failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sinfo: block\(1\): tcp/accept \]: <HOST>\.\d+ [\d.]+: error after reading \d+ bytes in \d+ seconds: (could not access user "\w+"'s records in the system password file: no system error|system password authentication failed for user "\w+")$
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sinfo: block\(1\): tcp/accept \]: <HOST>\.\d+ [\d.]+: error after reading \d+ bytes? in \d+ seconds?: (could not access user "\w+"'s records in the system password file: no system error|system password authentication failed for user "\w+")$
Apr 14 15:35:03 vps111111 danted[17969]: info: block(1): tcp/accept ]: error after reading 35 bytes in 0 seconds: could not access user "roooooooot"'s records in the system password file: no system error