mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
action in jail-config extended to consider space as separator now (splitWithOptions separates by space between mains words, but not in options), so defining `action = a b` would specify 2 actions `a` and `b`;
it is additionally more precise now (see fixed typo with closed bracket `]` instead of comma in testServerReloadTest)pull/2842/head^2
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ ver. 0.10.6-dev (20??/??/??) - development edition
- speedup formatted output (bypass unneeded stats creation)
- extended with prefregex statistic
- more informative output for `datepattern` (e. g. set from filter) - pattern : description
* parsing of action in jail-configs considers space between action-names as separator also
(previously only new-line was allowed), for example `action = a b` would specify 2 actions `a` and `b`
* new filter and jail for GitLab recognizing failed application logins (gh-2689)
* `filter.d/guacamole.conf` extended with `logging` parameter to follow webapp-logging if it's configured (gh-2631)
* introduced new prefix `{UNB}` for `datepattern` to disable word boundaries in regex;
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ OPTION_EXTRACT_CRE = re.compile(
r'([\w\-_\.]+)=(?:"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\'|([^,\]]*))(?:,|\]\s*\[|$)', re.DOTALL)
# split by new-line considering possible new-lines within options [...]:
OPTION_SPLIT_CRE = re.compile(
r'(?:[^\[\n]+(?:\s*\[\s*(?:[\w\-_\.]+=(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^,\]]*)\s*(?:,|\]\s*\[)?\s*)*\])?\s*|[^\n]+)(?=\n\s*|$)', re.DOTALL)
r'(?:[^\[\s]+(?:\s*\[\s*(?:[\w\-_\.]+=(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^,\]]*)\s*(?:,|\]\s*\[)?\s*)*\])?\s*|\S+)(?=\n\s*|\s+|$)', re.DOTALL)
def extractOptions(option):
match = OPTION_CRE.match(option)
@ -264,6 +264,17 @@ class JailReaderTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(JailReaderTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def testSplitWithOptions(self):
# covering all separators - new-line and spaces:
for sep in ('\n', '\t', ' '):
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a%sb' % (sep,)), ['a', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x=y]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x=y]', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x=y][z=z]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x=y][z=z]', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x="y][z"]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x="y][z"]', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x="y z"]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x="y z"]', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x="y\tz"]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x="y\tz"]', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(splitWithOptions('a[x="y\nz"]%sb' % (sep,)), ['a[x="y\nz"]', 'b'])
def testIncorrectJail(self):
jail = JailReader('XXXABSENTXXX', basedir=CONFIG_DIR, share_config=CONFIG_DIR_SHARE_CFG)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, jail.read)
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"action = ",
" test-action2[name='%(__name__)s', restore='restored: <restored>', info=', err-code: <F-ERRCODE>']" \
if 2 in actions else "",
" test-action2[name='%(__name__)s', actname=test-action3, _exec_once=1, restore='restored: <restored>']"
" test-action2[name='%(__name__)s', actname=test-action3, _exec_once=1, restore='restored: <restored>',"
" actionflush=<_use_flush_>]" \
if 3 in actions else "",
"logpath = " + test2log,
Reference in New Issue