetype": "Создайте новую запись на основе архетипа. Файл будет создан в каталоге.",
"newDir": "Новый каталог",
"newDirMessage": "Имя нового каталога.",
"newFile": "Новый файл",
"newFileMessage": "Имя нового файла.",
"numberDirs": "Количество каталогов",
"numberFiles": "Количество файлов",
"rename": "Переименовать",
"renameMessage": "Новое имя",
"replace": "Заменить",
"replaceMessage": "Имя одного из загружаемых файлов совпадает с уже существующим файлом. Вы хотите заменить существующий?\n",
"schedule": "Планировка",
"scheduleMessage": "Запланировать дату и время публикации.",
"show": "Показать",
"size": "Размер",
"upload": "Загрузить",
"uploadMessage": "Выберите вариант для загрузки."
"search": {
"images": "Изображения",
"music": "Музыка",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Нажмите Enter для поиска ...",
"search": "Поиск...",
"typeToSearch": "Введите имя файла ...",
"types": "Типы",
"video": "Видео"
"settings": {
"admin": "Админ",
"administrator": "Администратор",
"allowCommands": "Запуск команд",
"allowEdit": "Редактирование, переименование и удаление файлов или каталогов",
"allowNew": "Создание новых файлов или каталогов",
"allowPublish": "Публикация новых записей и страниц",
"allowSignup": "Разрешить пользователям регистрироваться",
"avoidChanges": "(оставьте поле пустым, чтобы избежать изменений)",
"branding": "Брендинг",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Путь к каталогу брендов",
"brandingHelp": "Вы можете настроить внешний вид файлового браузера, изменив его имя, заменив логотип, добавив собственные стили и даже отключив внешние ссылки на GitHub.\nДополнительную информацию о персонализированном брендинге можно найти на странице {0}.",
"changePassword": "Изменение пароля",
"commandRunner": "Запуск команд",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Здесь вы можете установить команды, которые будут выполняться в указанных событиях. Вы должны указать по одной команде в каждой строке. Переменные среды {0} и {1} будут доступны, будучи {0} относительно {1}. Дополнительные сведения об этой функции и доступных переменных среды см. В {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Команды обновлены!",
"createUserDir": "Автоматическое создание домашнего каталога пользователя при добавлении нового пользователя",
"customStylesheet": "Свой стиль",
"defaultUserDescription": "Это настройки по умолчанию для новых пользователей.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Отключить внешние ссылки (кроме документации)",
"documentation": "документация",
"examples": "Примеры",
"executeOnShell": "Выполнить в командной строке",
"executeOnShellDescription": "По умолчанию File Browser выполняет команды, напрямую вызывая их бинарные файлы. Если вы хотите вместо этого запускать их в оболочке (например, Bash или PowerShell), вы можете определить их здесь с необходимыми аргументами и флагами. Если установлено, выполняемая вами команда будет добавлена в качестве аргумента. Это относится как к пользовательским командам, так и к обработчикам событий.",
"globalRules": "Это глобальный набор разрешающих и запрещающих правил. Они применимы к каждому пользователю. Вы можете определить определенные правила для настроек каждого пользователя, чтобы переопределить их.",
"globalSettings": "Глобальные настройки",
"hideDotfiles": "Скрыть точечные файлы",
"insertPath": "Вставьте путь",
"insertRegex": "Вставить регулярное выражение",
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"language": "Язык",
"lockPassword": "Запретить пользователю менять пароль",
"newPassword": "Новый пароль",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Повтор нового пароля",
"newUser": "Новый пользователь",
"password": "Пароль",
"passwordUpdated": "Пароль обновлен!",
"path": "Путь",
"perm": {
"create": "Создавать файлы и каталоги",
"delete": "Удалять файлы и каталоги",
"download": "Скачивать",
"execute": "Выполнять команды",
"modify": "Редактировать файлы",
"rename": "Переименовывать или перемещать файлы и каталоги",
"share": "Делиться файлами"
"permissions": "Права доступа",
"permissionsHelp": "Можно настроить пользователя как администратора или выбрать разрешения индивидуально. При выборе \"Администратор\", все остальные параметры будут автоматически выбраны. Управление пользователями - привилегия администратора.\n",
"profileSettings": "Настройки профиля",
"ruleExample1": "предотвратить доступ к любому скрытому файлу (например: .git, .gitignore) в каждой папке.\n",
"ruleExample2": "блокирует доступ к файлу с именем Caddyfile в корневой области.",
"rules": "Права",
"rulesHelp": "Здесь вы можете определить набор разрешающих и запрещающих правил для этого конкретного пользователь. Блокированные файлы не будут отображаться в списках, и не будут доступны для пользователя. Есть поддержка регулярных выражений и относительных путей.\n",
"scope": "Корень",
"settingsUpdated": "Настройки применены!",
"shareDuration": "Время расшаренной ссылки",
"shareManagement": "Управление расшаренными ссылками",
"singleClick": "Открытие файлов и каталогов одним кликом",
"themes": {
"dark": "Темная",
"light": "Светлая",
"title": "Тема"
"user": "Пользователь",
"userCommands": "Команды",
"userCommandsHelp": "Список команд доступных пользователю, разделенный пробелами. Пример:\n",
"userCreated": "Пользователь создан!",
"userDefaults": "Настройки пользователя по умолчанию",
"userDeleted": "Пользователь удален!",
"userManagement": "Управление пользователями",
"userUpdated": "Пользователь изменен!",
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"users": "Пользователи"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Помощь",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "Войти",
"logout": "Выйти",
"myFiles": "Файлы",
"newFile": "Новый файл",
"newFolder": "Новый каталог",
"preview": "Предпросмотр",
"settings": "Настройки",
"signup": "Зарегистрироваться",
"siteSettings": "Настройки сайта"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Ссылка скопирована!"
"time": {
"days": "Дни",
"hours": "Часы",
"minutes": "Минуты",
"seconds": "Секунды",
"unit": "Единица времени"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"close": "Stäng",
"copy": "Kopiera",
"copyFile": "Kopiera fil",
"copyToClipboard": "Kopiera till urklipp",
"create": "Skapa",
"delete": "Ta bort",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mer",
"move": "Flytta",
"moveFile": "Flytta fil",
"new": "Nytt",
"next": "Nästa",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Skapa en permanent länk",
"previous": "Föregående",
"publish": "Publisera",
"rename": "Ändra namn",
"replace": "Ersätt",
"reportIssue": "Rapportera problem",
"save": "Spara",
"schedule": "Schema",
"search": "Sök",
"select": "Välj",
"selectMultiple": "Välj flera",
"share": "Dela",
"shell": "Växla skal",
"switchView": "Byt vy",
"toggleSidebar": "Växla sidofält",
"update": "Uppdatera",
"upload": "Ladda upp"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Ladda ner fil",
"downloadFolder": "Ladda ner mapp",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Du saknar rättigheter till detta",
"internal": "Något gick fel",
"notFound": "Det går inte att nå den här platsen."
