# Fail2Ban filter for openssh # # If you want to protect OpenSSH from being bruteforced by password # authentication then get public key authentication working before disabling # PasswordAuthentication in sshd_config. # # # "Connection from port \d+" requires LogLevel VERBOSE in sshd_config # [INCLUDES] # Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from # common.local before = common.conf [Definition] _daemon = sshd failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for .* from ( via \S+)?\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from \s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)sFailed \S+ for (?Pinvalid user )?(?P(?P\S+)|(?(cond_inv)(?:(?! from ).)*?|[^:]+)) from (?: port \d+)?(?: ssh\d*)?(?(cond_user):|(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$) ^%(__prefix_line)sROOT LOGIN REFUSED.* FROM \s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)s[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .* from \s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)sUser .+ from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)sUser .+ from not allowed because listed in DenyUsers\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)sUser .+ from not allowed because not in any group\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)srefused connect from \S+ \(\)\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: )?Received disconnect from : 3: .*: Auth fail(?: \[preauth\])?$ ^%(__prefix_line)sUser .+ from not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups\s*$ ^%(__prefix_line)sUser .+ from not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups\s*$ ^(?P<__prefix>%(__prefix_line)s)User .+ not allowed because account is locked(?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Received disconnect from : 11: .+ \[preauth\]$ ^(?P<__prefix>%(__prefix_line)s)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \[preauth\](?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Connection closed by \[preauth\]$ ^(?P<__prefix>%(__prefix_line)s)Connection from port \d+(?: on \S+ port \d+)?(?P=__prefix)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \[preauth\]$ ^%(__prefix_line)s(error: )?maximum authentication attempts exceeded for .* from (?: port \d*)?(?: ssh\d*)? \[preauth\]$ ^%(__prefix_line)spam_unix\(sshd:auth\):\s+authentication failure;\s*logname=\S*\s*uid=\d*\s*euid=\d*\s*tty=\S*\s*ruser=\S*\s*rhost=\s.*$ ignoreregex = # "maxlines" is number of log lines to buffer for multi-line regex searches maxlines = 10 journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service + _COMM=sshd datepattern = {^LN-BEG} # DEV Notes: # # "Failed \S+ for .*? from ..." failregex uses non-greedy catch-all because # it is coming before use of which is not hard-anchored at the end as well, # and later catch-all's could contain user-provided input, which need to be greedily # matched away first. # # Author: Cyril Jaquier, Yaroslav Halchenko, Petr Voralek, Daniel Black