@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ install: build
# Add here commands to install the package into debian/fail2ban.
python setup.py install --root=$(DESTDIR) --no-compile
#X Evil - must be removed after Debian switches over to 2.4, now
# distutils.setup will override the enterpreter line to /usr/bin/python
install fail2ban-server fail2ban-client $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
# Install Debian shipped jail file in 1 piece (instead of patching
# the shipped one since there are too many changes)
install -m 644 debian/jail.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/fail2ban
@ -62,6 +59,9 @@ binary-indep: install
dh_installinit -- defaults 99
# perform swap of order of calls to init and pycentral in prerm
# to close #422655 -- pycentral section is cut and placed at the end of the file
sed -i -e '/^#.*ed by dh_pycentral/,/# End auto/{H;d};$$G' debian/fail2ban.prerm.debhelper
dh_installman man/*.1