"files": {
"body": "Huvud",
"clear": "Rensa",
"closePreview": "Stäng förhands granskningen",
"files": "Filer",
"folders": "Mappar",
"home": "Hem",
"lastModified": "Senast ändrad",
"loading": "Laddar.....",
"lonely": "Väldigt ensamt här....",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Flerval är på",
"name": "Namn",
"size": "Storlek",
"sortByLastModified": "Sortera på senast ändrad",
"sortByName": "Sortera på namn",
"sortBySize": "Sortera på storlek"
"help": {
"click": "välj fil eller mapp",
"ctrl": {
"click": "välj flera filer eller mappar",
"f": "öppnar sök",
"s": "Spara en fil eller ladda ner den katalog där du är"
"del": "ta bort valda objekt",
"doubleClick": "öppna en fil eller mapp",
"esc": "Rensa markeringen och/eller stänga prompten",
"f1": "denna information",
"f2": "ändra namnet på filen",
"help": "Hjälp"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Skapa ett konto",
"loginInstead": "Du har redan ett konto",
"password": "Lösenord",
"passwordConfirm": "Bekräfta lösenord",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Lösenord matchar inte",
"signup": "Registrera",
"submit": "Logga in",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"usernameTaken": "Användarnamn upptaget",
"wrongCredentials": "Fel inloggning"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiera",
"copyMessage": "Välj var dina filer skall sparas:",
"currentlyNavigating": "För närvarande navigerar du på:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Är du säker på att du vill radera {count} filer(na)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna fil/mapp",
"deleteTitle": "Ta bort filer",
"displayName": "Visningsnamn:",
"download": "Ladda ner filer",
"downloadMessage": "Välj format på det du vill lada ner.",
"error": "Något gick fel",
"fileInfo": "Fil information",
"filesSelected": "{count} filer valda.",
"lastModified": "Senast ändrad",
"move": "Flytta",
"moveMessage": "Välj ny plats för din fil (er)/mapp (ar):",
"newArchetype": "Skapa ett nytt inlägg baserat på en arketyp. Din fil kommer att skapas på innehållsmapp.",
"newDir": "Ny mapp",
"newDirMessage": "Ange namn på din nya mapp.",
"newFile": "Ny fil",
"newFileMessage": "Ange namn på din nya fil.",
"numberDirs": "Antal kataloger",
"numberFiles": "Antal filer",
"rename": "Ändra namn",
"renameMessage": "Infoga ett nytt namn för",
"replace": "Ersätt",
"replaceMessage": "En av filerna som du försöker överföra är i konflikt på grund av dess namn. Vill du ersätta den befintliga?\n",
"schedule": "Schema",
"scheduleMessage": "Pick a date and time to schedule the publication of this post.",
"show": "Visa",
"size": "Storlek",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Bilder",
"music": "Musik",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Tryck på enter för att söka...",
"search": "Sök...",
"typeToSearch": "Skriv för att söka....",
"types": "Typ",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administratör",
"allowCommands": "Exekvera kommandon",
"allowEdit": "Ändra, döp om och ta bort filer eller mappar",
"allowNew": "Skapa nya filer eller mappar",
"allowPublish": "Publicera nya inlägg och sidor",
"allowSignup": "Tillåt användare att registrera sig",
"avoidChanges": "(lämna blankt för att undvika ändringar)",
"branding": "Varumärke",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Sökväg till varumärkes katalog",
"brandingHelp": "Du kan skräddarsyr hur din fil hanterar instansen ser ut och känns genom att ändra dess namn, ersätter logo typen, lägga till egna stilar och även inaktivera externa länkar till GitHub.\nMer information om anpassad varumärkes profilering finns i {0}.",
"changePassword": "Ändra lösenord",
"commandRunner": "Kommando körare",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Här kan du ange kommandon som körs i de namngivna händelserna. Du måste skriva en per rad. Miljövariablerna {0} och {1} kommer att vara tillgängliga, och vara {0} i förhållande till {1}. För mer information om den här funktionen och de tillgängliga miljövariablerna, vänligen läs {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Kommandon uppdaterade!",
"createUserDir": "Auto skapa användarens hemkatalog när du lägger till nya användare",
"customStylesheet": "Anpassad formatmall",
"defaultUserDescription": "Detta är standard inställningar för användare.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Inaktivera externa länkar (förutom dokumentation)",
"documentation": "dokumentation",
"examples": "Exempel",
"executeOnShell": "Exekvera på skal",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Som standard kör fil bläddraren kommandona genom att anropa deras binärfiler direkt. Om du vill köra dem på ett skal i stället (till exempel bash eller PowerShell), kan du definiera det här med nödvändiga argument och flaggor. Om det är inställt kommer kommandot du kör att läggas till som ett argument. Detta gäller både användar kommandon och händelse krokar.",
"globalRules": "Det här är en global uppsättning regler för att tillåta och inte tillåta. De gäller för alla användare. Du kan definiera specifika regler för varje användares inställningar för att åsidosätta de här inställningarna.",
"globalSettings": "Globala inställningar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Ange sökväg",
"insertRegex": "Sätt in regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instans namn",
"language": "Språk",
"lockPassword": "Förhindra att användare kan byta lösenord",
"newPassword": "Ditt nya lösenord",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bekräfta ditt nya lösenord",
"newUser": "Ny användare",
"password": "Lösenord",
"passwordUpdated": "Lösenord uppdaterat",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Skapa filer och mappar",
"delete": "Ta bort filer och mappar",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"execute": "Exekvera kommandon",
"modify": "Ändra fil",
"rename": "Byta namn på eller flytta filer och kataloger",
"share": "Dela filer"
"permissions": "Rättigheter",
"permissionsHelp": "Du kan ange att användaren ska vara administratör eller välja behörigheterna individuellt. Om du väljer \"administratör \" kommer alla andra alternativ att kontrolleras automatiskt. Hanteringen av användare är fortfarande ett privilegium för en administratör.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profil inställningar",
"ruleExample1": "förhindrar åtkomst till en dot-fil (till exempel. git,. gitignore) i varje mapp.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blockerar åtkomsten till filen som heter Caddyfilen i roten av scopet.",
"rules": "Regler",
"rulesHelp": "Här kan du definiera en uppsättning regler för godkänna och neka för den här specifika användaren. Den blockerade filen kommer inte upp i listningarna och kommer inte att vara tillgänglig till användaren. Vi stöder regex och sökvägar i förhållande till användarnas omfång.\n",
"scope": "Omfattning",
"settingsUpdated": "Inställning uppdaterad!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Användare",
"userCommands": "Kommandon",
"userCommandsHelp": "En utrymmesseparerad lista med tillgängliga kommandon för den här användaren. Exempel:\n",
"userCreated": "Användare skapad",
"userDefaults": "Standard inställning för användare",
"userDeleted": "Användare borttagen",
"userManagement": "Användarehantering",
"userUpdated": "Användare uppdaterad!",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"users": "Användare"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hjälp",
"hugoNew": "Hugo ny",
"login": "Logga in",
"logout": "Logga ut",
"myFiles": "Mina filer",
"newFile": "Ny fil",
"newFolder": "Ny mapp",
"preview": "Visa",
"settings": "Inställningar",
"signup": "Registrera",
"siteSettings": "System inställningar"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Länk kopierad"
"time": {
"days": "Dagar",
"hours": "Timmar",
"minutes": "Minuter",
"seconds": "Sekunder",
"unit": "Tidsenhet"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"close": "Stäng",
"copy": "Kopiera",
"copyFile": "Kopiera fil",
"copyToClipboard": "Kopiera till urklipp",
"create": "Skapa",
"delete": "Ta bort",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "Info",
"more": "Mer",
"move": "Flytta",
"moveFile": "Flytta fil",
"new": "Nytt",
"next": "Nästa",
"ok": "OK",
"permalink": "Skapa en permanent länk",
"previous": "Föregående",
"publish": "Publisera",
"rename": "Ändra namn",
"replace": "Ersätt",
"reportIssue": "Rapportera problem",
"save": "Spara",
"schedule": "Schema",
"search": "Sök",
"select": "Välj",
"selectMultiple": "Välj flera",
"share": "Dela",
"shell": "Växla skal",
"switchView": "Byt vy",
"toggleSidebar": "Växla sidofält",
"update": "Uppdatera",
"upload": "Ladda upp"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "Ladda ner fil",
"downloadFolder": "Ladda ner mapp",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "Du saknar rättigheter till detta",
"internal": "Något gick fel",
"notFound": "Det går inte att nå den här platsen."
