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Merge pull request #3816 from Skamasle/patch-1
Fix roundcube login failregex for roundcube 1.4+debian
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ ver. 1.1.1-dev-1 (20??/??/??) - development nightly edition
* `filter.d/apache-overflows.conf` - consider AH10244: invalid URI path (gh-3778)
* `filter.d/postfix.conf` - consider CONNECT and other rejected commands as a valid `_pref` (gh-3800)
* `filter.d/recidive.conf` - restore possibility to set jail name in the filter, _jailname is positive now (gh-3769)
* `filter.d/roundcube-auth.conf` - improved RE better matching log format of roundcube version 1.4+ (gh-3816)
* `filter.d/sshd.conf` - adapted to conform possible new daemon name sshd-session, since OpenSSH 9.8
several log messages will be tagged with as originating from a process named "sshd-session" rather than "sshd" (gh-3782)
@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ before = common.conf
prefregex = ^\s*(\[\])?(%(__hostname)s\s*(?:roundcube(?:\[(\d*)\])?:)?\s*(<[\w]+>)? IMAP Error)?: <F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$
prefregex = ^\s*(\[\])?(%(__hostname)s\s*(?:roundcube(?:\[(\d*)\])?:)?\s*(<[\w]+>)? IMAP Error)?: (?:<[\w]+> )?<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$
failregex = ^(?:FAILED login|Login failed) for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?:(?:\([^\)]*\))?\. (?:(?! from ).)*(?: user=(?P=user))? in \S+\.php on line \d+ \(\S+ \S+\))?$
^(?:<[\w]+> )?Failed login for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST> in session \w+( \(error: \d\))?$
failregex = ^(?:Login failed|(?i:Failed) login) for <F-USER>(?:(?P<simple>\S+)|.*)</F-USER> (?:against \S+ )?from <ADDR>(?:(?:\([^\)]*\))?\.(?! from ) (?(simple)(?:\S+(?! from ) )*|(?:(?! from ).)*(?: user=(?P=user))? )in \S+\.php on line \d+| in session \w+)?(?: \([^\)]*\))?$
ignoreregex =
@ -54,3 +54,8 @@ Jul 11 03:06:37 myhostname roundcube: IMAP Error: Login failed for admin from 12
# failJSON: { "time": "2005-05-19T06:07:48", "match": true , "host": "", "desc": "Roundcube logged to journald instead to a local file."}
May 19 06:07:48 server roundcube[21296]: <crk9n97i> IMAP Error: Login failed for test from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /usr/share/php5/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 193 (POST /mail/?_task=login&_action=login)
# Roundcube 1.5.0 (/var/log/roundcubemail/errors)
# failJSON: { "time": "2014-12-30T19:02:34", "match": true , "host": "" }
[30-Dec-2014 13:02:34 -0500]: <3z506z6r> IMAP Error: Login failed for admin@example.com against localhost from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /docroot/path/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 221 (POST /?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
Reference in New Issue