DOC: ChangeLog - current HEAD back to ce3ab34

Daniel Black 2013-04-18 06:57:35 +10:00
parent 60fa4b5d7c
commit dc2f42b24d
1 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -19,12 +19,67 @@ Nicolas Collignon, Pascal Borreli, blotus:
- Fixes:
Yaroslav Halchenko
* [6f4dad46] Documentation python-2.4 is the minimium version.
* [1eb23cf8] do not rely on scripts being under /usr -- might differ eg on
Fedora. Closes gh-112. Thanks to Camusensei for the bug report.
* [bf4d4af1] Changes for atomic writes. Thanks to Steven Hiscocks for
insight. Closes gh-103.
* [ab044b75] delay check for the existence of config directory until read.
* [3b4084d4] fixing up for handling of TAI64N timestamps.
* [154aa38e] do not shutdown logging until all jails stop.
Orion Poplawski
* [e4aedfdc00] pyinotify - use bitwise op on masks and do not try tracking
newly created directories.
Nicolas Collignon
* [39667ff6] Avoid leaking file descriptors. Closes gh-167.
Sergey Brester
* [b6bb2f88 and d17b4153] invalid date recognition, irregular because of
sorting template list.
Steven Hiscocks
* [7a442f07] When changing log target with python2.{4,5} handle KeyError.
Closes gh-147, gh-148.
* [b6a68f51] Fix delaction on server side. Close gh-124.
Daniel Black
* [f0610c01] Allow more that a one word command when changing and Action via
the fail2ban-client. Closes gh-134.
- New features:
Yaroslav Halchenko
* [9ba27353] Add support for jail.d/{confilefile} and fail2ban.d/{configfile}
to provide additional flexibility to system adminstrators. Thanks to
beilber for the idea. Close gh-114.
- Enhancements:
Steven Hiscocks
* [c6bd8fc] Add Apache Tomcat date format. Close gh-176.
* [4d80fad] Add Guacmole filter. Close gh-176.
* [3d6791f] Ensure restart of Actions after a check fails occurs
consistently. Closes gh-172.
* [MANY] Improvements to test cases, travis, and code coverage (coveralls).
* [b36835f] Add get cinfo to fail2ban-client. Close gh-124.
* [ce3ab34] Added ability to specify PID file.
Orion Poplawski
* [ddebcab] Enhance fail2ban.service defination dependancies and Pidfile.
Closes gh-142.
Artur Penttinen
* [29d0df5] Add mysqld filter. Closes gh-152.
Erwan Ben Souiden
* [d7d5228] add nagios integration documentation and script to ensure
fail2ban is running. Closes gh-166.
ArndRaphael Brandes
* [bba3fd8] Add Sogo filter. Closes gh-117
Yaroslav Halchenko
* [MANY] Lots of improvements to log messages and test cases.
* [91d5736] Postfix filter improvements - empty helo, from and rcpt to.
Closes gh-126. Bug report by Michael Heuberger.
* [40c5a2d] adding more of diagnostic messages into -client while starting
the daemon.
Daniel Black
* [3aeb1a9] Add jail.conf manual page. close gh-143.
* [7cd6dab] Added help command to fail2ban-client. close gh-134.
* [c8c7b0b,23bbc60] Better logging of log file read errors. close gh-134.
* [3665e6d] Added code coverage to development process.
Pascal Borreli
* [a2b29b4] Fixed lots of typos in config files and documentation.
Michael Gebetsriother
* [f9b78ba] Add action route to block at routing level.
Special Kudos also go to Fabian Wenk, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman, Tom
Hendrikx and other TBN heroes supporting users on fail2ban-users