"files": {
"body": "Huvud",
"clear": "Rensa",
"closePreview": "Stäng förhands granskningen",
"files": "Filer",
"folders": "Mappar",
"home": "Hem",
"lastModified": "Senast ändrad",
"loading": "Laddar.....",
"lonely": "Väldigt ensamt här....",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "Flerval är på",
"name": "Namn",
"size": "Storlek",
"sortByLastModified": "Sortera på senast ändrad",
"sortByName": "Sortera på namn",
"sortBySize": "Sortera på storlek"
"help": {
"click": "välj fil eller mapp",
"ctrl": {
"click": "välj flera filer eller mappar",
"f": "öppnar sök",
"s": "Spara en fil eller ladda ner den katalog där du är"
"del": "ta bort valda objekt",
"doubleClick": "öppna en fil eller mapp",
"esc": "Rensa markeringen och/eller stänga prompten",
"f1": "denna information",
"f2": "ändra namnet på filen",
"help": "Hjälp"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "Skapa ett konto",
"loginInstead": "Du har redan ett konto",
"password": "Lösenord",
"passwordConfirm": "Bekräfta lösenord",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Lösenord matchar inte",
"signup": "Registrera",
"submit": "Logga in",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"usernameTaken": "Användarnamn upptaget",
"wrongCredentials": "Fel inloggning"
"permanent": "Permanent",
"prompts": {
"copy": "Kopiera",
"copyMessage": "Välj var dina filer skall sparas:",
"currentlyNavigating": "För närvarande navigerar du på:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "Är du säker på att du vill radera {count} filer(na)?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna fil/mapp",
"deleteTitle": "Ta bort filer",
"displayName": "Visningsnamn:",
"download": "Ladda ner filer",
"downloadMessage": "Välj format på det du vill lada ner.",
"error": "Något gick fel",
"fileInfo": "Fil information",
"filesSelected": "{count} filer valda.",
"lastModified": "Senast ändrad",
"move": "Flytta",
"moveMessage": "Välj ny plats för din fil (er)/mapp (ar):",
"newArchetype": "Skapa ett nytt inlägg baserat på en arketyp. Din fil kommer att skapas på innehållsmapp.",
"newDir": "Ny mapp",
"newDirMessage": "Ange namn på din nya mapp.",
"newFile": "Ny fil",
"newFileMessage": "Ange namn på din nya fil.",
"numberDirs": "Antal kataloger",
"numberFiles": "Antal filer",
"rename": "Ändra namn",
"renameMessage": "Infoga ett nytt namn för",
"replace": "Ersätt",
"replaceMessage": "En av filerna som du försöker överföra är i konflikt på grund av dess namn. Vill du ersätta den befintliga?\n",
"schedule": "Schema",
"scheduleMessage": "Pick a date and time to schedule the publication of this post.",
"show": "Visa",
"size": "Storlek",
"upload": "",
"uploadMessage": ""
"search": {
"images": "Bilder",
"music": "Musik",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "Tryck på enter för att söka...",
"search": "Sök...",
"typeToSearch": "Skriv för att söka....",
"types": "Typ",
"video": "Video"
"settings": {
"admin": "Admin",
"administrator": "Administratör",
"allowCommands": "Exekvera kommandon",
"allowEdit": "Ändra, döp om och ta bort filer eller mappar",
"allowNew": "Skapa nya filer eller mappar",
"allowPublish": "Publicera nya inlägg och sidor",
"allowSignup": "Tillåt användare att registrera sig",
"avoidChanges": "(lämna blankt för att undvika ändringar)",
"branding": "Varumärke",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Sökväg till varumärkes katalog",
"brandingHelp": "Du kan skräddarsyr hur din fil hanterar instansen ser ut och känns genom att ändra dess namn, ersätter logo typen, lägga till egna stilar och även inaktivera externa länkar till GitHub.\nMer information om anpassad varumärkes profilering finns i {0}.",
"changePassword": "Ändra lösenord",
"commandRunner": "Kommando körare",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Här kan du ange kommandon som körs i de namngivna händelserna. Du måste skriva en per rad. Miljövariablerna {0} och {1} kommer att vara tillgängliga, och vara {0} i förhållande till {1}. För mer information om den här funktionen och de tillgängliga miljövariablerna, vänligen läs {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "Kommandon uppdaterade!",
"createUserDir": "Auto skapa användarens hemkatalog när du lägger till nya användare",
"customStylesheet": "Anpassad formatmall",
"defaultUserDescription": "Detta är standard inställningar för användare.",
"disableExternalLinks": "Inaktivera externa länkar (förutom dokumentation)",
"documentation": "dokumentation",
"examples": "Exempel",
"executeOnShell": "Exekvera på skal",
"executeOnShellDescription": "Som standard kör fil bläddraren kommandona genom att anropa deras binärfiler direkt. Om du vill köra dem på ett skal i stället (till exempel bash eller PowerShell), kan du definiera det här med nödvändiga argument och flaggor. Om det är inställt kommer kommandot du kör att läggas till som ett argument. Detta gäller både användar kommandon och händelse krokar.",
"globalRules": "Det här är en global uppsättning regler för att tillåta och inte tillåta. De gäller för alla användare. Du kan definiera specifika regler för varje användares inställningar för att åsidosätta de här inställningarna.",
