Fail2Ban is an open source project with many contributions from its users community. Below is an alphabetically sorted partial list of the contributors to the project. If you have been left off, please let us know (preferably send a pull request on github with the "fix") and you will be added Adrien Clerc Andrey G. Grozin Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman Axel Thimm Bill Heaton Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez Christian Rauch Christoph Haas Christos Psonis Daniel B. Cid Daniel Black David Nutter Eric Gerbier Enrico Labedzki ftoppi Georgiy Mernov Guillaume Delvit Hanno 'Rince' Wagner Iain Lea Jonathan Kamens Jonathan Underwood Joël Bertrand Justin Shore Kévin Drapel kojiro Mark Edgington Markus Hoffmann Marvin Rouge mEDI Мернов Георгий Michael C. Haller Michael Hanselmann NickMunger Patrick Börjesson Raphaël Marichez René Berber Robert Edeker Russell Odom Sireyessire silviogarbes Stephen Gildea Steven Hiscocks Tom Pike Tyler Vaclav Misek Vincent Deffontaines Yaroslav Halchenko ykimon Yehuda Katz zugeschmiert