# This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Author: Cyril Jaquier # # $Revision$ __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier" __version__ = "$Revision$" __date__ = "$Date$" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier" __license__ = "GPL" from failmanager import FailManager from failmanager import FailManagerEmpty from failticket import FailTicket from jailthread import JailThread from utils.dns import * import time, logging, os, re, sys, socket # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban.filter") ## # Log reader class. # # This class reads a log file and detects login failures or anything else # that matches a given regular expression. This class is instanciated by # a Jail object. class Filter(JailThread): ## # Constructor. # # Initialize the filter object with default values. # @param jail the jail object def __init__(self, jail): JailThread.__init__(self, jail) ## The jail which contains this filter. self.jail = jail ## The failures manager. self.failManager = FailManager() ## The log file handler. self.fileHandler = None ## The log file path. self.logPath = '' ## The regular expression matching the date. self.timeRegex = '' ## The pattern matching the date. self.timePattern = '' ## The regular expression matching the failure. self.failRegex = '' ## The amount of time to look back. self.findTime = 6000 ## The ignore IP list. self.ignoreIpList = [] ## The time of the last modification of the file. self.lastModTime = 0 ## The last position of the file. self.lastPos = 0 ## The last date in tht log file. self.lastDate = 0 ## The file statistics. self.logStats = None logSys.info("Created Filter") ## # Set the log file path # # @param value log file path def setLogPath(self, value): self.logPath = value logSys.info("Set logfile = %s" % value) ## # Get the log file path # # @return log file path def getLogPath(self): return self.logPath ## # Set the regular expression which matches the time. # # @param value the regular expression def setTimeRegex(self, value): self.timeRegex = value logSys.info("Set timeregex = %s" % value) ## # Get the regular expression which matches the time. # # @return the regular expression def getTimeRegex(self): return self.timeRegex ## # Set the time pattern. # # @param value the time pattern def setTimePattern(self, value): self.timePattern = value logSys.info("Set timepattern = %s" % value) ## # Get the time pattern. # # @return the time pattern def getTimePattern(self): return self.timePattern ## # Set the regular expression which matches the failure. # # The regular expression can also match any other pattern than failures # and thus can be used for many purporse. # @param value the regular expression def setFailRegex(self, value): self.failRegex = value logSys.info("Set failregex = %s" % value) ## # Get the regular expression which matches the failure. # # @return the regular expression def getFailRegex(self): return self.failRegex ## # Set the time needed to find a failure. # # This value tells the filter how long it has to take failures into # account. # @param value the time def setFindTime(self, value): self.findTime = value logSys.info("Set findtime = %s" % value) ## # Get the time needed to find a failure. # # @return the time def getFindTime(self): return self.findTime ## # Set the maximum retry value. # # @param value the retry value def setMaxRetry(self, value): self.failManager.setMaxRetry(value) logSys.info("Set maxRetry = %s" % value) ## # Get the maximum retry value. # # @return the retry value def getMaxRetry(self): return self.failManager.getMaxRetry() ## # Set the maximum time a failure stays in the list. # # @param value the maximum time def setMaxTime(self, value): self.failManager.setMaxTime(value) logSys.info("Set maxTime = %s" % value) ## # Get the maximum time a failure stays in the list. # # @return the time value def getMaxTime(self): return self.failManager.getMaxTime() ## # Main loop. # # This function is the main loop of the thread. It checks if the # file has been modified and looks for failures. # @return True when the thread exits nicely def run(self): self.setActive(True) while self.isActive(): if not self.isIdle: if self.isModified(): self.getFailures() try: ticket = self.failManager.toBan() self.jail.putFailTicket(ticket) except FailManagerEmpty: self.failManager.cleanup(time.time()) time.sleep(self.sleepTime) else: time.sleep(self.sleepTime) logSys.debug(self.jail.getName() + ": filter terminated") return True ## # Add an IP to the ignore list. # # IP addresses in the ignore list are not taken into account # when finding failures. CIDR mask are also accepted. # @param ip IP address to ignore def addIgnoreIP(self, ip): logSys.debug("Add " + ip + " to ignore list") self.ignoreIpList.append(ip) ## # Check if IP address is in the ignore list. # # Check if the given IP address matches an IP address or a CIDR # mask in the ignore