"globalSettings": "Globala inställningar",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "Ange sökväg",
"insertRegex": "Sätt in regex expression",
"instanceName": "Instans namn",
"language": "Språk",
"lockPassword": "Förhindra att användare kan byta lösenord",
"newPassword": "Ditt nya lösenord",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bekräfta ditt nya lösenord",
"newUser": "Ny användare",
"password": "Lösenord",
"passwordUpdated": "Lösenord uppdaterat",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "Skapa filer och mappar",
"delete": "Ta bort filer och mappar",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"execute": "Exekvera kommandon",
"modify": "Ändra fil",
"rename": "Byta namn på eller flytta filer och kataloger",
"share": "Dela filer"
"permissions": "Rättigheter",
"permissionsHelp": "Du kan ange att användaren ska vara administratör eller välja behörigheterna individuellt. Om du väljer \"administratör \" kommer alla andra alternativ att kontrolleras automatiskt. Hanteringen av användare är fortfarande ett privilegium för en administratör.\n",
"profileSettings": "Profil inställningar",
"ruleExample1": "förhindrar åtkomst till en dot-fil (till exempel. git,. gitignore) i varje mapp.\n",
"ruleExample2": "blockerar åtkomsten till filen som heter Caddyfilen i roten av scopet.",
"rules": "Regler",
"rulesHelp": "Här kan du definiera en uppsättning regler för godkänna och neka för den här specifika användaren. Den blockerade filen kommer inte upp i listningarna och kommer inte att vara tillgänglig till användaren. Vi stöder regex och sökvägar i förhållande till användarnas omfång.\n",
"scope": "Omfattning",
"settingsUpdated": "Inställning uppdaterad!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "",
"light": "",
"title": ""
"user": "Användare",
"userCommands": "Kommandon",
"userCommandsHelp": "En utrymmesseparerad lista med tillgängliga kommandon för den här användaren. Exempel:\n",
"userCreated": "Användare skapad",
"userDefaults": "Standard inställning för användare",
"userDeleted": "Användare borttagen",
"userManagement": "Användarehantering",
"userUpdated": "Användare uppdaterad!",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"users": "Användare"
"sidebar": {
"help": "Hjälp",
"hugoNew": "Hugo ny",
"login": "Logga in",
"logout": "Logga ut",
"myFiles": "Mina filer",
"newFile": "Ny fil",
"newFolder": "Ny mapp",
"preview": "Visa",
"settings": "Inställningar",
"signup": "Registrera",
"siteSettings": "System inställningar"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "Länk kopierad"
"time": {
"days": "Dagar",
"hours": "Timmar",
"minutes": "Minuter",
"seconds": "Sekunder",
"unit": "Tidsenhet"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "关闭",
"copy": "复制",
"copyFile": "复制文件",
"copyToClipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
"create": "创建",
"delete": "删除",
"download": "下载",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "信息",
"more": "更多",
"move": "移动",
"moveFile": "移动文件",
"new": "新",
"next": "下一个",
"ok": "确定",
"permalink": "获取永久链接",
"previous": "上一个",
"publish": "发布",
"rename": "重命名",
"replace": "替换",
"reportIssue": "报告问题",
"save": "保存",
"schedule": "计划",
"search": "搜索",
"select": "选择",
"selectMultiple": "选择多个",
"share": "分享",
"shell": "激活 shell",
"switchView": "切换显示方式",
"toggleSidebar": "切换侧边栏",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "上传"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "下载文件",
"downloadFolder": "下载文件夹",
"downloadSelected": "下载已选"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "你无权限访问",
"internal": "服务器出了点问题。",
"notFound": "找不到文件。"
"files": {
"body": "内容",
"clear": "清空",
"closePreview": "关闭预览",
"files": "文件",
"folders": "文件夹",
"home": "主页",
"lastModified": "最后修改",
"loading": "加载中...",
"lonely": "这里没有任何文件...",
"metadata": "元数据",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "多选模式已开启",
"name": "名称",
"size": "大小",
"sortByLastModified": "按最后修改时间排序",
"sortByName": "按名称排序",
"sortBySize": "按大小排序"
"help": {
"click": "选择文件或目录",
"ctrl": {
"click": "选择多个文件或目录",
"f": "打开搜索框",
"s": "保存文件或下载当前文件夹"
"del": "删除所选的文件/文件夹",
"doubleClick": "打开文件/文件夹",
"esc": "清除已选项或关闭提示信息",
"f1": "显示该帮助信息",
"f2": "重命名文件/文件夹",
"help": "帮助"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch(Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português(Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish(Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文(简体)",
"zhTW": "中文(繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "创建用户",
"loginInstead": "已有用户登录",
"password": "密码",
"passwordConfirm": "确认密码",
"passwordsDontMatch": "密码不一致",
"signup": "注册",
"submit": "登录",
"username": "用户名",
"usernameTaken": "用户名已经被使用",
"wrongCredentials": "用户名或密码错误"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "复制",
"copyMessage": "请选择欲复制至的目录:",
"currentlyNavigating": "当前目录:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "你确定要删除这 {count} 个文件吗?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "你确定要删除这个文件/文件夹吗?",
"deleteTitle": "删除文件",
"displayName": "名称:",
"download": "下载文件",
"downloadMessage": "请选择要下载的压缩格式。",
"error": "出了一点问题...",
"fileInfo": "文件信息",
"filesSelected": "已选择 {count} 个文件。",
