# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Fail2Ban developers __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier; 2012 Yaroslav Halchenko" __license__ = "GPL" from __builtin__ import open as fopen import unittest import os import sys import time import tempfile from server.jail import Jail from server.filterpoll import FilterPoll from server.filter import Filter, FileFilter, DNSUtils from server.failmanager import FailManager from server.failmanager import FailManagerEmpty from dummyjail import DummyJail # # Useful helpers # from utils import mtimesleep, LogCaptureTestCase # yoh: per Steven Hiscocks's insight while troubleshooting # https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/103#issuecomment-15542836 # adding a sufficiently large buffer might help to guarantee that # writes happen atomically. def open(*args): """Overload built in open so we could assure sufficiently large buffer Explicit .flush would be needed to assure that changes leave the buffer """ if len(args) == 2: # ~50kB buffer should be sufficient for all tests here. args = args + (50000,) return fopen(*args) def _killfile(f, name): try: f.close() except: pass try: os.unlink(name) except: pass # there might as well be the .bak file if os.path.exists(name + '.bak'): _killfile(None, name + '.bak') def _assert_equal_entries(utest, found, output, count=None): """Little helper to unify comparisons with the target entries and report helpful failure reports instead of millions of seconds ;) """ utest.assertEqual(found[0], output[0]) # IP utest.assertEqual(found[1], count or output[1]) # count found_time, output_time = \ time.localtime(found[2]),\ time.localtime(output[2]) utest.assertEqual(found_time, output_time) if len(output) > 3 and count is None: # match matches # do not check if custom count (e.g. going through them twice) if os.linesep != '\n' or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): # on those where text file lines end with '\r\n', remove '\r' srepr = lambda x: repr(x).replace(r'\r', '') else: srepr = repr utest.assertEqual(srepr(found[3]), srepr(output[3])) def _assert_correct_last_attempt(utest, filter_, output, count=None): """Additional helper to wrap most common test case Test filter to contain target ticket """ if isinstance(filter_, DummyJail): ticket = filter_.getFailTicket() else: # when we are testing without jails ticket = filter_.failManager.toBan() attempts = ticket.getAttempt() date = ticket.getTime() ip = ticket.getIP() matches = ticket.getMatches() found = (ip, attempts, date, matches) _assert_equal_entries(utest, found, output, count) def _copy_lines_between_files(fin, fout, n=None, skip=0, mode='a', terminal_line=""): """Copy lines from one file to another (which might be already open) Returns open fout """ # on older Pythons and on some FSs st_mtime is int, so we should # give it some time so polling filter could detect the change mtimesleep() if isinstance(fin, str): # pragma: no branch - only used with str in test cases fin = open(fin, 'r') # Skip for i in xrange(skip): _ = fin.readline() # Read i = 0 lines = [] while n is None or i < n: l = fin.readline() if terminal_line is not None and l == terminal_line: break lines.append(l) i += 1 # Write: all at once and flush if isinstance(fout, str): fout = open(fout, mode) fout.write('\n'.join(lines)) fout.flush() # to give other threads possibly some time to crunch time.sleep(0.1) return fout # # Actual tests # class BasicFilter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.filter = Filter('name') def testGetSetUseDNS(self): # default is warn self.assertEqual(self.filter.getUseDns(), 'warn') self.filter.setUseDns(True) self.assertEqual(self.filter.getUseDns(), 'yes') self.filter.setUseDns(False) self.assertEqual(self.filter.getUseDns(), 'no') class IgnoreIP(LogCaptureTestCase): def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" LogCaptureTestCase.setUp(self) self.jail = DummyJail() self.filter = FileFilter(self.jail) def testIgnoreIPOK(self): ipList = "", "", "", "" for ip in ipList: self.filter.addIgnoreIP(ip) self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList(ip)) def testIgnoreIPNOK(self): ipList = "", "999.999.999.999", "abcdef", "192.168.0." for ip in ipList: self.filter.addIgnoreIP(ip) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList(ip)) def testIgnoreIPCIDR(self): self.filter.addIgnoreIP('') self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList('')) def testIgnoreInProcessLine(self): self.filter.addIgnoreIP('') self.filter.addFailRegex('<HOST>') self.filter.processLineAndAdd('Thu Jul 11 01:21:43 2013') self.assertTrue(self._is_logged('Ignore')) def