Conflicts resolved:
Test cases fixed:
testBanActionsAInfo - fail ticket with current time (otherwise ticket will be ignored - ban time too old)
testFail2BanExceptHook - use local sys.__excepthook__ to check was really executed and prevent write error in stderr.
* 'ainfo-copy' of
TST: actions modifying aInfo test more robust
TST: Test for actions modifying (un)ban aInfo
BF: aInfo could be modified by actions, causing unexpected behaviour
* enh/oracle_msg_server:
ENH: make oracleims failregex better anchored (more explicit)
Update oracleims.conf to be 'less greedy'
Update jail.conf for oracleims filter.
Create test for oracleims filter
Create oracleims.conf in filter.d for new filter
This assumes that the protocol is always a string, which it always is, and that the other four fields in the "tr" are always numeric (which they always are). See port_access documentation at
- database_v1.db/bans/jail-name bug fixed - cause of different jail name in jails and bans, in test case (by updateDb): FOREIGN KEY constraint failed:
$ sqlite3 fail2ban/tests/files/database_v1.db
sqlite> select distinct jail from bans;
DummyJail #16244880 with 0 tickets
sqlite> select distinct name from jails;
DummyJail #29162448 with 0 tickets
sqlite> update bans set jail = (select distinct name from jails);
"bantimeextra.enabled" in jail.conf allows to use database for searching of previously banned ip's to increase a default ban time using special formula,
by default, each next ban it will be original banTime * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
see "jail.conf" for some other options of "bantimeextra";
additional we can configure a little randomization of ban time, to prevent "clever" botnets calculate exact time IP can be unbanned.
WARNING: by first start the server upgrades sqlite database (table "bans" will recreated with another schema);
As documented at "If
no server_name is defined in a server block then nginx uses the empty
name as the server name." This regex change allows us to match error
output for such a configuration.
The log line added to the tests was lifted from our logs verbatim; it
did not match without the patched regex.
Signed-off-by: Yung-Chin Oei <>