"lastModified": "最后修改",
"move": "移动",
"moveMessage": "请选择欲移动至的目录:",
"newArchetype": "创建一个基于原型的新帖子。您的文件将会创建在内容文件夹中。",
"newDir": "新建目录",
"newDirMessage": "请输入新目录的名称。",
"newFile": "新建文件",
"newFileMessage": "请输入新文件的名称。",
"numberDirs": "目录数",
"numberFiles": "文件数",
"rename": "重命名",
"renameMessage": "请输入新名称,旧名称为:",
"replace": "替换",
"replaceMessage": "您尝试上传的文件中有一个与现有文件的名称存在冲突。是否替换现有的同名文件?",
"schedule": "计划",
"scheduleMessage": "请选择发布这篇帖子的日期。",
"show": "点击以显示",
"size": "大小",
"upload": "上传",
"uploadMessage": "选择上传项。"
"search": {
"images": "图像",
"music": "音乐",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "回车搜索...",
"search": "搜索...",
"typeToSearch": "输入搜索...",
"types": "类型",
"video": "视频"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理员",
"administrator": "管理员",
"allowCommands": "执行命令(shell 命令)",
"allowEdit": "编辑、重命名或删除文件/目录",
"allowNew": "创建新文件和目录",
"allowPublish": "发布新的帖子与页面",
"allowSignup": "允许用户注册",
"avoidChanges": "(留空以避免更改)",
"branding": "品牌",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "品牌信息文件夹路径",
"brandingHelp": "您可以通过改变实例名称,更换Logo,加入自定义样式,甚至禁用到Github的外部链接来自定义File Browser的外观和给人的感觉。\n想获得更多信息,请查看 {0} 。",
"changePassword": "更改密码",
"commandRunner": "命令执行器",
"commandRunnerHelp": "在这里你可以设置在下面的事件中执行的命令。每行必须写一条命令。可以在命令中使用环境变量 {0} 和 {1}。关于此功能和可用环境变量的更多信息,请阅读{2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "命令已更新!",
"createUserDir": "在添加新用户的同时自动创建用户的个人目录",
"customStylesheet": "自定义样式表(CSS)",
"defaultUserDescription": "这些是新用户的默认设置。",
"disableExternalLinks": "禁止外部链接(帮助文档除外)",
"documentation": "帮助文档",
"examples": "例子",
"executeOnShell": "在Shell中执行",
"executeOnShellDescription": "默认情况下,File Browser通过直接调用命令的二进制包来执行命令,如果想在shell中执行(如Bash、PowerShell),你可以在这里定义所使用的shell和参数。如果设置了这个选项,所执行的命令会作为参数追加在后面。本选项对用户命令和事件钩子都生效。",
"globalRules": "这是全局允许与禁止规则。它们作用于所有用户。您可以给每个用户定义单独的特殊规则来覆盖全局规则。",
"globalSettings": "全局设置",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "插入路径",
"insertRegex": "插入正则表达式",
"instanceName": "实例名称",
"language": "语言",
"lockPassword": "禁止用户修改密码",
"newPassword": "您的新密码",
"newPasswordConfirm": "重输一遍新密码",
"newUser": "新建用户",
"password": "密码",
"passwordUpdated": "密码已更新!",
"path": "路径",
"perm": {
"create": "创建文件和文件夹",
"delete": "删除文件和文件夹",
"download": "下载",
"execute": "执行命令",
"modify": "编辑",
"rename": "重命名或移动文件和文件夹",
"share": "分享文件"
"permissions": "权限",
"permissionsHelp": "您可以将该用户设置为管理员,也可以单独选择各项权限。如果选择了“管理员”,则其他的选项会被自动勾上,同时该用户可以管理其他用户。",
"profileSettings": "个人设置",
"ruleExample1": "阻止用户访问所有文件夹下任何以 . 开头的文件(隐藏文件, 例如: .git, .gitignore)。",
"ruleExample2": "阻止用户访问其目录范围的根目录下名为 Caddyfile 的文件。",
"rules": "规则",
"rulesHelp": "您可以为该用户制定一组黑名单或白名单式的规则,被屏蔽的文件将不会显示在列表中,用户也无权限访问,支持相对于目录范围的路径。",
"scope": "目录范围",
"settingsUpdated": "设置已更新!",
"shareDuration": "分享期限",
"shareManagement": "分享管理",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "深色",
"light": "浅色",
"title": "主题"
"user": "用户",
"userCommands": "用户命令(shell 命令)",
"userCommandsHelp": "指定该用户可以执行的命令(shell 代码),用空格分隔。例如:",
"userCreated": "用户已创建!",
"userDefaults": "用户默认设置",
"userDeleted": "用户已删除!",
"userManagement": "用户管理",
"userUpdated": "用户已更新!",
"username": "用户名",
"users": "用户"
"sidebar": {
"help": "帮助",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "登录",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的文件",
"newFile": "新建文件",
"newFolder": "新建文件夹",
"preview": "预览",
"settings": "设置",
"signup": "注册",
"siteSettings": "网站设置"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "链接已复制!"
"time": {
"days": "天",
"hours": "小时",
"minutes": "分钟",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "时间单位"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "关闭",
"copy": "复制",
"copyFile": "复制文件",
"copyToClipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
"create": "创建",
"delete": "删除",
"download": "下载",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "信息",
"more": "更多",
"move": "移动",
"moveFile": "移动文件",
"new": "新",
"next": "下一个",
"ok": "确定",
"permalink": "获取永久链接",
"previous": "上一个",
"publish": "发布",
"rename": "重命名",
"replace": "替换",
"reportIssue": "报告问题",
"save": "保存",
"schedule": "计划",
"search": "搜索",
"select": "选择",
"selectMultiple": "选择多个",
"share": "分享",
"shell": "激活 shell",
"switchView": "切换显示方式",
"toggleSidebar": "切换侧边栏",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "上传"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "下载文件",
"downloadFolder": "下载文件夹",
"downloadSelected": "下载已选"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "你无权限访问",
"internal": "服务器出了点问题。",
"notFound": "找不到文件。"
"files": {
"body": "内容",
"clear": "清空",
"closePreview": "关闭预览",
"files": "文件",
"folders": "文件夹",
"home": "主页",
"lastModified": "最后修改",
"loading": "加载中...",
"lonely": "这里没有任何文件...",
"metadata": "元数据",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "多选模式已开启",
"name": "名称",
"size": "大小",
"sortByLastModified": "按最后修改时间排序",
"sortByName": "按名称排序",
"sortBySize": "按大小排序"
"help": {
"click": "选择文件或目录",
"ctrl": {
"click": "选择多个文件或目录",
"f": "打开搜索框",
"s": "保存文件或下载当前文件夹"
"del": "删除所选的文件/文件夹",
"doubleClick": "打开文件/文件夹",
"esc": "清除已选项或关闭提示信息",
"f1": "显示该帮助信息",
"f2": "重命名文件/文件夹",
"help": "帮助"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch(Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português(Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish(Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文(简体)",
