#!/usr/bin/python # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ Fail2Ban reads log file that contains password failure report and bans the corresponding IP addresses using firewall rules. This tools can test regular expressions for "fail2ban". Report bugs to https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues """ __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier, Yaroslav Halchenko" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Cyril Jaquier, 2012-2013 Yaroslav Halchenko" __license__ = "GPL" import getopt, sys, time, logging, os # Inserts our own modules path first in the list # fix for bug #343821 try: from common.version import version except ImportError, e: sys.path.insert(1, "/usr/share/fail2ban") from common.version import version from optparse import OptionParser, Option from client.configparserinc import SafeConfigParserWithIncludes from ConfigParser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError, MissingSectionHeaderError from server.filter import Filter from server.failregex import RegexException from server.datedetector import DateDetector from testcases.utils import FormatterWithTraceBack # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban") def shortstr(s, l=53): """Return shortened string """ if len(s) > l: return s[:l-3] + '...' return s def pprint_list(l, header=None): if not len(l): return if header: s = "|- %s\n" % header else: s = '' print s + "| " + "\n| ".join(l) + '\n`-' def get_opt_parser(): # use module docstring for help output p = OptionParser( usage="%s [OPTIONS] [IGNOREREGEX]\n" % sys.argv[0] + __doc__ + """ LOG: string a string representing a log line filename path to a log file (/var/log/auth.log) REGEX: string a string representing a 'failregex' filename path to a filter file (filter.d/sshd.conf) IGNOREREGEX: string a string representing an 'ignoreregex' filename path to a filter file (filter.d/sshd.conf) """, version="%prog " + version) p.add_options([ Option('-l', "--log-level", type="choice", dest="log_level", choices=('heavydebug', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal'), default=None, help="Log level for the Fail2Ban logger to use"), Option("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', help="Be verbose in output"), Option("--print-all-missed", action='store_true', help="Either to print all missed lines"), Option("--print-all-ignored", action='store_true', help="Either to print all ignored lines"), Option("-t", "--log-traceback", action='store_true', help="Enrich log-messages with compressed tracebacks"), Option("--full-traceback", action='store_true', help="Either to make the tracebacks full, not compressed (as by default)"), ]) return p class RegexStat(object): def __init__(self, failregex): self._stats = 0 self._failregex = failregex self._ipList = list() def __str__(self): return "%s(%r) %d failed: %s" \ % (self.__class__, self._failregex, self._stats, self._ipList) def inc(self): self._stats += 1 def getStats(self): return self._stats def getFailRegex(self): return self._failregex def appendIP(self, value): self._ipList.extend(value) def getIPList(self): return self._ipList class LineStats(object): """Just a convenience container for stats """ def __init__(self): self.tested = self.matched = 0 self.missed_lines = [] self.ignored_lines = [] def __str__(self): return "%(tested)d lines, %(ignored)d ignored, %(matched)d matched, %(missed)d missed" % self @property def ignored(self): return len(self.ignored_lines) @property def missed(self): return self.tested - (self.ignored + self.matched) # just for convenient str def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) class Fail2banRegex(object): CONFIG_DEFAULTS = {'configpath' : "/etc/fail2ban/"} def __init__(self, opts): self._verbose = opts.verbose self._print_all_missed = opts.print_all_missed self._print_all_ignored = opts.print_all_ignored self._filter = Filter(None) self._ignoreregex = list() self._failregex = list() self._line_stats = LineStats() self._dateDetector = DateDetector() self._dateDetector.addDefaultTemplate() def readRegex(self, value, regextype): assert(regextype in ('fail', 'ignore')) regex = regextype + 'regex' if os.path.isfile(value): reader = SafeConfigParserWithIncludes(defaults=self.CONFIG_DEFAULTS) try: reader.read(value) print "Use %11s file : %s" % (regex, value) # TODO: reuse functionality in client regex_values = [ RegexStat(m) for m in reader.get("Definition", regex).split('\n') if m != ""] except NoSectionError: print "No [Definition] section in %s" % value return False except NoOptionError: print "No %s option in %s" % (regex, value) return False except MissingSectionHeaderError: print "No section headers in %s" % value return False else: print "Use %11s line : %s" % (regex, shortstr(value)) regex_values = [RegexStat(value)] setattr(self, "_" + regex, regex_values) return