- datedetector rewritten more strict as earlier;
- default templates can be specified exacter using prefix/suffix syntax (via `datepattern`);
- more as one date pattern can be specified using option `datepattern` now (new-line separated);
- some default options like `datepattern` can be specified directly in section `[Definition]`, that avoids contrary usage of unnecessarily `[Init]` section, because of performance (each extra section costs time);
- option `datepattern` can be specified in jail also (jails without filters);
- if first group specified, only this will be cut out from search log-line (e. g.: `^date:[({DATE})]` will cut out only datetime match pattern, and leaves `date:[] failure ip...` for searching in filter);
- faster match and fewer searching of appropriate templates (DateDetector.matchTime calls rarer DateTemplate.matchDate now);
- standard filters extended with exact prefixed or anchored date templates;
template cache introduced (in opposition to default template cache, holds custom templates cached by pattern for possible common usage of same template/regex);
- `datepattern = {^LN-BEG}` - only line-begin anchored default patterns
(matches date only at begin of line, or with max distance up to 2 non-alphanumeric characters from line-begin);
- `datepattern = {*WD-BEG}` - only word-begin anchored default patterns;
- `datepattern = ^prefix{DATE}suffix` - exact specified default patterns (using prefix and suffix);
common filter configs gets a more precise, line-begin anchored (datepattern = {^LN-BEG}) resp. custom anchoring default date-patterns;
thereby follow rule "shortest distance to datetime should win", so possible collision causes search though all templates;
speedup it a little bit (not possible collision if distance <= 1 or if line-begin anchoring, so break search if such template found)
By change of the distance (e.g. another format found), the pattern with smallest distance will be always preferred now.
To speedup (template lookup) resp. minimize of list reorder counts, the distance will be used as divider factor of the template weight by the templates comparison.
* Misleading date patterns defined more precisely (using extended syntax %E[mdHMS]
for exact two-digit match)
* `filter.d/freeswitch.conf`
- Optional prefixes (server, daemon, dual time) if systemd daemon logs used (gh-1548)
- User part rewritten to accept IPv6 resp. domain after "@" (gh-1548)
- database duplicate code removed resp. merged with incr. version;
- ignores expired ban ticket directly in ban manager;
- don't change start of ban time for restored tickets in restoreCurrentBans (because of possible timing issues in the test-cases);
- small code review;