testIgnoreAddBannedIP(self): self.filter.addIgnoreIP('') self.filter.addBannedIP('') self.assertFalse(self._is_logged('Ignore')) self.assertTrue(self._is_logged('Requested to manually ban an ignored IP User knows best. Proceeding to ban it.')) def testIgnoreCommand(self): self.filter.setIgnoreCommand("testcases/files/ignorecommand.py <ip>") self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) class IgnoreIPDNS(IgnoreIP): def testIgnoreIPDNSOK(self): self.filter.addIgnoreIP("www.epfl.ch") self.assertTrue(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) def testIgnoreIPDNSNOK(self): # Test DNS self.filter.addIgnoreIP("www.epfl.ch") self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) self.assertFalse(self.filter.inIgnoreIPList("")) class LogFile(LogCaptureTestCase): MISSING = 'testcases/missingLogFile' def setUp(self): LogCaptureTestCase.setUp(self) def tearDown(self): LogCaptureTestCase.tearDown(self) def testMissingLogFiles(self): self.filter = FilterPoll(None) self.assertRaises(IOError, self.filter.addLogPath, LogFile.MISSING) class LogFileFilterPoll(unittest.TestCase): FILENAME = "testcases/files/testcase01.log" def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.filter = FilterPoll(None) self.filter.addLogPath(LogFileFilterPoll.FILENAME) def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" pass #def testOpen(self): # self.filter.openLogFile(LogFile.FILENAME) def testIsModified(self): self.assertTrue(self.filter.isModified(LogFileFilterPoll.FILENAME)) self.assertFalse(self.filter.isModified(LogFileFilterPoll.FILENAME)) class LogFileMonitor(LogCaptureTestCase): """Few more tests for FilterPoll API """ def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" LogCaptureTestCase.setUp(self) self.filter = self.name = 'NA' _, self.name = tempfile.mkstemp('fail2ban', 'monitorfailures') self.file = open(self.name, 'a') self.filter = FilterPoll(None) self.filter.addLogPath(self.name) self.filter.setActive(True) self.filter.addFailRegex("(?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user|ROOT LOGIN REFUSED) .*(?: from|FROM) <HOST>") def tearDown(self): LogCaptureTestCase.tearDown(self) _killfile(self.file, self.name) pass def isModified(self, delay=2.): """Wait up to `delay` sec to assure that it was modified or not """ time0 = time.time() while time.time() < time0 + delay: if self.filter.isModified(self.name): return True time.sleep(0.1) return False def notModified(self): # shorter wait time for not modified status return not self.isModified(0.4) def testNoLogFile(self): os.chmod(self.name, 0) self.filter.getFailures(self.name) self.assertTrue(self._is_logged('Unable to open %s' % self.name)) def testRemovingFailRegex(self): self.filter.delFailRegex(0) self.assertFalse(self._is_logged('Cannot remove regular expression. Index 0 is not valid')) self.filter.delFailRegex(0) self.assertTrue(self._is_logged('Cannot remove regular expression. Index 0 is not valid')) def testRemovingIgnoreRegex(self): self.filter.delIgnoreRegex(0) self.assertTrue(self._is_logged('Cannot remove regular expression. Index 0 is not valid')) def testNewChangeViaIsModified(self): # it is a brand new one -- so first we think it is modified self.assertTrue(self.isModified()) # but not any longer self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) mtimesleep() # to guarantee freshier mtime for i in range(4): # few changes # unless we write into it self.file.write("line%d\n" % i) self.file.flush() self.assertTrue(self.isModified()) self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) mtimesleep() # to guarantee freshier mtime os.rename(self.name, self.name + '.old') # we are not signaling as modified whenever # it gets away self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) f = open(self.name, 'a') self.assertTrue(self.isModified()) self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) mtimesleep() f.write("line%d\n" % i) f.flush() self.assertTrue(self.isModified()) self.assertTrue(self.notModified()) _killfile(f, self.name) _killfile(self.name, self.name + '.old') pass def testNewChangeViaGetFailures_simple(self): # suck in lines from this sample log file self.filter.getFailures(self.name) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) # Now let's feed it with entries from the file _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=5) self.filter.getFailures(self.name) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) # and it should have not been enough _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, skip=5) self.filter.getFailures(self.name) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, GetFailures.FAILURES_01) def