- extended with new default date-pattern `^(?:%%Y-)?%%m-%%d[ T]%%H:%%M:%%S(?:\.%%f)?` to cover
`YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM::SS.ms` as well as `mm-dd HH:MM::SS.ms` (so year is optional);
- more optional arguments in log-line (so accept [WARN] as well as [WARNING] and optional [SOFIA] hereafter);
- `datepattern = {^LN-BEG}` - only line-begin anchored default patterns
(matches date only at begin of line, or with max distance up to 2 non-alphanumeric characters from line-begin);
- `datepattern = {*WD-BEG}` - only word-begin anchored default patterns;
- `datepattern = ^prefix{DATE}suffix` - exact specified default patterns (using prefix and suffix);
common filter configs gets a more precise, line-begin anchored (datepattern = {^LN-BEG}) resp. custom anchoring default date-patterns;
* Misleading date patterns defined more precisely (using extended syntax %E[mdHMS]
for exact two-digit match)
* `filter.d/freeswitch.conf`
- Optional prefixes (server, daemon, dual time) if systemd daemon logs used (gh-1548)
- User part rewritten to accept IPv6 resp. domain after "@" (gh-1548)