fail2ban (0.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  0.7.x versions of fail2ban is a complete rewrite of the tool since 0.6, and
  is went through restructuring of the configuration files. If you had
  adjusted config file /etc/fail2ban.conf or /etc/defaults/fail2ban, you need
  to adjust new config files (under /etc/fail2ban/ and /etc/default/fail2ban)
  to take advantage of the upgrade. Now fail2ban uses split configs and local
  modifications can be introduced in corresponding .local files. Please
  remove old configuration file /etc/fail2ban.conf thereafter.

 -- Yaroslav Halchenko <>  Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:31:15 -0400

fail2ban (0.6.0-4) unstable; urgency=low

  In this version the new section ApacheAttacks was introduced to ban IPs
  which are found to run some known attack on the host. For now it captures
  just awstats and mambo related attacks. To make this feature work, the bug of
  wrongly specified timeregexp for Apache's access.log file was fixed.
  Besides that group of log files has changed to be adm, and now they are
  readable by the group.

 -- Yaroslav Halchenko <>  Fri, 10 Feb 2006 13:05:07 -0500