# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Author: Cyril Jaquier # __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier" __license__ = "GPL" import logging, re, glob, os.path from configreader import ConfigReader from filterreader import FilterReader from actionreader import ActionReader # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban.client.config") class JailReader(ConfigReader): actionCRE = re.compile("^((?:\w|-|_|\.)+)(?:\[(.*)\])?$") def __init__(self, name, force_enable=False, **kwargs): ConfigReader.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__name = name self.__filter = None self.__force_enable = force_enable self.__actions = list() def setName(self, value): self.__name = value def getName(self): return self.__name def read(self): return ConfigReader.read(self, "jail") def isEnabled(self): return self.__force_enable or self.__opts["enabled"] @staticmethod def _glob(path): """Given a path for glob return list of files to be passed to server. Dangling symlinks are warned about and not returned """ pathList = [] for p in glob.glob(path): if os.path.exists(p): pathList.append(p) else: logSys.warning("File %s is a dangling link, thus cannot be monitored" % p) return pathList def getOptions(self): opts = [["bool", "enabled", "false"], ["string", "logpath", "/var/log/messages"], ["string", "backend", "auto"], ["int", "maxretry", 3], ["int", "findtime", 600], ["int", "bantime", 600], ["string", "usedns", "warn"], ["string", "failregex", None], ["string", "ignoreregex", None], ["string", "ignoreip", None], ["string", "filter", ""], ["string", "action", ""]] self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, self.__name, opts) if self.isEnabled(): # Read filter self.__filter = FilterReader(self.__opts["filter"], self.__name, basedir=self.getBaseDir()) ret = self.__filter.read() if ret: self.__filter.getOptions(self.__opts) else: logSys.error("Unable to read the filter") return False # Read action for act in self.__opts["action"].split('\n'): try: if not act: # skip empty actions continue splitAct = JailReader.splitAction(act) action = ActionReader(splitAct, self.__name, basedir=self.getBaseDir()) ret = action.read() if ret: action.getOptions(self.__opts) self.__actions.append(action) else: raise AttributeError("Unable to read action") except Exception, e: logSys.error("Error in action definition " + act) logSys.debug("Caught exception: %s" % (e,)) return False if not len(self.__actions): logSys.warn("No actions were defined for %s" % self.__name) return True def convert(self, allow_no_files=False): """Convert read before __opts to the commands stream Parameters ---------- allow_missing : bool Either to allow log files to be missing entirely. Primarily is used for testing """ stream = [] for opt in self.__opts: if opt == "logpath": found_files = 0 for path in self.__opts[opt].split("\n"): pathList = JailReader._glob(path) if len(pathList) == 0: logSys.error("No file(s) found for glob %s" % path) for p in pathList: found_files += 1 stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addlogpath", p]) if not (found_files or allow_no_files): raise ValueError( "Have not found any log file for %s jail" % self.__name) elif opt == "backend": backend = self.__opts[opt] elif opt == "maxretry": stream.append(["set", self.__name, "maxretry", self.__opts[opt]]) elif opt == "ignoreip": for ip in self.__opts[opt].split(): # Do not send a command if the rule is empty. if ip != '': stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addignoreip", ip]) elif opt == "findtime": stream.append(["set", self.__name, "findtime", self.__opts[opt]]) elif opt == "bantime": stream.append(["set", self.__name, "bantime", self.__opts[opt]]) elif opt == "usedns": stream.append(["set", self.__name, "usedns", self.__opts[opt]]) elif opt == "failregex": stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addfailregex", self.__opts[opt]]) elif opt == "ignoreregex": for regex in self.__opts[opt].split('\n'): # Do not send a command if the rule is empty. if regex != '': stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addignoreregex", regex]) stream.extend(self.__filter.convert()) for action in self.__actions: stream.extend(action.convert()) stream.insert(0, ["add", self.__name, backend]) return stream #@staticmethod def splitAction(action): m = JailReader.actionCRE.match(action) d = dict() mgroups = m.groups() if len(mgroups) == 2: action_name, action_opts = mgroups elif len(mgroups) == 1: action_name, action_opts = mgroups[0], None else: raise ValueError("While reading action %s we should have got up to " "2 groups. Got: %r" % (action, mgroups)) if not action_opts is None: # Huge bad hack :( This method really sucks. TODO Reimplement it. actions = "" escapeChar = None allowComma = False for c in action_opts: if c in ('"', "'") and not allowComma: # Start escapeChar = c allowComma = True elif c == escapeChar: # End escapeChar = None allowComma = False else: if c == ',' and allowComma: actions += "" else: actions += c # Split using , actionsSplit = actions.split(',') # Replace the tag with , actionsSplit = [n.replace("", ',') for n in actionsSplit] for param in actionsSplit: p = param.split('=') try: d[p[0].strip()] = p[1].strip() except IndexError: logSys.error("Invalid argument %s in '%s'" % (p, action_opts)) return [action_name, d] splitAction = staticmethod(splitAction)