@ -327,15 +327,18 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
self._jail.name, name, e,
while self.active:
if self.idle:
logSys.debug("Actions: enter idle mode")
Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or not self.idle,
lambda: False, self.sleeptime)
logSys.debug("Actions: leave idle mode")
# wait for ban (stop if gets inactive):
# wait for ban (stop if gets inactive, pending ban or unban):
bancnt = 0
if Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or self._jail.hasFailTickets, self.sleeptime):
wt = min(self.sleeptime, self.__banManager._nextUnbanTime - MyTime.time())
logSys.log(5, "Actions: wait for pending tickets %s (default %s)", wt, self.sleeptime)
if Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or self._jail.hasFailTickets, wt):
bancnt = self.__checkBan()
cnt += bancnt
# unban if nothing is banned not later than banned tickets >= banPrecedence
@ -343,8 +346,13 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
if self.active:
# let shrink the ban list faster
bancnt *= 2
logSys.log(5, "Actions: check-unban %s, bancnt %s, max: %s", bancnt if bancnt and bancnt < self.unbanMaxCount else self.unbanMaxCount, bancnt, self.unbanMaxCount)
self.__checkUnBan(bancnt if bancnt and bancnt < self.unbanMaxCount else self.unbanMaxCount)
cnt = 0
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
logSys.error("[%s] unhandled error in actions thread: %s",
self._jail.name, e,