- new options for "fail2ban-testcases" introduced: "-g" or "--no-gamin" and "-m" or "--memory-db", both are true also if "-f" or "--fast" specified,
for example: `fail2ban-testcases -ngm` will runs faster (because no network, no gamin, memory database)
but will use the same default sleep intervals as in production (in comparison to -nf);
- seekToTime rewritten, accuracy increased by seekToTime, extended for all FileFilter (PyInotify, Gamin also), test cases extended etc.
- common performance optimized and code reviewed;
-- cache dnsToIp, ipToName to prevent long wait during retrieving of ip/name for wrong dns or lazy dns-system;
-- instead of simple "sleep" used conditional wait "wait_for", that internal increases sleep interval up to sleeptime;
-- ticket / banmanager / failmanager modules are performance optimized;
- performance of test cases optimized:
-- added option "--fast" to decrease wait intervals, avoid passive waiting, and skip few very slow test cases;
- code review after partially cherry pick of branch 'ban-time-incr' (see gh-716)
-- ticket module prepared to easy merge with newest version of 'ban-time-incr', now additionally holds banTime, banCount and json-data;
-- executeCmd partially moved from action to new module utils, etc.
-- python 2.6 compatibility;
- testExecuteTimeoutWithNastyChildren: test case repaired - wait for pid file inside bash, kill tree in any case (gh-1155);
- testSocket: test case repaired - wait for server thread starts a socket (listener)
Spelling correction of 0.8.13 fixed in master
Added nagios and duplicate php-url removal in master
Just nagios added, duplicate not issue in 0.9
Previously only the last line of the match was being saved, not all
lines involved in matching.
Log lines are now broken into 3 part tuple, with the line pre-datetime,
the datetime, and post-datetime. Allows reformation of full line, but
also use of the line without the datetime present.
Attempting to use the term "tupleLine(s)" where possible, to avoid
confusion with normal read lines.
May also wish to consider that regexs could be made to capture more
lines of interest if some form of unique reference is available. This
may allow more lines of interest to be captured, which may not be picked
up by the traditional "grep <ip>" approach i.e. ones which do not have
the ip address in.
This also simplified the fail2ban-regex statistics for missed lines.
Also resolved bug with missed lines time extracted for debuggex having
some lines present which were captured in a multiline regex.
Also resolved independent issue with ignored line check including the
datetime, which raised assertion error in the rare case the datetime
matched the ignore regex, and the rest of line only matched a failregex