-- cache dnsToIp, ipToName to prevent long wait during retrieving of ip/name for wrong dns or lazy dns-system;
-- instead of simple "sleep" used conditional wait "wait_for", that internal increases sleep interval up to sleeptime;
-- ticket / banmanager / failmanager modules are performance optimized;
- performance of test cases optimized:
-- added option "--fast" to decrease wait intervals, avoid passive waiting, and skip few very slow test cases;
- code review after partially cherry pick of branch 'ban-time-incr' (see gh-716)
-- ticket module prepared to easy merge with newest version of 'ban-time-incr', now additionally holds banTime, banCount and json-data;
-- executeCmd partially moved from action to new module utils, etc.
-- python 2.6 compatibility;
- testExecuteTimeoutWithNastyChildren: test case repaired - wait for pid file inside bash, kill tree in any case (gh-1155);
- testSocket: test case repaired - wait for server thread starts a socket (listener)
* commit '0.8.10-31-g1ab0f0f': (24 commits)
BF/ENH: Incorrect authentication data doesn't need tailier so that's optional. Also gained log entry for Unrouteable address
ENH: readibility thanks to Yaroslav
DOC: Changelog for fail2ban-regex RF
DOC: Changelog for asterisk hardening
ENH: fail2ban-regex -- add specification of loglevels to enable
RF: reworked -regex cmdline tool to use optparse, some unification and enhancement of outputs
ENH: 'heavydebug' level == 5 for even more debugging in tricky cases
ENH: asterisk -- use \S instead of [^:] + prefix failregex with ^\[
BF: missed a space
BF: [SSL-out] is optional in assp
ENH: regex hardening on assp
ENH: anchor a bit mor. Use \d and \w where possible. Escape a literal .
TST: attempts at injection with username=rhost= have no user= logged in dovecot-1.2.15
ENH: proftpd chan accept usernames with spaces
ENH: injection of fail data into USER field
ENH: dovecot regexs rewritten and extra failures
ENH: proftp regex hardening and log messages
ENH/BF: exim improvements with sample
BF: fix to proxy port in 3proxy example
ENH: sample log + more specific regex
Conflicts: -- it was a messy merge/resolution.