mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
substituteRecursiveTags optimization + moved in helpers facilities (because currently used commonly in server and in client)
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import os
from .configreader import DefinitionInitConfigReader
from ..helpers import getLogger
from ..server.action import CommandAction
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = getLogger(__name__)
@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ class ActionReader(DefinitionInitConfigReader):
return self._name
def convert(self):
opts = self.getCombined(ignore=('timeout', 'bantime'))
opts = self.getCombined(
ignore=CommandAction._escapedTags | set(('timeout', 'bantime')))
# type-convert only after combined (otherwise boolean converting prevents substitution):
if opts.get('norestored'):
opts['norestored'] = self._convert_to_boolean(opts['norestored'])
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ import os
from ConfigParser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError
from .configparserinc import sys, SafeConfigParserWithIncludes, logLevel
from ..helpers import getLogger
from ..server.action import CommandAction
from ..helpers import getLogger, substituteRecursiveTags
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = getLogger(__name__)
@ -328,6 +327,11 @@ class DefinitionInitConfigReader(ConfigReader):
return value.lower() in ("1", "yes", "true", "on")
def getCombOption(self, optname):
"""Get combined definition option (as string) using pre-set and init
options as preselection (values with higher precedence as specified in section).
Can be used only after calling of getOptions.
return self._defCache[optname]
except KeyError:
@ -352,7 +356,7 @@ class DefinitionInitConfigReader(ConfigReader):
n, cond = cond.groups()
# substiture options already specified direct:
opts = CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags(combinedopts,
opts = substituteRecursiveTags(combinedopts,
ignore=ignore, addrepl=self.getCombOption)
if not opts:
raise ValueError('recursive tag definitions unable to be resolved')
@ -200,6 +200,105 @@ else:
return uni_decode(x, enc, 'replace')
# Following facilities used for safe recursive interpolation of
# tags (<tag>) in tagged options.
# max tag replacement count:
# compiled RE for tag name (replacement name)
TAG_CRE = re.compile(r'<([^ <>]+)>')
def substituteRecursiveTags(inptags, conditional='',
ignore=(), addrepl=None
"""Sort out tag definitions within other tags.
Since v.0.9.2 supports embedded interpolation (see test cases for examples).
so: becomes:
a = 3 a = 3
b = <a>_3 b = 3_3
inptags : dict
Dictionary of tags(keys) and their values.
Dictionary of tags(keys) and their values, with tags
within the values recursively replaced.
# copy return tags dict to prevent modifying of inptags:
tags = inptags.copy()
ignore = set(ignore)
done = set()
# repeat substitution while embedded-recursive (repFlag is True)
while True:
repFlag = False
# substitute each value:
for tag in tags.iterkeys():
# ignore escaped or already done (or in ignore list):
if tag in ignore or tag in done: continue
value = orgval = str(tags[tag])
# search and replace all tags within value, that can be interpolated using other tags:
m = t.search(value)
refCounts = {}
#logSys.log(5, 'TAG: %s, value: %s' % (tag, value))
while m:
found_tag = m.group(1)
# don't replace tags that should be currently ignored (pre-replacement):
if found_tag in ignore:
m = t.search(value, m.end())
#logSys.log(5, 'found: %s' % found_tag)
if found_tag == tag or refCounts.get(found_tag, 1) > MAX_TAG_REPLACE_COUNT:
# recursive definitions are bad
#logSys.log(5, 'recursion fail tag: %s value: %s' % (tag, value) )
raise ValueError(
"properties contain self referencing definitions "
"and cannot be resolved, fail tag: %s, found: %s in %s, value: %s" %
(tag, found_tag, refCounts, value))
repl = None
if conditional:
repl = tags.get(found_tag + '?' + conditional)
if repl is None:
repl = tags.get(found_tag)
# try to find tag using additional replacement (callable):
if repl is None and addrepl is not None:
repl = addrepl(found_tag)
if repl is None:
# Missing tags - just continue on searching after end of match
# Missing tags are ok - cInfo can contain aInfo elements like <HOST> and valid shell
# constructs like <STDIN>.
m = t.search(value, m.end())
value = value.replace('<%s>' % found_tag, repl)
#logSys.log(5, 'value now: %s' % value)
# increment reference count:
refCounts[found_tag] = refCounts.get(found_tag, 0) + 1
# the next match for replace:
m = t.search(value, m.start())
#logSys.log(5, 'TAG: %s, newvalue: %s' % (tag, value))
