code normalization and optimization (strip of trailing new-line, date parsing, ignoreregex mechanism, etc)

sebres 2020-02-13 21:26:28 +01:00
parent 91eca4fdeb
commit b3644ad413
4 changed files with 111 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -273,7 +273,9 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
self._filter.checkFindTime = False
self._filter.checkAllRegex = opts.checkAllRegex and not opts.out
# ignore pending (without ID/IP), added to matches if it hits later (if ID/IP can be retreved)
self._filter.ignorePending = opts.out;
self._filter.ignorePending = opts.out
# callback to increment ignored RE's by index (during process):
self._filter.onIgnoreRegex = self._onIgnoreRegex
self._backend = 'auto'
def output(self, line):
@ -435,22 +437,17 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
'add%sRegex' % regextype.title())(regex.getFailRegex())
return True
def testIgnoreRegex(self, line):
found = False
ret = self._filter.ignoreLine([(line, "", "")])
if ret is not None:
found = True
regex = self._ignoreregex[ret].inc()
except RegexException as e: # pragma: no cover
output( 'ERROR: %s' % e )
return False
return found
def _onIgnoreRegex(self, idx, ignoreRegex):
self._lineIgnored = True
def testRegex(self, line, date=None):
orgLineBuffer = self._filter._Filter__lineBuffer
# duplicate line buffer (list can be changed inplace during processLine):
if self._filter.getMaxLines() > 1:
orgLineBuffer = orgLineBuffer[:]
fullBuffer = len(orgLineBuffer) >= self._filter.getMaxLines()
is_ignored = False
is_ignored = self._lineIgnored = False
found = self._filter.processLine(line, date)
lines = []
@ -469,6 +466,7 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
except RegexException as e: # pragma: no cover
output( 'ERROR: %s' % e )
return False
if self._filter.getMaxLines() > 1:
for bufLine in orgLineBuffer[int(fullBuffer):]:
if bufLine not in self._filter._Filter__lineBuffer:
@ -491,7 +489,7 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
if lines: # pre-lines parsed in multiline mode (buffering)
line = "\n".join(lines)
return line, ret, is_ignored
return line, ret, (is_ignored or self._lineIgnored)
def _prepaireOutput(self):
"""Prepares output- and fetch-function corresponding given '--out' option (format)"""
@ -558,8 +556,7 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
out = self._prepaireOutput()
for line in test_lines:
if isinstance(line, tuple):
line_datetimestripped, ret, is_ignored = self.testRegex(
line[0], line[1])
line_datetimestripped, ret, is_ignored = self.testRegex(line[0], line[1])
line = "".join(line[0])
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
@ -567,11 +564,9 @@ class Fail2banRegex(object):
# skip comment and empty lines
line_datetimestripped, ret, is_ignored = self.testRegex(line)
if not is_ignored:
is_ignored = self.testIgnoreRegex(line_datetimestripped)
if self._opts.out: # (formated) output:
if len(ret) > 0: out(ret)
if len(ret) > 0 and not is_ignored: out(ret)
if is_ignored:

View File

@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
self.checkAllRegex = False
## avoid finding of pending failures (without ID/IP, used in fail2ban-regex):
self.ignorePending = True
## callback called on ignoreregex match :
self.onIgnoreRegex = None
## if true ignores obsolete failures (failure time < now - findTime):
self.checkFindTime = True
## Ticks counter
@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
# @param value the regular expression
def addFailRegex(self, value):
multiLine = self.getMaxLines() > 1
multiLine = self.__lineBufferSize > 1
regex = FailRegex(value, prefRegex=self.__prefRegex, multiline=multiLine,
@ -575,20 +577,33 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
if date:
tupleLine = line
self.__lastTimeText = tupleLine[1]
self.__lastDate = date
l = line.rstrip('\r\n')
logSys.log(7, "Working on line %r", line)
(timeMatch, template) = self.dateDetector.matchTime(l)
if timeMatch:
tupleLine = (
(timeMatch, template)
# try to parse date:
timeMatch = self.dateDetector.matchTime(line)
m = timeMatch[0]
if m:
s = m.start(1)
e = m.end(1)
m = line[s:e]
tupleLine = (line[:s], m, line[e:])
if m: # found and not empty - retrive date:
date = self.dateDetector.getTime(m, timeMatch)
if date is None:
if m: logSys.error("findFailure failed to parse timeText: %s", m)
date = self.__lastDate
tupleLine = (l, "", "", None)
# Lets get the time part
date = date[0]
self.__lastTimeText = m
self.__lastDate = date
tupleLine = (line, self.__lastTimeText, "")
date = self.__lastDate
# save last line (lazy convert of process line tuple to string on demand):
self.processedLine = lambda: "".join(tupleLine[::2])
@ -630,20 +645,26 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
self._errors //= 2
self.idle = True
# Returns true if the line should be ignored.
# Uses ignoreregex.
# @param line: the line
# @return: a boolean
def ignoreLine(self, tupleLines):
buf = Regex._tupleLinesBuf(tupleLines)
def _ignoreLine(self, buf, orgBuffer, failRegex=None):
# if multi-line buffer - use matched only, otherwise (single line) - original buf:
if failRegex and self.__lineBufferSize > 1:
orgBuffer = failRegex.getMatchedTupleLines()
buf = Regex._tupleLinesBuf(orgBuffer)
# search ignored:
fnd = None
for ignoreRegexIndex, ignoreRegex in enumerate(self.__ignoreRegex):, tupleLines), orgBuffer)
if ignoreRegex.hasMatched():
return ignoreRegexIndex
return None
fnd = ignoreRegexIndex
logSys.log(7, " Matched ignoreregex %d and was ignored", fnd)
if self.onIgnoreRegex: self.onIgnoreRegex(fnd, ignoreRegex)
# remove ignored match:
if not self.checkAllRegex or self.__lineBufferSize > 1:
# todo: check ignoreRegex.getUnmatchedTupleLines() would be better (fix testGetFailuresMultiLineIgnoreRegex):
if failRegex:
self.__lineBuffer = failRegex.getUnmatchedTupleLines()
if not self.checkAllRegex: break
return fnd
def _updateUsers(self, fail, user=()):
users = fail.get('users')
@ -713,7 +734,7 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
# to find the logging time.
# @return a dict with IP and timestamp.
def findFailure(self, tupleLine, date=None):
def findFailure(self, tupleLine, date):
failList = list()
ll = logSys.getEffectiveLevel()
@ -723,62 +744,38 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
returnRawHost = True
cidr = IPAddr.CIDR_RAW
# Checks if we mut ignore this line.
if self.ignoreLine([tupleLine[::2]]) is not None:
# The ignoreregex matched. Return.
if ll <= 7: logSys.log(7, "Matched ignoreregex and was \"%s\" ignored",
return failList
timeText = tupleLine[1]
if date:
self.__lastTimeText = timeText
self.__lastDate = date
elif timeText:
dateTimeMatch = self.dateDetector.getTime(timeText, tupleLine[3])
if dateTimeMatch is None:
logSys.error("findFailure failed to parse timeText: %s", timeText)
date = self.__lastDate
# Lets get the time part
date = dateTimeMatch[0]
self.__lastTimeText = timeText
self.__lastDate = date
timeText = self.__lastTimeText or "".join(tupleLine[::2])
date = self.__lastDate
if self.checkFindTime and date is not None and date < MyTime.time() - self.getFindTime():
if ll <= 5: logSys.log(5, "Ignore line since time %s < %s - %s",
date, MyTime.time(), self.getFindTime())
return failList
if self.__lineBufferSize > 1:
orgBuffer = self.__lineBuffer = (
self.__lineBuffer + [tupleLine[:3]])[-self.__lineBufferSize:]
orgBuffer = self.__lineBuffer = self.__lineBuffer[-self.__lineBufferSize:]
orgBuffer = self.__lineBuffer = [tupleLine[:3]]
if ll <= 5: logSys.log(5, "Looking for match of %r", self.__lineBuffer)
buf = Regex._tupleLinesBuf(self.__lineBuffer)
orgBuffer = self.__lineBuffer = [tupleLine]
if ll <= 5: logSys.log(5, "Looking for match of %r", orgBuffer)
buf = Regex._tupleLinesBuf(orgBuffer)
# Checks if we must ignore this line (only if fewer ignoreregex than failregex).
if self.__ignoreRegex and len(self.__ignoreRegex) < len(self.__failRegex) - 2:
if self._ignoreLine(buf, orgBuffer) is not None:
# The ignoreregex matched. Return.
return failList
# Pre-filter fail regex (if available):
preGroups = {}
if self.__prefRegex:
if ll <= 5: logSys.log(5, " Looking for prefregex %r", self.__prefRegex.getRegex()), self.__lineBuffer), orgBuffer)
if not self.__prefRegex.hasMatched():
if ll <= 5: logSys.log(5, " Prefregex not matched")
return failList
preGroups = self.__prefRegex.getGroups()
if ll <= 7: logSys.log(7, " Pre-filter matched %s", preGroups)
repl = preGroups.get('content')
repl = preGroups.pop('content', None)
# Content replacement:
if repl:
del preGroups['content']
self.__lineBuffer, buf = [('', '', repl)], None
# Iterates over all the regular expressions.
@ -796,14 +793,11 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
# The failregex matched.
if ll <= 7: logSys.log(7, " Matched failregex %d: %s", failRegexIndex, fail)
# Checks if we must ignore this match.
if self.ignoreLine(failRegex.getMatchedTupleLines()) \
is not None:
if self.__ignoreRegex and self._ignoreLine(buf, orgBuffer, failRegex) is not None:
# The ignoreregex matched. Remove ignored match.
self.__lineBuffer, buf = failRegex.getUnmatchedTupleLines(), None
if ll <= 7: logSys.log(7, " Matched ignoreregex and was ignored")
buf = None
if not self.checkAllRegex:
if date is None:
@ -814,10 +808,10 @@ class Filter(JailThread):
"file a detailed issue on"
" "
"in order to get support for this format.",
"\n".join(failRegex.getMatchedLines()), timeText)
"\n".join(failRegex.getMatchedLines()), tupleLine[1])
# we should check all regex (bypass on multi-line, otherwise too complex):
if not self.checkAllRegex or self.getMaxLines() > 1:
if not self.checkAllRegex or self.__lineBufferSize > 1:
self.__lineBuffer, buf = failRegex.getUnmatchedTupleLines(), None
# merge data if multi-line failure:
raw = returnRawHost
@ -1056,7 +1050,7 @@ class FileFilter(Filter):
if not line or not
# The jail reached the bottom or has been stopped
db = self.jail.database

