mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
rewritten CallingMap: performance optimized, immutable, self-referencing, template possibility (used in new ActionInfo objects);
new ActionInfo handling: saves content between actions, without interim copying (save original on demand, recoverable via reset); test cases extendedpull/1698/head
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class SMTPAction(ActionBase):
self.message_values = CallingMap(
jailname = self._jail.name,
hostname = socket.gethostname,
bantime = self._jail.actions.getBanTime,
bantime = lambda: self._jail.actions.getBanTime(),
# bypass ban/unban for restored tickets
@ -50,9 +50,14 @@ allowed_ipv6 = True
# capture groups from filter for map to ticket data:
FCUSTAG_CRE = re.compile(r'<F-([A-Z0-9_\-]+)>'); # currently uppercase only
# New line, space
"br": "\n",
"sp": " "
class CallingMap(MutableMapping):
class CallingMap(MutableMapping, object):
"""A Mapping type which returns the result of callable values.
`CallingMap` behaves similar to a standard python dictionary,
@ -69,23 +74,64 @@ class CallingMap(MutableMapping):
The dictionary data which can be accessed to obtain items uncalled
# immutable=True saves content between actions, without interim copying (save original on demand, recoverable via reset)
__slots__ = ('data', 'storage', 'immutable', '__org_data')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.storage = dict()
self.immutable = True
self.data = dict(*args, **kwargs)
def reset(self, immutable=True):
self.storage = dict()
self.data = self.__org_data
except AttributeError:
self.immutable = immutable
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.data)
return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._asdict())
def _asdict(self):
return dict(self)
return dict(self.data, **self.storage)
def __getitem__(self, key):
value = self.storage[key]
except KeyError:
value = self.data[key]
if callable(value):
value = value()
self.data[key] = value
# check arguments can be supplied to callable (for backwards compatibility):
value = value(self) if hasattr(value, '__code__') and value.__code__.co_argcount else value()
self.storage[key] = value
return value
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.data[key] = value
# mutate to copy:
if self.immutable:
self.storage = self.storage.copy()
self.__org_data = self.data
self.data = self.data.copy()
self.immutable = False
self.storage[key] = value
def __unavailable(self, key):
raise KeyError("Key %r was deleted" % key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
# mutate to copy:
if self.immutable:
self.storage = self.storage.copy()
self.__org_data = self.data
self.data = self.data.copy()
self.immutable = False
del self.storage[key]
except KeyError:
del self.data[key]
def __iter__(self):
@ -94,7 +140,7 @@ class CallingMap(MutableMapping):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def copy(self):
def copy(self): # pargma: no cover
return self.__class__(self.data.copy())
@ -436,9 +482,6 @@ class CommandAction(ActionBase):
# interpolation of dictionary:
if subInfo is None:
subInfo = substituteRecursiveTags(aInfo, conditional, ignore=cls._escapedTags)
# New line, space
for (tag, value) in (("br", '\n'), ("sp", " ")):
if subInfo.get(tag) is None: subInfo[tag] = value
# cache if possible:
if csubkey is not None:
cache[csubkey] = subInfo
@ -453,7 +496,8 @@ class CommandAction(ActionBase):
if value is None:
value = subInfo.get(tag)
if value is None:
return m.group() # fallback (no replacement)
# fallback (no or default replacement)
return ADD_REPL_TAGS.get(tag, m.group())
value = str(value) # assure string
if tag in cls._escapedTags:
# That one needs to be escaped since its content is
@ -286,7 +286,39 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
return True
def __getBansMerged(self, mi, overalljails=False):
class ActionInfo(CallingMap):
"ip": lambda self: self.__ticket.getIP(),
"ip-rev": lambda self: self['ip'].getPTR(''),
"fid": lambda self: self.__ticket.getID(),
"failures": lambda self: self.__ticket.getAttempt(),
"time": lambda self: self.__ticket.getTime(),
"matches": lambda self: "\n".join(self.__ticket.getMatches()),
# to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets
"restored": lambda self: (1 if self.__ticket.restored else 0),
# extra-interpolation - all match-tags (captured from the filter):
"F-*": lambda self, tag=None: self.__ticket.getData(tag),
# merged info:
"ipmatches": lambda self: "\n".join(self._mi4ip(True).getMatches()),
"ipjailmatches": lambda self: "\n".join(self._mi4ip().getMatches()),
"ipfailures": lambda self: self._mi4ip(True).getAttempt(),
"ipjailfailures": lambda self: self._mi4ip().getAttempt(),
__slots__ = CallingMap.__slots__ + ('__ticket', '__jail', '__mi4ip')
def __init__(self, ticket, jail=None, immutable=True, data=AI_DICT):
self.__ticket = ticket
self.__jail = jail
self.storage = dict()
self.immutable = immutable
self.data = data
def copy(self): # pargma: no cover
return self.__class__(self.__ticket, self.__jail, self.immutable, self.data.copy())
def _mi4ip(self, overalljails=False):
"""Gets bans merged once, a helper for lambda(s), prevents stop of executing action by any exception inside.