list. # @param ip IP address # @return True if IP address is in ignore list def inIgnoreIPList(self, ip): for i in self.ignoreIpList: s = i.split('/', 1) # IP address without CIDR mask if len(s) == 1: s.insert(1, '32') s[1] = long(s[1]) try: a = cidr(s[0], s[1]) b = cidr(ip, s[1]) except Exception: return False if a == b: return True return False ## # Open the log file. def openLogFile(self): """ Opens the log file specified on init. """ try: self.fileHandler = open(self.logPath) except OSError: logSys.error("Unable to open "+self.logPath) ## # Close the log file. def closeLogFile(self): self.fileHandler.close() ## # Checks if the log file has been modified. # # Checks if the log file has been modified using os.stat(). # @return True if log file has been modified def isModified(self): try: self.logStats = os.stat(self.logPath) if self.lastModTime == self.logStats.st_mtime: return False else: logSys.debug(self.logPath + " has been modified") self.lastModTime = self.logStats.st_mtime return True except OSError: logSys.error("Unable to get stat on " + self.logPath) return False ## # Set the file position. # # Sets the file position. We must take care of log file rotation # and reset the position to 0 in that case. Use the log message # timestamp in order to detect this. def setFilePos(self): line = self.fileHandler.readline() if self.lastDate < self.getTime(line): logSys.debug("Date " + `self.lastDate` + " is " + "smaller than " + `self.getTime(line)`) logSys.debug("Log rotation detected for " + self.logPath) self.lastPos = 0 logSys.debug("Setting file position to " + `self.lastPos` + " for " + self.logPath) self.fileHandler.seek(self.lastPos) ## # Get the file position. def getFilePos(self): return self.fileHandler.tell() ## # Gets all the failure in the log file. # # Gets all the failure in the log file which are newer than # time.time()-self.findTime. When a failure is detected, a FailTicket # is created and is added to the FailManager. def getFailures(self): ipList = dict() logSys.debug(self.logPath) self.openLogFile() self.setFilePos() lastLine = None for line in self.fileHandler: try: # Try to convert UTF-8 string to Latin-1 line = line.decode('utf-8').encode('latin-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if not self.hasTime(line): # There is no valid time in this line continue lastLine = line for element in self.findFailure(line): ip = element[0] unixTime = element[1] if unixTime < time.time()-self.findTime: break if self.inIgnoreIPList(ip): logSys.debug("Ignore "+ip) continue logSys.debug("Found "+ip) self.failManager.addFailure(FailTicket(ip, unixTime)) self.lastPos = self.getFilePos() if lastLine: self.lastDate = self.getTime(lastLine) self.closeLogFile() ## # Finds the failure in a line. # # Uses the failregex pattern to find it and timeregex in order # to find the logging time. # @return a dict with IP and timestamp. def findFailure(self, line): failList = list() match = re.search(self.failRegex, line) if match: timeMatch = re.search(self.timeRegex, match.string) if timeMatch: date = self.getUnixTime(timeMatch.group()) ipMatch = textToIp(match.string) if ipMatch: for ip in ipMatch: failList.append([ip, date]) return failList ## # Check is a line contains a valid date. # # @param line the line # @return True if the line contains a valid date def hasTime(self, line): timeMatch = re.search(self.timeRegex, line) if timeMatch: return True else: return False ## # Get the time of a log line. # # @param line the line # @return the timestamp of the log line def getTime(self, line): date = 0 timeMatch = re.search(self.timeRegex, line) if timeMatch: date = self.getUnixTime(timeMatch.group()) return date ## # Get the Unix timestamp. # # Get the Unix timestamp of a given date. Pattern should describe the # date construction of value. # @param value the date # @return the Unix timestamp def getUnixTime(self, value): try: # Check if the parsed value is in TAI64N format if not self.timePattern.lower() == "tai64n": date = list(time.strptime(value, self.timePattern)) else: # extract part of format which represents seconds since epoch seconds_since_epoch = value[2:17] date = list(time.gmtime(int(seconds_since_epoch, 16))) except ValueError, e: logSys.error(e) logSys.error("Please check the format and your locale settings.") return None if date[0] < 2000: # There is probably no year field in the logs date[0] = time.gmtime()[0] # Bug fix for #1241756 # If the date is greater than the current time, we suppose # that the log is not from this year but from the year before #if time.mktime(date) > time.time(): # date[0] -= 1 unixTime = time.mktime(date) return unixTime ## # Get the status of the filter. # # Get some informations about the filter state such as the total # number of failures. # @return a list with tuple def status(self): ret = [("Currently failed", self.failManager.size()), ("Total failed", self.failManager.getFailTotal())] return ret