"zhTW": "中文(繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "创建用户",
"loginInstead": "已有用户登录",
"password": "密码",
"passwordConfirm": "确认密码",
"passwordsDontMatch": "密码不一致",
"signup": "注册",
"submit": "登录",
"username": "用户名",
"usernameTaken": "用户名已经被使用",
"wrongCredentials": "用户名或密码错误"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "复制",
"copyMessage": "请选择欲复制至的目录:",
"currentlyNavigating": "当前目录:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "你确定要删除这 {count} 个文件吗?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "你确定要删除这个文件/文件夹吗?",
"deleteTitle": "删除文件",
"displayName": "名称:",
"download": "下载文件",
"downloadMessage": "请选择要下载的压缩格式。",
"error": "出了一点问题...",
"fileInfo": "文件信息",
"filesSelected": "已选择 {count} 个文件。",
"lastModified": "最后修改",
"move": "移动",
"moveMessage": "请选择欲移动至的目录:",
"newArchetype": "创建一个基于原型的新帖子。您的文件将会创建在内容文件夹中。",
"newDir": "新建目录",
"newDirMessage": "请输入新目录的名称。",
"newFile": "新建文件",
"newFileMessage": "请输入新文件的名称。",
"numberDirs": "目录数",
"numberFiles": "文件数",
"rename": "重命名",
"renameMessage": "请输入新名称,旧名称为:",
"replace": "替换",
"replaceMessage": "您尝试上传的文件中有一个与现有文件的名称存在冲突。是否替换现有的同名文件?",
"schedule": "计划",
"scheduleMessage": "请选择发布这篇帖子的日期。",
"show": "点击以显示",
"size": "大小",
"upload": "上传",
"uploadMessage": "选择上传项。"
"search": {
"images": "图像",
"music": "音乐",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "回车搜索...",
"search": "搜索...",
"typeToSearch": "输入搜索...",
"types": "类型",
"video": "视频"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理员",
"administrator": "管理员",
"allowCommands": "执行命令(shell 命令)",
"allowEdit": "编辑、重命名或删除文件/目录",
"allowNew": "创建新文件和目录",
"allowPublish": "发布新的帖子与页面",
"allowSignup": "允许用户注册",
"avoidChanges": "(留空以避免更改)",
"branding": "品牌",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "品牌信息文件夹路径",
"brandingHelp": "您可以通过改变实例名称,更换Logo,加入自定义样式,甚至禁用到Github的外部链接来自定义File Browser的外观和给人的感觉。\n想获得更多信息,请查看 {0} 。",
"changePassword": "更改密码",
"commandRunner": "命令执行器",
"commandRunnerHelp": "在这里你可以设置在下面的事件中执行的命令。每行必须写一条命令。可以在命令中使用环境变量 {0} 和 {1}。关于此功能和可用环境变量的更多信息,请阅读{2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "命令已更新!",
"createUserDir": "在添加新用户的同时自动创建用户的个人目录",
"customStylesheet": "自定义样式表(CSS)",
"defaultUserDescription": "这些是新用户的默认设置。",
"disableExternalLinks": "禁止外部链接(帮助文档除外)",
"documentation": "帮助文档",
"examples": "例子",
"executeOnShell": "在Shell中执行",
"executeOnShellDescription": "默认情况下,File Browser通过直接调用命令的二进制包来执行命令,如果想在shell中执行(如Bash、PowerShell),你可以在这里定义所使用的shell和参数。如果设置了这个选项,所执行的命令会作为参数追加在后面。本选项对用户命令和事件钩子都生效。",
"globalRules": "这是全局允许与禁止规则。它们作用于所有用户。您可以给每个用户定义单独的特殊规则来覆盖全局规则。",
"globalSettings": "全局设置",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "插入路径",
"insertRegex": "插入正则表达式",
"instanceName": "实例名称",
"language": "语言",
"lockPassword": "禁止用户修改密码",
"newPassword": "您的新密码",
"newPasswordConfirm": "重输一遍新密码",
"newUser": "新建用户",
"password": "密码",
"passwordUpdated": "密码已更新!",
"path": "路径",
"perm": {
"create": "创建文件和文件夹",
"delete": "删除文件和文件夹",
"download": "下载",
"execute": "执行命令",
"modify": "编辑",
"rename": "重命名或移动文件和文件夹",
"share": "分享文件"
"permissions": "权限",
"permissionsHelp": "您可以将该用户设置为管理员,也可以单独选择各项权限。如果选择了“管理员”,则其他的选项会被自动勾上,同时该用户可以管理其他用户。",
"profileSettings": "个人设置",
"ruleExample1": "阻止用户访问所有文件夹下任何以 . 开头的文件(隐藏文件, 例如: .git, .gitignore)。",
"ruleExample2": "阻止用户访问其目录范围的根目录下名为 Caddyfile 的文件。",
"rules": "规则",
"rulesHelp": "您可以为该用户制定一组黑名单或白名单式的规则,被屏蔽的文件将不会显示在列表中,用户也无权限访问,支持相对于目录范围的路径。",
"scope": "目录范围",
"settingsUpdated": "设置已更新!",
"shareDuration": "分享期限",
"shareManagement": "分享管理",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "深色",
"light": "浅色",
"title": "主题"
"user": "用户",
"userCommands": "用户命令(shell 命令)",
"userCommandsHelp": "指定该用户可以执行的命令(shell 代码),用空格分隔。例如:",
"userCreated": "用户已创建!",
"userDefaults": "用户默认设置",
"userDeleted": "用户已删除!",
"userManagement": "用户管理",
"userUpdated": "用户已更新!",
"username": "用户名",
"users": "用户"
"sidebar": {
"help": "帮助",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "登录",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的文件",
"newFile": "新建文件",
"newFolder": "新建文件夹",
"preview": "预览",
"settings": "设置",
"signup": "注册",
"siteSettings": "网站设置"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "链接已复制!"
"time": {
"days": "天",
"hours": "小时",
"minutes": "分钟",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "时间单位"
@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
"buttons": {
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "關閉",
"copy": "複製",
"copyFile": "複製檔案",
"copyToClipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"create": "建立",
"delete": "刪除",
"download": "下載",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "資訊",
"more": "更多",
"move": "移動",
"moveFile": "移動檔案",
"new": "新",
"next": "下一個",
"ok": "確認",
"permalink": "獲取永久連結",
"previous": "上一個",
"publish": "發佈",
"rename": "重新命名",
"replace": "更換",
"reportIssue": "報告問題",
"save": "儲存",
"schedule": "計畫",
"search": "搜尋",
"select": "選擇",
"selectMultiple": "選擇多個",
"share": "分享",
"shell": "切換 shell",
"switchView": "切換顯示方式",
"toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "上傳"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "下載檔案",