testNewChangeViaGetFailures_rewrite(self): # # if we rewrite the file at once self.file.close() _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name) self.filter.getFailures(self.name) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, GetFailures.FAILURES_01) # What if file gets overridden # yoh: skip so we skip those 2 identical lines which our # filter "marked" as the known beginning, otherwise it # would not detect "rotation" self.file = _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, skip=3, mode='w') self.filter.getFailures(self.name) #self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, GetFailures.FAILURES_01) def testNewChangeViaGetFailures_move(self): # # if we move file into a new location while it has been open already self.file = _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=14, mode='w') self.filter.getFailures(self.name) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 2) # move aside, but leaving the handle still open... os.rename(self.name, self.name + '.bak') _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, skip=14) self.filter.getFailures(self.name) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 3) from threading import Lock def get_monitor_failures_testcase(Filter_): """Generator of TestCase's for different filters/backends """ # add Filter_'s name so we could easily identify bad cows testclass_name = tempfile.mktemp( 'fail2ban', 'monitorfailures_%s' % (Filter_.__name__,)) class MonitorFailures(unittest.TestCase): count = 0 def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.filter = self.name = 'NA' self.name = '%s-%d' % (testclass_name, self.count) MonitorFailures.count += 1 # so we have unique filenames across tests self.file = open(self.name, 'a') self.jail = DummyJail() self.filter = Filter_(self.jail) self.filter.addLogPath(self.name) self.filter.setActive(True) self.filter.addFailRegex("(?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user|ROOT LOGIN REFUSED) .*(?: from|FROM) <HOST>") self.filter.start() # If filter is polling it would sleep a bit to guarantee that # we have initial time-stamp difference to trigger "actions" self._sleep_4_poll() #print "D: started filter %s" % self.filter def tearDown(self): #print "D: SLEEPING A BIT" #import time; time.sleep(5) #print "D: TEARING DOWN" self.filter.stop() #print "D: WAITING FOR FILTER TO STOP" self.filter.join() # wait for the thread to terminate #print "D: KILLING THE FILE" _killfile(self.file, self.name) #time.sleep(0.2) # Give FS time to ack the removal pass def isFilled(self, delay=2.): """Wait up to `delay` sec to assure that it was modified or not """ time0 = time.time() while time.time() < time0 + delay: if len(self.jail): return True time.sleep(0.1) return False def _sleep_4_poll(self): # Since FilterPoll relies on time stamps and some # actions might be happening too fast in the tests, # sleep a bit to guarantee reliable time stamps if isinstance(self.filter, FilterPoll): mtimesleep() def isEmpty(self, delay=0.4): # shorter wait time for not modified status return not self.isFilled(delay) def assert_correct_last_attempt(self, failures, count=None): self.assertTrue(self.isFilled(20)) # give Filter a chance to react _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.jail, failures, count=count) def test_grow_file(self): # suck in lines from this sample log file self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) # Now let's feed it with entries from the file _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=5) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) # and our dummy jail is empty as well self.assertFalse(len(self.jail)) # since it should have not been enough _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, skip=5) self.assertTrue(self.isFilled(6)) # so we sleep for up to 2 sec for it not to become empty, # and meanwhile pass to other thread(s) and filter should # have gathered new failures and passed them into the # DummyJail self.assertEqual(len(self.jail), 1) # and there should be no "stuck" ticket in failManager self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(len(self.jail), 0) #return # just for fun let's copy all of them again and see if that results # in a new ban _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=100) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) def test_rewrite_file(self): # if we rewrite the file at once self.file.close() _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) # What if file gets overridden # yoh: skip so we skip those 2 identical lines which our # filter "marked" as