#1 Jun 21 16:47:48 digital-mlhhyiqscv sshd[13709]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for myhlj1374 from May 29 20:56:52 imago sshd[28732]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for stefanor from www.onerussian.com #2 Feb 25 14:34:10 belka sshd[31602]: Failed password for invalid user ROOT from port 50273 ssh2 Feb 25 14:34:10 belka sshd[31602]: Failed password for invalid user ROOT from port 12345 #3 Jan 5 01:31:41 www sshd[1643]: ROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM Jan 5 01:31:41 www sshd[1643]: ROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM ::ffff: #4 Jul 20 14:42:11 localhost sshd[22708]: Invalid user ftp from #5 new filter introduced after looking at 44087D8C.9090407@bluewin.ch Mar 3 00:17:22 [sshd] User root from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers Feb 25 14:34:11 belka sshd[31607]: User root from ferrari.inescn.pt not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers #6 ew filter introduced thanks to report Guido Bozzetto Nov 11 23:33:27 Server sshd[5174]: refused connect from _U2FsdGVkX19P3BCJmFBHhjLza8BcMH06WCUVwttMHpE=_@::ffff: (::ffff: #7 added exclamation mark to BREAK-IN # Now should be a negative since we decided not to catch those Oct 15 19:51:35 server sshd[7592]: Address maps to 1234.bbbbbb.com, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT Oct 15 19:51:35 server sshd[7592]: Address maps to 1234.bbbbbb.com, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! #8 DenyUsers https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/47 Apr 16 22:01:15 al-ribat sshd[5154]: User root from not allowed because listed in DenyUsers # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=648020 Nov 8 11:19:38 bar sshd[25427]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=