optimized version of "str2seconds" with pre-compiled regexp;

sebres 2015-12-29 17:38:47 +01:00
parent da51fbf9c6
commit 8eca2ecd84
1 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,25 @@ class MyTime:
return time.localtime(MyTime.myTime)
## precreate/precompile primitives used in str2seconds:
## preparing expression:
_str2sec_prep = re.compile(r"(?i)(?<=[a-z])(\d)")
## finally expression:
_str2sec_fini = re.compile(r"(\d)\s+(\d)")
## wrapper for each sub part:
_str2sec_subpart = r"(?i)(?<=[\d\s])(%s)\b"
## parts to be replaced - pair of (regexp x replacement):
_str2sec_parts = (
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"days?|da|dd?"), "*"+str(24*60*60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"weeks?|wee?|ww?"), "*"+str(7*24*60*60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"months?|mon?"), "*"+str((365*3+366)*24*60*60/4/12)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"years?|yea?|yy?"), "*"+str((365*3+366)*24*60*60/4)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"seconds?|sec?|ss?"), "*"+str(1)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"minutes?|min?|mm?"), "*"+str(60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"hours?|hou?|hh?"), "*"+str(60*60)),
def str2seconds(val):
"""Wraps string expression like "1h 2m 3s" into number contains seconds (3723).
@ -120,13 +139,9 @@ class MyTime:
if isinstance(val, (int, long, float, complex)):
return val
# replace together standing abbreviations, example '1d12h' -> '1d 12h':
val = re.sub(r"(?i)(?<=[a-z])(\d)", r" \1", val)
val = MyTime._str2sec_prep.sub(r" \1", val)
# replace abbreviation with expression:
for rexp, rpl in (
(r"days?|da|dd?", 24*60*60), (r"weeks?|wee?|ww?", 7*24*60*60), (r"months?|mon?", (365*3+366)*24*60*60/4/12),
(r"years?|yea?|yy?", (365*3+366)*24*60*60/4),
(r"seconds?|sec?|ss?", 1), (r"minutes?|min?|mm?", 60), (r"hours?|hou?|hh?", 60*60),
val = re.sub(r"(?i)(?<=[\d\s])(%s)\b" % rexp, "*"+str(rpl), val)
val = re.sub(r"(\d)\s+(\d)", r"\1+\2", val);
for rexp, rpl in MyTime._str2sec_parts:
val = rexp.sub(rpl, val)
val = MyTime._str2sec_fini.sub(r"\1+\2", val)
return eval(val)