the known beginning, otherwise it # would not detect "rotation" self.file = _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, skip=3, mode='w') self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) def test_move_file(self): # if we move file into a new location while it has been open already self.file = _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=14, mode='w') # Poll might need more time self.assertTrue(self.isEmpty(4 + int(isinstance(self.filter, FilterPoll))*2), "Queue must be empty but it is not: %s." % (', '.join([str(x) for x in self.jail.queue]))) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 2) # move aside, but leaving the handle still open... os.rename(self.name, self.name + '.bak') _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, skip=14) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 3) # now remove the moved file _killfile(None, self.name + '.bak') _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 6) def _test_move_into_file(self, interim_kill=False): # if we move a new file into the location of an old (monitored) file _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100).close() # make sure that it is monitored first self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 3) if interim_kill: _killfile(None, self.name) time.sleep(0.2) # let them know # now create a new one to override old one _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name + '.new', n=100).close() os.rename(self.name + '.new', self.name) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 6) # and to make sure that it now monitored for changes _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100).close() self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 9) def test_move_into_file(self): self._test_move_into_file(interim_kill=False) def test_move_into_file_after_removed(self): # exactly as above test + remove file explicitly # to test against possible drop-out of the file from monitoring self._test_move_into_file(interim_kill=True) def test_new_bogus_file(self): # to make sure that watching whole directory does not effect _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) # create a bogus file in the same directory and see if that doesn't affect open(self.name + '.bak2', 'w').write('') _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.failManager.getFailTotal(), 6) _killfile(None, self.name + '.bak2') def test_delLogPath(self): # Smoke test for removing of the path from being watched # basic full test _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=100) self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01) # and now remove the LogPath self.filter.delLogPath(self.name) _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=100) # so we should get no more failures detected self.assertTrue(self.isEmpty(2)) # but then if we add it back again self.filter.addLogPath(self.name) # Tricky catch here is that it should get them from the # tail written before, so let's not copy anything yet #_copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.name, n=100) # we should detect the failures self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01, count=6) # was needed if we write twice above # now copy and get even more _copy_lines_between_files(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, self.file, n=100) # yoh: not sure why count here is not 9... TODO self.assert_correct_last_attempt(GetFailures.FAILURES_01)#, count=9) MonitorFailures.__name__ = "MonitorFailures<%s>(%s)" \ % (Filter_.__name__, testclass_name) # 'tempfile') return MonitorFailures class GetFailures(unittest.TestCase): FILENAME_01 = "testcases/files/testcase01.log" FILENAME_02 = "testcases/files/testcase02.log" FILENAME_03 = "testcases/files/testcase03.log" FILENAME_04 = "testcases/files/testcase04.log" FILENAME_USEDNS = "testcases/files/testcase-usedns.log" # so that they could be reused by other tests FAILURES_01 = ('', 3, 1124013599.0, ['Aug 14 11:59:59 [sshd] error: PAM: Authentication failure for kevin from\n']*3) def setUp(self): """Call before every test case.""" self.filter = FileFilter(None) self.filter.setActive(True) # TODO Test this #self.filter.setTimeRegex("\S{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}") #self.filter.setTimePattern("%b %d %H:%M:%S") def tearDown(self): """Call after every test case.""" def testTail(self): self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, tail=True) self.assertEqual(self.filter.getLogPath()[-1].getPos(), 1653) self.filter.getLogPath()[-1].close() self.assertEqual(self.filter.getLogPath()[-1].readline(), "") self.filter.delLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_01) self.assertEqual(self.filter.getLogPath(),[]) def testGetFailures01(self, filename=None, failures=None): filename = filename or GetFailures.FILENAME_01 failures = failures or GetFailures.FAILURES_01 self.filter.addLogPath(filename) self.filter.addFailRegex("(?