# was substituted?
if orgval != value:
# check still contains any tag - should be repeated (possible embedded-recursive substitution):
if t.search(value):
repFlag = True
tags[tag] = value
# no more sub tags (and no possible composite), add this tag to done set (just to be faster):
if '<' not in value: done.add(tag)
# stop interpolation, if no replacements anymore:
if not repFlag:
return tags
class BgService(object):
"""Background servicing
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ __license__ = "GPL"
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ from collections import MutableMapping
from .ipdns import asip
from .mytime import MyTime
from .utils import Utils
from ..helpers import getLogger
from ..helpers import getLogger, substituteRecursiveTags
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = getLogger(__name__)
@ -46,12 +45,6 @@ _cmd_lock = threading.Lock()
# Todo: make it configurable resp. automatically set, ex.: `[ -f /proc/net/if_inet6 ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'`:
allowed_ipv6 = True
# max tag replacement count:
# compiled RE for tag name (replacement name)
TAG_CRE = re.compile(r'<([^ <>]+)>')
class CallingMap(MutableMapping):
"""A Mapping type which returns the result of callable values.
@ -364,93 +357,6 @@ class CommandAction(ActionBase):
return self._executeOperation('<actionreload>', 'reloading')
def substituteRecursiveTags(cls, inptags, conditional='',
ignore=(), addrepl=None
"""Sort out tag definitions within other tags.
Since v.0.9.2 supports embedded interpolation (see test cases for examples).
so: becomes:
a = 3 a = 3
b = <a>_3 b = 3_3
inptags : dict
Dictionary of tags(keys) and their values.
Dictionary of tags(keys) and their values, with tags
within the values recursively replaced.
# copy return tags dict to prevent modifying of inptags:
tags = inptags.copy()
ignore = set(ignore)
done = cls._escapedTags.copy() | ignore
# repeat substitution while embedded-recursive (repFlag is True)
while True:
repFlag = False
# substitute each value:
for tag in tags.iterkeys():
# ignore escaped or already done (or in ignore list):
if tag in done: continue
value = orgval = str(tags[tag])
# search and replace all tags within value, that can be interpolated using other tags:
m = t.search(value)
refCounts = {}
#logSys.log(5, 'TAG: %s, value: %s' % (tag, value))
while m:
found_tag = m.group(1)
# don't replace tags that should be currently ignored (pre-replacement):
if found_tag in ignore:
m = t.search(value, m.end())
#logSys.log(5, 'found: %s' % found_tag)
if found_tag == tag or refCounts.get(found_tag, 1) > MAX_TAG_REPLACE_COUNT:
# recursive definitions are bad
#logSys.log(5, 'recursion fail tag: %s value: %s' % (tag, value) )
raise ValueError(
"properties contain self referencing definitions "
"and cannot be resolved, fail tag: %s, found: %s in %s, value: %s" %
(tag, found_tag, refCounts, value))
repl = None
if found_tag not in cls._escapedTags:
if conditional:
repl = tags.get(found_tag + '?' + conditional)
if repl is None:
repl = tags.get(found_tag)
if repl is None and addrepl is not None:
repl = addrepl(found_tag)
if repl is None:
# Escaped or missing tags - just continue on searching after end of match
# Missing tags are ok - cInfo can contain aInfo elements like <HOST> and valid shell
# constructs like <STDIN>.
m = t.search(value, m.end())
value = value.replace('<%s>' % found_tag, repl)
#logSys.log(5, 'value now: %s' % value)
# increment reference count:
refCounts[found_tag] = refCounts.get(found_tag, 0) + 1
# the next match for replace:
m = t.search(value, m.start())
#logSys.log(5, 'TAG: %s, newvalue: %s' % (tag, value))
# was substituted?
if orgval != value:
# check still contains any tag - should be repeated (possible embedded-recursive substitution):
if t.search(value):
repFlag = True
tags[tag] = value
# no more sub tags (and no possible composite), add this tag to done set (just to be faster):
if '<' not in value: done.add(tag)
# stop interpolation, if no replacements anymore:
if not repFlag:
return tags
def escapeTag(value):
"""Escape characters which may be used for command injection.