True def testIgnoreRegex(self, line): found = False for regex in self._ignoreregex: try: self._filter.addIgnoreRegex(regex.getFailRegex()) try: ret = self._filter.ignoreLine(line) if ret: found = True regex.inc() except RegexException, e: print e return False finally: self._filter.delIgnoreRegex(0) return found def testRegex(self, line): found = False for regex in self._ignoreregex: self._filter.addIgnoreRegex(regex.getFailRegex()) for regex in self._failregex: try: self._filter.addFailRegex(regex.getFailRegex()) try: ret = self._filter.processLine(line) if len(ret): if found == True: ret[0].append(True) else: found = True ret[0].append(False) regex.inc() regex.appendIP(ret) except RegexException, e: print e return False except IndexError: print "Sorry, but no found in regex" return False finally: self._filter.delFailRegex(0) for regex in self._ignoreregex: self._filter.delIgnoreRegex(0) return found def process(self, test_lines): for line in test_lines: if line.startswith('# ') or not line.strip(): # skip comment and empty lines continue self._dateDetector.matchTime(line) is_ignored = fail2banRegex.testIgnoreRegex(line) if is_ignored: self._line_stats.ignored_lines.append(line) if fail2banRegex.testRegex(line): assert(not is_ignored) self._line_stats.matched += 1 else: if not is_ignored: self._line_stats.missed_lines.append(line) self._line_stats.tested += 1 def printLines(self, ltype): lstats = self._line_stats assert(len(lstats.missed_lines) == lstats.tested - (lstats.matched + lstats.ignored)) l = lstats[ltype + '_lines'] if len(l): header = "%s line(s):" % (ltype.capitalize(),) if len(l) < 20 or getattr(self, '_print_all_' + ltype): pprint_list([x.rstrip() for x in l], header) else: print "%s: too many to print. Use --print-all-%s " \ "to print all %d lines" % (header, ltype, len(l)) def printStats(self): print print "Results" print "=======" def print_failregexes(title, failregexes): # Print title total, out = 0, [] for cnt, failregex in enumerate(failregexes): match = failregex.getStats() total += match if (match or self._verbose): out.append("%2d) [%d] %s" % (cnt+1, match, failregex.getFailRegex())) if self._verbose and len(failregex.getIPList()): for ip in failregex.getIPList(): timeTuple = time.localtime(ip[1]) timeString = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", timeTuple) out.append(" %s %s%s" % ( ip[0], timeString, ip[2] and " (already matched)" or "")) print "\n%s: %d total" % (title, total) pprint_list(out, " #) [# of hits] regular expression") return total # Print title total = print_failregexes("Failregex", self._failregex) _ = print_failregexes("Ignoreregex", self._ignoreregex) print "\nDate template hits:" out = [] for template in self._dateDetector.getTemplates(): if self._verbose or template.getHits(): out.append("[%d] %s" % (template.getHits(), template.getName())) pprint_list(out, "[# of hits] date format") print "\nLines: %s" % self._line_stats self.printLines('ignored') self.printLines('missed') return True if __name__ == "__main__": parser = get_opt_parser() (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() fail2banRegex = Fail2banRegex(opts) # We need 2 or 3 parameters if not len(args) in (2, 3): sys.stderr.write("ERROR: provide both and .\n\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) # TODO: taken from -testcases -- move common functionality somewhere if opts.log_level is not None: # pragma: no cover # so we had explicit settings logSys.setLevel(getattr(logging, opts.log_level.upper())) else: # pragma: no cover # suppress the logging but it would leave unittests' progress dots # ticking, unless like with '-l fatal' which would be silent # unless error occurs logSys.setLevel(getattr(logging, 'FATAL')) # Add the default logging handler stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fmt = 'D: %(message)s' if opts.log_traceback: Formatter = FormatterWithTraceBack fmt = (opts.full_traceback and ' %(tb)s' or ' %(tbc)s') + fmt else: Formatter = logging.Formatter # Custom log format for the verbose tests runs if opts.verbose > 1: # pragma: no cover stdout.setFormatter(Formatter(' %(asctime)-15s %(thread)s' + fmt)) else: # pragma: no cover # just prefix with the space stdout.setFormatter(Formatter(fmt)) logSys.addHandler(stdout) print print "Running tests" print "=============" print cmd_log, cmd_regex = args[:2] if len(args) == 3: fail2banRegex.readRegex(args[2], 'ignore') or sys.exit(-1) fail2banRegex.readRegex(cmd_regex, 'fail') or sys.exit(-1) if os.path.isfile(cmd_log): try: hdlr = open(cmd_log) print "Use log file : %s" % cmd_log test_lines = hdlr.readlines() except IOError, e: print e sys.exit(-1) else: print "Use single line : %s" % shortstr(cmd_log) test_lines = [ cmd_log ] print fail2banRegex.process(test_lines) fail2banRegex.printStats() or sys.exit(-1)