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user|ROOT LOGIN REFUSED) .*(?: from|FROM) <HOST>$") self.filter.getFailures(filename) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, failures) def testCRLFFailures01(self): # We first adjust logfile/failures to end with CR+LF fname = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='tmp_fail2ban', suffix='crlf') # poor man unix2dos: fin, fout = open(GetFailures.FILENAME_01), open(fname, 'w') for l in fin.readlines(): fout.write('%s\r\n' % l.rstrip('\n')) fin.close() fout.close() # now see if we should be getting the "same" failures self.testGetFailures01(filename=fname, failures=GetFailures.FAILURES_01[:3] + ([x.rstrip('\n') + '\r\n' for x in GetFailures.FAILURES_01[-1]],)) _killfile(fout, fname) def testGetFailures02(self): output = ('', 4, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:%d:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n' % m for m in 53, 54, 57, 58]) self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from <HOST>") self.filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, output) def testGetFailures03(self): output = ('', 6, 1124013544.0) self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_03) self.filter.addFailRegex("error,relay=<HOST>,.*550 User unknown") self.filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_03) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, output) def testGetFailures04(self): output = [('', 4, 1124013600.0), ('', 4, 1124013598.0)] self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_04) self.filter.addFailRegex("Invalid user .* <HOST>") self.filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_04) try: for i, out in enumerate(output): _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, out) except FailManagerEmpty: pass def testGetFailuresUseDNS(self): # We should still catch failures with usedns = no ;-) output_yes = ('', 2, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:54:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from example.com port 51332 ssh2\n', 'Aug 14 11:58:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n']) output_no = ('', 1, 1124013539.0, ['Aug 14 11:58:59 i60p295 sshd[12365]: Failed publickey for roehl from ::ffff: port 51332 ssh2\n']) # Actually no exception would be raised -- it will be just set to 'no' #self.assertRaises(ValueError, # FileFilter, None, useDns='wrong_value_for_useDns') for useDns, output in (('yes', output_yes), ('no', output_no), ('warn', output_yes)): filter_ = FileFilter(None, useDns=useDns) filter_.setActive(True) filter_.failManager.setMaxRetry(1) # we might have just few failures filter_.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_USEDNS) filter_.addFailRegex("Failed .* from <HOST>") filter_.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_USEDNS) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, filter_, output) def testGetFailuresMultiRegex(self): output = ('', 8, 1124013541.0) self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from <HOST>") self.filter.addFailRegex("Accepted .* from <HOST>") self.filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) _assert_correct_last_attempt(self, self.filter, output) def testGetFailuresIgnoreRegex(self): output = ('', 8, 1124013541.0) self.filter.addLogPath(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.filter.addFailRegex("Failed .* from <HOST>") self.filter.addFailRegex("Accepted .* from <HOST>") self.filter.addIgnoreRegex("for roehl") self.filter.getFailures(GetFailures.FILENAME_02) self.assertRaises(FailManagerEmpty, self.filter.failManager.toBan) class DNSUtilsTests(unittest.TestCase): def testUseDns(self): res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'no') self.assertEqual(res, []) res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'warn') self.assertEqual(res, ['']) res = DNSUtils.textToIp('www.example.com', 'yes') self.assertEqual(res, ['']) def testTextToIp(self): # Test hostnames hostnames = [ 'www.example.com', 'doh1.2.3.4.buga.xxxxx.yyy.invalid', '', ] for s in hostnames: res = DNSUtils.textToIp(s, 'yes') if s == 'www.example.com': self.assertEqual(res, ['']) else: self.assertEqual(res, []) class JailTests(unittest.TestCase): def testSetBackend_gh83(self): # smoke test jail = Jail('test', backend='polling') # Must not fail to initiate