avoid sporadic errors on time-related test-cases: observer can prolong ticket (increase ban-time) before banning, so blocked before banFound called, to test prolong case.

sebres 2017-05-17 15:40:24 +02:00
parent c21b4e4d56
commit b893356c49
2 changed files with 29 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -183,8 +183,6 @@ class ObserverThread(JailThread):
self.add_named_timer('DB_PURGE', self.__db_purge_interval, 'db_purge')
## Mapping of all possible event types of observer:
__meth = {
'failureFound': self.failureFound,
'banFound': self.banFound,
# universal lambda:
'call': self.call_lambda,
# system and service events:
@ -216,7 +214,7 @@ class ObserverThread(JailThread):
## retrieve method by name
meth = ev[0]
if not callable(ev[0]): meth = __meth[meth]
if not callable(ev[0]): meth = __meth.get(meth) or getattr(self, meth)
## execute it with rest of event as variable arguments
except Exception as e:

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@ -95,6 +95,22 @@ def _observer_wait_idle():
Observers.Main.wait_idle(MID_WAITTIME / 5)
def _observer_wait_before_incrban(cond, timeout=MID_WAITTIME):
"""Helper to block observer before increase bantime until some condition gets true"""
if Observers.Main is not None:
# switch ban handler:
_obs_banFound = Observers.Main.banFound
def _banFound(*args, **kwargs):
# restore original handler:
Observers.Main.banFound = _obs_banFound
# wait for:
logSys.debug(' [Observer::banFound] *** observer blocked for test')
Utils.wait_for(cond, timeout)
logSys.debug(' [Observer::banFound] +++ observer runs again')
# original banFound:
_obs_banFound(*args, **kwargs)
Observers.Main.banFound = _banFound
# Mocking .exit so we could test its correct operation.
# Two custom exceptions will be assessed to be raised in the tests
@ -1179,8 +1195,8 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"actionban = printf %%b '[%(name)s] %(actname)s: ++ ban <ip> -t <bantime> : <F-MSG>'",
"actionprolong = printf %%b '[%(name)s] %(actname)s: ++ prolong <ip> -t <bantime> : <F-MSG>'" \
"actionban = printf %%s \"[%(name)s] %(actname)s: ++ ban <ip> -t <bantime> : <F-MSG>\"", \
"actionprolong = printf %%s \"[%(name)s] %(actname)s: ++ prolong <ip> -t <bantime> : <F-MSG>\"" \
if prolong else "",
"actionunban = printf %%b '[%(name)s] %(actname)s: -- unban <ip>'",
@ -1223,6 +1239,7 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
(str(int(MyTime.time())) + " failure 401 from I'm bad \"hacker\" `` $(echo test)",) * 3
# wait for ban:
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action1: ++ ban -t 300 : ",
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action2: ++ ban -t 300 : ",
@ -1233,12 +1250,19 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
self.pruneLog("[test-phase 1) time+10m]")
# jump to the future (+10 minutes):
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action1: -- unban",
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action2: -- unban",
"0 ticket(s) in 'test-jail1'",
all=True, wait=MID_WAITTIME)
self.pruneLog("[test-phase 2) time+10m]")
# following tests are time-related - observer can prolong ticket (increase ban-time)
# before banning, so block it here before banFound called, prolong case later:
wakeObs = False
_observer_wait_before_incrban(lambda: wakeObs)
# write again (IP already bad):
_write_file(test1log, "w+", *(
(str(int(MyTime.time())) + " failure 401 from I'm very bad \"hacker\" `` $(echo test)",) * 2
@ -1248,7 +1272,8 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action1: ++ ban -t 300 : ",
"stdout: '[test-jail1] test-action2: ++ ban -t 300 : ",
all=True, wait=MID_WAITTIME)
# wait for observer idle (write all tickets to db):
# unblock observer here and wait it is done:
wakeObs = True
self.pruneLog("[test-phase 2) time+11m]")