# Fail2Ban filter for unsuccesfull MongoDB authentication attempts # # Logfile /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log # # add setting in /etc/mongodb.conf # logpath=/var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log # # and use of the authentication # auth = true # [Definition] #failregex = ^\s+\[initandlisten\] connection accepted from <HOST>:\d+ \#(?P<__connid>\d+) \(1 connection now open\)<SKIPLINES>\s+\[conn(?P=__connid)\] Failed to authenticate\s+ failregex = ^\s+\[conn(?P<__connid>\d+)\] Failed to authenticate [^\n]+<SKIPLINES>\s+\[conn(?P=__connid)\] end connection <HOST> ignoreregex = [Init] maxlines = 10 # DEV Notes: # # Regarding the multiline regex: # # There can be a nunber of non-related lines between the first and second part # of this regex maxlines of 10 is quite generious. # # Note the capture __connid, includes the connection ID, used in second part of regex. # # The first regex is commented out (but will match also), because it is better to use # the host from "end connection" line (uncommented above): # - it has the same prefix, searching begins directly with failure message # (so faster, because ignores success connections at all) # - it is not so vulnerable in case of possible race condition # # Log example: # 2016-10-20T09:54:27.108+0200 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) # 2016-10-20T09:54:27.109+0200 [conn1] authenticate db: test { authenticate: 1, nonce: "xxx", user: "root", key: "xxx" } # 2016-10-20T09:54:27.110+0200 [conn1] Failed to authenticate root@test with mechanism MONGODB-CR: AuthenticationFailed UserNotFound Could not find user root@test # 2016-11-09T09:54:27.894+0100 [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open) # 2016-11-09T11:55:58.890+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1510 (1 connection now open) # 2016-11-09T11:55:58.892+0100 [conn1510] authenticate db: admin { authenticate: 1, nonce: "xxx", user: "root", key: "xxx" } # 2016-11-09T11:55:58.892+0100 [conn1510] Failed to authenticate root@admin with mechanism MONGODB-CR: AuthenticationFailed key mismatch # 2016-11-09T11:55:58.894+0100 [conn1510] end connection (0 connections now open) # # Authors: Alexander Finkhäuser # Sergey G. Brester (sebres)