Add action for mikrotik routerOS

Duncan Bellamy 2020-10-25 13:46:26 +00:00
parent 234660e94d
commit 9997807fb3
2 changed files with 86 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -293,7 +293,14 @@ ver. 0.11.2 (2020/11/23) - heal-the-world-with-security-tools
* fail2ban-client: extended to unban IP range(s) by subnet (CIDR/mask) or hostname (DNS), gh-2791; * fail2ban-client: extended to unban IP range(s) by subnet (CIDR/mask) or hostname (DNS), gh-2791;
* extended capturing of alternate tags in filter, allowing combine of multiple groups to single tuple token with new tag * extended capturing of alternate tags in filter, allowing combine of multiple groups to single tuple token with new tag
prefix `<F-TUPLE_`, that would combine value of `<F-V>` with all value of `<F-TUPLE_V?_n?>` tags (gh-2755) prefix `<F-TUPLE_`, that would combine value of `<F-V>` with all value of `<F-TUPLE_V?_n?>` tags (gh-2755)
<<<<<<< HEAD
* `actioncheck` behavior is changed now (gh-488), so invariant check as well as restore or repair
of sane environment (in case of recognized unsane state) would only occur on action errors (e. g.
if ban or unban operations are exiting with other code as 0)
* new action for mikrotik routerOS, adds and removes entries from address lists on the router
>>>>>>> Add action for mikrotik routerOS
ver. 0.11.1 (2020/01/11) - this-is-the-way ver. 0.11.1 (2020/01/11) - this-is-the-way
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Mikrotik routerOS action to add/remove address-list entries
# Author: Duncan Bellamy <>
# based on post by pakjebakmeel
# in the instructions:
# ( is ip of mikrotik router)
# ( is ip of fail2ban machine)
# on fail2ban machine:
# sudo mkdir /var/lib/fail2ban/ssh
# sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/fail2ban/ssh
# sudo ssh-keygen -N "" -f /var/lib/fail2ban/ssh/fail2ban_id_rsa
# sudo scp /var/lib/fail2ban/ssh/ admin@
# ssh admin@
# on mikrotik router:
# /user add name=miki-f2b group=write address= password=""
# /user ssh-keys import user=miki-f2b
# /quit
# on fail2ban machine:
# (check password login fails)
# ssh miki-f2b@
# (check private key works)
# sudo ssh -i /var/lib/fail2ban/ssh/fail2ban_id_rsa miki-f2b@
# Then create rules on mikrorik router that use address
# list(s) maintained by fail2ban eg in the forward chain
# drop from address list, or in the forward chain drop
# from address list to server
# example extract from jail.local overriding some defaults
# action = mikrotik[mtikkeyfile="%(mkeyfile)s", mtikuser="%(muser)s", mtikhost="%(mhost)s", mtiklistname="%(mlistname)s"]
# ignoreip =
# mkeyfile = /etc/fail2ban/ssh/mykey_id_rsa
# muser = myuser
# mhost =
# mlistname = BAD LIST
actionstart =
actionstop =
actioncheck =
actionban = %(mtikcommand)s "/ip firewall address-list add list=\"%(mtiklistname)s\" address=<ip> comment=%(mtikcomment)s"
actionunban = %(mtikcommand)s "/ip firewall address-list remove [find list=\"%(mtiklistname)s\" comment=%(mtikcomment)s]"
mtikcommand = ssh -l %(mtikuser)s -p%(mtikport)s -i %(mtikkeyfile)s %(mtikhost)s
# Option: mktikuser
# Notes.: username to use when connecting to routerOS
mtikuser =
# Option: mtikport
# Notes.: port to use when connecting to routerOS
mtikport = 22
# Option: mtikkeyfile
# Notes.: ssh private key to use for connecting to routerOS
mtikkeyfile =
# Option: mtikhost
# Notes.: hostname or ip of router
mtikhost =
# Option: mtiklistname
# Notes.: name of "address-list" to use on router
mtiklistname = Auto Fail2Ban
# Option: mtikcomment
# Notes.: comment to use on routerOS (must be unique as used for ip address removal)
mtikcomment = AutoF2B-<name>-<ip>