diff --git a/config/filter.d/sshd.conf b/config/filter.d/sshd.conf
index d5d189b0..e5cdee88 100644
--- a/config/filter.d/sshd.conf
+++ b/config/filter.d/sshd.conf
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ __pref = (?:(?:error|fatal): (?:PAM: )?)?
#__suff = (?: port \d+)?(?: \[preauth\])?\s*
__suff = (?: (?:port \d+|on \S+|\[preauth\])){0,3}\s*
__on_port_opt = (?: (?:port \d+|on \S+)){0,2}
-# close by authenticating user:
-__authng_user = (?: (?:invalid|authenticating) user \S+|.*?)?
+# close by authenticating user (don't use after %(__authng_user)s because of catch-all `.*?`):
+__authng_user = (?: (?:by|from))?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating) user \S+|.*?)?(?: from)?
# for all possible (also future) forms of "no matching (cipher|mac|MAC|compression method|key exchange method|host key type) found",
# see ssherr.c for all possible SSH_ERR_..._ALG_MATCH errors.
@@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ __pam_auth = pam_[a-z]+
prefregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s%(__pref)s.+$
-cmnfailre = ^[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for .* from ( via \S+)?%(__suff)s$
- ^User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from %(__suff)s$
+cmnfailre = ^[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for .*? (?:from )?( via \S+)?%(__suff)s$
+ ^User not known to the underlying authentication module for .*? (?:from )?%(__suff)s$
^Failed for (?Pinvalid user )?(?P\S+)|(?(cond_inv)(?:(?! from ).)*?|[^:]+) from %(__on_port_opt)s(?: ssh\d*)?(?(cond_user): |(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$)
- ^[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .*? from %(__suff)s$
- ^User \S+|.*? from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers%(__suff)s$
- ^User \S+|.*? from not allowed because listed in DenyUsers%(__suff)s$
- ^User \S+|.*? from not allowed because not in any group%(__suff)s$
+ ^[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .*? (?:from )?%(__suff)s$
+ ^User \S+|.*? (?:from )? not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers%(__suff)s$
+ ^User \S+|.*? (?:from )? not allowed because listed in DenyUsers%(__suff)s$
+ ^User \S+|.*? (?:from )? not allowed because not in any group%(__suff)s$
^refused connect from \S+ \(\)
^Received disconnect from %(__on_port_opt)s:\s*3: .*: Auth fail%(__suff)s$
- ^User \S+|.*? from not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups%(__suff)s$
- ^User \S+|.*? from not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups%(__suff)s$
+ ^User \S+|.*? (?:from )? not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups%(__suff)s$
+ ^User \S+|.*? (?:from )? not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups%(__suff)s$
^%(__pam_auth)s\(sshd:auth\):\s+authentication failure;(?:\s+(?:(?:logname|e?uid|tty)=\S*)){0,4}\s+ruser=\S*\s+rhost=(?:\s+user=\S*)?%(__suff)s$
- ^maximum authentication attempts exceeded for .* from %(__on_port_opt)s(?: ssh\d*)?%(__suff)s$
+ ^maximum authentication attempts exceeded for (?:invalid user )?.*? (?:from )?%(__on_port_opt)s(?: ssh\d*)?%(__suff)s$
^User \S+|.*? not allowed because account is locked%(__suff)s
^Disconnecting(?: from)?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating)) user \S+ %(__on_port_opt)s:\s*Change of username or service not allowed:\s*.*\[preauth\]\s*$
^Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures(?: for \S+|.*?)?%(__suff)s$
@@ -68,24 +68,24 @@ cmnfailed = >
mdre-normal =
# used to differentiate "connection closed" with and without `[preauth]` (fail/nofail cases in ddos mode)
-mdre-normal-other = ^(Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnected) (?:by|from)%(__authng_user)s (?:%(__suff)s|\s*)$
+mdre-normal-other = ^(?:Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnect(?:ed|ing))%(__authng_user)s %(__on_port_opt)s(?:: (?!Too many authentication failures)[^\[]+)?(?: \[preauth\])?\s*$
mdre-ddos = ^Did not receive identification string from
^kex_exchange_identification: (?:read: )?(?:[Cc]lient sent invalid protocol identifier|[Cc]onnection (?:closed by remote host|reset by peer))
- ^Bad protocol version identification '.*' from
+ ^Bad protocol version identification '(?:[^']|.*?)' (?:from )?%(__suff)s$
^SSH: Server;Ltype: (?:Authname|Version|Kex);Remote: -\d+;[A-Z]\w+:
^Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer
^banner exchange: Connection from <__on_port_opt>: invalid format
# same as mdre-normal-other, but as failure (without with [preauth] and with on no preauth phase as helper to identify address):
-mdre-ddos-other = ^(Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnected) (?:by|from)%(__authng_user)s %(__on_port_opt)s\s+\[preauth\]\s*$
- ^(Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnected) (?:by|from)%(__authng_user)s (?:%(__on_port_opt)s|\s*)$
+mdre-ddos-other = ^(?:Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnect(?:ed|ing))%(__authng_user)s %(__on_port_opt)s(?:: (?!Too many authentication failures)[^\[]+)?\s+\[preauth\]\s*$
+ ^(?:Connection (?:closed|reset)|Disconnect(?:ed|ing))%(__authng_user)s (?:%(__on_port_opt)s(?:: (?!Too many authentication failures)[^\[]+)?|\s*)$
mdre-extra = ^Received disconnect from %(__on_port_opt)s:\s*14: No(?: supported)? authentication methods available
^Unable to negotiate with %(__on_port_opt)s: no matching <__alg_match> found.
^Unable to negotiate a <__alg_match>
^no matching <__alg_match> found:
# part of mdre-ddos-other, but user name is supplied (invalid/authenticating) on [preauth] phase only:
-mdre-extra-other = ^Disconnected(?: from)?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating)) user \S+|.*? %(__on_port_opt)s \[preauth\]\s*$
+mdre-extra-other = ^Disconnected(?: from)?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating)) user \S+|.*? (?:from )?%(__on_port_opt)s \[preauth\]\s*$
mdre-aggressive = %(mdre-ddos)s
diff --git a/fail2ban/tests/files/logs/sshd b/fail2ban/tests/files/logs/sshd
index 99c3756b..c20485d7 100644
--- a/fail2ban/tests/files/logs/sshd
+++ b/fail2ban/tests/files/logs/sshd
@@ -223,6 +223,11 @@ Apr 27 13:02:04 host sshd[29116]: Received disconnect from 11: Normal S
# disable this test-cases block for obsolete multi-line filter (zzz-sshd-obsolete...):
# filterOptions: [{"test.condition":"name=='sshd'"}]
+# failJSON: { "time": "2004-11-23T21:50:38", "match": true , "host": "", "user": "xxx", "desc": "maximum authentication attempts exceeded for invalid user" }
+Nov 23 21:50:38 myhost sshd[109798]: error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for invalid user xxx from port 49941 ssh2 [preauth]
+# failJSON: { "time": "2004-11-23T21:50:38", "match": false, "desc": "No failure, helper only (already counted above)" }
+Nov 23 21:50:38 myhost sshd[109798]: Disconnecting invalid user xxx port 49941: Too many authentication failures [preauth]
# 2 methods auth: pam_unix and pam_ldap are used in combination (gh-2070), succeeded after "failure" in first method:
# failJSON: { "match": false , "desc": "No failure" }
Mar 7 18:53:20 bar sshd[1556]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=rda