Merge pull request #1365 from jblachly/sshd-pam-failed

SmartOS PAM Authentication failed (not failURE)
Serg G. Brester 2016-03-24 13:47:49 +01:00
commit fad4121709
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ before = common.conf
_daemon = sshd
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error) for .* from <HOST>( via \S+)?\s*$
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for .* from <HOST>( via \S+)?\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from <HOST>\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)sFailed \S+ for .*? from <HOST>(?: port \d*)?(?: ssh\d*)?(: (ruser .*|(\S+ ID \S+ \(serial \d+\) CA )?\S+ %(__md5hex)s(, client user ".*", client host ".*")?))?\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)sROOT LOGIN REFUSED.* FROM <HOST>\s*$