"downloadFolder": "下載資料夾",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "您無權訪問。",
"internal": "伺服器出了點問題。",
"notFound": "找不到檔案。"
"files": {
"body": "内容",
"clear": "清空",
"closePreview": "關閉預覽",
"files": "檔案",
"folders": "資料夾",
"home": "主頁",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"loading": "讀取中...",
"lonely": "這裡沒有任何檔案...",
"metadata": "詮釋資料",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "多選模式已開啟",
"name": "名稱",
"size": "大小",
"sortByLastModified": "按最後修改時間排序",
"sortByName": "按名稱排序",
"sortBySize": "按大小排序"
"help": {
"click": "選擇檔案或目錄",
"ctrl": {
"click": "選擇多個檔案或目錄",
"f": "打開搜尋列",
"s": "儲存檔案或下載目前資料夾"
"del": "刪除所選的檔案/資料夾",
"doubleClick": "打開檔案/資料夾",
"esc": "清除已選項或關閉提示資訊",
"f1": "顯示該幫助資訊",
"f2": "重新命名檔案/資料夾",
"help": "幫助"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch(Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish(Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "新建賬戶",
"loginInstead": "已有賬戶登錄",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordConfirm": "確認密碼",
"passwordsDontMatch": "密碼不匹配",
"signup": "註冊",
"submit": "登入",
"username": "帳號",
"usernameTaken": "用戶名已存在",
"wrongCredentials": "帳號或密碼錯誤"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "複製",
"copyMessage": "請選擇欲複製至的目錄:",
"currentlyNavigating": "目前目錄:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "你確定要刪除這 {count} 個檔案嗎?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "你確定要刪除這個檔案/資料夾嗎?",
"deleteTitle": "刪除檔案",
"displayName": "名稱:",
"download": "下載檔案",
"downloadMessage": "請選擇要下載的壓縮格式。",
"error": "發出了一點錯誤...",
"fileInfo": "檔案資訊",
"filesSelected": "已選擇 {count} 個檔案。",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"move": "移動",
"moveMessage": "請選擇欲移動至的目錄:",
"newArchetype": "建立一個基於原型的新貼文。您的檔案將會建立在內容資料夾中。",
"newDir": "建立目錄",
"newDirMessage": "請輸入新目錄的名稱。",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFileMessage": "請輸入新檔案的名稱。",
"numberDirs": "目錄數",
"numberFiles": "檔案數",
"rename": "重新命名",
"renameMessage": "請輸入新名稱,舊名稱為:",
"replace": "替換",
"replaceMessage": "您嘗試上傳的檔案中有一個與現有檔案的名稱存在衝突。是否取代現有的同名檔案?",
"schedule": "計畫",
"scheduleMessage": "請選擇發佈這篇貼文的日期。",
"show": "顯示",
"size": "大小",
"upload": "上傳",
"uploadMessage": "選擇上傳項。"
"search": {
"images": "影像",
"music": "音樂",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "按確認鍵搜尋...",
"search": "搜尋...",
"typeToSearch": "輸入以搜尋...",
"types": "類型",
"video": "影片"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理員",
"administrator": "管理員",
"allowCommands": "執行命令",
"allowEdit": "編輯、重命名或刪除檔案/目錄",
"allowNew": "創建新檔案和目錄",
"allowPublish": "發佈新的貼文與頁面",
"allowSignup": "允許使用者註冊",
"avoidChanges": "(留空以避免更改)",
"branding": "品牌",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "品牌資訊資料夾路徑",
"brandingHelp": "您可以通過改變例項名稱,更換Logo,加入自定義樣式,甚至禁用到Github的外部連結來自定義File Browser的外觀和給人的感覺。\n想獲得更多資訊,請檢視 {0} 。",
"changePassword": "更改密碼",
"commandRunner": "命令執行器",
"commandRunnerHelp": "在這裡你可以設定在下面的事件中執行的命令。每行必須寫一條命令。可以在命令中使用環境變數 {0} 和 {1}。關於此功能和可用環境變數的更多資訊,請閱讀{2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "命令已更新!",
"createUserDir": "在新增新使用者的同時自動建立使用者的個人目錄",
"customStylesheet": "自定義樣式表",
"defaultUserDescription": "這些是新使用者的預設設定。",
"disableExternalLinks": "禁止外部連結(幫助文件除外)",
"documentation": "幫助文件",
"examples": "範例",
"executeOnShell": "在Shell中執行",
"executeOnShellDescription": "預設情況下,File Browser通過直接呼叫命令的二進位制包來執行命令,如果想在shell中執行(如Bash、PowerShell),你可以在這裡定義所使用的shell和參數。如果設定了這個選項,所執行的命令會作為參數追加在後面。本選項對使用者命令和事件鉤子都生效。",
"globalRules": "這是全局允許與禁止規則。它們作用於所有使用者。您可以給每個使用者定義單獨的特殊規則來覆蓋全局規則。",
"globalSettings": "全域設定",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "插入路徑",
"insertRegex": "插入正規表示式",
"instanceName": "例項名稱",
"language": "語言",
"lockPassword": "禁止使用者修改密碼",
"newPassword": "您的新密碼",
"newPasswordConfirm": "重輸一遍新密碼",
"newUser": "建立使用者",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordUpdated": "密碼已更新!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "建立檔案和資料夾",
"delete": "刪除檔案和資料夾",
"download": "下載",
"execute": "執行命令",
"modify": "編輯檔案",
"rename": "重命名或移動檔案/資料夾",
"share": "分享檔案"
"permissions": "權限",
"permissionsHelp": "您可以將該使用者設置為管理員,也可以單獨選擇各項權限。如果選擇了“管理員”,則其他的選項會被自動勾上,同時該使用者可以管理其他使用者。",
"profileSettings": "個人設定",
"ruleExample1": "封鎖使用者存取所有資料夾下任何以 . 開頭的檔案(隱藏文件, 例如: .git, .gitignore)。",
"ruleExample2": "封鎖使用者存取其目錄範圍的根目錄下名為 Caddyfile 的檔案。",
"rules": "規則",
"rulesHelp": "您可以為該使用者製定一組黑名單或白名單式的規則,被屏蔽的檔案將不會顯示在清單中,使用者也無權限存取,支持相對於目錄範圍的路徑。",
"scope": "目錄範圍",
"settingsUpdated": "設定已更新!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "深色",
"light": "淺色",
"title": "主題"
"user": "使用者",
"userCommands": "使用者命令",
"userCommandsHelp": "指定該使用者可以執行的命令,用空格分隔。例如:",
"userCreated": "使用者已建立!",
"userDefaults": "使用者預設選項",
"userDeleted": "使用者已刪除!",
"userManagement": "使用者管理",
"userUpdated": "使用者已更新!",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"users": "使用者"
"sidebar": {
"help": "幫助",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "登入",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的檔案",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFolder": "建立資料夾",
"preview": "預覽",
"settings": "設定",
"signup": "註冊",
"siteSettings": "網站設定"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "連結已複製!"
