Merge branch '0.10' into 0.11

sebres 2021-01-21 19:11:01 +01:00
commit dbc77c47c3
9 changed files with 88 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ actioncheck =
#actionban = curl -s -o /dev/null -d 'a=ban' -d 'tkn=<cftoken>' -d 'email=<cfuser>' -d 'key=<ip>'
# API v4
actionban = curl -s -o /dev/null -X POST <_cf_api_prms> \
-d '{"mode":"block","configuration":{"target":"ip","value":"<ip>"},"notes":"Fail2Ban <name>"}' \
-d '{"mode":"block","configuration":{"target":"<cftarget>","value":"<ip>"},"notes":"Fail2Ban <name>"}' \
# Option: actionunban
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ actionban = curl -s -o /dev/null -X POST <_cf_api_prms> \
#actionunban = curl -s -o /dev/null -d 'a=nul' -d 'tkn=<cftoken>' -d 'email=<cfuser>' -d 'key=<ip>'
# API v4
actionunban = id=$(curl -s -X GET <_cf_api_prms> \
"<_cf_api_url>?mode=block&configuration_target=ip&configuration_value=<ip>&page=1&per_page=1&notes=Fail2Ban%%20<name>" \
"<_cf_api_url>?mode=block&configuration_target=<cftarget>&configuration_value=<ip>&page=1&per_page=1&notes=Fail2Ban%%20<name>" \
| { jq -r '.result[0].id' 2>/dev/null || tr -d '\n' | sed -nE 's/^.*"result"\s*:\s*\[\s*\{\s*"id"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)".*$/\1/p'; })
if [ -z "$id" ]; then echo "<name>: id for <ip> cannot be found"; exit 0; fi;
curl -s -o /dev/null -X DELETE <_cf_api_prms> "<_cf_api_url>/$id"
@ -81,3 +81,8 @@ _cf_api_prms = -H 'X-Auth-Email: <cfuser>' -H 'X-Auth-Key: <cftoken>' -H 'Conten
cftoken =
cfuser =
cftarget = ip
cftarget = ip6

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ before = apache-common.conf
failregex = ^%(_apache_error_client)s (?:(?:AH0013[456]: )?Invalid (method|URI) in request\b|(?:AH00565: )?request failed: URI too long \(longer than \d+\)|request failed: erroneous characters after protocol string:|(?:AH00566: )?request failed: invalid characters in URI\b)
failregex = ^%(_apache_error_client)s (?:(?:AH001[23][456]: )?Invalid (method|URI) in request\b|(?:AH00565: )?request failed: URI too long \(longer than \d+\)|request failed: erroneous characters after protocol string:|(?:AH00566: )?request failed: invalid characters in URI\b)
ignoreregex =

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import os
import shlex
import sys
import time
import time
import urllib
from optparse import OptionParser, Option
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ except ImportError:
from ..version import version, normVersion
from .filterreader import FilterReader
from ..server.filter import Filter, FileContainer
from ..server.filter import Filter, FileContainer, MyTime
from ..server.failregex import Regex, RegexException
from ..helpers import str2LogLevel, getVerbosityFormat, FormatterWithTraceBack, getLogger, \
@ -269,15 +268,19 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
if opts.timezone:
self._filter.checkFindTime = False
if True: # not opts.out:
MyTime.setAlternateNow(0); # accept every date (years from 19xx up to end of current century, '%ExY' and 'Exy' patterns)
from ..server.strptime import _updateTimeRE
if opts.datepattern:
if opts.usedns:
self._filter.returnRawHost = opts.raw
self._filter.checkFindTime = False
self._filter.checkAllRegex = opts.checkAllRegex and not opts.out
# ignore pending (without ID/IP), added to matches if it hits later (if ID/IP can be retreved)
self._filter.ignorePending = opts.out
self._filter.ignorePending = bool(opts.out)
# callback to increment ignored RE's by index (during process):
self._filter.onIgnoreRegex = self._onIgnoreRegex
self._backend = 'auto'

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from ..helpers import getLogger
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = getLogger(__name__)
logLevel = 6
logLevel = 5
RE_DATE_PREMATCH = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\{DATE\}", re.IGNORECASE)
DD_patternCache = Utils.Cache(maxCount=1000, maxTime=60*60)