@ -501,7 +407,7 @@ class CommandAction(ActionBase):
return string
# replace:
string = query
aInfo = cls.substituteRecursiveTags(aInfo, conditional)
aInfo = substituteRecursiveTags(aInfo, conditional, ignore=cls._escapedTags)
for tag in aInfo:
if "<%s>" % tag in query:
value = aInfo.get(tag + '?' + conditional)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import tempfile
import time
import unittest
from ..server.action import CommandAction, CallingMap
from ..server.action import CommandAction, CallingMap, substituteRecursiveTags
from ..server.actions import OrderedDict
from ..server.utils import Utils
@ -56,30 +56,30 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
# Recursion is bad
lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<A>'}))
lambda: substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<A>'}))
lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<B>', 'B': '<A>'}))
lambda: substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<B>', 'B': '<A>'}))
lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<B>', 'B': '<C>', 'C': '<A>'}))
lambda: substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<B>', 'B': '<C>', 'C': '<A>'}))
# Unresolveable substition
lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': 'to=<B> fromip=<IP>', 'C': '<B>', 'B': '<C>', 'D': ''}))
lambda: substituteRecursiveTags({'A': 'to=<B> fromip=<IP>', 'C': '<B>', 'B': '<C>', 'D': ''}))
lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'failregex': 'to=<honeypot> fromip=<IP>', 'sweet': '<honeypot>', 'honeypot': '<sweet>', 'ignoreregex': ''}))
lambda: substituteRecursiveTags({'failregex': 'to=<honeypot> fromip=<IP>', 'sweet': '<honeypot>', 'honeypot': '<sweet>', 'ignoreregex': ''}))
# We need here an ordered, because the sequence of iteration is very important for this test
if OrderedDict:
# No cyclic recursion, just multiple replacement of tag <T>, should be successful:
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict(
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict(
(('X', 'x=x<T>'), ('T', '1'), ('Z', '<X> <T> <Y>'), ('Y', 'y=y<T>')))
), {'X': 'x=x1', 'T': '1', 'Y': 'y=y1', 'Z': 'x=x1 1 y=y1'}
# No cyclic recursion, just multiple replacement of tag <T> in composite tags, should be successful:
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict(
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict(
(('X', 'x=x<T> <Z> <<R1>> <<R2>>'), ('R1', 'Z'), ('R2', 'Y'), ('T', '1'), ('Z', '<T> <Y>'), ('Y', 'y=y<T>')))
), {'X': 'x=x1 1 y=y1 1 y=y1 y=y1', 'R1': 'Z', 'R2': 'Y', 'T': '1', 'Z': '1 y=y1', 'Y': 'y=y1'}
# No cyclic recursion, just multiple replacement of same tags, should be successful:
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
('actionstart', 'ipset create <ipmset> hash:ip timeout <bantime> family <ipsetfamily>\n<iptables> -I <chain> <actiontype>'),
('ipmset', 'f2b-<name>'),
('name', 'any'),
@ -111,42 +111,42 @@ class CommandActionTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
# Cyclic recursion by composite tag creation, tags "create" another tag, that closes cycle:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
('A', '<<B><C>>'),
('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E'),
('DE', 'cycle <A>'),
)) ))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: substituteRecursiveTags( OrderedDict((
('DE', 'cycle <A>'),
('A', '<<B><C>>'),
('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E'),
)) ))
# missing tags are ok
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C>'}), {'A': '<C>'})
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C> <D> <X>','X':'fun'}), {'A': '<C> <D> fun', 'X':'fun'})
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C> <B>', 'B': 'cool'}), {'A': '<C> cool', 'B': 'cool'})
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C>'}), {'A': '<C>'})
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C> <D> <X>','X':'fun'}), {'A': '<C> <D> fun', 'X':'fun'})
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<C> <B>', 'B': 'cool'}), {'A': '<C> cool', 'B': 'cool'})
# Escaped tags should be ignored
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<matches> <B>', 'B': 'cool'}), {'A': '<matches> cool', 'B': 'cool'})
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<matches> <B>', 'B': 'cool'}), {'A': '<matches> cool', 'B': 'cool'})
# Multiple stuff on same line is ok
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'failregex': 'to=<honeypot> fromip=<IP> evilperson=<honeypot>', 'honeypot': 'pokie', 'ignoreregex': ''}),
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'failregex': 'to=<honeypot> fromip=<IP> evilperson=<honeypot>', 'honeypot': 'pokie', 'ignoreregex': ''}),
{ 'failregex': "to=pokie fromip=<IP> evilperson=pokie",
'honeypot': 'pokie',
'ignoreregex': '',
# rest is just cool
{ 'HOST': "",
'ABC': '123',
'xyz': '890 123',
# obscure embedded case
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<<PREF>HOST>', 'PREF': 'IPV4'}),
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<<PREF>HOST>', 'PREF': 'IPV4'}),
{'A': '<IPV4HOST>', 'PREF': 'IPV4'})
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<<PREF>HOST>', 'PREF': 'IPV4', 'IPV4HOST': ''}),
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': '<<PREF>HOST>', 'PREF': 'IPV4', 'IPV4HOST': ''}),
{'A': '', 'PREF': 'IPV4', 'IPV4HOST': ''})
# more embedded within a string and two interpolations
self.assertEqual(CommandAction.substituteRecursiveTags({'A': 'A <IP<PREF>HOST> B IP<PREF> C', 'PREF': 'V4', 'IPV4HOST': ''}),
self.assertEqual(substituteRecursiveTags({'A': 'A <IP<PREF>HOST> B IP<PREF> C', 'PREF': 'V4', 'IPV4HOST': ''}),
{'A': 'A B IPV4 C', 'PREF': 'V4', 'IPV4HOST': ''})
def testReplaceTag(self):
Reference in New Issue