# Fail2Ban configuration file # # Common settings for mail actions # # Users can override the defaults in mail-whois-common.local [INCLUDES] # Load customizations if any available after = mail-whois-common.local [DEFAULT] #original character set of whois output will be sent to mail program _whois = whois <ip> || echo "missing whois program" # use heuristics to convert charset of whois output to a target # character set before sending it to a mail program # make sure you have 'file' and 'iconv' commands installed when opting for that _whois_target_charset = UTF-8 _whois_convert_charset = whois <ip> | { WHOIS_OUTPUT=$(cat) ; WHOIS_CHARSET=$(printf %%b "$WHOIS_OUTPUT" | file -b --mime-encoding -) ; printf %%b "$WHOIS_OUTPUT" | iconv -f $WHOIS_CHARSET -t %(_whois_target_charset)s//TRANSLIT - ; } # choose between _whois and _whois_convert_charset in mail-whois-common.local # or other *.local which include mail-whois-common.conf. _whois_command = %(_whois)s #_whois_command = %(_whois_convert_charset)s [Init]