View File

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class DateTemplate(object):
# remove possible special pattern "**" in front and end of regex:
regex = RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[0].sub(RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[1], regex)
self._regex = regex
logSys.log(7, ' constructed regex %s', regex)
logSys.log(4, ' constructed regex %s', regex)
self._cRegex = None
regex = property(getRegex, setRegex, doc=
@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ class DateTemplate(object):
if not self._cRegex:
logSys.log(4, " search %s", self.regex)
dateMatch =, *args); # pos, endpos
if dateMatch:
self.hits += 1

View File

@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ class FilterSystemd(JournalFilter): # pragma: systemd no cover
# be sure all journal types will be opened if files specified (don't set flags):
if 'files' not in args or not len(args['files']):
args['flags'] = 4
args['namespace'] = kwargs.pop('namespace')
except KeyError:
return args

View File

@ -30,37 +30,6 @@ locale_time = LocaleTime()
TZ_ABBR_RE = r"[A-Z](?:[A-Z]{2,4})?"
FIXED_OFFSET_TZ_RE = re.compile(r"(%s)?([+-][01]\d(?::?\d{2})?)?$" % (TZ_ABBR_RE,))
def _getYearCentRE(cent=(0,3), distance=3, now=(, MyTime.alternateNow)):
""" Build century regex for last year and the next years (distance).
Thereby respect possible run in the test-cases (alternate date used there)
cent = lambda year, f=cent[0], t=cent[1]: str(year)[f:t]
def grp(exprset):
c = None
if len(exprset) > 1:
for i in exprset:
if c is None or i[0:-1] == c:
c = i[0:-1]
c = None
if not c:
for i in exprset:
if c is None or i[0] == c:
c = i[0]
c = None
if c:
return "%s%s" % (c, grp([i[len(c):] for i in exprset]))
return ("(?:%s)" % "|".join(exprset) if len(exprset[0]) > 1 else "[%s]" % "".join(exprset)) \
if len(exprset) > 1 else "".join(exprset)
exprset = set( cent(now[0].year + i) for i in (-1, distance) )
if len(now) and now[1]:
exprset |= set( cent(now[1].year + i) for i in xrange(-1, now[0].year-now[1].year+1, distance) )
return grp(sorted(list(exprset)))
timeRE = TimeRE()
# %k - one- or two-digit number giving the hour of the day (0-23) on a 24-hour clock,
@ -83,20 +52,68 @@ timeRE['z'] = r"(?P<z>Z|UTC|GMT|[+-][01]\d(?::?\d{2})?)"
timeRE['ExZ'] = r"(?P<Z>%s)" % (TZ_ABBR_RE,)
timeRE['Exz'] = r"(?P<z>(?:%s)?[+-][01]\d(?::?\d{2})?|%s)" % (TZ_ABBR_RE, TZ_ABBR_RE)
# overwrite default patterns, since they can be non-optimal:
timeRE['d'] = r"(?P<d>[1-2]\d|[0 ]?[1-9]|3[0-1])"
timeRE['m'] = r"(?P<m>0?[1-9]|1[0-2])"
timeRE['Y'] = r"(?P<Y>\d{4})"
timeRE['H'] = r"(?P<H>[0-1]?\d|2[0-3])"
timeRE['M'] = r"(?P<M>[0-5]?\d)"
timeRE['S'] = r"(?P<S>[0-5]?\d|6[0-1])"
# Extend build-in TimeRE with some exact patterns
# exact two-digit patterns:
timeRE['Exd'] = r"(?P<d>3[0-1]|[1-2]\d|0[1-9])"
timeRE['Exm'] = r"(?P<m>1[0-2]|0[1-9])"
timeRE['ExH'] = r"(?P<H>2[0-3]|[0-1]\d)"
timeRE['Exk'] = r" ?(?P<H>2[0-3]|[0-1]\d|\d)"
timeRE['Exd'] = r"(?P<d>[1-2]\d|0[1-9]|3[0-1])"
timeRE['Exm'] = r"(?P<m>0[1-9]|1[0-2])"
timeRE['ExH'] = r"(?P<H>[0-1]\d|2[0-3])"
timeRE['Exk'] = r" ?(?P<H>[0-1]?\d|2[0-3])"
timeRE['Exl'] = r" ?(?P<I>1[0-2]|\d)"
timeRE['ExM'] = r"(?P<M>[0-5]\d)"
timeRE['ExS'] = r"(?P<S>6[0-1]|[0-5]\d)"
# more precise year patterns, within same century of last year and
# the next 3 years (for possible long uptime of fail2ban); thereby
# respect possible run in the test-cases (alternate date used there):
timeRE['ExY'] = r"(?P<Y>%s\d)" % _getYearCentRE(cent=(0,3), distance=3)
timeRE['Exy'] = r"(?P<y>%s\d)" % _getYearCentRE(cent=(2,3), distance=3)
timeRE['ExS'] = r"(?P<S>[0-5]\d|6[0-1])"
def _updateTimeRE():
def _getYearCentRE(cent=(0,3), distance=3, now=(, MyTime.alternateNow)):
""" Build century regex for last year and the next years (distance).
Thereby respect possible run in the test-cases (alternate date used there)
cent = lambda year, f=cent[0], t=cent[1]: str(year)[f:t]
def grp(exprset):
c = None
if len(exprset) > 1:
for i in exprset:
if c is None or i[0:-1] == c:
c = i[0:-1]
c = None
if not c:
for i in exprset:
if c is None or i[0] == c:
c = i[0]
c = None
if c:
return "%s%s" % (c, grp([i[len(c):] for i in exprset]))
return ("(?:%s)" % "|".join(exprset) if len(exprset[0]) > 1 else "[%s]" % "".join(exprset)) \
if len(exprset) > 1 else "".join(exprset)
exprset = set( cent(now[0].year + i) for i in (-1, distance) )
if len(now) > 1 and now[1]:
exprset |= set( cent(now[1].year + i) for i in xrange(-1, now[0].year-now[1].year+1, distance) )
return grp(sorted(list(exprset)))
# more precise year patterns, within same century of last year and
# the next 3 years (for possible long uptime of fail2ban); thereby
# respect possible run in the test-cases (alternate date used there):
if MyTime.alternateNowTime != 0:
timeRE['ExY'] = r"(?P<Y>%s\d)" % _getYearCentRE(cent=(0,3), distance=3)
timeRE['Exy'] = r"(?P<y>%s\d)" % _getYearCentRE(cent=(2,3), distance=3)
else: # accept years: 19xx|2xxx up to current century
timeRE['ExY'] = r"(?P<Y>(?:19\d{2}|%s\d))" % _getYearCentRE(cent=(0,3), distance=3,
now=(, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(978393600)))
timeRE['Exy'] = r"(?P<y>\d{2})"
def getTimePatternRE():
keys = timeRE.keys()
@ -188,9 +205,9 @@ def reGroupDictStrptime(found_dict, msec=False, default_tz=None):
now = \
year = month = day = hour = minute = tzoffset = \
year = month = day = tzoffset = \
weekday = julian = week_of_year = None
second = fraction = 0
hour = minute = second = fraction = 0
for key, val in found_dict.iteritems():
if val is None: continue
# Directives not explicitly handled below:

