# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Fail2Ban developers __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier; 2012 Yaroslav Halchenko" __license__ = "GPL" import unittest import time from server.filterpoll import FilterPoll from server.filter import FileFilter, DNSUtils from server.failmanager import FailManager from server.failmanager import FailManagerEmpty class IgnoreIP(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.__filter = FileFilter(None) def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" def testIgnoreIPOK(self): ipList = "", "", "", "" for ip in ipList: self.__filter.addIgnoreIP(ip) self.assertTrue(self.__filter.inIgnoreIPList(ip)) # Test DNS self.__filter.addIgnoreIP("www.epfl.ch") self.assertTrue(self.__filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) def testIgnoreIPNOK(self): ipList = "", "999.999.999.999", "abcdef", "192.168.0." for ip in ipList: self.__filter.addIgnoreIP(ip) self.assertFalse(self.__filter.inIgnoreIPList(ip)) # Test DNS self.__filter.addIgnoreIP("www.epfl.ch") self.assertFalse(self.__filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) class LogFile(unittest.TestCase): FILENAME = "testcases/files/testcase01.log" def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.__filter = FilterPoll(None) self.__filter.addLogPath(LogFile.FILENAME) def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" pass #def testOpen(self): # self.__filter.openLogFile(LogFile.FILENAME) def testIsModified(self): self.assertTrue(self.__filter.isModified(LogFile.FILENAME)) class GetFailures(unittest.TestCase): FILENAME_01 = "testcases/files/testcase01.log" FILENAME_02 = "testcases/files/testcase02.log" FILENAME_03 = "testcases/files/testcase03.log" FILENAME_04 = "testcases/files/testcase04.log" FILENAME_USEDNS = "testcases/files/testcase-usedns.log" def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.__filter = FileFilter(None) self.__filter.setActive(True) # TODO Test this #self.__filter.setTimeRegex("\S{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}") #self.__filter.setTimePattern("%b %d %H:%M:%S") def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" def _assertEqualEntries(self, found, output): """Little helper to unify comparisons with the target entries and report helpful failure reports instead of millions of seconds ;) """ self.assertEqual(found[:2], output[:2]) found_time, output_time = \ time.localtime(found[2]),\ time.localtime(output[2]) self.assertEqual(found_time, output_time) if len(output) > 3: # match matches self.assertEqual(repr(found[3]), repr(output[3])) def _assertCorrectLastAtempt(self, filter_, output): """Additional helper to wrap most common test case Test filter to contain target ticket """ ticket = filter_.failManager.toBan() attempts = ticket.getAttempt() date = ticket.getTime() ip = ticket.getIP() matches = ticket.getMatches() found = (ip, attempts, date, matches) self._assertEqualEntries(found, output) def testGetFailures01(self): output = ('', 3, 1124013599.0, ['Aug 14 11:59:59 [sshd] error: PAM: Authentication failure for kevin from\n']*3) self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_01) self.__filter.addFailRegex("(?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user|ROOT LOGIN REFUSED) .*(?: from|FROM) ") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_01) self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(self.__filter, output) def testGetFailures02(self): output = ('', 4, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:%d:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n' % m for m in 53, 54, 57, 58]) self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.__filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from ") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(self.__filter, output) def testGetFailures03(self): output = ('', 6, 1124013544.0) self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_03) self.__filter.addFailRegex("error,relay=,.*550 User unknown") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_03) self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(self.__filter, output) def testGetFailures04(self): output = [('', 4, 1124013600.0), ('', 4, 1124013598.0)] self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_04) self.__filter.addFailRegex("Invalid user .* ") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_04) try: for i, out in enumerate(output): self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(self.__filter, out) except FailManagerEmpty: pass def testGetFailuresUseDNS(self): # We should still catch failures with usedns = no ;-) output_yes = ('', 2, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:54:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from example.com port 51332 ssh2\n', 'Aug 14 11:58:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n']) output_no = ('', 1, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:58:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n']) # Actually no exception would be raised -- it will be just set to 'no' #self.assertRaises(ValueError, # FileFilter, None, useDns='wrong_value_for_useDns') for useDns, output in (('yes', output_yes), ('no', output_no), ('warn', output_yes)): filter_ = FileFilter(None, useDns=useDns) filter_.setActive(True) filter_.failManager.setMaxRetry(1) # we might have just few failures filter_.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_USEDNS) filter_.addFailRegex("Failed .* from ") filter_.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_USEDNS) self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(filter_, output) def testGetFailuresMultiRegex(self): output = ('', 8, 1124013541.0) self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.__filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from ") self.__filter.addFailRegex("Accepted .* from ") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self._assertCorrectLastAtempt(self.__filter, output) def testGetFailuresIgnoreRegex(self): output = ('', 8, 1124013541.0) self.__filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.__filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from ") self.__filter.addFailRegex("Accepted .* from ") self.__filter.addIgnoreRegex("for roehl") self.__filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.__filter.failManager.toBan) class DNSUtilsTests(unittest.TestCase): def testUseDns(self): res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'no') self.assertEqual(res, []) res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'warn') self.assertEqual(res, ['']) res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'yes') self.assertEqual(res, ['']) def testTextToIp(self): # Test hostnames hostnames = [ 'www.example.com', 'doh1.2.3.4.buga.xxxxx.yyy.invalid', '', ] for s in hostnames: res = DNSUtils.textToIp(s, 'yes') if s == 'www.example.com': self.assertEqual(res, ['']) else: self.assertEqual(res, [])