"time": {
"days": "天",
"hours": "小時",
"minutes": "分鐘",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "時間單位"
"buttons": {
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "關閉",
"copy": "複製",
"copyFile": "複製檔案",
"copyToClipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"create": "建立",
"delete": "刪除",
"download": "下載",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"info": "資訊",
"more": "更多",
"move": "移動",
"moveFile": "移動檔案",
"new": "新",
"next": "下一個",
"ok": "確認",
"permalink": "獲取永久連結",
"previous": "上一個",
"publish": "發佈",
"rename": "重新命名",
"replace": "更換",
"reportIssue": "報告問題",
"save": "儲存",
"schedule": "計畫",
"search": "搜尋",
"select": "選擇",
"selectMultiple": "選擇多個",
"share": "分享",
"shell": "切換 shell",
"switchView": "切換顯示方式",
"toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "上傳"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "下載檔案",
"downloadFolder": "下載資料夾",
"downloadSelected": ""
"errors": {
"forbidden": "您無權訪問。",
"internal": "伺服器出了點問題。",
"notFound": "找不到檔案。"
"files": {
"body": "内容",
"clear": "清空",
"closePreview": "關閉預覽",
"files": "檔案",
"folders": "資料夾",
"home": "主頁",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"loading": "讀取中...",
"lonely": "這裡沒有任何檔案...",
"metadata": "詮釋資料",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "多選模式已開啟",
"name": "名稱",
"size": "大小",
"sortByLastModified": "按最後修改時間排序",
"sortByName": "按名稱排序",
"sortBySize": "按大小排序"
"help": {
"click": "選擇檔案或目錄",
"ctrl": {
"click": "選擇多個檔案或目錄",
"f": "打開搜尋列",
"s": "儲存檔案或下載目前資料夾"
"del": "刪除所選的檔案/資料夾",
"doubleClick": "打開檔案/資料夾",
"esc": "清除已選項或關閉提示資訊",
"f1": "顯示該幫助資訊",
"f2": "重新命名檔案/資料夾",
"help": "幫助"
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"is": "Icelandic",
"it": "Italiano",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"nlBE": "Dutch(Belgium)",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru": "Русский",
"svSE": "Swedish(Sweden)",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)"
"login": {
"createAnAccount": "新建賬戶",
"loginInstead": "已有賬戶登錄",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordConfirm": "確認密碼",
"passwordsDontMatch": "密碼不匹配",
"signup": "註冊",
"submit": "登入",
"username": "帳號",
"usernameTaken": "用戶名已存在",
"wrongCredentials": "帳號或密碼錯誤"
"permanent": "永久",
"prompts": {
"copy": "複製",
"copyMessage": "請選擇欲複製至的目錄:",
"currentlyNavigating": "目前目錄:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "你確定要刪除這 {count} 個檔案嗎?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "你確定要刪除這個檔案/資料夾嗎?",
"deleteTitle": "刪除檔案",
"displayName": "名稱:",
"download": "下載檔案",
"downloadMessage": "請選擇要下載的壓縮格式。",
"error": "發出了一點錯誤...",
"fileInfo": "檔案資訊",
"filesSelected": "已選擇 {count} 個檔案。",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"move": "移動",
"moveMessage": "請選擇欲移動至的目錄:",
"newArchetype": "建立一個基於原型的新貼文。您的檔案將會建立在內容資料夾中。",
"newDir": "建立目錄",
"newDirMessage": "請輸入新目錄的名稱。",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFileMessage": "請輸入新檔案的名稱。",
"numberDirs": "目錄數",
"numberFiles": "檔案數",
"rename": "重新命名",
"renameMessage": "請輸入新名稱,舊名稱為:",
"replace": "替換",
"replaceMessage": "您嘗試上傳的檔案中有一個與現有檔案的名稱存在衝突。是否取代現有的同名檔案?",
"schedule": "計畫",
"scheduleMessage": "請選擇發佈這篇貼文的日期。",
"show": "顯示",
"size": "大小",
"upload": "上傳",
"uploadMessage": "選擇上傳項。"
"search": {
"images": "影像",
"music": "音樂",
"pdf": "PDF",
"pressToSearch": "按確認鍵搜尋...",
"search": "搜尋...",
"typeToSearch": "輸入以搜尋...",
"types": "類型",
"video": "影片"
"settings": {
"admin": "管理員",
"administrator": "管理員",
"allowCommands": "執行命令",
"allowEdit": "編輯、重命名或刪除檔案/目錄",
"allowNew": "創建新檔案和目錄",
"allowPublish": "發佈新的貼文與頁面",
"allowSignup": "允許使用者註冊",
"avoidChanges": "(留空以避免更改)",
"branding": "品牌",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "品牌資訊資料夾路徑",
"brandingHelp": "您可以通過改變例項名稱,更換Logo,加入自定義樣式,甚至禁用到Github的外部連結來自定義File Browser的外觀和給人的感覺。\n想獲得更多資訊,請檢視 {0} 。",
"changePassword": "更改密碼",
"commandRunner": "命令執行器",
"commandRunnerHelp": "在這裡你可以設定在下面的事件中執行的命令。每行必須寫一條命令。可以在命令中使用環境變數 {0} 和 {1}。關於此功能和可用環境變數的更多資訊,請閱讀{2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "命令已更新!",
"createUserDir": "在新增新使用者的同時自動建立使用者的個人目錄",
"customStylesheet": "自定義樣式表",
"defaultUserDescription": "這些是新使用者的預設設定。",
"disableExternalLinks": "禁止外部連結(幫助文件除外)",
"documentation": "幫助文件",
"examples": "範例",
"executeOnShell": "在Shell中執行",
"executeOnShellDescription": "預設情況下,File Browser通過直接呼叫命令的二進位制包來執行命令,如果想在shell中執行(如Bash、PowerShell),你可以在這裡定義所使用的shell和參數。如果設定了這個選項,所執行的命令會作為參數追加在後面。本選項對使用者命令和事件鉤子都生效。",
"globalRules": "這是全局允許與禁止規則。它們作用於所有使用者。您可以給每個使用者定義單獨的特殊規則來覆蓋全局規則。",
"globalSettings": "全域設定",
"hideDotfiles": "",
"insertPath": "插入路徑",
"insertRegex": "插入正規表示式",
"instanceName": "例項名稱",
"language": "語言",
"lockPassword": "禁止使用者修改密碼",
"newPassword": "您的新密碼",
"newPasswordConfirm": "重輸一遍新密碼",
"newUser": "建立使用者",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordUpdated": "密碼已更新!",
"path": "",
"perm": {
"create": "建立檔案和資料夾",
"delete": "刪除檔案和資料夾",
"download": "下載",
"execute": "執行命令",
"modify": "編輯檔案",
"rename": "重命名或移動檔案/資料夾",
"share": "分享檔案"
"permissions": "權限",
"permissionsHelp": "您可以將該使用者設置為管理員,也可以單獨選擇各項權限。如果選擇了“管理員”,則其他的選項會被自動勾上,同時該使用者可以管理其他使用者。",
"profileSettings": "個人設定",
"ruleExample1": "封鎖使用者存取所有資料夾下任何以 . 開頭的檔案(隱藏文件, 例如: .git, .gitignore)。",
"ruleExample2": "封鎖使用者存取其目錄範圍的根目錄下名為 Caddyfile 的檔案。",
"rules": "規則",
"rulesHelp": "您可以為該使用者製定一組黑名單或白名單式的規則,被屏蔽的檔案將不會顯示在清單中,使用者也無權限存取,支持相對於目錄範圍的路徑。",
"scope": "目錄範圍",
"settingsUpdated": "設定已更新!",
"shareDuration": "",
"shareManagement": "",
"singleClick": "",
"themes": {
"dark": "深色",
"light": "淺色",
"title": "主題"
"user": "使用者",
"userCommands": "使用者命令",
"userCommandsHelp": "指定該使用者可以執行的命令,用空格分隔。例如:",
"userCreated": "使用者已建立!",
"userDefaults": "使用者預設選項",
"userDeleted": "使用者已刪除!",
"userManagement": "使用者管理",
"userUpdated": "使用者已更新!",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"users": "使用者"
"sidebar": {
"help": "幫助",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"login": "登入",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的檔案",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFolder": "建立資料夾",
"preview": "預覽",
"settings": "設定",
"signup": "註冊",
"siteSettings": "網站設定"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "連結已複製!"
"time": {
"days": "天",
"hours": "小時",
"minutes": "分鐘",
"seconds": "秒",
"unit": "時間單位"
Reference in New Issue