small fix and clarifying code and log messages

sebres 2014-06-10 10:24:55 +02:00
parent bb0a181056
commit bb6655e696
3 changed files with 12 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
if self.__banManager.addBanTicket(bTicket):
# report ticket to observer, to check time should be increased and hereafter observer writes ban to database (asynchronous)
if Observers.Main and not bTicket.getRestored():
if Observers.Main is not None and not bTicket.getRestored():
Observers.Main.add('banFound', bTicket, self._jail, btime)
logSys.notice("[%s] %sBan %s (%d # %s -> %s)",, ('' if not bTicket.getRestored() else 'Restore '),
aInfo["ip"], bTicket.getBanCount()+(1 if not bTicket.getRestored() else 0), *logtime)
logSys.notice("[%s] %sBan %s (%s # %s -> %s)",, ('' if not bTicket.getRestored() else 'Restore '),
aInfo["ip"], (bTicket.getBanCount() if bTicket.getRestored() else '_'), *logtime)
# do actions :
for name, action in self._actions.iteritems():

View File

@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
tick = FailTicket(ip, unixTime, lines)
# report to observer - failure was found, for possibly increasing of it retry counter (asynchronous)
if Observers.Main:
if Observers.Main is not None:
Observers.Main.add('failureFound', self.failManager, self.jail, tick)

View File

@ -343,14 +343,15 @@ class ObserverThread(threading.Thread):
retryCount = 1
timeOfBan = None
maxRetry = failManager.getMaxRetry()
db = jail.database
if db is not None:
for banCount, timeOfBan, lastBanTime in db.getBan(ip, jail):
retryCount = ((1 << (banCount if banCount < 20 else 20))/2 + 1)
# if lastBanTime == -1 or timeOfBan + lastBanTime * 2 > MyTime.time():
# retryCount = failManager.getMaxRetry()
# retryCount = maxRetry
retryCount = min(retryCount, failManager.getMaxRetry())
retryCount = min(retryCount, maxRetry)
# check this ticket already known (line was already processed and in the database and will be restored from there):
if timeOfBan is not None and unixTime <= timeOfBan:"[%s] Ignore failure %s before last ban %s < %s, restored"
@ -360,15 +361,16 @@ class ObserverThread(threading.Thread):
if retryCount <= 1:
# retry counter was increased - add it again:"[%s] Found %s, bad - %s, %s # -> %s, ban",, ip,
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), banCount, retryCount)"[%s] Found %s, bad - %s, %s # -> %s%s",, ip,
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), banCount, retryCount,
(', Ban' if retryCount >= maxRetry else ''))
# remove matches from this ticket, because a ticket was already added by filter self
# retryCount-1, because a ticket was already once incremented by filter self
failManager.addFailure(ticket, retryCount - 1, True)
# after observe we have increased count >= maxretry ...
if retryCount >= failManager.getMaxRetry():
if retryCount >= maxRetry:
# perform the banning of the IP now (again)
# [todo]: this code part will be used multiple times - optimize it later.
try: # pragma: no branch - exception is the only way out
@ -464,7 +466,7 @@ class ObserverThread(threading.Thread):
# if ban time was prolonged - log again with new ban time:
if btime != oldbtime:
logSys.notice("[%s] Increase Ban %s (%d # %s -> %s)",,
ip, ticket.getBanCount()+1, *logtime)
ip, ticket.getBanCount(), *logtime)
# add ticket to database, but only if was not restored (not already read from database):
if jail.database is not None and not ticket.getRestored():
# add to database always only after ban time was calculated an not yet already banned: