mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
For capitalized nasty log entries of sshd
@ -364,4 +364,4 @@ timepattern = %%b %%d %%H:%%M:%%S
# Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile.
# Values: TEXT Default: (?:Authentication failure|Failed (?:keyboard-interactive/pam|password)) for(?: illegal user)? .* from (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S*)
failregex = : (?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user) .* from (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S*)
failregex = : (?:(?:Authentication failure|Failed [-/\w+]+) for(?: [iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user)?|[Ii](?:llegal|nvalid) user|ROOT LOGIN REFUSED) .*(?:from |FROM) (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S*)
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
fail2ban (0.6.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated README.Debian with information about some cases with
not-as-shipped configurations of sshd on the boxes running older versions
of openssh server
* Included regexps for SSH in case iff authentication as root using keys was
attempted whenever PermitRootLogin is set to something else than "yes" and
key authentication fails.
-- Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com> Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:32:38 -0500
fail2ban (0.6.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed Apache section: changed filepath to point at error.log, thus I had
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