View File

@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ def open(*args):
if len(args) == 2:
# ~50kB buffer should be sufficient for all tests here.
args = args + (50000,)
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
return fopen(*args, **{'encoding': 'utf-8', 'errors': 'ignore'})
return fopen(*args)
@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ def _copy_lines_between_files(in_, fout, n=None, skip=0, mode='a', terminal_line
# polling filter could detect the change
if isinstance(in_, str): # pragma: no branch - only used with str in test cases
fin = open(in_, 'r')
fin = open(in_, 'rb')
fin = in_
# Skip
@ -210,7 +207,7 @@ def _copy_lines_between_files(in_, fout, n=None, skip=0, mode='a', terminal_line
i = 0
lines = []
while n is None or i < n:
l = fin.readline()
l = FileContainer.decode_line(in_, 'UTF-8', fin.readline()).rstrip('\r\n')
if terminal_line is not None and l == terminal_line:
@ -238,7 +235,7 @@ def _copy_lines_to_journal(in_, fields={},n=None, skip=0, terminal_line=""): # p
Returns None
if isinstance(in_, str): # pragma: no branch - only used with str in test cases
fin = open(in_, 'r')
fin = open(in_, 'rb')
fin = in_
# Required for filtering
@ -249,7 +246,7 @@ def _copy_lines_to_journal(in_, fields={},n=None, skip=0, terminal_line=""): # p
# Read/Write
i = 0
while n is None or i < n:
l = fin.readline()
l = FileContainer.decode_line(in_, 'UTF-8', fin.readline()).rstrip('\r\n')
if terminal_line is not None and l == terminal_line:
journal.send(MESSAGE=l.strip(), **fields)
@ -1583,9 +1580,9 @@ class GetFailures(LogCaptureTestCase):
# We first adjust logfile/failures to end with CR+LF
fname = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='tmp_fail2ban', suffix='crlf')
# poor man unix2dos:
fin, fout = open(GetFailures.FILENAME_01), open(fname, 'w')
for l in fin.readlines():
fout.write('%s\r\n' % l.rstrip('\n'))
fin, fout = open(GetFailures.FILENAME_01, 'rb'), open(fname, 'wb')
for l in
fout.write(l + b'\r\n')

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import sys
import time
import unittest
from ..server.failregex import Regex
from ..server.filter import Filter
from ..server.filter import Filter, FileContainer
from ..client.filterreader import FilterReader
from .utils import setUpMyTime, tearDownMyTime, TEST_NOW, CONFIG_DIR
@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ def testSampleRegexsFactory(name, basedir):
while i < len(filenames):
filename = filenames[i]; i += 1;
logFile = fileinput.FileInput(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "logs",
filename), mode='rb')
ignoreBlock = False
for line in logFile:
line = FileContainer.decode_line(logFile.filename(), 'UTF-8', line)
jsonREMatch = re.match("^#+ ?(failJSON|(?:file|filter)Options|addFILE):(.+)$", line)
if jsonREMatch:
@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ def testSampleRegexsFactory(name, basedir):
raise ValueError("%s: %s:%i" %
(e, logFile.filename(), logFile.filelineno()))
line = next(logFile)
line = FileContainer.decode_line(logFile.filename(), 'UTF-8', line)
elif ignoreBlock or line.startswith("#") or not line.strip():
else: # pragma: no cover - normally unreachable
@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ def testSampleRegexsFactory(name, basedir):
flt = self._readFilter(fltName, name, basedir, opts=None)
self._filterTests = [(fltName, flt, {})]
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
# process line using several filter options (if specified in the test-file):
for fltName, flt, opts in self._filterTests:
# Bypass if constraint (as expression) is not valid:
@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ def testSampleRegexsFactory(name, basedir):
else: # simulate journal processing, time is known from journal (formatJournalEntry):
if opts.get('test.prefix-line'): # journal backends creates common prefix-line:
line = opts.get('test.prefix-line') + line
ret = flt.processLine(('', TEST_NOW_STR, line.rstrip('\r\n')), TEST_NOW)
ret = flt.processLine(('', TEST_NOW_STR, line), TEST_NOW)
if ret:
# filter matched only (in checkAllRegex mode it could return 'nofail' too):
found = []