* 'ainfo-copy' of https://github.com/kwirk/fail2ban:
TST: actions modifying aInfo test more robust
TST: Test for actions modifying (un)ban aInfo
BF: aInfo could be modified by actions, causing unexpected behaviour
* 'sebres-strptime-bug' of https://github.com/kwirk/fail2ban:
DOC: Tweak ChangeLog and THANKS
DOC: Update docs in reference to time zone related fix
TST: Fix tests due to @sebres fix and based from gh-349 reverts
strptime bug fix: if gmtoff is None we have 1 hour increment of time (through utctimetuple), compare: >>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") '2014-04-29 17:26:31' >>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().utctimetuple())).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") '2014-04-29 18:26:37'
This test file shows configuration information for the application, three log lines that DO match the pattern, and one log line that does NOT match the pattern (the first one).
* 'recursive-tag-fix' of https://github.com/kwirk/fail2ban:
ENH: explicitly define tags which should be escaped
DOC: ChangeLog update for recursive tag bug fix
BF: Tags not fully recursively substituted
ChangeLog -- kept all as is
* 'master' of github.com:fail2ban/fail2ban:
ENH: Match non "Bye Bye" for sshd locked accounts failregex
Even stricter monit regex, now covers entire line
Tidy up filter.d/monit.conf, make regex more complete. Add ChangeLog / THANKS entry. Add test cases.
ENH: Move traceback formatter to from tests.utils to helpers
Block brute-force attempts against the Monit gui
* 'database-persistent-bans' of https://github.com/kwirk/fail2ban:
BF: bantime < 0 database should return all bans, as they are persistent
ChangeLog - kept all ;)
Note: recursive check ignored for "matches", as tags would be escaped,
and hence shouldn't match "<%s>" as "<ip>" would become "\<ip\>". This
therefore maintains advantage of delayed call for {ip,jail,}matches.
Fixes gh-713
The reason is that internally it does round, so even 1.005 then would not
be equal to 1. Making it spaces==1 should be sufficient for up to 1.05
i.e. we would allow 50ms "drift"
As documented at
http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html#miscellaneous_names "If
no server_name is defined in a server block then nginx uses the empty
name as the server name." This regex change allows us to match error
output for such a configuration.
The log line added to the tests was lifted from our logs verbatim; it
did not match without the patched regex.
Signed-off-by: Yung-Chin Oei <yungchin@yungchin.nl>