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@ -551,6 +551,9 @@ class CustomDateFormatsTest(unittest.TestCase):
(1123970401.0, "^%ExH:%ExM:%ExS**", '00:00:01'),
# cover date with current year, in test cases now == Aug 2005 -> back to last year (Sep 2004):
(1094068799.0, "^%m/%d %ExH:%ExM:%ExS**", '09/01 21:59:59'),
# no time (only date) in pattern, assume local 00:00:00 for H:M:S :
(1093989600.0, "^%Y-%m-%d**", '2004-09-01'),
(1093996800.0, "^%Y-%m-%d%z**", '2004-09-01Z'),
logSys.debug('== test: %r', (matched, dp, line))
dd = DateDetector()

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
[Tue Mar 16 15:39:29 2010] [error] [client] Invalid URI in request \xf9h\xa9\xf3\x88\x8cXKj \xbf-l*4\x87n\xe4\xfe\xd4\x1d\x06\x8c\xf8m\\rS\xf6n\xeb\x8
# failJSON: { "time": "2010-03-15T15:44:47", "match": true , "host": "" }
[Mon Mar 15 15:44:47 2010] [error] [client] Invalid URI in request n\xed*\xbe*\xab\xefd\x80\xb5\xae\xf6\x01\x10M?\xf2\xce\x13\x9c\xd7\xa0N\xa7\xdb%0\xde\xe0\xfc\xd2\xa0\xfe\xe9w\xee\xc4`v\x9b[{\x0c:\xcb\x93\xc6\xa0\x93\x9c`l\\\x8d\xc9
# failJSON: { "time": "2010-03-15T16:04:06", "match": true , "host": "", "desc": "AH00126 failure, gh-2908" }
[Sat Mar 15 16:04:06.105212 2010] [core:error] [pid 17408] [client] AH00126: Invalid URI in request GET /static/../../../a/../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1
# failJSON: { "time": "2010-07-30T11:23:54", "match": true , "host": "" }