This function never returns None for ainfo lambdas - always a ticket (merged or single one)
@ -295,8 +327,6 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
mi : dict
merge info, initial for lambda should contains {ip, ticket}
overalljails : bool
switch to get a merged bans :
False - (default) bans merged for current jail only
@ -307,13 +337,18 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
merged or self ticket only
if not hasattr(self, '__mi4ip'):
self.__mi4ip = {}
mi = self.__mi4ip
idx = 'all' if overalljails else 'jail'
if idx in mi:
return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else mi['ticket']
return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else self.__ticket
jail = self.__jail
ip = self['ip']
mi[idx] = None
if not jail.database: # pragma: no cover
return self.__ticket
if overalljails:
mi[idx] = jail.database.getBansMerged(ip=ip)
@ -323,7 +358,14 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
"Failed to get %s bans merged, jail '%s': %s",
idx, jail.name, e,
return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else mi['ticket']
return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else self.__ticket
def __getActionInfo(self, ticket):
ip = ticket.getIP()
aInfo = Actions.ActionInfo(ticket, self._jail)
return aInfo
def __checkBan(self):
"""Check for IP address to ban.
@ -343,24 +385,7 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
bTicket = BanManager.createBanTicket(ticket)
ip = bTicket.getIP()
aInfo = CallingMap({
"ip" : ip,
"ip-rev" : lambda: ip.getPTR(''),
"failures": bTicket.getAttempt(),
"time" : bTicket.getTime(),
"matches" : "\n".join(bTicket.getMatches()),
# to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets
"restored": (1 if ticket.restored else 0),
# extra-interpolation - all match-tags (captured from the filter):
"F-*": lambda tag=None: bTicket.getData(tag)
if self._jail.database is not None:
mi4ip = lambda overalljails=False, self=self, \
mi={'ip':ip, 'ticket':bTicket}: self.__getBansMerged(mi, overalljails)
aInfo["ipmatches"] = lambda: "\n".join(mi4ip(True).getMatches())
aInfo["ipjailmatches"] = lambda: "\n".join(mi4ip().getMatches())
aInfo["ipfailures"] = lambda: mi4ip(True).getAttempt()
aInfo["ipjailfailures"] = lambda: mi4ip().getAttempt()
aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(bTicket)
reason = {}
if self.__banManager.addBanTicket(bTicket, reason=reason):
cnt += 1
@ -369,7 +394,8 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
if ticket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False):
if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset()
except Exception as e:
"Failed to execute ban jail '%s' action '%s' "
@ -452,21 +478,17 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
unbactions = self._actions
unbactions = actions
aInfo = dict()
aInfo["ip"] = ticket.getIP()
aInfo["failures"] = ticket.getAttempt()
aInfo["time"] = ticket.getTime()
aInfo["matches"] = "".join(ticket.getMatches())
# to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets
aInfo["restored"] = 1 if ticket.restored else 0
ip = ticket.getIP()
aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(ticket)
if actions is None:
logSys.notice("[%s] Unban %s", self._jail.name, aInfo["ip"])
for name, action in unbactions.iteritems():
if ticket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False):
logSys.debug("[%s] action %r: unban %s", self._jail.name, name, aInfo["ip"])
logSys.debug("[%s] action %r: unban %s", self._jail.name, name, ip)
if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset()
except Exception as e:
"Failed to execute unban jail '%s' action '%s' "
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
# Callable
self.__action.replaceTag("09 <matches> 11",
CallingMap(matches=lambda: str(10))),
CallingMap(matches=lambda self: str(10))),
"09 10 11")
def testReplaceNoTag(self):
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
# Will raise ValueError if it is
CallingMap(matches=lambda: int("a"))), "abc")
CallingMap(matches=lambda self: int("a"))), "abc")
def testReplaceTagSelfRecursion(self):
setattr(self.__action, 'a', "<a")
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
aInfo = CallingMap({
'ABC': "123",
'ip': '',
'F-*': lambda: {
'F-*': lambda self: {
'fid': 111,
'fport': 222,
'user': "tester"
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
"stderr: 'The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain'\n")
def testCallingMap(self):
mymap = CallingMap(callme=lambda: str(10), error=lambda: int('a'),
mymap = CallingMap(callme=lambda self: str(10), error=lambda self: int('a'),
dontcallme= "string", number=17)
# Should work fine
@ -451,3 +451,43 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
"10 okay string 17")
# Error will now trip, demonstrating delayed call
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda x: "%(error)i" % x, mymap)
def testCallingMapModify(self):
m = CallingMap({
'a': lambda self: 2 + 3,
'b': lambda self: self['a'] + 6,
'c': 'test',
# test reset (without modifications):
# do modifications:
m['a'] = 4
del m['c']
# test set and delete:
self.assertEqual(len(m), 2)
self.assertNotIn('c', m)
self.assertEqual((m['a'], m['b']), (4, 10))
# reset to original and test again:
s = repr(m)
self.assertEqual(len(m), 3)
self.assertIn('c', m)
self.assertEqual((m['a'], m['b'], m['c']), (5, 11, 'test'))
def testCallingMapRep(self):
m = CallingMap({
'a': lambda self: 2 + 3,
'b': lambda self: self['a'] + 6,
'c': ''
s = repr(m)
self.assertIn("'a': 5", s)
self.assertIn("'b': 11", s)
self.assertIn("'c': ''", s)
m['c'] = lambda self: self['xxx'] + 7; # unresolvable
s = repr(m)
self.assertIn("'a': 5", s)
self.assertIn("'b': 11", s)
self.assertIn("'c': ", s) # presents as callable
self.assertNotIn("'c': ''", s) # but not empty
@ -1737,6 +1737,6 @@ class ServerConfigReaderTests(LogCaptureTestCase):
if not tests.get(test): continue
self.pruneLog('# === %s ===' % test)
ticket = _actions.CallingMap({
'ip': ip, 'ip-rev': lambda: ip.getPTR(''), 'failures': 100,})
'ip': ip, 'ip-rev': lambda self: self['ip'].getPTR(''), 'failures': 100,})
self.assertLogged(*tests[test], all=True)
Reference in New Issue